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Do we live in a Simulated Reality?

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Tallsorts

The idea of everything being energy in different frequencies does not contradict the idea of our earth-life being a simulation. Just thought I`d mention it.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Manawydan
Do I really exist?

I got no answer to that one yet.

Then invent/create an answer

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Salvatore_Rubberface
Ha what nonsense! freakin' weirdos You ALL NEED TO GET LAID AND THEN YOU WILL FEEL THE REALITY KICKING IN! My god John have you ever kissed a woman? GTFO virgin geeks!

Been there, done that. Think sex is the highest form of pleasure/energy in a lifetime? Think again.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish

Hello back at ya Skeptic..
.. I could elaborate but then nothing will be gained by you from it.


It is no longer my question to answer, it is yours and the same for anyone who reads it and dares to attempt to answer it.

That question was posed to me by an elderly Chinese American man many years ago.

Up to the challenge?


posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:44 PM
To me the question has become pretty clear.
Does collective consciousness exist? Is remote viewing a legitimate practice?

I think the answer to the second also answers the first.

Those answers also answer the fundamental question, at least in my mind. Sentience is required to beget sentience.
Therefore, before all of THIS, there was nothing BUT collective consciousness.
Therefore, we are merely fractions of that collective whole.

What that also tells me is that this is all a game. This was designed BY US to experience, as a means to do SOMETHING other than simply exist. This is, in other words, what the religious texts tell us also.
So, is it something that actually takes place over the span of great distances, or is it something that is internal in the collective? I would say probably the second. Afterall, all it is is consciousness. There is no space involved.

This is also astounding in its implications. Time travel would be possible, as would travelling tremendous distances in the blink of an eye.
It very well could be just like an elaborate computer program being played out in the supercomputer which is God's mind. (OUR MINDS).

I'm ready to break the rules. Don't know about you guys.

And I think that is part of it. Think of a cell dividing. Only by breaking the rules of the program can we truly divide the cell (create more and more realities)...
Which would fit in with string theory quite well. QM solved.

I also think this could explain the perceived distances involved in our "space"... Reason being, that until you understand the mechanics of the program, you can't travel to other worlds.

But once you can, the possibilities are limitless. But by then, you will have realized that since it is all a game, the idea is to create the most joyful experience possible, not fight over things as petty as oil.

[edit on 19-1-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Oh, how about this one... Anyone noticed that thread about the vocabulary words that the children were learning during the 9-11 catastrophe?

Embedded patterns. Since things are all interrelated through the program, you are noticing the pattern through others.
This is why that damned web bot seems to work also.

Anyone else see where I'm coming from, or am I just crazy?
If I'm not alone in this rationale, I'm going to have to start REALLY QUESTIONING my conspiracy beliefs.
In order for the event to work, it has to be played out simultaneously through people's minds... Or at least enough of them to create the reality for everyone. Now would be a good time for people to post any uneasy feelings, or anything of that nature, just before the event occured.

In another instance, we had a house fire at my place when I was very young. My father, tried fruitlessly to contact my mother and I when it happened all day because HE KNEW something had happened. This explains that, I feel.

[edit on 19-1-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Blah Blah Blah Blah.

Here it is. Catch it if you can.

THE DOOR is inside of you.

Go so far inward, that you exit, to Enter In.

The Eye Of The Needle will admit No Baggage. Must leave ALL that you think you are. The, "I," that you identify so virulently with is but a collection of patterns, a superimposition that limits and cuts you off from Something Much More.

Contraction, through the gate, then Expansion Through ALL that was, is, and will ever be.

It is OLD. So Old it's new to so many of you.

Experience is the ONLY thing that counts here.

Get with it or don't. # or get off the pot. Walk or continue your endless unfruitful speculative know nothing Talk.

You will have to Come Back and take on the Garment of the Stinkin' You (unless it is your time to go), and then What Do You Do With What You Know?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 07:41 PM
New light to this thread. I can see where this would be considered a virtual world. Take into account the strange disappearances that occur. Take the Burmuda Triangle( however you spell it ). What if this area is one of many glitches in their programming and when we venture into it we hit a gap in their programming and therefore just vanish from the known algorithm or are whisked away to another portion of the program which places us in a different time frame or another one of these virtual worlds. Just a little insight that I thought of while reading these posts...

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Just want to add to the list of movies on this topic...

