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Do we live in a Simulated Reality?

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posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Alienmojo
I'd like to live in a world where we can all express our beliefs and not be torn apart by them. And if I can't have that I would at least like to have it here on ATS.

You may never live in that kind of least not on this planet. If this is a game-program, then it seems to contain every variation of character:


posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Nola213

whoah. That is very intense indeed.

But it got me thinking and I know from what you said earlier in the post may see this as an attempt to get you away from thinking what you do, but what if that was a memory? What if someone abducted whether it be military or ets? The tv would have put you into a semi trance state and seeing a certain commercial could have brought it out. You ever see Serenity?

I'm right on with what you saw though. Some beings harvesting your life force....what if that is the only way a certain species of ets can survive or power their machines? By drawing off energy from humans? What if religious thought itself could be harvested?

The matrix concept seems probable, because look at our world right now, the system is crumbling and we are heading into a new age. What if we destroy ourselves and start over again? It never made sense to me why earth history was so short, until I realized how much of our past was destroyed by religion.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Teratoma

Whether or not that popular afterllife-scenario described in various accounts is yet another "fake" to lure us back into incarnation or if it is in fact the "real thing" we can trust, is yet another interesting question.

I can't help but think of John Lear's "Soul Catcher" on the far side of the moon, and that the Pyramids were built as a means of circumventing the reincarnation process. The "Soul Catcher" those shafts aim them at does the same thing as the one on the Moon does, without inducing amnesia. The player's next avatar reveals at a very young age that he has the knowledge of the Pharaohs, and gets an advantage on the game field.

But that's just far-out sci-fi written by a guy with too much time on his hands.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:37 PM
Ok, it's not far out. I've posted "THE SECRET OF LIGHT" link on here twice. Don't bother to look at it, because it describes the process of How This Simulation Is Done (made). Please, Ignore that, and let's have some fantasy gaming trivia. Intense.

What I wish to comment on, is the several posters who are discussing John Lear, Soul energy absorption, etc:

My Higher Self revealed to me one morning not so long ago (3 mos.) how this was all being done. You DON'T post this stuff on public forums (I don't have John Lear's guts of steel and enormous love of humanity). However, having studied it previously, having experienced it directly with such waking solidity that it'd shock many, I wish to pass on several comments:

You are being Consumed by Your Gaming Rulers/Masters: you are a renewable crop: I won't get into the physical aspects of it, but your Energetic Selve's (Energy Double) Essence is having the finest aspect eaten daily: :The Glowing Coat of Awareness." This, my Higher Self conveyed, is being collected by energy minions about us (shadow levels, invisible realm: yup, it's there, this old 'invisible' 'energy' realm, uh-huh), and distilled/transmuted into the wondrous 'Golden Broth' of Awareness/Being, which sustains them.

Sorry. Sorry. Other people can allude to this (three so far on this thread, just recently), but when it's brought to the next level, it's a no-no?

So, please do NOT interrupt the Game: to do so would make them really mad. Ingo Swann related a bit about this in his book, "Penetration." Your Masters love you. Enjoy the Game. Such a lovely Simulation.

Neo: "Help, Mr. Wizard!"

[edit on 18-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

MT, something you said has me pretty intrigued.
When you speak of optically based computer programs designed to interface with the "True Mind", as you put it, could you elaborate a little?

The thing that pops into my head would be something simple (as you called it, like a child's toy) that would allow you to essentially bypass the YEARS AND YEARS of meditation gurus have to endure and allow you to simply speak with the "creator", for a lack of better terms.

I'd love to hear more about it, as I'm sure many others would.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:57 PM
I have often wondered who i am. I know who i am here, in this reality...but in the true reality, who am i?

I used to get very frustrated at not knowing this. I have since learned to just deal with it....but I would really like to know more about my true self, my "Overself".

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

The energy-parasite theory is a rare one indeed. They all only mention it in passing...Castaneda...Ouspensky...John [email protected] is mentioned here and there...but not much talked about

[edit on 18-1-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:20 PM
think about this...

it is argued (whether it was magellan or columbus) that the natives could not see the large ships off shore until the shaman pointed them out. though there is debate about the validity of the statement, and its origins, it is a common tale about our brains not assembling data from our eyes that it cannot comprehend.

also the next wave of technology will undoubtably be nano technology. microscopic tech bots that will have multiple purposes. a phone that is intalled into you ear the size of a pin head. a disc that can be inserted in your brain that will give you information, like on the matrix, but much much smaller. an army of pin sized machines inserted into your body to destroy cancer.


so if we could create a nanobot with a program that could plug into your brain that would allow you to live an entier life inside your head in one evening... or have we done that already... what a trip!

