Um, sorry Dooper... I hate to do this to you....
Iraq War - $845 billion
Bailouts to date - $7.4 trillion
Let's not forget too that these socialist bailouts were from a neo-conservative die hard who preached "free market capitalism."
This economic crisis happened under REPUBLICAN leadership. Bush/Cheney/Paulson
I'm not saying Democrats are saints or anything, the whole system is a sham, but this is the worst administration in American history. Find 1, just
1 administration that has wracked up an 8 trillion dollar tab. I dare you.
I understand completely that in economics, there is a lag between policy and real world implications in the market. I, however, have NEVER heard of
an 8 year lag before the policy then takes its direct effect. Keep in mind Bush and co. has been there for 8 years and this crisis hit in the 4th
quarter of their ballgame, just as they get to leave for lifelong vacay and dump the mess on someone else.
We do not elect cabinet members. We only get to choose from 2 candidates (the 2 dominant parties will always win with the system we have in America)
for President, the VP is chosen by them. We have shady business left and right with "voter fraud," recounts, Geb Bush in Florida anyone?, Michigan,
Ohio.... No dooper, the government we has is NOT one we deserve. But that is highly opinionated, what a human being deserves. I want more out of
life than the option to get a PC cell phone or a $5 cup of coffee from Starbucks, I want more out of life than a government that tortures, more than a
government that places a prison out of US so they can get away with whatever they want, I want more out of life than a government who bails out the
biggest businesses in America while small businesses/families/40-60 hr a week blue collar workers go bankrupt, I want more out of life than a country
where you can commit a $50 billion ponzi scheme then get sent to their room .. LITERALLY. I want more out of life than a country full of ignorant
masses who have no clue what their government is doing. I want more out of life than a country that wiretaps your phone. I want more out of a
country than an illegal federal income tax. I want more out of life than a central bank that has enslaved my parents, myself, my kids, their kids,
their kids, etc
America is like a hooker with HIV. Nice exterior, probably fake boobs, pretty face with plenty of makeup, knows how to work it, attractive/posh
clothing...but dying on the inside.
I won't even get into where America ranks in education, crime, infancy rate, literacy rate, economy, health care etc. If you still think America is
sooo awesome, look up any one of those and you will see a true testament to American society.
If I had to guess, you're over 30... probably a bit older than that, and you grew up getting taught that America was Number 1 and could do no evil.
You can live in your fantasy land, I'll live with the factual information about the United States...