The Thirteenth Floor

I know there are others I have forgotten, but this one always stuck with me so I guess it was pretty good.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by slimpickens93
Just want to add to the list of movies on this topic...

The Thirteenth Floor

I know there are others I have forgotten, but this one always stuck with me so I guess it was pretty good.

...Yeah! Certain movies inspire cheap knock-offs, but there have been two movies mentioned on this thread that absolutely were not cheap knock-offs of The Matrix, though they dealt with the same ideas.

13th Floor & Dark City were both in this category, but were completely dominated by The Matrix in the theaters and DVD sales. Another movie mentioned earlier in the thread is TRON. Let's watch 'em again!

All of these movies are thought to have been influenced by the works of (among many others) Philip K. Dick, the author of Blade Runner, Total Recall, and A Scanner Darkly.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

"What that also tells me is that this is all a game. This was designed BY US to experience, as a means to do SOMETHING other than simply exist. This is, in other words, what the religious texts tell us also."

Thanks Jay.

....I think you just ruined the ending of Battlestar Galactica ;-)

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Tallsorts

The idea of everything being energy in different frequencies does not contradict the idea of our earth-life being a simulation. Just thought I`d mention it.

Very true. What we're really doing here is discussing the nature of reality (or vice-versa). It occurred to me not terribly long ago while reading Undo's thread that the creator of mankind and the creator of the universe were probably not the same people. I've always found it odd that many religions describe god(s) as having petty, human-like qualities. That has always made me feel that there is something not quite so "natural" about our existence. Then I wonder if this whole thing isn't something designed by men.

Our computers will one day be designed by computers, and their abilities will grow "at an exponential rate" (to quote a cyborg with an Austrian accent). A completely feasible "virtual reality" is a possibility, and that possibility does not depend on the "future". Again, if that can happen, there's NOTHING that makes me absolutely sure that it hasn't already.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:36 PM
the chances of this world being simulated are quite low. think about the computing power needed to simulate 6 billion people. even if we assume only 10% of simulated people are "conscious" and the rest just "fillers", it's still a vast number even for a quantum computer. and then think about all the literature, movies, science, papers, useless stuff on the internet and all other records created throughout history. it's such a huge amount of data and processing power that it would take a hugely powerful computer.

it's all romantic and nice to think about us being in VR and assume we have afterlives. but the truth is... occam's razor: the simplest explanation is that we exist in the "natural" universe, even a "natural" holoverse, but we are NOT simulated in someone's lab. earth is just too complicated of a system and adding conscious humans on top of it is even more of a task. and i have no doubts that most if not all of the other humans (and most mammals) around me are fully conscious.

EDIT: and while i hate to edit my posts, i should add that our science has known for quite a while that the atom is mostly empty space and we're mostly just energy fields. but that has not yet officially lead us to be able to go through walls or teleport. yes we are mostly energy but the laws of the universe apply. if this were a simulation someone would by now have found a way to hack it. we humans are intelligent enough to hack stuff, why not the universe itself? just another proof it's not a computer program.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by DarkSecret]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

"it's all romantic and nice to think about us being in VR and assume we have afterlives"

Romantic and nice...

How about Horrifying and Disturbing?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Eastern cultures have directly addressed all this.

For example, Shakyamuni Buddha lived about 2500 years ago and he is acknowledged by everyone who believes in his message to have achieved 'full enlightenment' or in other words, 'full omniscience,' which is to say, 'full knowledge of the three times,' which means past, present, and future.

This is to say he somehow achieved the ability to 'directly cognize' 'that which is,' independent of any 'labels' or 'mental designation' ...

There are many, many others who have achieved, more or less, this state as well, but to continue -

One of the things Shakyamuni told his followers back then was, 'if I told you what was really going on here you would all go insane.'

So, in a nutshell, the eastern view is that we are all trained from early childhood, pretty much exactly like monkeys, about what is and what is not 'reality.' It is in this manner that the 'reality' which we all eventually 'agree' on is that which all of us eventually come to 'know' as 'real.'

This so called 'conventional' reality exists merely by 'imputation' or 'mental designation.' Which is to say it 'exists' through the process of the mental 'labeling' or 'naming' of phenomena. In any given culture everybody 'agrees' on which 'labels' or 'names' designate which phenomena ... hence, we all arrive at a 'conventional' 'reality' by 'agreement.'

