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Iran Gives Special Announcement For Leaders Of The World In 48 hours!

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Evisscerator

The TRUTH of the Matter is ..... You are witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation.

Too bad Revelation is about Nero, unless the governments are crazy enough to self fulfill it.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by absente

I love how this is the latest trend... the sad, helpless, needy palestinian people. LOL

u know...all they want to do is grow flowers and raise puppies.
nothing more.

both sides need to take responsibility.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:25 AM
A declaration of War on Israel, by Iran.

$10 Bet on Wed.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

ah , yet another pointless ` message ` that they are going to make an .................` message `

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by jefwane

........dont evey TRY to make this look like the Palestinians are the bad ones.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:30 AM
Iran is going to convert to Christianity!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:45 AM
As soon as those begin to realize that the NWO sponsors and benefactors are not loyal to countries but rather to their End, the people of the world will continue to fight the wrong enemies as was 'intended' all along. The true PTB have homes in countries around the world and although they show favoritism to one country or another, they declare no loyalty to one particular country or its associated peoples.

'Countries' are merely pieces on a giant chessboard amongst the International bankster class. Every 'country' was created via war and strife for the benefit of managing the worlds resources. Leaders of most countries are 'chosen' by the PTB to direct their will and further achieve their End.

The more division amongst the peoples of a planet, the more easier they are to control via warfare and strife often conducted by way of 'false flag' operations to exact the desired End result. The 'people' are merely tools to be misled and used to achieve the same End.

Too much to say on this topic though lets see the forest for the trees as is 'said'.

For an explanation as to the origination and perpetuation of the current 'monetary' order amongst mankind, the link below provides a good historical timeline and context for the current power structure scheme and it's leaders' mission. It's a fairly long read though as with everything else in 'that' ye shall find.

Keep in mind that several members of the families mentioned below have chosen 'other' lives and have no desire to support the 'mission' as they were expected to 'carry on'.

Timeline of the Rothschilds

There is an awakening taking place as is 'natural'. Many will perish quite soon though I have faith in a better future. May we be one of the survivors? That is up to you, not who you are instructed to obey at the expense of 'humanity' and those who have taken it hostage for their own Ends.

Many, many revelations are to come over the next 4 years. Stick around for a while. The more we know, the more able we are to 'change' the future of which has been written for you but unfortunately, not FOR you. Only the 'individual' can save him/her self.

Not sure if any of the below have been quoted before though seems appropriate for the 'times'.

Ignorance is Bliss though Knowledge is Power.
Wisdom is to be enlightened as Ignorance is to be frightened.
Free-will is to choice as determism is to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Peace.....after the Revolution.
Never expect tyrants to hand you the keys to their 'empty' kingdoms of foolery. They never had the key to begin with. They were never 'worthy'. What 'human' is? Only a 'collective' people can police the 'collective' communities at large.

The people at large will create a NWO though by different design. May this be 'evolution' by 'our' design.

'Change' is coming alright. Change is all 'they' could promise. There is a 'need to know' basis concerning 'change' and how it applies to yourself and your loved ones. It is quite apparent is it not that most of you are not on that list.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:01 AM

Iran seeking practical solutions for Gaza

- Lets hope they find some solution... War is always, and should be the last answer.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by jefwane

Everyone can see what's happening. How much more land does Zion have now, since 1948? Will it be Lebanon that the Jews next start on? Get real. They already have a gag on most of europe as well as most US politicians.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Just following situation... I mean...

"All options are on the table" - Outs, that is warmongering Zionist pre-emptive doctrine phrases...

"I feel that I am affected by propaganda!"

[edit on 30-12-2008 by JanusFIN]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Hi Dooper, I was wondering if you could do me a favour? You claimed that Russia is a western country to back up your claim that east has never beaten west in a war.

I mean I would have to agree that West is best and all that, but given that Russia has never been defeated by an invading force, and they were the head of the Eastern Block, I would like to know which world map you are using to declare Russia to be a western nation, just to prove your supposition that West always beats East. Hope you can clear this up for me, cheers.

Also I noticed that you derided Melbourne militia for having a post full of crap when he spoke of Americas involvement in the Russia/Afghanistan war, which to be fair his view were spot on.

You claimed that he did not know what he was talking about, and to prove your point you stated "Dont you have TV down there?".

