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How many times do I have to repeat myself? .... Hollywood is pulling the ultimate mind trick on you.

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:07 PM
For me throughout mans history whether it be authors, satirist cartoonists, painters poets, sculptors, movie makers and so on these creative types generally tap into whatever the 'vibe' is that is around them.. war movies tend to be prolific shortly after wars, weather disaster movies in the light of global warming studies and so on and whilst I agree that the best place to hide material is in the open I think there is way too much scope to cherry pick movies etc that contain popular ATS ideas to suit whatever discussion or cause is being debated.

I went to college with ordinary guys who love film and film making and have a passion to tell a story, I'm pretty sure they weren't visited in the night by TPTB and told to make a particular story. It just all feels a bit too convenient to say Star Trek, Men in Black, Wizard of Oz, whatever was based on truth and it's all just a cover up! I think that what is up on the screen good and bad is a reflection of popular culture nothing more..



posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

LOved that Movie! Have you seen scifis new reality show, Cha$e?

It brought back memoreies and gave me a wicked feeling about where we are headed...


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*Please edit the quoted portion to the salient material needed to make your point!
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[edit on Thu Jan 8 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:43 PM
Alright, I haven't read through this entire thread yet, and understand that I had a few drinks last night when I wrote this, so some of my writing might of been a little sloppy.

Anyway, let's get back on the topic of Fight Club one last time (If I had Hollywood Board I'd start a new thread on it).

Let's say it's September 10, 2001 and you just got home from work. You had a horrible Monday and all you can think about is sitting down and watching good movie that you had not seen yet. You decide tonight that you will watch Fight Club for the first time (or for another hypothetical senario... for the 100th time.)....

You go to bed after enjoying the movie with these images in your head... (and BTW, this is a much better way of explaining my point about desensitizing the public).

Now... if you choose to watch this youtube video, please understand that I do not 100% agree with what the creater of this film said... But Good Lord... Can you imagine if you watched this movie the night before 9-11?

Some of his points are kinda lame... Some are great. Uhhhh... watch the entire video too... maybe you'll start to see the connection.

Again... it's just a opinion, but there is no doubt in my mind that there are atleast masonic symbols all over that film...

Need more evidence of masonic symbols in a movie?
What about The Big Lebowski? Look it up on youtube if your interested.

I'll be right back... I have another big point to make.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Youtube clip proves nothing aside from Hollywood using symbolism, and I thought symbolism was common in movies. It takes great leaps in logic to equate many of the points made in the video with any hidden agenda the creators of Fight Club might have had. It could have some sort of subconscious effect but who's to say what that would be... All Seeing Eye/Sun isn't merely masonic, its also Egyptian, Christian, etc not to mention the sun being a simple symbolism for life in almost all cultures. I use symbolism in my stories all the time, doesn't make me part of a secret society trying to take over the world... So where you see demons in the dark, I see nothing but some neat hidden symbolism thrown in for keen eyes to catch...

If Hollywood is trying to brainwash us than why are most of its stories Good-Versus evil? Obviously the Elite Illuminati pulling the strings are evil, right? So why allow movies like the Matrix, V for Vendetta, 300, or Star Wars (all about overcoming tyranny) be made to begin with?

If it is a mind-trick it's an ineffective one because I'm still wary of any in Power, whether they use arcane symbolism or not...

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by nsaeyes
reply to post by TheBarrelMan

Dear Mr.Barrelman,

the reason movies with Freemasons and UFO's and aliens and Illuminati and all the other "fringe" concepts get because there's millions of people out there who are fascinated, addicted, curious and downright unshakable in their belief that these concepts exist

it sells tickets...i.e. make money. that's our profession. we sell you entertainment based on what the masses of society have requested.

Some people sell vacuum cleaners, some people sell you clothes...we sell entertainment, that's all.

I could not read any further.

You have lots of staying power I must admit. You can't get people to actually consider facts and truths here. This is ATS

I've often wondered how many writers frequent this board for material. I'm sure you are not alone.

Avoid the Reptilian crowd, they may eat you. Most important though, don't let them goad you into revealing your identity.

Have fun and I expect some good entertainment to come my way from your research here
Oh, and I love walking dead people movies, we can't have enough of those.

thank you kindly for your words...there are actually quite a few writers from Hollywood who visit this site and others like it on a regular basis. It really provides a good pulse for what topics are getting a ton of traction and people are finding interesting, as well as providing some very interesting research material on subjects that have personal interests.

Obviously, there is some nonsense on here, but as a whole, I find the varying opinions and thoughts pretty insightful.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:12 PM
How many games are now sponsored by the US military?

I wouldn't even know the number but I will guess it is very high.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Youtube clip proves nothing aside from Hollywood using symbolism, and I thought symbolism was common in movies. It takes great leaps in logic to equate many of the points made in the video with any hidden agenda the creators of Fight Club might have had. It could have some sort of subconscious effect but who's to say what that would be... All Seeing Eye/Sun isn't merely masonic, its also Egyptian, Christian, etc not to mention the sun being a simple symbolism for life in almost all cultures. I use symbolism in my stories all the time, doesn't make me part of a secret society trying to take over the world... So where you see demons in the dark, I see nothing but some neat hidden symbolism thrown in for keen eyes to catch...

