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I’m Sick Of The Anti Israel Sentiment Here On ATS!

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posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:48 AM
Regardless of who's right and who's wrong in this particular conflict, I think everyone is missing the bigger picture.

The reason why many on ATS (myself included) seem anti-Israel is not because of their current attacks on Palestinians (whether justified or not). My beef with the whole ordeal is why the state of Israel thinks that they deserve the land more than the Palestinians. How would you feel if any particular group of people that don't have a place of their own lay claim to property that your friends, family, village, city, and even country have owned and lived on peacefully for hundreds of years?

On top of that, the American government continues to take the stand that Israel is one of our best allies. I personally don't see any reason whatsoever for us to be such great allies with a country where we don't have anything in common with them other than supplying weapons and training their military so they can create conflicts and defend themselves from the people who rightfully own the land.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:57 AM
I think what a lot of people are getting at is the way Israel has turned into the very people that wiped nearly 80% of them out of Europe. They are using propaganda and state sponsored terrorism to justify there expansions into Palestinian territory. For people to throw in comments about the JDL and getting ATS Sued, the posts here are not the opinion of the site or its owners but the individual posters therefore ATS have no case to answer. This is the western world and we have freedom of speech we can voice our opinions as we see fit, as long as it is constructive and not racist. And believe me I am the last person in the world that would defend any Muslim state as I work very closely with the British Armed forces and have seen a lot of good men lost in a pointless war by martyrs to Allah. I had to call a father whose 19 year old marine son had been killed in a roadside bombing and explain what insurance he had and the fathers options, I detest mistreatment of people and imperialism wherever I see it.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:58 AM
We are for sure living today in a scrwed up world.
Why is this subject with the Jewish people so sensitive, like they are some sort of babies and no one dare say anything, they are just people like everyone else, and just like everyone else they can take the blame.
I have no respect for Israel as a state for what it's doing, why is it so hard for people to accept that? Some jews are evil, there I said it, and some are not.Can't excuse the ones that are , because they are what they are.

If it was another country in to focus, then people would do the same and debate on the problems there in that country, but it's Israel, so people debate on what is going on today. There is a war going on today and I have nothing to chear about what Israel is doing there. I aplaud the Jews that were against killing children.They have my respect.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:59 AM
It comes to down to this...any time you criticize the extremist Israeli state, you immediately get labeled an anti-semite.

I don't hate Jews, the only thing I hate is zionism.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:06 AM
It's a religious battle. It's a crusade. Has been since 1947 when the world, using guilt as an excuse and religious belief as a reason decided that it was time for the Jews to come home.

They came from all over the world to claim land that Palestinians lived and worked for generations.

I don't know how or why so-called civilized people get it into their heads that this could have been a good idea.

Maybe it's my Native American side that allows for this point of view.

It's not the jews, it's not the palestinians, it's the insanity of the PTB that got the world this mess. The guilty parties aren't even engaged in the war that was wrought through their own misguided notions.

The only way to stop it is for everybody to just stop and work with the consequences this insanity has left us with. We've got a long way to go but it isn't impossible. Stop hating. Start understanding. Have compassion and forgive.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Majorion
It comes to down to this...any time you criticize the extremist Israeli state, you immediately get labeled an anti-semite.

I don't hate Jews, the only thing I hate is zionism.

I'm sorry, but I don't think that's true. I challenge you to find one rational, sentient, reasoned argument criticizing the Israel state posted on these boards, which has been met by an accusation of anti-semitism that has been upheld by those moderating the forum.

