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Israel calls Gaza assault 'war to the bitter end'

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Hello! People .... If Israel wanted 'genocide' it would use it's NUKES.

Dumb statement...... Would you drop a nuke on your next door neighbour? Obviously you are unaware of nuclear contamination. Not only would Gaza be dead but the holy of holy Israel Gods thorn in his side would also be un-inhabitable, As would most of that part of the middle east.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:54 AM

7/21/2008 - DUKE FIELD, Fla. (AFPN) -- Duke Field Airmen from the 711th Special Operations Squadron dropped the last operational Bomb Live Unit-82 from an MC-130E Combat Talon I July 15 at the Utah Test and Training Range.

Wing officials said they believe there are no plans, at this time, to produce BLU-82s in the future. The only remaining inactive bombs are used for loadmaster training and for static displays in museums.

whilst the C-130 launched BLU-82 is a destructive weapon - there arn`t anymore left.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by on_yur_6
reply to post by masonwatcher

Verbal abuse
Come on, but I can see why you may have been offended. You want to know what genocide is, do some research. Specifically Germany 1939-1945.

I guess voting in a militant organization to rule makes the majority of the citizens complicit with the violent actions then. If someone is setting up a rocket launcher outside of my house it won't be there long if I don't want it there.

Israel is not quite as restrained as the USA when it comes to hitting mosques etc. At least they will hit the target no matter where it is at. After destroying security HQ's Hamas has looked to the mosques, etc to hide and meet. That makes them a legitimate target.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by on_yur_6]

Well the same thing could be said about Americans voting for Dubya and his neocon gang.

I am sure someone bringing Americans to book for their bad judgement will pontificate about not destroying churches.

Finally, there are now legitimate targets in Gaza. It is under occupation by Israel and it is Israel's responsibility for maintaining a civil society.

They UK had the same problem with the IRA yet it never saturated Northern Ireland with bombs, it sent in the police and security services to arrest bombers.

Israeli's war with the Palestinian people is a racist antiSemitic comflict.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by masonwatcher

You mean the war that Hamas started by it's daily attacks of rockets and mortars, you forgot to mention that fact.

It is simple for anyone open minded.

Either it is ok for both sides to wage war.......
It is not ok for "EITHER side to wage war.

You can't have it both ways.

You either you want war, in which case, don't whine about the results............
Yopu want peace in which case "BOTH" sides must not wage war.

Nothing, not one rocket, not one mortar, not one sucide bomber to target civillians-NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:48 PM
New here- long time lurker.

It does seem to me that all the ingredients are in place to bring other countries into the conflict and ignite a Mideast War. Am also very worried when all these countries (including US) use terms like "any means necessary"---to me that means the potential use of nuclear weapons, whether tactical or not.

We (US) sold Israel the Bunker Busters some time ago for their planning regarding Iran. They have practiced how they would take out Iran's nuclear sites.

Israel also has a program that has arranged for nukes to go off once a certain "line in the sand" is passed....I forget the name of the program.
I do know they have nukes on "fire on warning" just as we- US- do.

I expected Iran to announce that it had a nuclear missile ready to hit Israel. Use it or lose it. If they have it, and Israel continues to move into Gaza....what do you folks think will happen? I see WWIII in the making going on right in front of us now. Let us hope that cooler heads prevail.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

Sorry Monsoon, but please get your facts straight.

Israel and Hamas were under a truce for 2 months, during which time Hamas didn't fire a single rocket.

Israel on the other hand blocked of Gaza completely, letting things and desperation go so far that people, IF they could find some grass to eat, would eat that.

Then the truce ended and Hamas restarted firing rockets after the truce ended, because during the truce, Israel made things even worse then before.

Then Israel makes the strawman gesture of FINALLY, after 2 months, letting some relief convoys trough, and then going over to attacking because Hamas fired rockets at them AFTER the truce had ended because Israel blocked all relief, food and medical supplies during the truce.

The International Rules of War do state that its illegal to block medical and food relief.

