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The Real Truth behind 2012

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Kiwiemperor

That is exactly the spot i'm in. clueless into oblivion. To many questions to little time, what happens if you die before 2012? confusing stuff.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Well i'm not saying i'm oblivious. Those are about all the questions i have. There's still time too. Three years aren't going to tick by that fast so yeah, there's time to learn still. Almost like that whole college/graduation thing

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:55 AM
Whether or not the world blows up or we take the next step in evolution is all up to us. It is in our hands and is our responsibility. Right now it looks like it could go either way. If you want the world to ascend than we must make that happen ourselvs. All you can do is help yourself to become aware and follow the love and instinct that is the devine expression of our source.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:58 AM
The only REAL TRUTH behind 2012 is we have no idea what is going to happen. I honest to god HOPE something happens, on a scale which is not in the control of human hands.


Nothing may happen.

And then.

I will tatoo ass clown on my forehead.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:52 AM
My friends (most of whom don't really submit to the idea of any significance to the year 2012) often ask me "So what if 2012 comes and nothing happens?"

I tell them "then I will simply admit that I believed in something that was false, and life will carry on as usual."

So let's not hedge all of our bets on it, but improve ourselves AS IF we were trying avert catastrophe and/or ascend. If that means recognizing all as one, respecting our planet more, searching within ourselves for truth, etc., then whatever, we will have made that much more of a difference.

Personally, I have never heard anything that made more sense to me than the "core" of Hidden_Hand's message. Regardless of how Luciferian or New Age it was, someone laid how now matter how negative the world is, we all have the duty and ability to find it within ourselves to be the light that we wish to see, instead of just worrying about the future or expecting someone else to fix it (or resorting to actions which only reinforce separation, disharmony, violence, hatred, etc.). I'm nowhere near where I know I should be, but I am "working on myself." You can shine the golden light and still be realistic about our circumstances at the same time. I feel like few, if any, have expressed it so clearly before. Was H_H who he claimed he was? Was he a hoaxer? Regardless, his message rings true with me. If we all followed it this world would be a better place, no doubt. Ironic, in a sense. Perhaps it's just way over the heads of a lot of people.

We are being tested constantly.

I'm down for further discussion.


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Spidercow

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by suterlaben

I will use this analogy over and over until people get the message.
Person A (Believes the end of the world)
Person B (Doesn’t believe)
Person B makes a bet with Person A
Person B “I will bet you all of your money that the end of the world won’t happen.”
Person A “You’re on”
Two scenarios happen: 1. The end of the world. 2. Nothing. Who wins?
Person B wins, if nothing happens he wins the bet. If he is wrong he still wins because money is pointless, it’s the end of the world.

The point: This is like a two sided coin making a flip. It’s best to be Person B in this situation. As our for-fathers state, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. If you’re Person A then you lose either way. The only reason to be Person A in this situation is to have undeniable proof of it happening. Then the point is only to warn people.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Johnathanrs]

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Johnathanrs]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Spidercow

So has if it was not enough to have to behave in conformity to this world society rules , now in 2012 i have to start to conform myself to the rules of the pseudo god on the op lol.

Now really , so those that dont ascend , have to do positive things , to enter the 4th density , even if they dont feel like , or are simply indifferent to the good and evil indoctrination , that some big ass hypocrite GOD or GOD´S you have there.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

to be honest ill join you..

Humans suck at alot.. why? well we still keep askiing.. LOL

We are doooooomed not like i care but bring it on

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 08:28 AM
I would just like to say that all the talk of a 'new conciousness' and a 'new earth' etc etc IS Luciferian junk. It all sounds quite innocent until you get deeper into it and come to find out that the god being worshipped is in fact Satan, who is NOT God, God created Satan, thus forever having control over him.
2012 is the 'new age', the new age of Luciferianism.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Care to explain to us your reasoning, anon?

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I would just like to say that all the talk of a 'new conciousness' and a 'new earth' etc etc IS Luciferian junk. It all sounds quite innocent until you get deeper into it and come to find out that the god being worshipped is in fact Satan, who is NOT God, God created Satan, thus forever having control over him.
2012 is the 'new age', the new age of Luciferianism.

Okay, I don't know where you have gotten your information, but 'new age' and everything i've typed has NOTHING to do with worshiping satan.


posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Kinda interesting how Bible believers even the Islamics are convinced Lucifer is coming to eat all of us with trickery. Meanwhile they turn a blind eye to the corruption of their leaders, tilt their heads to the side and say what a wonderful country it is while we bomb the brownies.

Heres the deal, many folks are in for a rude awakening. I sometimes ask myself what you all will do when you find out there is no Lucifer coming to gobble you up, there is no God saying if you dont pay attention, obey and worship me I will kill you. What will you do then?

What if in 2012 all the sudden you see clearly and wonder why the heck ya havent been doing this and seeing this way all along? What if most of the ETs are just like people, have the same humor and similar personalities. What will you do then if there is no more fear, anger, hatred, judgement. Will you say it a trick of the devil and hang onto your suspicions and supersticians? Maybe do something stupid like pull out your Glock and try to kill what you do not understand because someone told you it was the devil coming to eat you?

Come on are smarter than this...I know it.

[edit on 1/11/2009 by prometheus1111]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I would just like to say that all the talk of a 'new conciousness' and a 'new earth' etc etc IS Luciferian junk. It all sounds quite innocent until you get deeper into it and come to find out that the god being worshipped is in fact Satan, who is NOT God, God created Satan, thus forever having control over him.
2012 is the 'new age', the new age of Luciferianism.

So I am lucifer? I hope not and I know not. I heard of an idea that the Luciferian age is where we live now. It is seperate from God, but that in itself is only the illusion of the luciferian universe. The entire luciferian universe is much of an illusion. This universe is not evil and its not bad, it is only another way for life to experience itself. In seperation from its source.

