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How many times do I have to repeat myself? .... Hollywood is pulling the ultimate mind trick on you.

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I understand how Hollywood contributes to the "dumming down" of the nation in a general way, but I am relunctant to believe the director of fight club had those motives in mind- I could be wrong, but I don't think the average American understands a masonic ladder or symbols such as those....

Right, but, a lot of people here on ATS do... and I think maybe more of the general population of America does. Maybe not a masonic ladder but they do know the symbol of the eye of providence, and a slew of religious symbols, and even symbols relating to a chalice. *shrug* I think they recognize more than you think they do.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by NoMoreTyranny

the show "24" is NOT made by the government, it is not written by the government, it is not financed by the government, it is not edited by the is written by a whole staff of writers who sit in a room all day for 14-16 hours and comb through websites like this for political and conspiratorial ideas they can expound on. They make it as realistic and as plausible as possible so you will say things like,, "Wow, what if that really happened" or "that kind of stuff is happening right now" or "man, I knew that was true...I knew that's how things worked."

The show is in no way controlled by the government...

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Meh I don't see it.

I don't think this Hollywood is trying to control anyone. It's the things that the government let Hollywood broadcast to billions of people that's propaganda.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:08 PM
Hi i rarely post here but this ones got me steppin up to the plate. Im a college student studying aviation and needless to say when you go to school fulltime you dont have the extra funds for stuff like satelite. Long story short, my satelite was cut off a few months back and every since then my grades have sky rocketed and i feel i have the ability to memorize more now. I will not be turning my dish on for the remainder of my time at school even if i had the funds. The stuff really is mind altering and i never believed this till now.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

That explains it.
That's why the twin towers were destroyed.

Damn movies and Hollywood types, with their bright music and loud colours- And their "Entertainment."

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

I understand where you are coming from, but you are using your frame of reference and are creating a black and white scenario, here.

It isn't that black and white. I certainly am not saying that the NWO has a hand in the business. But to say or believe that there are no agendas in any of the writing that is ever produced - I believe shows naivete.

People put their own political thoughts and prejudices into a movie and hope to sway thinking. Others will use this vehicle to get their personal points across, while others want to make a cute movie about a dog!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Honestly, why doesn't anyone ever think about things from the writers' POV when this subject comes up? Maybe the reason conspiracies/NWO/what-have-you are referenced in movies is that the writers themselves are interested in such... or believe their target demographic would be.

Furthermore, it isn't exactly a new trend to have a negative view of science in film; it has been argued that such merely mirrors humanity's anxiety about technology and the future. Hence more apocalypse scenarios than ever, nowadays.

As far as the proliferation of depictions of mixed ethnicity couples and homosexuality goes, I chalked it up to increased tolerance and understanding, not "brainwashing". Too naive?

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

absolutely, people do put thier own thoughts and prejudices and political points of view into a movie, no question about that.....

but, that being said and agreed upon, that's A VERY LONG WAY from saying Hollywood is controlled by some sort of grand conspiracy.

I also agree with the point that there is a ton of junk out there in both feature and television today....I have an easy answer when I see those shows or movies....I don't watch them.

In order to create anything, you have to do it from a strong point of view, but point of view doesn't equal consiracy.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Excuse me for being a little blunt, but, I have been checking this site out for some time now and recently registered as a member. It seems that people on here have become so paranoid its insane! I think people do care about the wrong things to much and maybe there is some propaganda our there in t.v and film, but its your choice to watch it or not plain and simple. It sounds a little crazy to me that the government its trying to control you in every which way, you are a human being, able to make your own decisions, if you choose to be a puppet thats your fault.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

but, that being said and agreed upon, that's A VERY LONG WAY from saying Hollywood is controlled by some sort of grand conspiracy.

Yes I agree with that!

It is not to say that powers to be won't take advantage of the finished product though. Remember propaganda war movies made in the 40's? That is an example.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:25 PM
There is this documantary hat shows the US army sponsors certain scripts if the Army/US looks good in it.
I forgot the name and cant seem to find it.

It explains how the movie "independence day" did not got sponsorship.
They said it would give you the use of equipment and militry land and resources.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by MatrixProphet
reply to post by nsaeyes

but, that being said and agreed upon, that's A VERY LONG WAY from saying Hollywood is controlled by some sort of grand conspiracy.

Yes I agree with that!

