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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:28 PM
this is swarm 1 thread why not use the current swarm 2 thread for posting instead of this

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:36 PM
Actually earthquake swarms occur on Yellowstone almost on a monthly basis. This last one is just a bit more energetic than usual.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Yes there has been a few swarms since the one in the winter. But this one is as you say very energetic. I won't worry if you aren't worried. I just keep repeating that everything is normal. Just like when Homer reassures Marge, when she is trying to overcome her fear of flying. That rumbling in the volcano is normal. Everything is just as it should be.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:57 PM

Yes there has been a few swarms since the one in the winter. But this one is as you say very energetic. [...]

I have not said "very", but "a bit more than usual".
Compared to the one occurred in December/January, it's almost nothing.
Too bad that the "theinterveners" Yellowstone webicorder archive site isn't working right now.

By the way, there's a thread about the current EQ swarm here:

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

I think you were right to suggest that there was no need for a second discussion. This one has everything you want to know and more. I know you've been watching this for longer than most and you are basing your comments on data. I use your analysis to calm my inate anxiety. I was glad when you posted information that the uplift had, at least stalled. I don't dispute the geologists claim that swarms often lead to a subsidence. The swarms release pressure. Over the last many months, Yellowstone has been relatively quiet with the exception of the Hebgen Lake area.

On the other thread, someone suggested there may be some change in one of the geyers. And the uplift hasn't exactly changed direction. It seems like it's in a period of limbo. So there may be more energy that needs to find a way out. This swarm may be part of that process. The lid is lifting and settling. The current swarm has stalled. So I'm breathing a sigh of relief. Thank you for settling my nerves. It really helps. But anything can happen. Were talking about an active volcano. I told my son the other day that millions of people travel into the mouth of an active volcano. Yet we think it's crazy that customs on volcanic islands have rituals where people stand on the edge and throw in gifts. It is amazing to me that people travel inside and are almost oblivous to the danger.

I may be a nattering ninny who is often overly dramatic. But sometimes the world needs a shake. I still stand by my hypothesis. But I'm glad your hear to talk me down to earth.


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Hello all, after nearly 500 pages of reading this thread this year i finally am going to join this discussion. Let me start by thanking each and every one of you for all your very educational material. I have been facinated with this place since my first road trip through there in 2005. I have returned 4 times since then, the latest being this July. I took several hundred hi resolution images this last trip, and noticed a few changes since i was last there in April of 2007. Serveral of these are posted on my myspace site, i could also create a photobucket album with them if anyone is interested in seeing them.

Now i wanted to contribute some information. This trip i went around the West Thumb geyser basin for the first time, which is on the shore of the lake. One of the rangers was telling me that Twin Geyser roared to life earlier this year after being dormant since 1999. Other noticeable changes were in Mammoth, an entire area was dry that a few years back was actively boiling away. I also climbed the hill behind Grand Prismatic and got some good pictures of that from above...shhhh dont tell the rangers!!

Anyways, keep up the great reporting on this, definitely the best source of information anywhere!!

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Volcanoes, nature's super-extreme-adrenaline rush.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Guys, look here:

This is the Yellowstone recent earthquake list with maps that everybody usually sees:

And this is the more hidden recent 200 earthquakes listing from the Univesity of Utah Seismographs Stations website:

Can you spot the differences? Check out the past two days.
The second link lists a few more earthquakes than the first one.
For some reason (that we've already discussed in the past, nothing new, really) the first link only lists earthquakes that have been reviewed at least twice by a seismologist (version #2).

Earlier this year that page showed version #1 and version #0 (not reviewed) earthquakes too...

[edit on 2009-10-20 by Shirakawa]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Thanks S!
You probably are already aware I trust the ptb very little to tell us the whole truth. It's just not in their best interests all the way around to do so.

From the INL injection wells to the nevada downwinders club, the gubmint and it's entities have proven to me they use downplaying and diversion as a tactic to be employed routinely.
All while giving away (our) trillions to their friends, right out in the open!

I'm asking you pointblank, what is your opinion about this?
You are as perceptive as anyone here. IMO
I hounded you about watching the increased lake outflow,
which so far (thankfully) has turned out to be nothing.
You have been a very good contributer to this thread.
Thank you!

