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Iran Gives Special Announcement For Leaders Of The World In 48 hours!

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by dooper

Hey Dooper! I like your idea, however, the residual isotopes found in the fall-out can be identified and traced right down to the originating reactor and batch number, even the location of the mine the ore was taken from before processing. The originator would ultimately be named and blamed, regardless of who actually used it.

For example if Iran provided Hizballah with some of the of their CURRENT stock of enriched uranium (even though it is not yet weapons grade), and that was combined with regular high-explosives to fuel a dirty bomb suicide or rocket attack in Tel Aviv... Everyone would identify Iran as the originator from the telltale isotopes.

It is with regret I'll say that but for this restriction, Iran would already have done so. There is no nuclear plausible deniability.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Can anyone with some knowledge of these things predict how other countries may become drawn in, step by step? The real fear is the way the world will become drawn in if in fact my fears are correct.....possible Biblical Proportions?

Which countries would start stepping into the ring after Iran> any ideas?

The organization who wrote both the bible and koran are certainly not going to stop now. They have been working their asses off for two milleniums on this show. Shakespeare couldn't have written a better play. Don't worry about it though, just enjoy the ride! No countries will be stepping in. Israel, the US and UK get wiped off the face of the world map in a massive surprise nuclear attack by Europe at the end. I'm not going to spoil your ride by telling you what happens inbetween then and now though as that would be cruel.

[edit on 30/12/08 by 349666]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by jefwane

Good stuff. A newbie.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:16 PM

According to Biblical records, the nation of Israel takes its name from one of its ancestors, Israel (a.k.a. JACOB), son of Isaac, son of Abraham. The family groups of Abraham, Isaac and JACOB were essentially nomadic people in the land in and around the area now known as Israel beginning about 1900 years BC. JACOB's descendants lived in Egypt for many years, but returned to the area to stay about 1400 BC (I expect there is some variation in the computed dates). Despite being conquered and dominated by several empires along the way, some descendants of JACOB have occupied parts of the region pretty much ever since.

The current boundaries of the nation of Israel (a.k.a. JACOB) were mostly established after wars (just like almost every other country) in the mid 20th century (but, much more recently than most).

According to "From 1920 to 1947, Palestinians and Jews had been clashing in British governed Palestine. In 1947, Britain asked the UN to take over."

On May 14, 1948 the Jewish inhabitants proclaimed a "Declaration of Independence" immediately following the expiration of a British mandate for Palestine. On the same date, the USA provisionally recognized the new state of Israel.

On May 15, 1948, "British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian invasion began." ( ) Israel survived the invasions and ensuing war and won additional territory.

A permanent government took office in January of 1949 after elections were held.

hmm...The JACOBite Risings ...

...JACOB (a.k.a. ISRAEL), JACOBite Freemasonry, JACOBite Rising in Scotland preceding mass immigration of Scots to the USA in the 18th century, JACOBs Engineering.'s all purely coincidental of course at this time that Britain who supplied the Zionists with a country and have now supplied them with an establishment that builds nuclear warheads!

Though i must say, if were an Ayatollah i think i would be very wary about sending any suicide bombers to kill Israeli's (a.k.a. JACOB's) just in case it isn't mere coincidence.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by SuperSpark

But Israel has no nuclear weapon program. It's hard to identify something that doesn't exist.

Besides, even if you can identify the production source, it doesn't mean necessarily that the nation that produced it is responsible. No more responsible than Iran is for providing Iranian missiles.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:20 PM

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

-- William Blake

The number of Palestinian refugees by country as of 2005 were as follows:

Jordan 1,827,877 refugees
Gaza 986,034 refugees
West Bank 699,817 refugees
Syria 432,048 refugees
Lebanon 404,170 refugees
Saudi Arabia 240,000 refugees
Egypt 70,245 refugees

Does the above map and figures seem righteous to you?...No, me neither.

If i were an Israeli Jew i would be feeling rather wary of what my God plans to do about this.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:23 PM
With all due respect to arrogant americans(myself included) Iran has more right to poke their nose into this situation since it is their next door, not 6000 miles away. Let the middle east settle, we'll only stir it up and prolong the unrest.

