posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:25 AM
Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by Wisen Heimer
Women are just as bad as men.
Can we please stop blaming people for our own situations?
And oh yeah... learn to spell
I wasnt putting the blame on men because it was men who chose to suppress women and it was women who accepted their choice and conformed to their
will. The situation is seperation. We are equals only as one. If we are not united or in balance than a polarity forms, but if we are united than
there is no polarity because we have become equal as one completing the missing pieces within us through eachother.
That is the missing piece if you have ever felt it. Isolation is an empty world of endless desire and no fulfillment.
I used to think I was an individual, but there is a sort of loneliness that accompanies that way of thinking since it is a form of seperation. When
you are "unique" few people understand you. You feel sort of distant from alot of things. When you realize that everyone are pieces within you and
the world is of you there is something much more special that can be felt. That you are not an individual, but just a twinkle of the same light.
Some people feel the need to be different or unique, but to actually live as different and unique from the rest of the world is hardly a life at all.
But that can only become from someone who is stuck inside of the mind and not able to feel the connection he has with the world he lives in.
Without the mind we would have no free will and without the heart we would have no direction. Our purpose should be harmony.
[edit on 20-1-2009 by Wisen Heimer]