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:22 PM
I have been thinking about creation for a while now. How can everything just be created out of nothing from nothing.

Some say that everything must have a beginning. And before the beginning there has to be nothing.
To start something there has to be a thought or an idea. And by the thought something can be created.

But who's idea are we a part of. And what resources can make our reality so real. Can a thought or an idea make real physical things out of nothing!

For us humans to make a thought real we need resources like matter. Because we cant share our imagination with others unless we can make a physical dimension out of it from something else that is existing.

We humans share a common dimension the 4th dimension,but we dont share our imagination, that is our own personal space. To share our thought we need to put it in a 4th dimension for others to see or imagine it.

We humans must be a thought or an idea from something else. We are owned by another thought or an idea.

There is at least two good reason for it. We cant live for ever no mater how much we like to hope or think about it. And we know that we cant control our life a head of time. No mater how good you prepare for it. We cant control if we are to be born or not we just are. And we cant control what imagination we are to have they just come and go randomly.

We must be bound by another thought besides our own. Because we share a common dimension for one. And we are bound by a common sets of rules inside this dimension. We cant break out from this dimension as a 4th dimensional being.

Our boundaries have already been set a head of time by someone or something else. And we cant escape it .In time we will die.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Nola213

That was one hell of an intense post. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww

Its like, for a moment in time, you experienced some reality behind the charade.

And the circle thing I totally get. If someone were to stare at a vinyl record for awhile they'd learn a lot about the nature of the universe.

ty btw, and yes, I believe in no beginning, no end. Reincarnation. Whether or not we live the same life over and over, or some other life I do not know. It's all circular.

But I remember the exact commercial that happened at the most intense point , while these voices were saying, don't worry, you remember, ect, you'll be alright. Yes I did remember I had been there and done it so many times it was nauseating to an incaculable level.

Anyhow The commercials on the tv, then this massive billboard kinda went in a 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5. With 5 being the same commericial, and 4 being the same ect.

But the "1" the commerial at the worst point of it all, was a NY telephone commercial. and I remember the slogan well jingle, as it ended...

"We're all connected New York Telephone"

I've search the internet high and wide for that commercial, would have been earlish 90's. I can't find it, I've never seen it before then, or since then.

I saw others, with the same jingle(would send chills up my spine), but never that one I saw that evening.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by socrates271
reply to post by Nola213

whoah. That is very intense indeed.

But it got me thinking and I know from what you said earlier in the post may see this as an attempt to get you away from thinking what you do, but what if that was a memory? What if someone abducted whether it be military or ets? The tv would have put you into a semi trance state and seeing a certain commercial could have brought it out. You ever see Serenity?

I'm right on with what you saw though. Some beings harvesting your life force....what if that is the only way a certain species of ets can survive or power their machines? By drawing off energy from humans? What if religious thought itself could be harvested?

The matrix concept seems probable, because look at our world right now, the system is crumbling and we are heading into a new age. What if we destroy ourselves and start over again? It never made sense to me why earth history was so short, until I realized how much of our past was destroyed by religion.

thanks for reading it the long post

Like I said I was 16ish, maybe 17, and it haunts me like a nightmare.

I have no idea what it was, but like Sky Floating said, I believe it was more of the curtain being pulled back. They say even if you were shown the meaning of life our human minds wouldn't be able to comprehend it.

But then again like I said for all I know it could have been aliens harvesting my endorphines or some such that they sell/use as a drug. That was a premise for the movie "I come in peace".

and no I don't believe I've seen the movie Serenity. But I've never been in the military, but I'm familiar with Manchurian Candidate type stuff, I mean I really don't know.....

But I got the feeling that this "thing" is gonna hapen to me once, every reincarnated lifetime I live. As I believe When you die you are reborn, with no memory of your life.

Also I wan't to point out all the entities I saw, or kinda saw during this episode were, or at least looked human. So I don't think this was alien like greys or pleadians or whatever. But it was more like the creators of this simulated life.

Also i didn't mention, I felt after this episode for a while, that I am the only real one here, and these beings or whatever are keeping me alive for some important reason, it was very important to them that I didn't like have a heartattack during the experience. But now that it's been almost 2 decades later, that idea sounds very childesh and vain as well.