So thats violation number quadrillion and 1 for Israel.

I kinda wonder how many people died in Gaza during the truce because of starvation and lack of medicare.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:28 PM
think,if you wished to destabilise the world,what would be your course of action?
get isreal to invade palastine,palastine being the bone of contention between the middle eastern/muslim world and west.

what would be the advantage of a war to the bitter end?,what do the isreales have to gain?,nothing!,gaza is tiny with no natrual resources.
this course of action has an agenda,to stoke conflict and division.

i mean what does the bitter end mean?,untill all the palastineans are killed or leave?,that would be a tradgedy and cause only more conflict and hatred against isreal like never seen before!,what on earth is going on,its so illogical
actually its not,that is the logic,to destablise and depopulate the world.
every general knows the rewards of a war must outweigh the negatives,in this case the negatives massivly and completly outweigh any meagre rewards,thus whom ever is stoking this is no general,politician who cares for the benifit if isreal or humanity.
its illogical agression even by the terms of agressive profiteering warfare,and by the terms of defense it will be an utter catastrophe causing a thousand fold increase in the threat to the nation of isreal,so to it is an illogical defensive manouvre.
and if we go by the grounds of propserous and humanitarian idealims,its an abominable act.
just give me god damn reigns and ile sort it all out!!!!!!!

i highly suspect elements within isreal is doing this as they know only the bush administration would tolerate this and even then wen no ones looking,they are doing this INBETWEEN terms when the us is weak and no one can blame the bush adminstration,targeting the phase of transition,they are taking advantage,what kind of person does this?.

lastly we must remember it is not isreal doing this,it is elements within isreal who are responsible,the extremists,as usualy it is they who cause all the problems and some how(as usual) they seem to have gained power.

now let me think if you were going to destablise and depopulate the world what would you do,you would get extremist war mongerers in power......

people know somethings up,something is banging the drums of war...they will wake up soon enough..

[edit on 30-12-2008 by welivefortheson]

[edit on 30-12-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by captiva
Israel says it targets only Hamas so we have Hamas 8 years olds?.

Well might I suggest you turn on a TV that doesn't have Al Jazeera on!

8 year old Hamas members Hell that OLD for Hamas, and it's lk. Have you not seen the 4 year old Saudi Girl call Jews and Christians Pigs and Dogs, Have you not seen the many children under 12 that have bombs strapped o them BY THEIR OWN PARENTS to kill Jews?

If this was America and Mexico in the same oat and Mexicans were strapping bombs to their kids to kill American children, How long do you think it would take to have a bounty on the HEAD OF EVERY MEXICAN? How long would Americans put up with their children being targeted by murderous cult followers?

More of what they do no what we do or would do??? How many dead Iraqi kids are there now in Iraq? Did we (America) target those kids? Are they still dead? GROW UP AND GET A CLUE!!!

I hope Israel wipes Palestinians off the face of the Earth, of course there is no clear definition of Palestinian, hell Arafat was Egyptian and kicked out of every Arab nation in the world. This is also true of most Palestinians, they were booted from Jordan and Egypt and so they squatted in Israel land and now it is there's? When a Mexican takes your land and settles on it and YOU FREELY give it to them but continue to pay for that land and services to it, -Snip-

Edit - For those that haven't seen the little Saudi girl call Jews pigs and dogs that should be put to death, I am pulling it from a video I have and I will post it on YouTube and then post it on this Thread so you can see how old the Terrorists are for yourself, then maybe you won't cry over some 6 year old terrorist dying...

Edit - Someone already had it so I don't have to clip it out of my video, watch for your viewing pleasure what exactly the Muslim Children are taught and DO!!!!

I am not a Pepsi drinker, I have always been Anti-Pepsi and Pro-Coke but now I may start buying Pepsi if they actually give money to Israel to defeat these Murderous Cult types!!!

[edit on 12/30/2008 by theindependentjournal]

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[edit on 30-12-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
what would be the advantage of a war to the bitter end?,what do the isreales have to gain?,nothing!,gaza is tiny with no natrual resources.
this course of action has an agenda,to stoke conflict and division.

