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Israel-If This Thread Doesn't Open You're Eyes,Then Nothing Will.

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posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by DantesLost

If I remember correctly al-Husseini was in favor of a worldwide caliphate. There are a lot of people in the Muslem world today who are also in favor of a one world government with a Muslem cleric at the head. The Iranians have said as much. They never mention what flavor of Islam the leader would be from though. That is probably the beginning of another 1000 struggle.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:12 PM
For those who think Israel is merely "defending themselves' from aggression, terrorists or whathaveyou, I give you 2 words.

Rachael Corrie.

From the wiki page about this hero []

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada. She was killed by a Caterpillar D9R armored bulldozer operated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during a protest against the destruction of Palestinian homes by the IDF in the Gaza Strip.[1] The details of the events surrounding Corrie's death are disputed; an Israeli military investigation ruled the death was an accident, while the ISM maintains that Corrie was run over deliberately.

What missles was she firing?

What bombs was she carrying?

What threat did she pose?

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by lunarminer

Well, I don't know how many suicide bombers there have been in Israel in recent months with the borders closed and all. The Israelis have pretty much full control over this situation. Not one Israeli died from the "attacks" Hamas has been launching.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by magicmushroom

hamas is the ones to blame, & israel is doing what any sensible country would do to stop terrorists.
israel england supports your actions

LOL No we dont sunshine!

Thanks for the post OP

EDIT-Why is this in skunks works?

[edit on 5-1-2009 by noangels]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by lunarminer

Yes,its an idea thats been around for a while.Something the extremists like to cling too.The governments in the West want something similar,and have done for some time.

I can honestly say I am opposed to any form of world government/caliphate.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:33 PM
OP you forgot a more recent one by Rahm Emanuels father

Benjamin Emanuel was reported as saying: "Obviously, he will influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn't he? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White House."

So to the Israeli on the first page who said that stuff was taken out of anger there was no anger here. This is really how these people think Arabs are subhuman. Keep in mind all of the innocent people that Benjamin Emanuels Irgun terrorist organization has killed via terrorist attacks. This is an excellent thread star and flag.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by DantesLost
I'm just tired and frustrated at many people's view of Israel.
Which is that of an innocent country who's only protecting itself.

Friend, your ignorance comes in not understanding that not everyone looks at these nations and judges from the surface.

Some of us see friends
and family. Some of us see the children and the Jewish people who are showing their hearts.

How is it that people who have had to move over and over to try and get away from the missiles being fired into Israel are being lumped in with the Zionist anti Jew leaders?

IF you do that, then you speak about yourself. Have you noticed our country's Grand Seal (and the UK is in the same league)?? The stars form a star of David. The men who control Israel control America and are in league with England as well. Have we forgotten the crimes that have and are being committed in Iraq in the name of our countries... and again, Iraq didn't even fire missiles at any of our people in our countries.

So, your words are being put out there and one day they will come back to find you.

Understand, the situation is not this black and white. Israel, the people of, *are* going to be just as innocent as you are for the crimes of your leaders. These are good people with good hearts. Just be aware.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:45 PM
Yes why is it that people cannot see that some Jews/Israelis are following the Nazi text book of how to destroy your subhuman enemies and steal their land. Its quite obvious that the Israelis have been wishing Hamas to give them the reason to go into Gaza with the sole purpose of exterminating the whole Gazan population and if the World wont let them do that you can be sure that after this conflict there will be no Gaza and no Palestinians there.

Why is it that the Jews who tell us to never forget the Holocaust are now inflicting same on others and have been doing so for decades. If any other nation had been doing what they have been doing for the last 60 years they would have been taken out a long time ago. So the big question is why havent they. Why has this small group of people been allowed to murder, kill, torture and steal for the past 60 years. And more to the point there is every sign that this is set to continue with the plan for a greater Israel.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

You are not understanding the difference between the Jewish people and the Zionists in control.

I received something a couple of days ago from a friend over in that region. He said "If we (the Jewish people) don't get the light (message) of peace to the world soon, there will be another holocaust."

Know what he meant by that? He was not thinking purely Jewish holocaust. He is thinking world wide, all races involved, kind of holocaust.

So, just keep that in mind. It isn't just their lives and way of living at stake here. It is the Palestinians, other surrounding nations, and eventually the western world that will be suffering immensely if we don't open our eyes to the level of manipulation that is being used to divide the nations.

I think the OP did well to expose, but just make sure that we are clarifying who we are opposing. That doesn't represent Israel, the people.... it represents those in control of Israel and its people.

Just like the Hamas in relation to the Palestinian people.
Open your eyes and look around you.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Thanks.And good quote.