Just think, Israel can whipe out all these 3rd world countries with the push of a button, they dwarf their neighbors in might. Let them handle their own problems - lets just look at our track record over their propping up puppet regimes and funding both sides of each conflict. We installed the Sha, funded Suddam and radicaled the Islamics. Each time it has come back to haunt us. Look at musahriff, a military dictator who overthree an ELECTED president, and we send him hard earned tax payer money. And it came back to haunt us, who would have guess. Eventually we will end all this business because we will be bankrupt - Ron Paul is right.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by SuperSpark

But Israel has no nuclear weapon program. It's hard to identify something that doesn't exist.

Besides, even if you can identify the production source, it doesn't mean necessarily that the nation that produced it is responsible. No more responsible than Iran is for providing Iranian missiles.

"British control of the plant where the UK's nuclear warheads are produced has been relinquished, with the sale of a third stake in the Aldermaston facility to an American company.

Opposition politicians voiced concern that the manufacture of warheads for the Trident weapons system and its planned replacement would now be out of British hands after California-based Jacobs Engineering bought British Nuclear Fuels' stake in AWE Management, which runs the Berkshire site, for an undisclosed fee. The other two shares in AWE are owned by US defence giant Lockheed Martin and the British firm Serco

Nick Harvey, the Liberal Democrat defence spokesman, said: "The whole argument used for Britain having a ­separate weapons establishment is that this is required by the non-proliferation treaty, as technology sharing is not allowed. We must therefore query the rationale of a US company having a majority shareholding in AWE. How does this all square?"

Gerald Howarth, the Tory defence spokesman, called on ministers to explain the move, adding: "The Atomic ­Weapons Establishment is critical to Britain's nuclear deterrent capability."

This article was first published on at 01.14 GMT on Saturday 20 December 2008. It appeared in the Guardian on Saturday 20 December 2008 on p8 of the UK news section.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:27 PM
"British control of the plant where the UK's nuclear warheads are produced has been relinquished, with the sale of a third stake in the Aldermaston facility to an American company.

Opposition politicians voiced concern that the manufacture of warheads for the Trident weapons system and its planned replacement would now be out of British hands after California-based JACOBS (a.k.a. ISRAELS) Engineering"

[edit on 30-12-2008 by 349666]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by dooper

Except that nuclear weapons hold much more clout. Bottom line, nuclear weapons aren't traded unless there is some intention to use them. Deterrence is just not a legitimate position, especially coming from a Middle Eastern country that has no immediate threat to their own national securities, and can only possibly pose one to another while in possession of such weapons. I know this sounds biased, and goes against issues of the right to national sovereignty, but we just have to be reasonable here and accept that reality as truth. National security justifications can be increasingly escalated for an infinite amount of time. There's just no upper limit when you say that your nation all it stands for is at stake. Fortunately, that is just not the case in some Middle Eastern countries.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by cognoscente]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Funny how an article like that gets this much attention since i see the .ir TLD in the link which proberly refers to a propaganda news paper pro israel...

This is just another push in the "Ohhh Iran is thinking of beating on israel" thread again in my world...

Best regards.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by dooper


WHOA DOOPER!!! Israel certainly does have a nuclear force, albeit they "officially" do not admit so. Everyone in the middle-east and with even remote military intelligence access knows this.

The CIA estimates that Israel's nuclear arsenal was all of (2) bombs in 1967 and both were armed but not used in the 6-Day War. They had up to 200 weapons in the mid-90's and up to 375 today.

Here is a very reputable source:

Keep in mind, many of these are concealed in state-of-the-art Dolphin submarines which can be discreetly supported by U.S. submarine operations. They are armed with modified U.S. supplied Harpoon missiles with variable yield nuclear warheads. Under a system of rotation, some sources claim that two of the vessels remain at sea: one in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, the other in the Mediterranean. A third would remain on standby.

Combined with variable yield, they could scale a stealthy preemptive attack or retaliation to pinpoint tactical targets or lay waste to all the middle east, taking current prevailing winds into account to minimize or even prevent all fallout to Israel proper and its allies.

Here is a source regarding the nuclear armed Dolphin Submarines:

[edit on 31-12-2008 by SuperSpark]

[edit on 31-12-2008 by SuperSpark]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:11 PM
Hmm...China and Russia, who both have nuclear weapons depend upon Iranian oil. Instead of paying top $ for the oil they could easily take advantage here and give them a few nukes instead or simply inform Israel, UK and USA that they are playing with fire.