And if someone does call you anti-semitic without reason, you should draw the attention of the mods to the person who falsely accuses you.


posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by downtown436

Here we go again. I has always baffled me how the people who claim to be the peace mongers in our world have started assigning new terminology to any conflict that goes on between the Israelis and Muslims throughout the world as a "Disproportionate Response." That's a new one. Where's the outrage over the "disproportionate responses" over the last 6 years with over 4000 rockets sent into Israel without ANY RETALIATION. Sorry, cant feel any empathy toward the Muslims in Gaza. 4000 rockets shot into Israel since 2002, and the moment Israel says enough is enough, and retaliates, the world quickly swoops in to try and bring forth a peace treaty and accuses Israel of using disproportionate responses.. Where was THE WORLD between 2002-2008? Israel and their people DODGING 4000 rockets for 6 years and not one condemnation from the international community. Here's an idea and a question. For 4-6 decades these Palestinians have been labled as "Refugees" Why? Why I ask does Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iran, and or Iraq not welcome their FELLOW MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS INTO THEIR COUNTRIES??? Why?? Doesnt the KORAN state that a Muslim is NOT to turn away a needy fellow Muslim?? No one can answer that and as far as I know, no press has asked that question either. For 60 years (1948) Israel has tolerated this barbaric nonsense from this "religion of peace" The comment was made above regarding Israel. "Who would move into a new neghborhood (Israel) and begin throwing Molotov Cocktails at their new neighbors (Poor Muslims). FYI....Newsflash....Give me ONE EXAMPLE where Israel has ever taken an offensive approach. If history is ever paid attention to, it will be noted that the 'Loving, compassionate, religion of peace" have started every fight that there has been from 1948 on, they just cant ever FINISH IT. Someone once made the statement that the Israeli/Muslim conflict would end immediately if one thing happen. The muslims need to put their weapons down. If Israel put their weapons down TODAY, they would cease to exist in the world tomorrow. If the Muslims would put their weapons down today, their would be peace throughout the world tomorrow. Did Israel go to war and STEAL the land FroM ANYONE, or did the UNITED NATIONS GIVE THE LAND TO ISRAEL in June of 1948??? HMMMMM? Maybee our Muslim friends should be educated on the Power of the UN and just do what the UN tells them to do. The rest of us are in the civilized world areexpected to, why not them??? Would we have this situatiuon going on the world with the Muslims if their governments werent so oppresive and EVIL. If the Muslims were free to worship and to create wealth for themselves, would they be strapping bombs onto their women and children? Their cause is no longer any concern of mine. I DONT CARE WHY THE RAPIST RAPES< THE MURDERER MURDERS< OR THE MOLESTER MOLESTS, and I SURE AS HELL DONT CARE WHY THE MUSLIM FEELS THE NEED TO BLOW THEMSELVES UP AND KILL AS MANY AS THEY CAN. RID the world of this cancer and there will be peace.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by LoneWeasel

And something else, anytime you defend the Palestinians or Hamas, you immediately get labeled a terrorist.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Kat77

That my friend is one of the main issues and the hatred that now we the US enjoy when it comes to favoring one side over the other.

See people forget that Israel and Palestine were promised both to be made nations.

While Israel got the overwhelming support (due mainly by religious views) by the US to become state the Palestine were rob of that right.

Anybody that take the time to read history will understand how the whole mess in the middle east was started even when the roots span centuries it was actually this littler historical event that made the hatred toward the US grow within certain groups in the Arab world.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:16 AM
I hope they destroy each other

The only thing im fearful of is the war expanding and involving others.
Also, to "theindpendentjournal" if you put a protective shell over any Nation (regardless of their race,) like youre doing with Israel, you will open up the possibilities of them being able to do anything and getting away with it. Just because people have a problem with a country and its Govt doesnt mean theyre a Racist.
Personally, im getting tired of having to walk on eggshells every time theres a thread about Israel.
Reporting it to the ADL huh? lol
I recall a thread about Africa a little while back, I didnt see you screaming about that and reporting it to the NAACP or some other world organization.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Majorion
reply to post by LoneWeasel

And something else, anytime you defend the Palestinians or Hamas, you immediately get labeled a terrorist.

Yes go with the flow, be patriotic, enlist, become an air force pilot and go blow up a bunch of already starved and deprived kids, come home from the battlefield as a hero and kiss your wife, be proud, you did the right thing.You liberated the people and someday you may get to do that alover again,to press the buton and kill another bunch of 10 year old kids.And if your wife asks you just tell her, honey it's just colateral damage.
Support Israel or get ready to deal with the PR departament.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by fonyx
Regardless of who's right and who's wrong in this particular conflict, I think everyone is missing the bigger picture.