Learn to spell Israeli's please unless you are still in the first grade...

Your question seems to be what would Israel gain by taking Palestine (as you call it)? Let me answer for you in the words of Barack Obama if I may...

If they were bombing my neighborhood and children I would do the same and expect the same...

That is the answer to your query about what they gain... They gain not having their children or families blown up by rockets being sent from Gaza to Israeli Neighborhoods an killing Innocent Jews and Israelis...

Hope this cleared up for you what Israel will gain, and I am sure once you think about it you will agree with Barack and Israel and see why they must do this... If you cant then I put you into the Jew-Hater category and ignore you, this is only because I don't need someone telling me the Jews are Apes and Dogs, I have Hitlers Evolution book and little Basmalah on the video in the previous post to inform me about the Apes and Dogs... What would I need you for?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:45 PM
Does anyone that posted on the last 6 threads dealing with these issues work?

I'm a Zionist, a Christian, a grafted in Jew and a full heir in the coming Kingdom of Christ the Massiah.

Anyone have a question, or have a problem with that?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:07 PM
Lets see, here we have a video of SMALL israeli children throwing rocks and chanting hate at a Palestinian house, israeli children throwing rocks HARD at AMERICAN human rights workers, and israeli kids mocking Christians telling them to "go back to their F***ing Jesus", "this is my land, god gave it to me, F*** you", "We killed Jesus and we're proud of it",


Looks like the jews are raising their kids better huh???

In ALL videos the police are alerted, after ALL videos police/idf ignore obvious hate crimes. Big surprise, it's ok when we do it, but ABHORRENT when they do. HYPOCRITES.

israel needs to realize they are NO better then the culture they are trying to stomp out.

On the news I've seen israelis calling the Gaza attack a hanukkah miracle... WTF kind of a religion calls starting a war a miracle. NOT JUDAISM!!! It doesn't matter if they are your enemy, PEOPLE ARE DYING, GOD'S CHILDREN!!! If you think this is what your god or any other god wants you are DEAD wrong.

Mod please hotlink videos!!! Thx!!!

[edit on 31-12-2008 by breakingdradles]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
reply to post by masonwatcher

You mean the war that Hamas started by it's daily attacks of rockets and mortars, you forgot to mention that fact.

It is simple for anyone open minded.

Either it is ok for both sides to wage war.......
It is not ok for "EITHER side to wage war.

You can't have it both ways.

You either you want war, in which case, don't whine about the results............
Yopu want peace in which case "BOTH" sides must not wage war.

Nothing, not one rocket, not one mortar, not one sucide bomber to target civillians-NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly, and here is a little exercise in imagination. Make some left turns instead of right turns etc and...

Enter a world where Hamas said "Yes Israel you have a right to exsist" and that all their rocket attacks etc. ground to a complete halt and it became clear they wanted peace and all the people in Palestine said "Peace rocks!"

Would Israel be attacking then? Nope.

That little corner of the world would look -very- different.

I bet you though some of the Arab power players (Syria, Iran etc.) would be most upset at their little Hamas and would start working hard to create a new monster to replace them. Lets face it, the Arab powers don't really want Palestine at peace, if they so chose they could pump in enough cash and other aid to turn that little scrap of land into paradise. I don't see any garden of Eden popping up there anytime soon because to many Arabs like having a wild west frontier on the Isreali border to send their Zealots.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by Helmkat]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by FearSoul

I know I'm going to get jumped on for this, but Hamas had it coming.

Its tragic that innocent people are killed no matter what, but this pressure cooker was on the verge for decades.

I'm supprised it took this long really. I'm also pleased that they didn't use gas or biological weapons. Sure seems like Israel is trying to keep the casualties low, compared to what the U.S. has managed to do to Iraq.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat
Exactly, and here is a little exercise in imagination. Make some left turns instead of right turns etc and...

