posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:22 AM
It's absolutely baffling that this issue still has legs.
First, I'm amazed that what seems like many of the very same people who put liberals like myself down when we questioned GWB on torture, WMDs, war
for profit, etc. with comments like "you don't know what they know" and "you need to trust them because you need to respect the Office" are now
second-guessing officials all the way from Hawaii's State Health Department to the Supreme Court, and refusing to take what they've been shown and
told at "face value". Very interesting, that. Are the authorities trustworthy or aren't they?
Second, one thing keeps getting stuck in my craw on this issue:
Obama announced his bid for the Presidency on February 10, 2007.
Now I haven't been able yet to find a complete list of the lawsuits claiming Obama's ineligibility, but it seems the vast majority of them seem to
be fairly recent, within the last 6 months or so.
Why is it that all these "concerned citizens" didn't step up to the plate almost two years ago and try to prevent his nomination in the first
place? Why does it seem we're only really hearing about this in the last few months? Is it because nobody wanted to get their hands dirty until the
inevitability of his election became more apparent? Come on, people. Most of us knew by the midterm elections that Obama would most likely run. Why
weren't any of these folks making noise about it then, when there was a real chance of derailing Obama's campaign before it picked up steam
to begin with?
I question the timing of these accusations. Some state they have been following this issue for a long time, but where were you? Where
were your lawsuits? Where was your action?
No, I think this whole "issue" is pretty much a smokescreen to be used by the RNC and their corporate masters (however covertly) to attempt to
discredit Obama and divide the nation further (no matter how many ways you slice it this issue can have no other effect). The RNC has long used
divisive issues to win elections and/or render their opponents impotent--their platform, in effect, being one of corporate rule with no regard for
"the Little People" and their economic policies now proven to have disastrous consequences for the average American, they have nothing else but
racist, sexist, anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-insert-group-who-represents-the-scary-"Other"-here rhetoric to convince the delusional,
paranoid whackjob fringe of America to either vote for their guy or vote against their opponents, and/or render those opponents who beat them
ineffective at governing.
Just because their names don't appear signed on some document autorising these actions against Obama, it doesn't mean they're not involved. This
whole thing reeks of Karl Rove's "turd blossom" style--get a bunch of your fringe-media and right-wing-talk servants to spread enough lies, and
hopefully, in the end, nobody will care what the truth is--the RNC's preferred strategy in a nutshell. They never seek to win elections
fairly--they seek to win by exclusion, by demoralizing Americans from taking part in their civic duty to vote in every election, every time.
Third, why has no one, not one of these people making these claims, laid out their evidence?
Obama has.
Where does this "million-dollar-figure" regarding the "three law firms" he's hired to "keep his secrets" come from? Can you provide a source?
Anything? Can you provide the names of the firms, so those of us who actually want to do our own homework (rather than rely on some nutjob's
blog) can verify the information independently? Where is it? Where's your evidence?
The "interview" with Obama's grandmother has been debunked and wouldn't hold an ounce of water in court. Anything else?
These supposed "divorce papers" are supposedly on their way. Here it is, 1/2/08, 9:17am CST and I've seen nothing. Where?
Seriously, can you guys provide anything other than old rhetoric about how you think things "should be" and obscure legal decisions from the
18th and 19th Centuries to try and prove your point?
And frankly, what's your real motivation in all this? Is it really to get the truth, or is it to spread discord and rip the United States to
pieces once and for all?
Because for all of you who think Obama is plant for the "NWO", you need to ask yourself--assuming "they" exist--what serves their purpose
better, a population rallied behind a man they believe in and working toward higher goals for themselves and Humanity, or a population so divided
it's pactically a civil war without the gunfire?
I await your answer.
Be truthful. Jesus is watching.