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

In my opinion, after the huge and probably unwanted attention they got last December with the Yellowstone Lake earthquake swarm, the guys at YVO/UUSS decided to limit how fast earthquake information and data is to be released to the general public, while still keeping it available to the smaller, most informed and technically savvy crowd. In this way they can't be accused of censoring data, as what they're doing is technically "quality control".

- Earthquakes not added to the general public lists on weekends anymore
- No earthquakes added until they've been reviewed at least twice by a seismologist
- If possible (for smaller earthquakes), try to delay the process so that earthquakes will be fully reviewed only after one week of time (so that they never appear in the USGS 7-days lists)

Frankly I can't believe that YVO hasn't got enough personnel to monitor earthquakes as they occur... they also do have the technology to make this process automatic for most earthquakes occurring in Yellowstone.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:21 PM

MARSHALL MCLUHAN (A Great Canadian, eh!)

There is a conspriacy to manipulate the information coming out of the University of Utah regarding earthquakes at Yellowstone National Park. Well not just them, the entire YVO, which is a Government controlled agency. They have changed their policy without any notice. On the most recent page, it states that it is updated every 5 minutes. And we know from Shirakawa's diligent study, that prior to the Dec/Jan swarms, earthquakes were posted immediately and on posted weekends.
(I've talked about this a great length in prior postings many pages ago)

FACT: the quakes are delayed and they are not posted on weekends anymore. During the week there are lengthy delays. The information must be channelled up the chain of command for approval. Yet, there has been no updating of their policy, or explaination as to why quakes are delayed.

When governments need to announce unpopular decisions, they do so on a Friday afternoon. Since the vast majority of the reporters and editors take the weekends off, this means there will be little news about it over the weekend. The major networks big news shows are the Sunday morning segments. These shows are taped on Friday. The government releases their unpoplular message after these shows finish taping. Hence, the story won't be discussed in the newsroom until Monday. And as we know, Mondays are disorganized and less business gets done on Mondays. The story won't appear until late Monday or Tuesday, and in a competive media, immediate breaking news takes priority. That's a four or five day delay. News organizations were breaking the news about the YES MEN's hoax involving the Chamber of Commerce's apparent reversal on climate change before it could be confirmed. Fox News had to make a correction half way through the anchorman's report. They hadn't even finished the story when official conterclaims forced them to dance like marinettes and try to make sense of the conflicting information. Rueters was way out in front without a clue and since they all buy the same source, they all started jumping on the bandwagon. Some one in the control booth told the Fox anchorman about the fact that Chamber of Commerse denied the story when contacted to confirm. The bogus story was rushed to air to beat the competition. Some "news organizations" (ha) ran the whole thing and only later revised their headlines and reported that it was a hoax. The balloon boy hoax interrupted a presidential speech in New Orleans. All the media stopped what they were doing, broke off programming, to follow a balloon that was made from plastic and duct tape. The media was transfixed. Blame the 24 hour news cycle and our perverse priorities.

There is a delay in the data because they want to control the message. They don't want to lose control of the media/medium. They wants us to only believe what they think we need to know. They want to keep us sleeping and chasing backyard balloons.


Two hoaxes in a week. The media is under atttack. I could tell you why, because I study the media. And I'm a super-genius. But that would be off topic.

Email this essay to any credible reporter that you think might be concerned about all this stufff.....

Ask them what's wrong with the media. Ask them to investigate and report back. Too bad they don't really do that anymore.

People will still buy newspapers in the future. Many will still have woodstoves and like the way it can kindle a fire on a cold morning. And there's aways the crossword. Crosswords online don't have the same feel. I need the tactile sensation of erasing my mistakes, and I like brushing aside the rubbery residue.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Interesting that the second link is no longer available.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Ape_Man

Thanks for checking.
VERY VERY strange indeed ...

This could be just a coincidence (I admit I don't check that page often, so it could simply be that the access to that file fails often), although for a webmaster it's very easy to check where web accesses are coming from. They could have had an unexpected spike of accesses for that file and wanted to check out why and where the traffic was coming from, and deleted the file after reading this discussion.