It is not to say that powers to be won't take advantage of the finished product though. Remember propaganda war movies made in the 40's? That is an example.

let's use that as an example....many, many propaganda war movies made about WWII and there was a very distinct point of view that was unmistakable in those, if we look at the movies that have come out in the last 5 years (let's just pick a number that is recent so our memory isn't too poor), what films might fall into goverment prop. type movies?

Jarhead was pretty much exposing the boredom and overall silliness that took place during Desert Storm..

Rendition was a shot at the U.S. government for the way the CIA is/was handling the terrorist issues..

Lions for Lambs I didn't see because I was forewarned it was total trash...

EagleEye was very incoherant and although exposed some tremendous technology, it again was against the side of the government...

those are some off the top of my head, if you come up with some more, let me know....i like discussing the topic with the sane and evenly balanced....

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by taserman
Hollywood is run by Jewish people, seriously look at who produces movies or directors, Jewish people left and right, they basically own and run it.

Now, read the Talmud, which says that race-mixing, i.e. interracial marriage is OK for the goyim (goyim = nonjews) but wrong for Jews.

Gentiles/Goyim have long been the enemy of Jews, and vice versa, since bible times. We are still at war with each other but Jews have the upper hand because they have tricked the Gentiles into believe that the war is no more and that everyone should be peaceful towards one another.

But the Jews have taken their war against the Gentiles underground. They know that the best way to destroy the gentiles is to get them to mix with difference races, for their offspring are no longer white or no longer black, but all brown.

Now watch any hollywood movie in recent years and tell me how many mixed-race couples you see in these movies, how much it is shoved down our throats. I myself haven't seen a white couple in any recent movies and I've seen at least 8 different movies in the past 2 months. It's always a black guy with a white woman or a white guy with an asian woman.

People emulate movies and television, it basically dictates our lives. Where do people learn to kiss? Probably seen it in a movie. Or learn how to shoot a gun? Probably saw it in a movie. Movies control us. And he who controls the movies, controls us.

There's the hollywood conspiracy for you. Enough of this bull# about masons or new world orders, the real threat is clear, zionist world supremacists who control hollywood, television, and the mass media, is no secret. It's simple research.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by taserman]


Seriously is this what ATS has become? Why has ATS shifted towards this line of thinking? When I first joined ATS, this type of crap was kept to a minimum. But now, it's always the same 4-5 people with the same stereotypical crap.

But then again, what do I know. It must be the Jews and Negros taking over the world.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Originally posted by jaamaan

that is correct....the military will give you axcess to certain equipment and facilities if they are painted in a good light and it doesn't expose any sensitive issues...

But, it's not that big of a deal, because we really don't go asking to military to use their equipment anyway for the most part. There are companies out there who buy and store used military equipment for use in movies. They have the personel who know how to operate the equipment and do so during the filming.

Each movie will hire a military consultant to make sure that things are accurately done...but usually those people are not current military personnel, but retired guys who served in the last 10-20 years or so....or served during the period the film is depicting.]

[edit on 7-1-2009 by nsaeyes]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Its just as Saddam put it, he said Holliwood is the downfall of western civilazation. agreed.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by lazarus801

PARANOID - are you kidding me?

We have never seen the military industrial complex getting involved in every U.S. aspect as we do now. They have been training with local state law enforcement. Last time I checked the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and other various Middle Eastern places. Why all of a sudden the terrorist focus on Americans? Why are they redirecting their efforts here at home?

We have never experienced Presidential administrations and Washington leadership this out of control before. They have been hiding behind a veil of secrecy. They have been catering to banks and large Corporate interests by giving our hard earned tax dollars without any accountability to where "our" money is going. Torture is now excepted as well as starting preemptive wars and killing hundreds of thousands without any true and proven evidense.

There is a police state going up all around us, cops have been trained to taze or forcefully arrest and ask questions later. What about cops shooting unarmed people in the back while they are in restraints like the BART situation in San Francisco. How about the public, traffic and freeway cameras going up everywhere by the thousands across our Nation (Big Brother).