Enter a world where Hamas said "Yes Israel you have a right to exsist" and that all their rocket attacks etc. ground to a complete halt and it became clear they wanted peace and all the people in Palestine said "Peace rocks!"

Would Israel be attacking then? Nope.

That little corner of the world would look -very- different.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by Helmkat]

I'll play your game, here's another theoretical look...

Suppose people couldn't go around evoking "god given" rights to land other people had made home for centuries, suppose there was no occupation, israeli or US, suppose no people were kicked out of their homes and families killed because people you had never seen in you land came and said "god" gave it to them, GTFO.

I believe it would be peaceful, and this way, people actually get to live in the houses their ancestors lived in, not live upon the dust of their ancestors.

Another question is, if the Chinese envoked ownership of America, due to owing them so much money, and the rest of the world going along with it. Do you think Americans would become suicide bombers?? I would.

Remember to look at why these "suicide cult crazies" would go the such extremes as killing themselves. Suicide is not fun, it's something you are driven to while physically or emotionally hurt.

America is hated solely for it's hand in the israeli occupation, one day Americans will wake up and see that by supporting the terrorist state of israel, all we recive is growing red targets on our backs. America gets nothing in return for the millions given to israel each day to fight the Arabs other then getting thrown under the bus.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by breakingdradles]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by FearSoul

its surprising to me how most of you responders are such short-sited foolish individuals. those who attack israel are known to use peaceful institutions to launch their attacks so short-sited people like yourselves think israel to be a beast of a nation.

if your town in america (lets say ohio) had 300 rockets hit from say massachussetts. how would you feel when you attacked massachussetts and everyone was posting on forums how ohio needs to stop their genocide?

***LETS NOT FORGET that israel GAVE gaza a few years ago to palestinian control begging, wishing and pleading for peace. only to have gaza launch continuous rocket attacks against israel, all the while with these next few years israel begging them to stop, this was simply the tipping point of enough. and i WILL SAY THAT ISRAEL HAS BEEN VERY VERY VERY VERY PATIENT. if 300 rockets hit ANYWHERE in america revenge would be INSTANT.

people who say israel is at the heart of the palestinians problems are sons of the dark and are blind to the truth that satan simply wants israel's destruction and will do all in his power to have the world view israel as the problem.

[edit on 12-31-2008 by William One Sac]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

Ummm, your thought experiment is a bit different then mine. I mean why don't we just say "Before Humans evolved Animals ruled that land, so we are giving it back to the Goats but oh wait the Dinosaurs had it before them, Amphibians before them, insects before them and algea before them it was just rocks before that so just nuke the darn place and return it lifelessness." Point is the principle players have to agree to peace and mutual respect but that is plainly impossible if one size refuses to even admit the other has a right to exsist and lobs rockets into the homes of the other side just hoping to hit anyone!

That being said would Americans strap bombs to themselves if the Chinese attacked? Hell no. We know it is better to live to fight another day and nobody is going to pull the blinders over our eyes and make us believe "Blow yourself up for a one way ticket to paradise."

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:43 PM
Just a curious question... if you were the leader of a country, and you were being bombed and rocketed daily for weeks, what would you do? If YOUR innocent civilians were being targeted, what would you do? If you tried to make peace, your enemy clearly did not want it, what would you do? If the attacks were coming from public locations, including post offices, police stations, or even schools, what would you do?

Would you retreat past the range of their weapons, admitting defeat? Let them move on in (and repeat)? Would you keep trying to make peace, even if it took years, getting bombed and rocketed the entire time? Or would you retaliate?

Just curious.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:05 PM
[edit on 053131p://pm3110 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Personally, these people on both sides should come to some sort of agreement, before there's little left of Palestinian aggressors to stop Israeli take over total and complete. Could it be this time it's peace through force?

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by titorite

the jews have been pushed around from the begining of time there sick of it and when they strike back everyone gets pissed off also all un countries supported isreal getting its own nation at the end of ww2 now most of those countries are mad at isreal for defending there own nation from terrorist orginizations who fire rockets at them

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