Do you use images that forshadow the future as well?

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Ohhhh so it's mind control the executives in hollywood are after. Silly me thinking all this time they were after the multi-million dollars that movies and entertainment gross each year. Simple mistake to make i guess.

So is it just "Hollywood" that is connected to the 'illuminati'? Or is it the entertainment industry in general? You need to remember that there are a LOT of movies not made in Hollywood.

Once again this thread stinks of American arrogance in the way that a lot believe America = THE WORLD.

No offense Amercians.

[edit on 7/1/2009 by just_julie]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

okay, let's take that simpson image for example....and let's say for the sake of argument that the image was indeed put there on purpose by the creators of the Simpsons.....what is the message, and more importantly, who is the message to?

who are they trying to warn through the cartoon, that they couldn't/wouldn't call on the phone, e-mail, text, see in person in some dark alley, etc., etc..?

one other question, in what way is this image meant to control society?

[edit on 7-1-2009 by nsaeyes]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:27 PM
I just saw "The Last Mimzy" a few nights ago and you'd think David Wilcock and Dan Burisch wrote that movie

Then I saw "The 2012 Enigma" by David Wilcock and he mentions that movie

I was watching some of the Hellraiser films and that's when I realized that most films that feature a Stargate type device in it, feature a pyramid somewhere also. In Hellraiser 3, a character buys a statue that has the box in it from "The Pyramid Gallery". In part 2 the doctors office at his home had pyramid imagery all over it. Never caught those little things before.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by nightmare_david]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
Ohhhh so it's mind control the executives in hollywood are after. Silly me thinking all this time they were after the multi-million dollars that movies and entertainment gross each year. Simple mistake to make i guess.

So is it just "Hollywood" that is connected to the 'illuminati'? Or is it the entertainment industry in general? You need to remember that there are a LOT of movies not made in Hollywood.

Once again this thread stinks of American arrogance in the way that a lot believe America = THE WORLD.

No offense Amercians.

[edit on 7/1/2009 by just_julie]
Me being an American, takes no offense to this post. I actually think the same thing.

Nice post.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:06 PM
I’m not saying every movie made is a secret message or some kind of propaganda in it just a few every year in increasing numbers over the years. It would be a little obvious if it was in every movie that came out. Furthermore it’s not a message so much as a misinformation you can use it as a tool to gauge what’s out there in secret. You just can’t use it’s as a gauge for what is not real. The same reason time and again movies are made like fight club that tell us not to be sheep. Because in some way they know we will do the opposite and continue to believe everything they tell us. I am an Iraqi war veteran and I for one can tell you the difference in what is happen in that country and what’s shown in the news. In truth the 2 are polar opposites.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Apart from Jews Controlling or Owning the Majority of TV,Radio,
Newspapers. They also rule most of the Banks. And pretty
much contol the Hollywood Empire. Who? checks the Security at
US sea ports and airports, again that would be Israel again.
Who? trains US security personel, again that would be Israel.
The number of Jews in High ranking US government jobs and
the total number in US politics is staggering. And Obama is
re-hiring all the jews that Clinton had. Jews to the Left of me,
Jews to the Right of me, yadda yadda yadda.

You shoundn't be surprised that their is nearly as many Jews in
the US as their are in the Fader Land!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:15 PM
Lawnmower Man 2.
Crappy Movie, but the movie made a few references
about NWO ideas. The scientific lab was a mix of the
Masonic Symbol and The Pyramid.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:21 PM
I watch TV and movies. I do so for entertainment value only. I dont see any truth in them, especially since it is hype, not fact.

The thing that I hate the most is commercials. Flat out, down right, in your face lies about the products that they are hyping. Today, this is the hottest, bestest, greatest thing to do task X. Tomorrow, its something else. In the end, most of it never lives up to the hype and you never get what you pay for if you base your knowledge off of the marketting spin.
I laugh only in hopes that there are enough intelligent people that will look over the crap they put on TV and know that there is only one use for it...entertaining distraction from reality.

As to the OP...I am with you 100% on having a forum dedicated to the lies and conspiracies in film and media publication.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Apart from Jews Controlling or Owning the Majority of TV,Radio,
Newspapers. They also rule most of the Banks. And pretty
much contol the Hollywood Empire. Who? checks the Security at
US sea ports and airports, again that would be Israel again.
Who? trains US security personel, again that would be Israel.
The number of Jews in High ranking US government jobs and
the total number in US politics is staggering. And Obama is
re-hiring all the jews that Clinton had. Jews to the Left of me,
Jews to the Right of me, yadda yadda yadda.

You shoundn't be surprised that their is nearly as many Jews in
the US as their are in the Fader Land!