Again it's just a really hard experience to put into words.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Writing in a one on one basis, is a lot easier for me to do, as I can communicate with that one persons understanding, but releasing everything at this stage on ATS is no easy task, perhaps one too difficult for myself, as you know my English communication skills are poor to say the least.

But I will put some time aside, at some point in the near future and attempt to disclose what knowledge I have.

The whole Subject is simple but extremely involved...

This is why we have chosen to Introduce this technology as a Child's Toy as this will serve as the best method of teaching. This toy will allow anyone to have access to the manuals behind this Universe and others as well as numerous experiences including travel...

Each person will be able to advance in their own fields and ways...

Anarchy ??? Definitely Not as there are unbreakable rules in what has created our Universe/Universes and Other Worlds.

Each Interface will allow each different person to interface separately with a response to what they ask for.

Can this system be abused ??? No it is impossible as if this is attempted the necessary response takes place that may separate that person off from the Universe you know and apply a little education program based on the rules of what has produced yourself and the Universe you are experiencing.

So the System (Optical Interfacing with the Mind) is 100% full proof.

To put this Technology on ATS in the form of a Thread/Threads is Not an easy task... Well not for me anyway....

Most of the Time taken is in Planning how to organise this, into a structure that people can understand easily, without the thread being turned to fertiliser, by the disruption of those, who just want to destroy anything, for the shear pleasure of Vandalism...

It will take quite a few threads, to even lay down a description of what we really are, the make up of what we are, and what this Universe really is.

I am not referring to what we experience as in a Universe, but rather how this is manifested and how to interface at a level, that can alter that experience in many different ways and forms.

I don't profess to be an "Expert", as I have not invented this system, but merely a number of people including myself, have managed to "Back Engineer" these "Optical Interfaces" from the knowledge that is on this Planet with a Little or should I say a huge amount of help From The One True Mind that our minds are a Droplet of.

All the knowledge is here on Earth believe it or not...

And Anyone has Access to this.....

You can find the information in ancient writings, that are usually in parable form...

The Geometry can be found in the form of "Mosaic Art" and in Windows, ceilings, walls and floors, in Government buildings, Palaces, Temples, Pyramids and other ancient ruins, churches, Monasteries, public buildings, and arcades all over the Earth in one form or other....

There is so much of this art relating to the working components it is impossible to miss it... Most don't even Look at it, it is as though invisible to most...LOL..

But understanding how it is all put together, and how it works, is another story.

Many have called it "Sacred Art" and tried to find the Answer in a Mathematical explanation but this bears No fruit.

It is only called sacred Art by Superstition and Ignorance...

It never ceases to amaze me that humankind (once included me on this subject) thinks all is based on Mathematics but this is simply Untrue...

Mathematics was found by humankind, and is only another human language, and in this case Numerical.

Many say, that the Universe is based on Maths, but I would tend to disagree with this, and say that All is based on Geometry.

It all comes down to a Triune of....

1. Awareness
2. Concept
3. Geometry

Note that Concept and Geometry are similar in that one contains the Other..
But in the case of Awareness it is Different.

On of the Base Geometric Algorithms (is the only term that I can find to describe loosely) is "Two Similar / One Different"

As in the Case Above.... But this requires Understanding of The Matrix, as I call it, in order to comprehend correctly.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:05 PM
if this really is a "matrix", then why didnt we built it better? Why have violence, sickness and millions of people starving?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:12 PM
In the future, AI may have the capability to create any"thing". This includes physics we can only dream of. We could create small universes, and use them as we like, therefore becoming Gods. We will have use of other dementions or create our own.

I believe this is already happening elsewhere in the universe. Our reality will not be as it is today. Science fiction? Could be, but than again who knows.

This is a great thread and something I have been reading a lot about the last few months. It stirs my imagination and I really enjoy topics of this nature, holographic universes, The Singularity, the internet becoming self aware, ect.

Thanks for all the great thoughts!!


posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
I have often wondered who i am. I know who i am here, in this reality...but in the true reality, who am i?

I used to get very frustrated at not knowing this. I have since learned to just deal with it....but I would really like to know more about my true self, my "Overself".

As in everything.... all comes in pairs or in other cases Opposites.

Left and Right, Up and Down, Toward and Away, Black and White....

The Mind or your Awareness has Opposites Too....

Inner and Outer... The "Inner" Mind (The Centre) and The "Outer" Mind...
This is purely Geographic as the "Mind" is Not human as many would have you believe....