The reason why many on ATS (myself included) seem anti-Israel is not because of their current attacks on Palestinians (whether justified or not). My beef with the whole ordeal is why the state of Israel thinks that they deserve the land more than the Palestinians. How would you feel if any particular group of people that don't have a place of their own lay claim to property that your friends, family, village, city, and even country have owned and lived on peacefully for hundreds of years?

On top of that, the American government continues to take the stand that Israel is one of our best allies. I personally don't see any reason whatsoever for us to be such great allies with a country where we don't have anything in common with them other than supplying weapons and training their military so they can create conflicts and defend themselves from the people who rightfully own the land.

My beef with the whole ordeal is why the state of Israel thinks that they deserve the land more than the Palestinians.

Let me try and not ruffle any feathers,

Isn't it to late to worry about this now, taking sides is pointless, what they need is a solution, all this bickering back and forth, this war of words, lobbing word bombs at one another solves nothing.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Some of you really need to just step back and breathe!!

I love the Jewish people and in them have found a link to my history, but really..... some of you are just plain worshiping them. Opposing views are good for learning.

You will be doing the Jewish people MORE harm by trying to shut others up. This will be a better place when we can allow others to vent what they are seeing from their perspective and then patiently and with understanding, give them our perspective.

If you try to tell people they can't express their views on the Jewish people, then you can rest assured that the anger, contempt, and hatred will take hold and grow.

I find the worshipers of the Jewish people to be just as dangerous, if not more so than those who oppose them. If you worship the people to the point where you can't stand to see opposing views, then you limit not only others opportunity to learn and grow, but yours as well.... and it is in that, that you will miss what truly makes the Jewish people special.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:30 AM
How about a topic where no one takes side, and only post solutions, without throwing stones.

This wound is never gonna heal.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:41 AM
The most ironic part of all of this is the fact that, without these conflicts, organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah would not exist. They need these conflicts to remain in control and perpetrate their terror toward anybody other than that of the world of Islam. The United States is too far away to attack daily.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:41 AM
Now I'm gonna get in trouble,

How about Hamas fighters come out from hiding behind women's skirts and they pick a place and time to fight like warriors,

Here is the perfect place,

Megiddo (Hebrew: מגידו‎) is a hill in modern Israel near the Kibbutz of Megiddo, known for its historical, geographical, and theological importance.

In ancient times Megiddo was an important city state. It is also known alternatively as Tel Megiddo (Hebrew) and Tell al-Mutesellim (Arabic). Megiddo is a tel (hill or mound) made of 26 layers of the ruins of ancient cities in a strategic location at the head of a pass through the Carmel Ridge, which overlooks the Valley of Jezreel from the west. The name Armageddon mentioned in the New Testament derives from Megiddo.

Put an end to this once and for all time.

[edit on 113131p://bMonday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:43 AM
Honestly, why do all these pro-Israel people completely lack valid arguements and simply cry racism? Playing the racism card is so easy.

I don't hate individual jewish people. In fact a few of my friends are jewish.

One thing for certain. I absolutely despise Israel and its "We're better than everone else policy"

If exactly 60 years after you created a homeland out of someone else's turf, everyone around still wants you gone. How valid is your claim to the land? Just leave for the love of god.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by Bl0rg]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Because they are woefully outclassed by Israel in every category of warfare, except guerrilla warfare and you know it.

+17 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
ATS can remove my posts and take my points, hell they can ban me from their threads but til they do I will send copies of their JEW HATING NATURE to the JDL and such for proof of their racism and possible actions against ATS by the JDL.

Is there a reason that you believe the contributions of our members in a free-flowing discussion environment reflect the editorial policies and/or management position of the owners of

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Isn't that one of the biblical places for Armageddon
BTW in order to fight fair you have to take away their modern weapons and give them a sword and shield and don't forget the assorted pile of rocks.

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