The link was from this page:

"Recent Earthquake Listings (last 200+ earthquakes)"

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Are you still getting siemographs on your GEE? The webicorder page I watch went down earlier. Now it's up with a brand new map with the stations in red. It says click to view webicorder and nothing happens. They may be still working on it???

The recent map is still behind. They haven't posted anything for Monday or today.

They must be spending the stimulus money??? And are really busy???

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Yes, I still do receive seismic data, even from Yellowstone stations.
I think they're either updating their website or taking action against unwanted spread of unchecked data. Or maybe toying with us ATS users, who knows

If you have checked the earthquake listing page, the lists all work except for the "last 200 earthquakes" one.

IRIS access to webicorders of their seismic data is still accessible, though (because they can't directly control it):

Look for "Webicorder of selected time-series data"

[edit on 2009-10-20 by Shirakawa]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Thanks S and R and everyone here!

And some may still wonder why I am so skeptical of the ptb!

I will try to be a good sheep and graze contently, but it's
getting harder to do all the time when you see blatant,
rewarded corruption and a system of greed hard at work,
entrenched and untouchable, all while it's considered normal,
and even needed by most. Thats as scary as YS itself!

I am sure I am not the only one who feels ripped off daily.
I hope they watch sites like this, maybe they'll learn something!
The way they are running it all into the ground,
they need a lesson or two in common sense. IMO

It gets hard to maintain trust in the ptb to tell the "whole" truth,
when treating us like babies that can't accept it anyway.
Call me crazy that way. I need to bawl now.
Thanks again!

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:49 AM
The webicorders are back online.
The "Last 200 earthquakes" list still isn't, though.


The 200 EQ list is online now.
But this time the normal list with the Yellowstone map is more recently updated... weird.

[edit on 2009-10-21 by Shirakawa]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:15 AM
I didn't panic when I first notice this most recenet swarm. Although it's obvious that I was a little anxious. As I always am when one of the largest volcanoes in the world rumbles. I really, really try to remain calm. Rule 1 from the guide to the galaxy is don't panic.

That rule is always great for emergencies. If you don't panic, then everything slows done. It's all relative. So I tried to look at the situation objective, like Shirakawa. Swarms are normal and relatively frequent. But I did notice one thing that was curious. The locations. They ran from the shore of the lake to the outer rim of the previous eruption's caldera. This worries me. Probably unreasonably so. But given my obsession with water, and my preception, that the earth above the volcano is a cooking pot lid, this may be important to note. I'll save from all the details, but I believe there was a reaction between the lake, groundwater, and the fault from the last eruption. And this event shouldn't be viewed in isolation. Many of the previous swarms have been on the opposite side to the west. It's almost as if the lid of the pot is lifting on sides just like your pot of boiling water. Just watch the next pot you boil on the stove. It will boil. Bring it to a boil slowly and watch the lid. Slow it down in your mind. And you can see that Yellowstone is doing the same thing. If you keep it at the same temperature, it will never overflow. It will just open slightly allowing the steam to escape. But turn up the heat and you have an eruption.
It's just a curious place for a swarm. That's all I'm really saying.

Just a point completely off topic. New research suggests that the moon may not originate from the earth. Interesting. But I do believe it is of the earth. I just don't think it was a collision. Back on topic. I think the moon was formed by mass eruptions on earth which ejected magma into a near earth orbit. Hence, the light mass of the moon which little iron. The iron with it's heavier mass would have condenced in the lower atmosphere and fell back to earth.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:16 AM
dang thing posted it twice

Hell, since I opened up the space, I may as well write some more. I notice the second thread has stalled. Someone suggested that everyone was gathering around to watch the doom. It almost seems that way. I only visit this page on this site. Because Yellowstone and volcanoes are my obsession. And this is my way of venting.

Hooptie333, I'd be interested in pictures over time that show any changes.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:54 AM
What is going on with this camera. Ever since the newest swarm started, there has been no video here. It buffers, shows ready, but never shows any of the geysers that are normally viewable here.

Something going on here we are not supposed to see?

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