posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by akjen
Hi there,
follow what you are saying...and I remember what that sounds like.
As the playback is sped up by a factor of fifty, that "clunking" or "scraping" sort of sound is probably in the infrasonic range, or very close to
it. (Very low frequency sound, I mean.) Like just about everyone who's heard it, I've been trying to imagine it stretched out over 3 minutes to
figure out what it is, and I'm wondering if it
is actually mechanical -- but
natural mechanical, meaning some kind of rubbing or
scraping between two or more surfaces moving against each other. Like layers of rock, for example...
Now a general comment for all and sundry about the "pipecleaners"...
The variations in the thickness, length and intensity of the "pipecleaner" traces on LKWY's webicorder over the past several months (since at least
late July 2008) are puzzling. Granted, we've had an opinion from Dr Lowenstern that it's either some kind of electronic interference or else it's
(man-made) mechanical noise, but I have to say that I'm still dubious about that. It's just so variable... And if it were a glitch, surely they
would've fixed it within the past six months or so?
Shirakawa and
PuterMan: WOW!!
THANK you for your amazing work!!
I don't really understand how you got it done but it's brilliant!!