I think people need to look into the 2nd link I gave.You can click on many of the quotes and they take you to the speech,article,debate etc,that it came from.So people can see from themselves that the context is correct.


I'll just clarify my statements.

I'm just tired and frustrated at many people's view of Israel.

The people I was referring to are those mainly on ATS.Those who follow news and events around the world.By Israel I mean their government,if I meant the people I would have said,the Israeli people.

Which is that of an innocent country who's only protecting itself.

Again,this is not including everyone in Israel,it is a comment directed at the Israeli government.

If I thought that every person in Israel was guilty I would not have said this in the OP,

Thats right.Israel has done something worse than lying,they've told the truth.The truth of how they (not all Israelis) feel about the Palestinian people,and what they will/have done to achieve their ends.

Nor this,on page 4.

Nowhere in any thread involving Israel have I displayed hatred towards the Jewish faith.Nowhere have I said that all of those that follow Judaism must be punished or killed.What I have shown is my disdain for the actions of the Israeli government and my support to leaders on both sides being held accountable for the violence committed.

I hope that helps make things clearer for you,and anyone else.


If any other nation had been doing what they have been doing for the last 60 years they would have been taken out a long time ago. So the big question is why havent they.

I have said the same thing myself.
And I asked a Rabbi I know,why?
He believes that some people (and he strongly disagrees with them) are trying to force the fulfillment of prophecies,to force the hand of God.Its one of the best answers I've had to that question.And could very well be true.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:13 PM
What I care about is the tons of dollars coming out of tax payers pockets like the millions for Israeli homes that we didn't build. Americans are paying and paying

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by DantesLost
I have said the same thing myself.
And I asked a Rabbi I know,why?
He believes that some people (and he strongly disagrees with them) are trying to force the fulfillment of prophecies,to force the hand of God.Its one of the best answers I've had to that question.And could very well be true.

It is..... This statement above is a very true statement and you will know these people, not by their genuine concern for people, but for their worship of the state of Israel and all of its zionist leaders decisions.

And this *is* much cause for concern and something I wish would be more talked about.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by DantesLost
reply to post by John Matrix

In light of this, digging up the past to put down Christians in order to support an argument in this day and age is irresponsible and illogical. But this is what the atheists and unbelievers do all the time.

I said no such thing,so don't put words in my mouth.

The point of my reply has nothing to do with the crusades,but everything to do with the reason why the Jews were persecuted throughout history.

Sillyfool said it was because all of them were criminals,I corrected him.

So your whole post is irrelevant.

It was not meant for you. It was meant for the reader, specifically the readers that use the past crusades as a reason to support their anti christian rhetoric, so please don't get excited.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by John Matrix]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
For those who think Israel is merely "defending themselves' from aggression, terrorists or whathaveyou, I give you 2 words.

Rachael Corrie.

From the wiki page about this hero []

What missles was she firing?

What bombs was she carrying?

What threat did she pose?

I think many could ask the same questions, everytime an innocent get killed. This is something that happens all over the world in times of war.

"Ima, Ima," (mother, mother), Chen Shetreet, 20, one of the dead woman's four children, cried as the remains of her mother – killed by shrapnel while on her way home from a fitness centre – were borne yesterday to burial area number 57 of the Ashdod cemetery.

Ms Shetreet was one of four Israelis killed by rocket fire since the bombardment of Gaza began on Saturday. Yesterday, the funeral for Israeli soldier Lutfi Naseredin was also held in Asefia. He was killed by a mortar shell fired on his base near the Gaza Strip.
Source for whole content

What missles was she firing?

What bombs was she carrying?

What threat did she pose?

Same questions i could ask on behalf of my sister and her two children.
She is not born in Israel. She is danish/israeli,living near Ashdod for 15 years now. I'm afraid she took over the well known israeli proud and stubberness. Also, i guess so, cause moving to Israel was her own choice.
She goes to work in Ashdod every day, even if she has to work in the shelter. She knows, and so do i, that there is a rocket with her name on it.

Schools has been closed, so the kids are home and "lucky" to have a "shelter room,in the house"... These kids are loveable kids and don't hate anyone.
The boy at age 11, has already for years been a wreack, cause he can't deal with the military duty, he knows is a part of being israeli.
Now i will say, that he is not even able of killing a
If the day comes, that he is confronted with an enemy. Being a suicide bomber, a soldier or what ever, and his choice is to stop the accident, and he is killing another person, face to face. I will know what pain he will go through, cause i know him. I will support him, cause i know he did not kill for the sake of pleassure.
Yes, the Israeli people have their proud. But behind every human in this world, there is in individual person, each with their own
of right and wrong...

