posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:58 PM
I dont want to come across as harsh and dismissive, but i want to debunk the idea of us being able to know the entire truth of my/our existence.
Im not religious and i have strong views against the effects of our world's oh so precious religions. The very fact that there are so many
religions will serve to strengthen my point - what do we humans know anyway?.
If every1 thinks they are right then who do we pick eh? choose to be an ultimate free thinker and devise a new explanation for what we experience
as life? Religion infers the presence of a god but replace god with 'collective minds' or whatever you reffered to and, boom baby, you have just
another religion.
Its not a personal digg at u Spider but i just think you shoot yourelf in the foot a little subscribing so wholey to something, whilst never
uttering the possibility of truth being beyond you or any of us. If we are infact headed to a higher plane, a suggestion that im not closed to, then
what makes you think we are even capable of comprehending and depicting it in our lifetimes?
Its fun and healthy to wonder, however truth is unattainable without perspective, we live and we die. Outside that we cant say much we can only
watch and as you say make choices. Why argue with these people about things you have said being right or wrong, some religious, some not. All we have
is opinions and our choices. We most certainly do not have an answer or hope to ever reach one.
thanks, Scottish person