So we have this universe of seperation (The luciferian universe). Everything is in seperation. Just look around. Matter, you, there, and everywhere seems completely and totally seperate. No relations what so ever. But the human consciousness is begining and has been opening up to new possibilities and realizing the illusion of the reality it is experiencing. That yes it would seem as though I am here and you are there, but I am begining to feel as though I am you and you are me. That maybe there is no seperation at all. Maybe what I see is not the truth.

So they journeyed within the heart and discovered that we all and everything are connected. That God is not up above somewhere, but within every man, women, and child. That this world in relation to ourselvs is much more significant that we might have previously thought. We are this world. This world is us. So maybe there really is no seperation at all.

So now people are begining to realize that there is much more than meets the eye which is nothing new. So there is a piece of God that can be felt in this alternate reality. 2012 fits into this because of the procession of the equinox and the effects of electromegnetic fields on consciousness. Do you think your consciousness is your own? It is created by the Earth. The fields and energies of the Earth creates you consciousness. It only makes sense. You are from the Earth. Everything about you is created from the Earth, why shouldnt your consciousness be too? But during the time of 2012 the poles will shift on Earth causing the electromegnetic fields to go out of wack changing human consciousness.

If the poles really do shift than a few more things will happen than a change in consciousness. Massive earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and super violent storms will take place. This is what will seperate the wheat from the chaft. The survivers of that catastrophe will make it into The Golden Age and take that next step in evolution, but they have not completely left the luciferian universe, but their consciousness will merge Gods reality with Lucifers reality creating yet another way for life to experience itself. We will aquire a oneness consciousness existing as oneness and equal with all life, but with diversity and seperation that the lucifer universe brings.

Thats just one theory that I read. Honestly I think that something will happen and it will be either the rise of coruption which will lead to death or the rise of love which will lead to life.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

Wow, that is quite an interesting mindset. I have never read this theory, quite a new one to me. I must say, that is thinking outside the box. I like how religion is being metaphorically linked to 2012.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Spidercow

You are indeed what you call "Divine Souls"; you are sparks or seeds of The One Infinite Creator. You are Life Itself (Light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this) and yes, currently, you are trapped (or more accurately "Quarantined") within the 'matter' of this planet you call Earth.

You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the 'offspring' or individuations of his Group Soul (or Social Memory Complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The 'Karmic' effect of his imprisoning us in his Astral Planes, also has an impact upon you.

"He" didn't imprison us. This is a free will Universe, the race that took over this planet millions of years ago messed with our DNA to take away our connection to the Divine and imprison us. It was their choice to do that, it was our choice to be reincarnated here for further learning experiences for our soul.

If you'd like to blame anyone for imprisonment, blame the Annunaki.

I agree with you that there will be no "return" of the Messiah. I think he's already on the planet, going through the Ascension process with us.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Good lord dont bring the Annunaki into all of this. That is one theory I completely fail do believe. Whether we were created as a slave race to mine gold or not I dont think matters. What matters is that we are here and all of us are here together. We have as much free will as any Annunaki. We dont have to be their slaves and we didnt have to become their slaves if that really did happen. If anything we accepted their choice instead of making our own so dont put the blame on the Annunaki. And if it wasnt for the Annunaki we wouldnt even be humans right now so maybe thats the choice we agreed upon.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:06 AM
The real truth is
you dont know it.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:44 AM
you should know that It is much worse then you think. Their has been a pole shift every 800, million years, this pole shift happens to be on the date of the earth crossing the milky way, putting it in alignment with the universes magnetis field, imagine the earth as a pendulum, swinging inbetween this center, now imagine the earth going throu that and switching polearity to fit the other side of that field, that means a rapid movement of electrons through the earth and the movement of a massive amount of electrons moving through a resistor, yea something like that, I have been trying to think of ways around this and to prove my theory about this, we may be able to align the earth on a harmonizing frequency with the universe and then just move through it, the problems with this theory are that first we must preform tests to determine the plauseability of this corse of action, in case you were wondering, I'm talking about magnetic harmonization, not vibrational, first we can test this by firing a magnet from above the pole, I dont know which pole because someone forgot to tell me which pole was drifting towards the alignment, and ataching a battery to it with capacitors on eather end of a laser signaling device, this will tell us if the energy reverses and how far away we are from the compleating of that reverse by seting a field sensitive switch powered by an electro magnet to reverse the flow of electrons telling us if the field chainge has anything to do with the alignment, that way we wouldnt waist resorces preparing for two compleatly unrelated events, second we send organic life throu the field to se via video signal if it affects it, if it does, and dramaticaly, we should consider precautions, theise should be judjed by first sending organic life charged with cold electricity throu the field, for toughs of you who dont know what I,m talking about, cold electricity is the removing of positive friction from a spark gap via a positive magnetic field, this causes the electrons to move at max speed and take aloung any valience electrons, rapidy increasing the efectiveness of the flow, it is non hazardous to organic life, this should atune the creatures magnetic field to thoughs of the moving electrons thus causing the field not to affect the creature, if that doesnt work, a tuning of the electricity of the field with the creature should be attempted, allowing it to slip between the frequencies, sould this not work, then the only option is to planet hop backwards untile an habitable planet is found coming out of the alignment, for more on cold electricity, visit john hutchisons web page

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 01:10 AM
Uh, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but when you worship yourself you have committed Idolotry. To believe in nothing but yourself, you have set yourself above the One True Living GOD. There are those who would call you a false prophet. Some would say you be possessed by a demon. Personally, I think you have just been deceived by the wicked one. Are you trying for a new religion or what?

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