This is why we need the message board that focus primarily on the entertainmnet industry. I don't want to point my finger at the jews... Because we have Mel "Jews are responsible for every War" Gibson to do that for us.

And maybe he did send out a warning in his movie CONSPIRACY THEORY! or maybe he's just playing the game with them.

“Jerry: The Oliver Stone-Bush Connection. If anyone who has the information he’s got and had a national podium to shout it from, they actually let him do it? No it’s quite clear that he is a disinformation junkie for them….The fact that he’s still alive says it all. He probably should be dead but he’s not.”

Didn't Oliver Stone eventually make a movie about Bush?

the movie is on youtube BTW. Funny how he discusses flouride in the water.

Is this movie just entertainmnet? Watch the opening scene... I never thought in a million years I'd be looking into same theories that Mel Gibson was preaching in this 1997 movie.

Or maybe it was made to make Conspiracy Theorists look crazy. Is it disinformation?

Or could it be a warning?

Again... We all know that Mel Gibson has broadcasted how he dislikes Jews... We have alcohol and a DWI to thank for that.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by taserman

Now watch any hollywood movie in recent years and tell me how many mixed-race couples you see in these movies, how much it is shoved down our throats. I myself haven't seen a white couple in any recent movies and I've seen at least 8 different movies in the past 2 months. It's always a black guy with a white woman or a white guy with an asian woman.

There's the hollywood conspiracy for you. Enough of this bull# about masons or new world orders, the real threat is clear, zionist world supremacists who control hollywood, television, and the mass media, is no secret. It's simple research.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by taserman]

You've seen 8 movies in 2 months and call that research? OK, let's assume you want to test the hypothesis that interracial relationships are being forced upon the public (in fact, in your OP you stated that recent movies show no white couples at all). In 2008, some 463 movies were released in US movie theatres. You could try to either randomly sample a number of titles from this population or watch them all and record how many interracial (you might want to distinguish between different configurations) and non-interracial couples you encounter. That does not say anything about whether this is a reflection of reality or a distortion of it. To investigate that, you would have to compare your findings with census data. I'm pretty sure you'd rather base your opinion on the 8 movies you've watched, so I did a quick check for popular/unlikely/sexiest movie couples of 2008. Behold:

Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz in What Happens in Vegas
Jason Segel and Kristen Bell and Russell Brand in Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston in Marley & Me
Colin Firth and Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia!
Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon in Four Christmases
Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen in Jumper
Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in The X-Files: I Want to Believe
Téa Leoni and Ricky Gervais in Ghost Town
Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey in Fools Gold
Steve Carrell and Anne Hathaway in Get Smart
Will Smith and Charlize Theron in Hancock
Brandon Routh and Justin Long in Zach and Miri Make a Porno

Yep, that's right: one interracial couple, one gay couple. As I mentioned earlier in my post, this list doesn't prove a thing, but it's a pretty strong argument against your original hypothesis.

Back OT, I'm all for a board where potential Hollywood conspiracies can be debated. I'm not a NWO/Illuminati believer myself, but I'm also sure that conspiracies (or money-making schemes) can thrive in a wealthy environment like Hollywood.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Lawnmower Man 2.
Crappy Movie, but the movie made a few references
about NWO ideas. The scientific lab was a mix of the
Masonic Symbol and The Pyramid.

Part 1 was really good... I guess i'm gonna have to watch part two now.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Apart from Jews Controlling or Owning the Majority of TV,Radio,
Newspapers. They also rule most of the Banks. And pretty
much contol the Hollywood Empire. Who? checks the Security at
US sea ports and airports, again that would be Israel again.
Who? trains US security personel, again that would be Israel.
The number of Jews in High ranking US government jobs and
the total number in US politics is staggering. And Obama is
re-hiring all the jews that Clinton had. Jews to the Left of me,
Jews to the Right of me, yadda yadda yadda.

You shoundn't be surprised that their is nearly as many Jews in
the US as their are in the Fader Land!

Wow - this is so sad. This is not about the Jews.
Must we constantly be pointing the finger at this group of people?
We should be pointing the fingers at ourselves.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by spinkyboo

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Apart from Jews Controlling or Owning the Majority of TV,Radio,
Newspapers. They also rule most of the Banks. And pretty
much contol the Hollywood Empire. Who? checks the Security at
US sea ports and airports, again that would be Israel again.
Who? trains US security personel, again that would be Israel.
The number of Jews in High ranking US government jobs and
the total number in US politics is staggering. And Obama is
re-hiring all the jews that Clinton had. Jews to the Left of me,
Jews to the Right of me, yadda yadda yadda.

You shoundn't be surprised that their is nearly as many Jews in
the US as their are in the Fader Land!

Wow - this is so sad. This is not about the Jews.
Must we constantly be pointing the finger at this group of people?
We should be pointing the fingers at ourselves.

I have George Carlin to thank for this... Trust me... I point the finger at myself.

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