This training in the 'process' of 'mental designation' is essentially what 'institutional education' and indeed the entire process of 'socialization' is all about ...

In this context, anybody who doesn't go along with the 'herd,' in terms of how they 'label' phenomena, is then classified as 'crazy' ...

This is where the phrase, 'crazy wisdom,' comes from, in terms of when it is used to describe the behavior of holymen, or other 'relatively enlightened' individuals - because they've achieved some level of 'direct cognition' of 'actual reality', or 'suchness,' and so they have 'gone beyond' the process of 'mental designation' or 'labeling' of phenomena which everybody else has to do to 'agree' about what is or is not 'real' ...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:03 AM
I am currently on a 'hologrid' in a device that is simulating my entire environment.

I have lost control of the computer, I can't find the exit....can someone help me???

Or, is everything I just wrote PART of the experience????

Wow! The mind has problems, doesn't it?

There is another possiblity.....and it entails something I have read by a person who works for a Nationally recognized newspaper....and it's a true story...

A real human being once contacted a well-known Newspaper to say that he (or she) was being inundated by tiny people who could roll themselves up to be the size of cigarettes, and slip under the cracks in the doors.

NOW! IF you believe this could actually happen, then....I guess you are part of this so-called 'Matrix' therefore are the enemy....

No, listen, these kind of schitzophrenic ideas come arond, every so often....sorry, but not EVERYONE on ATS is a paranoid schtizophrenic.


edit for spelling....except, not sure if I made any's THAT for schitso....or is it 'schitzo' ---phrenic???

[edit on 1/21/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

"Or, is everything I just wrote PART of the experience???? "


I am just here to keep YOU from getting bored.

You are the dreamer - we are the dream ;-)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Applying our understanding of technology in trying to explain this simulated existence is like my fish in the aquarium trying to describe life out in the "real" world where I exist. I defined their environment with glass walls. They are clear so I can view the aquarium and watch the fish "simulation". It provides enjoyment to my family and myself. The aquarium "simulation" is all the reality the fish has and therefor no matter what type of technology it could theoretically develop, it would not even come close to describing anything outside my apartment, the city or even the earth in space.
Even if our existence is a 10 dimensional universe then that could be the boundary of the program.

One day a computer may be developed that can simulate a colony of bacteria from its creation to its death. Some time later that powerful computer will run "inside" a Virtual Machine layer on even another more powerful computer. This new computer could simulate millions of colonies of bacteria living in an intestine for example. Later that whole computer may be simulated to run in a billion VM's and so fourth.

All the sub layers will fit nicely into the next above layer just like how the first dimension leads to the second and the second to the third and so fourth. A 10 dimensional existence would easily be obtainable in a higher dimension just as my aquarium is easily managed by me. The fish may see me and worship me in some primitive fish way but I have no fear of them hacking their existence and escaping. That is what the lid is for.

[edit on 1/21/2009 by staple]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Scientists don't really know how powerful Quantum computers can be, but one thing they do know is that they would make todays computers look pedestrian by comparison. We are talking about a computer that will be trillions of times faster and can carry out billions of calculations simultaneously in different dimensions. I personally think that's enough power to create & simulate a reality like ours.

As for hacking this reality with a conventional micro computer. That's just not possible. Todays computers aren't powerful enough to hack a Quantum computer. Quantum computers will give us the power to develop a code that would be impossible to crack even with worlds fastest conventional super computer.

Scientists don't even fully understand quantum mechanics, let alone how a quantum computer would work. There was a paper in a recent edition of Nature magazine in which Swiss scientists had succeeded for the first time in teleporting quantum information between two different forms of matter - light and a solid. The quantum communiqué traveled at more than 10,000 times the speed of light, something difficult to reconcile with the known laws of physics. We are talking about computers that can theoretically carry out calculations in the past, present & future and also other dimensions simultaneously. That's some serious computing power, which is exactly what you would need to create our reality.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by kindred]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Teratoma

All of these movies are thought to have been influenced by the works of (among many others) Philip K. Dick, the author of Blade Runner, Total Recall, and A Scanner Darkly.

Phillip K. Dick is one of the originates of the whole concept. It may be worth it to have a deeper look at who this man was and what motivated him.

He himself believed to be "channeling transmissions from sirius", according to his semi-autobiographical book Valis (not recommended as sci-fi, his other books are better).

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