Ah now I see where you get ALL your facts and history from, you should try picking up books instead, and not ones written to support the farcical american education system. You have stated quite clearly your preference for believing anything that TV throws at you, I applaud you for your honesty.

You also made a statement that America only supported the Afghanis against Russia because you (the US) were sick of seeing Afghani towns and villages being flattened by Hind gunships, sounds fair enough to me. Perhaps Iran are only helping out Iraq because they are sick of seeing Iraqi towns and villages being flattened by Apache gunships, using your own form of logic this would then be utterly understandable on the Iranians behalf, and you have stated that you agree with these methods.

I await your claims that Russia was invading Afghanistan, and USA are liberating Iraq - more rhetoric you have absorbed from FOX on TV no doubt.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:23 AM
Something that would stop the conflict(s) : if Iran declares they`v got Allien contact
and a little green man will want to talk to the leaders of the world. Unfortunately it will not happen this way ..

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by ludaChris
The Iranian aid ship could be bait, or it could really be an aid ship and Israel may create a little incident.

Iran was complaining that the price of gas/oil in the USA was too low.
We aren't suffering enough for them to be happy.
An incident would raise the price of oil for all of us here in the USA.
Then we'd suffer and we'd be handing them our $$$ again.

Any incident is staged by Iran in order to raise the price of oil.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:42 AM
people need to become educated, and to understand that we do need to work together, not separately,,, to INvolve every person, all peoples to participate with things. not leave out any single person, but make every one play a part, in work, economics, home chores, etc. you create another hitler when you leave people out of the loop and they are pissed off and desperate and will attack.

the collaboration and working together is necessary. not an option. it happens locally, not globally, but globally also, when officials speak on tv , etc, say that you love evreyone, and say that loudly, and say that everyone is given a role to play, no one is left out, even if you play a small part, you have a valuable chore or daily duty to help those in your community, tribe, or home, or church , or organization. Dont fire people, give then smaller of\r part time jobs, because disgruntled or unemployed people can cause real problems that can hurt many people.

its better to include and love , then to ignore, and condemn, and exclude. But that takes education and love, to think like that. it takes caring

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Loon

You must understand that Dooper is a Constitutionalist. Don't be fooled by his posts that may seem contrary to this.

When he says something that appears to be unconstitutional, it is because it is just an idea he is discussing. He will take both sides of an argument, as both sides often have merit - this may be confusing at first, but in time you will see the true reason behind this approach. He sometimes uses this forum to say the unpopular thing, and to encourage discussion that otherwise would not occur.

If Palestine adopted the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, he'd be on their side - but they didn't, do he won't.

He'd make an excellent neighbour, that's for damn sure.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Exuberant1]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Being a constitutionalist has nothing to do with what I posted, does being a constitutionalist mean that you dont know where Russia is?

Or does being a constitutionalist mean that you get all of your Information on world politics and history from TV?

Please be more specific, I dont understand how being a constitutionalist means that you can spout nonsensical views on a public forum, and then to "prove" your views you simply spout more nonsensical information.

As far as making a good neighbour, I dont have any information to agree with or dispute that, if he likes Football, CGI, SFX, Barbecues and good crack then he could well be a good neighbour.

Also it is worth noting if in fact he is a constitutionalist as you say. The Constitution and the bill of rights were drafted after the war of independence. This war occurred because of the fact that Americans did not want to be subject to taxation without representation. If this is true then surely a constitutionalist would always be on the Palestinians side. They have had everything taxed from them, and they have ZERO representation, if you are going to support any side then the American constitution is more in line with the Palestinian ethos than the Israeli ethos.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Loon]

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Loon]

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Loon]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:23 AM
If these Islamic Countries think that Mother Russia will come to their direct aid , they are in for a rude shock. Russia is not interested in anything else other than selling weapons. Russian Companies will laugh their way to the bank when this proxy war breaks out. They will try to appear supportive obviously (as always) so that their clients will not lose their morale and can buy more weapons during the course of the war. In the worst scenario Russia might help out some old allies like India (which they [Soviet Navy] did in 1971 vs the USN), Cuba, CIS Countries like Belarus etc. Russians have their own Islamic insurgents to worry. In most of the other cases in the past, the US and USSR frustrated each other's objectives at the most, e.g Vietnam, Afghanistan etc.