Edit to add : If one member of my family in Israel get killed. Now or later cause of a suicide bomber, i will light a candle. But as i do have respect for dead people. No matter where on the planet they are from, and i don't consider a dead person as a "number". Or entertainment for other people. I will not share the candle in a thread here...

[edit on 5-1-2009 by flymetothemoon]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:20 PM
I think the original poster is misusing the Primo Levi quote-- Levi is criticizing Israel, not condoning her actions. Primo Levi was not even an Israeli per se, he was an Italian Jew and Holocaust survivor. He broke with Zionism during Israel's 1982 attack on Lebanon, when he realised that the oppressed were becoming the oppressors. This link explains what Levi meant by "Everybody is somebody's Jew. And today the Palestinians are the Jews of the Israelis."

It's a good read.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Founding
The propaganda goes both ways. One picture does not prove the injustice of Israel; If I was as ignorant as you, I would gladly post the video of the beheading of an American soldier by muslims. Is that what it takes to convince people?

There were many pictures from that time. When I close my eyes many of them are there, like scars burned into my brain. I'm sure many feel the same way.

Don't take sides. The violence has to stop.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
For those who think Israel is merely "defending themselves' from aggression, terrorists or whathaveyou, I give you 2 words.

Rachael Corrie.

From the wiki page about this hero []

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada. She was killed by a Caterpillar D9R armored bulldozer operated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during a protest against the destruction of Palestinian homes by the IDF in the Gaza Strip.[1] The details of the events surrounding Corrie's death are disputed; an Israeli military investigation ruled the death was an accident, while the ISM maintains that Corrie was run over deliberately.

What missles was she firing?

What bombs was she carrying?

What threat did she pose?

Cynthia McKinney, unimpeded by the "closed military zone" imposed by Israel, was among 16 people aboard a medical supply boat that was rammed by an Israeli naval ship Tuesday as it tried to enter coastal waters around Gaza...

Israel will even take out a US Representative and Bush is fine with it!

[edit on 5-1-2009 by Alpha_Magnum]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 07:02 PM
To the whole World!!!!!!!

No one likes to see children and civilians hurt for any cause or anything. For decades Israel has put up with countless suicide bombings and terrorist attacks on their people and their children. It may have made the news or it may have not, that is how common they are and were in Israel. They have been begged and begged to hold back and not defend themselves by the UN for decades. Well, I guess they have had enough.

Israel will triumph over these evil terrorists this time and I don't think they are going to listen to anyone until they kill every terrorist that has ever lifted a rifle, fired a rocket into downtown Israel, detonated a car bomb, or strapped a pound of modified explosive to their bodies and walked into a cafe and pulled the trigger. They will kill as many terrorists as they can before they stop.

I have dealt with terrorist for 15 freakin years and they are nothing more than brainwashed kids who have listened to the wrong people. If you are looking for a true description of a terrorist, you can compare a terrorist with a skinhead but 100 worse with pure intent to kill. Mislead and completely full of hate and eventually evil.

Even though they are mislead and misinformed, all terrorists must be defeated or killed or we will never have total peace on this earth.

Even the rival political enemies can be held at bay just to protect the inocent civilians and people of their countries, terrorists have no rules or mercy on anyone they declare an enemy of their muslim faith, Islam.

I only wish that if they wanted to fight and defend their faith like a marter should and if the terrorists were real men instead of cowards, they would wear their battledress and meet us in the middle of the desert and fight like REAL MEN should and not hide in or beside inocent peoples homes! And they definately would not send a child to do a mans job.

Maybe one day we will find peace and their will be no more killing of the inocents and the children.

Eye of Eagle

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:00 PM
I think if any of you that oppose Israel defending itself were in their position you would do the same. I think they should get their wall built and let Palestinians try and run their own economy instead of expecting to get jobs in Israel and at the same time either support or just ignore the terrorists that are bombing Israel. I think they should defend their selves and if that means killing before they have a chance to kill you, then SO BE IT!

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by stargateok
I think if any of you that oppose Israel defending itself were in their position you would do the same. I think they should get their wall built and let Palestinians try and run their own economy instead of expecting to get jobs in Israel and at the same time either support or just ignore the terrorists that are bombing Israel. I think they should defend their selves and if that means killing before they have a chance to kill you, then SO BE IT!

Gaza is essentially a concentration camp. Now it has become a death camp. When you build a wall and close someone or a whole people behind it and then cut off their supplies that is a siege. When you fly Apache Attack helicopters and f-16's over those same people and drop WP and DU tipped bombs on them that is a genocide.

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