posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Originally posted by BlueApples
Maybe I will start a new thread with ALL of my info on 2012, but the fact stands that 2012 is all about the coming age of Aquarius, the New Age, the
age of Luciferianism/Satanism etc etc.
Rest assured, BlueApples, we are not yet in the Age of Aquarius. Nor will we be there until about 300 years... I assume you simply have no idea that
this term has a very literal meaning in astrology... However, there have been important transits etc. in the constellation Aquarius to prepare that
shift. (I recommend the sidereal zodiac for precession calculations as the tropical one has simply no "world ages").
One hundred years ago, when European occultists first brought up this topic, you couldn't tell when exactly we'll enter the next age after the Age
of Pisces - by now we have pretty much measured the rate of precession. The Indians and Tibetans knew all along, of course...
What 2012 technically is: the Sun at sunrise time in the Northern hemisphere will rise roughly over the centre of the Milky Way. This occurs -
according to John Major Jenkins - once every 25,920 years.
Sorry to come across in a lecturing tone, but I am an astrologer and I have researched this for a long time already...
The two most characteristic things about the Age of Pisces are:
1. Mass sacrifices, catasptrophies and extreme cruelty to awaken deeply buried souls, the finishing of several reincarnational cycles,
2. Christianity (with the fish symbol etc.) as one of the dominant world religions.
Disclaimer: I do not mean to judge the teachings of the real Christ, I am merely making an observation that the character of the sign Pisces precisely
matches that of traditional exoterical Christianity among the world religions - this is a type of religion where God is considered only as an external
force, and where the only way to free yourself is to surrender, dissolve or crush your ego (or that of others)...
I would welcome a new thread as I seem to be continually late for all the threads these days...