Russia will deal with anyone these days. Even with their enemy.
I obviously don't know about the real attitude of the Russian towards Jews/Israel but I haven't heard of any Russian threat towards Israel as yet, and they even cooperated on some military projects as well (Ka-52 Erdogan comes into my mind). Besides there are more than a quarter Million Jews in Russia.
Russians would rather live with the enemy than kill the enemy and also die in the process. By the way isn't Russia supposed to be the "Christian Orthodoxy". I knew the commies tried destroying the church but I don't suppose they were really that successful. If this is the case why would the Russia fight for Islam?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:41 AM
Enough seen and heard, from issue announced in this thread... Time to close this thread too... Couple of breaking News which has given enough answers to possible Arab resistance in wider scale - And 48 hours Iran actions.

( I am not speaking only armed solutions, but also political efforts )

Mottaki outlines Iran's proposals to foreign diplomats on Gaza

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Tuesday outlined Iran's proposals to end Israeli war crimes in Gaza. He said the international community must actively deal with the human tragedy in Gaza by putting pressure on Israel to stop slaughter innocent people in Gaza.

In a meeting with foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Tehran, Mottaki called for and immediate end to Israel's air strikes on defenseless people of Gaza which have killed around 400 people and injured more than 1,700 others since Saturday.

Mottaki further called on the Arab League to take serious actions and firm decisions against Israel, urged the Organization of the Islamic Conference members states to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the ongoing slaughter of the defenseless Gazans and review legal ways to put on trial the Israeli leaders for their crimes against humanity and war crimes by the International Criminal Court.

- So, "special announcement" was just more talks, after talks... Nothing real, no change in physical means. Maybe this was just plan B, and reason for this is certainly here;

Gulf Arabs divided over Gaza solution at summit

MUSCAT, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Gulf Arab heads of state were divided at a summit in Oman on Tuesday over how to address the conflict between Israel and Hamas, even though they were united in calling for an end to Israeli raids on Gaza.

"Obviously it will be difficult for them to reach a unified stance on the matter. Saudi Arabia has no interest in helping Hamas through political stances and it is aware that an Arab summit will do only that," a senior Arab diplomat said.

Arab foreign ministers are scheduled to discuss holding an emergency Arab summit at a meeting in Cairo on Wednesday, a call also made by Syria.

Commenting on the idea, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal has said: "There would be no benefit in attending an Arab summit for statements."

- So, thats it...

Political victory goes to Israel, green light is confirmed. I am very sorry for civilians in Gaza... I see nothing what will stop Israeli ground attack now. I hope they will concentrate to digging holes what are deep enough.

This was very foreseeable, but I count more on facts. Iran and Syria is left alone to defend Gazans, but what they can do? Yeah... I think Iran had some chance, but now its doomed to fail.

- Maybe Hezbollah start some acts, also west bank fuels their resistance, but those will not stop Israeli attacks.

- If arab countries are not united now, nothing united and real can not come from international level either.

I see that future is now totally in hands of Israel Army - How much they want to slaughter - they can. I hoped some political end to this... But not any more.

Like I said, I quit this thread from my part. You can continue speculation if you will, but if there is really nothing big coming from Iran before tomorrow, I wont support this thread anymore...

Thanks from postings, good discussions in this thread!

[edit on 30-12-2008 by JanusFIN]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Loon

"if you are going to support any side"

And which side did I say I supported?

Surely you must have some quote that would indicate my stating support one side or the other?

*If you can't find any, that is because there isn't any.

I do however support the Rule of Law.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Actually we werent discusiing you, you U2Ud me saying that Dooper was a very important person in the USA, and then posted here saying he is a constitutionalist.

I didnt say at any point what your views were. You stated that Dooper is a constitutionalist, and that this was the reason for his views, and lack of knowledge of world politics and history.

I honestly have no idea what you are talking about now, you are flip-flopping hback and forth without saying anything, you were the one who told me that I should know that Dooper is a very important person, and then went on to defend him. I wasnt discussing you or your views at any point, I was responding to your U2U and recent post.

Doopers views are clear for anyone to see who has viewed this thread, and they are not open to interpretation, he has made his views crystal clear.

The only way you could have made this mistake regarding whos views I was talking about, is if you and Dooper are in fact the same person, as I was clearly referring to Doopers views and not yours.

If you are Dooper then it is a wee bit lame to U2U me saying how important Dooper is in the USA.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Loon]

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