I doubt they would give Iranian the nukes but we live in unpredictable times...the end days.

Come to think of it, we do NOT live in unpredictable times. This has actually been prophecised in the books of all 3 of the Abrahamic religions currently facing each other!

[edit on 30-12-2008 by 349666]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by SuperSpark


WHOA DOOPER!!! Israel certainly does have a nuclear force, albeit they "officially" do not admit so. Everyone in the middle-east and with even remote military intelligence access knows this.

The CIA estimates that Israel's nuclear arsenal was all of (2) bombs in 1967 and both were armed but not used in the 6-Day War. They had up to 200 weapons in the mid-90's and up to 375 today.


So Israel has nuclear weaponry on the scale of Britain, France, India, Pakistan. Have you lost sleep and built a bomb shelter worrying Israel leaders might blow some gaskets and decide to bomb your area sometime soon? Those evil Zionists might decide to take over America and Europe, even though they seem to have enough trouble just keeping themseves secure from the people next door.

Will you feel safer knowing Iran has nuclear capability? The declared intent of the Islamic Revolution 30 years ago was to spread their faith to the entire world, by force if necessary.

The stated priority order of the Islamization of the world is to wipe out the Jews, convert or destroy those misguided Sunni Muslims, then deal with the infidel Christians.

Are you on the list?

Mike F

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Iran might be enemies with the arab pupets, but lets remember that arab leaders are looking for any oportunity to get free from their western master's control and to opinionise this, this is the puppet leader's oportunity (the enemy of my enemy is my friend).

Russia has too much interest in Iran to let them go, if Iran with the consult of Russia starts an uprise against Isreal, America will be, well, you know 'lame duck'.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Hey mmiichael! Not sure where you are coming from buddy! You kind of mock my statement that Israel has the largest nuclear arsenal in the region (its a fact and I gave references) while at the same time suggesting I don't believe Iran's mission to convert the planet (I clearly do believe it).

If you are going to post, at least make a constructive comment or criticism. Your comment just kind of rambles on. No offense! Perhaps you misunderstood my comment or vice-versa!


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
With all due respect to arrogant americans(myself included) Iran has more right to poke their nose into this situation since it is their next door, not 6000 miles away. Let the middle east settle, we'll only stir it up and prolong the unrest.

Just think, Israel can whipe out all these 3rd world countries with the push of a button, they dwarf their neighbors in might. Let them handle their own problems - lets just look at our track record over their propping up puppet regimes and funding both sides of each conflict. We installed the Sha, funded Suddam and radicaled the Islamics. Each time it has come back to haunt us. Look at musahriff, a military dictator who overthree an ELECTED president, and we send him hard earned tax payer money. And it came back to haunt us, who would have guess. Eventually we will end all this business because we will be bankrupt - Ron Paul is right.

Amazingly the best comment comes from an anonymouse individual, it goes to show that the majority of this website is still ignorant of politics.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
With all due respect to arrogant americans(myself included) Iran has more right to poke their nose into this situation since it is their next door, not 6000 miles away. Let the middle east settle, we'll only stir it up and prolong the unrest.

Just think, Israel can whipe out all these 3rd world countries with the push of a button, they dwarf their neighbors in might. Let them handle their own problems - lets just look at our track record over their propping up puppet regimes and funding both sides of each conflict. We installed the Sha, funded Suddam and radicaled the Islamics. Each time it has come back to haunt us. Look at musahriff, a military dictator who overthree an ELECTED president, and we send him hard earned tax payer money. And it came back to haunt us, who would have guess. Eventually we will end all this business because we will be bankrupt - Ron Paul is right.

I agree. And I'm not an american, still... altho you know you're right, you also know that unfortunatly thats not what its going to happen if the crap hits the fan.

Second...... is it today that iran will announce the fireworks? Or.... maybe just some stupid speech... or... just something like "we condemn these actions"? Or nothing at all?
But seriously tho, is it today?

EDIT: Spelling

[edit on 30-12-2008 by MilitieTempliSalmo]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 01:17 AM
Well, here it is 48 hours later and no "special announcement". Just more Iranian bluster and BS.

We should teamup with the Israeli Air Force and hit Iran's nuclear sites and make a "special announcement" of our own.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by lunarminer

"We should teamup with the Israeli Air Force and hit Iran's nuclear sites and make a "special announcement" of our own. "

No, we should not.

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