The Inner Mind has No shape or Size, being at the Centre, yet it exists as you know, so there is an Outer Mind as Well.... Both these are your real Self....

The Inner Mind being Nothing, knows Nothing, but the Outer Mind knows the Opposite which is The All.

But remember "Nothing" is in fact "Something"... it is "Nothing".

But this "Nothing" still exists, as in the Centre of anything there is No Size or Shape or Dimension at all, yet the Centre definitely exists doesn't it ???

So to find your "Real Self", first find the Centre of your "Awareness" and becoming aware of your "Inner Mind" (Centre Mind) then you will know how to find the Opposite of your True yourself, which is The "Outer Mind"...

But really they are one and the same.... It is just a "state of Mind" whether we Look out from the Centre of our selves at the Experience or Universe, or we Look into the Universe, from a perspective of looking from the Outside to the Inside.

I know you have felt that at times you are like an Observer Looking into the world and feeling as though not part of the world...

Next time you look at the Night Sky, try changing your State of mind in this way and note your feelings and perspective of the night sky...

Look out at The Universe, then Look into The Universe, noting the difference in your awareness....

It is only a matter of Choice (Single Minded) to achieve this and become aware of Both Ends of your Mind, That is in the Geographical sense....not as in a Duel personality.... But as a Point of Reference to "Inner" or "Outer"...

You will be able to Find All Knowledge in Your "Outer" Awareness state....

The reason why we Know Nothing, is because we look from the "Inner" State which is at the Centre of a Droplet of The True Mind....

The True Mind has Partitioned its self into droplets and continues to do this...

The Idea was that we become unknowing, in order to experience the Program, we refer to as our Universe, if we come to know the All we are at the location of our Outer Mind and can No longer experience this Universe.

But there is an extremely broad scale in between, Not knowing anything to knowing the All.

This is why we can have a huge range of societies, at different levels of Technologies...

I am both Ignorance and Knowledge, in other words I exist in a state between these two...

[edit on 18-1-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

Could you please cite where you got the info about the beam (?) acting differently when a camera was present? I'd really like to read the source info for myself. (Extremely interesting)

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:09 PM
I'd like to point out that it's only Western societies that label people who suffer, say Schizophrenia, insane. Research has shown that where such illnesses are treated as an 'awakening of consciousness' (which suggests awareness of the nature of true 'reality') then the patient is cured in 40 days. The cultures that evidence people suffering in the way we describe 'schizophrenic' regard these people as emergent shamans etc and have huge respect for them. Scientific studies have shown that schizophrenia can be cured if it is dealt with not as 'insanity' but as a 'transformation of shamanic/psychic abilties' so to speak. The experiences described by people often labelled 'insane' bear close resemblance to hallucinogenic experiences, '___' experiences, NDE along with visionaries, religious prophets, ancient and indigenous cultures. Perhaps they all know something the rest of us don't - the dream world etc is the real 'reality' and this embodiment is simply the simulated illusion - a product of consciousness creating material/matter. Plenty of philosophers and world class physicists have suggested theories that can include quantum mechanics and holographic realities constructed from thought.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:41 PM
The nature of human consciousness separates awareness from reality. This is not a trivial point.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by hstock28

Thats an animated version that showed up on ats a few weeks ago you can type in Electron Slit Experiment on wikipedia and get some more stuff.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Some well-known movies that have explored the idea:

The Matrix (by The Wachowski Brothers)
Waking Life (by Richard Linklater)
Vanilla Sky (by Cameron Crowe)
Existenz (by David Croneberg)

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Skyfloating]

The Truman Show to add. Sometimes I do wonder if the stars in the sky are really stars..

Oh yes, the movie Event Horizon - outside the universe is a world of pure chaos and evil. Think that evil have access in and out of our universe but not us, you can almost say, that they own the universe and evil entities probably created the universe for their own amusement.

If we go as far to look into quantum mechanics, we realize that we are all bunch of electromagnetic energy and everything we feel touch, physical forces like inertia, gravity, etc are all electromagnetic phenomena and vibration. Much like the binary in programming if you ask me.

And this thing called space-time, zpe, quantum vacuum, ether, whatever. If it suddenly stops vibrating, all reality will cease to exist. The universe will simply vanish into nothing. You know what happens when you turn a computer off right?

As 'fragile' as a human life is, depending on a heart that must work 24/7 nonstop for decades in order to live. The universe is probably the same.

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