Cheney shoots a man in the face, most likely drunk, then hides out until sober - no questions asked. Cheney claims he is not accountable and not part of the executive branch. Cheney and Bush hand picks the 9/11 commission and refuse to testify, in fact Cheney did all the talking and refused to let Bush answer anything. Millions of missing emails dealing with the firing of US Attorneys as well as info on answering the questions about the Valerie Plame situation. Why did Cheney move Halliburton to the United Arab Emerites - Maybe here is a reason why: Halliburton has gone to extraordinary lengths in the past to do business with the terrorist government in Iran," said Senator Lautenberg. "Given Halliburton's past dealings with Iran, the company's odd announcement this week certainly sets off alarm bells about its intention to do business with state sponsors of terrorism. Not to mention in the UAE, a corporate business is exempt and free from US deportation or legal issues.

They want to implement RFID chips into everything. Any cell phone can be turned on and listened to conversations without any knowledge by the phone owner.

The lists go on and on and all of this went into full swing right after 9/11!

9/11 a situtaion that we still have many questions about but have not had any answers to!

But yet all the power they have achieved have been from that "one" event!

And you say we are way to paranoid! What country have you been living in?

Good Lord

[edit on 7-1-2009 by arizonascott]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by MrJelly
2. There can not be brainwashing if people are not FORCED into watching movies.

This is a misnomer. Subtle Coercion, if done intentionally, is forcing. The difference is that some of the social techniques and technologies aren't even close to being in the public's peripheral awareness, much less comprehension.

Do you think it is an accident that more people prefer Coca-Cola to RC Cola?

Advertising and associating a topic/subject/person/product with something that is known to appeal to the average human physiology is manipulation.

I'm not sure why most people dismiss this notion so easily...

you are CHOOSING to watch the movie,

There is a differnece between consent and informed consent. As I have stated, many products and media are designed to appeal to the consumer - using basic physiological stimulii to provoke specific reactions.

So while I don't necessarily disagree with the main point of your post, I certainly disagree that most people actually know what they are doing and why they are reacting...indeed, many people just react their way through life without any introspection towards the hows and whys ofg their behaviour.

NEWS: A Unique Opportunity: Pentagon Funds Screenwriters Conference

Linked for it seems clear that there are people out there who are working behind the scenes to insure a complicit agreement and interest.

Also, check out the second link in my signature to get a glimpse into the advanced nature of the advertising industry...

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by antimatter21
Its just as Saddam put it, he said Holliwood is the downfall of western civilazation. agreed.

but how can you blame Hollywood exclusively? Hollywood gives the masses what they want....

If movies are crapt (and there is plenty of it, agreed) didn't make any money...if the producers and studios LOST money on every stupid thing that came out and instead MADE 100 million on movies like Marley and Me, than that's all Hollywood would make....

but, you see...that's not the case....Hollywood gives the people want they way of what they spend their money to see....

Hollywood can't take all of the blame.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by nsaeyes]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:10 PM
IMHO goes like this:

Mom & Dad pass along parts of NWO programming mostly UNQUESTIONED [1][2],
following what they received and processed from their own parents, thus
completing the cycle. CHILD receive and accepts this info through the years,
process that with the parameters of his generation[3][4][5], and its ready
to carry on with the new individual programming[6];

[1] Religion, with its close book pseudo-spirituality; mind control by guilt
and fear;

[2] Non questioning the ways of the world - accepting the monetary system;

[3] Degradation of education with unprecedented levels of entertainment;

[4] Keep your attention on survival mode, and the need to have a 'job' that
can get you food and shelter. This job is to provide PROFIT for someone else,
and thus building up the piramid of the monetary system, because PROFIT
excells when there is shortage or scarsity, and its MULTIPLIED by corruption
and fraud. When is about survival, you cant expect people to behave.

[5] 'Learning' on how to have a 'good' time, because 'you only live once',
'got nothing better to do', 'im bored', 'one cig or beer wont kill you', and
so forth of NWO social conditioning to drugs and to prevent 'smart' people;

[6] You are not special, you are small, you need to start accepting things
the way they are, stop imagining things, the monetary system just need
some adjustements, you are free to choose everything in your life, if you
dont have a decent job or house is because of the choices you made;

Its getting worse every year....

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

just want to quickly comment on the Pentagon holding writing seminars for scientists....

it's an extremely tough thing to get a movie sold. there are over 100,000 that are written and registered with the WGA every year. Of those 100,000...roughly 400 are bought by someone.

Of those 400....3/4 are made and of those remaining 300, about 200 make it out to television/cable, theaters of straight to DVD.

So the odds of a scientist, who hasn't been properly trained in this matter has about as much chance as a writer winning a Nobel science prize.

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