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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Absum!

I am not sure about the 8 inches of rain but most of the day a few of us where watching the old faithful live web cam and it was snowing with some wind gusts here and there.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:28 PM
Not a peep from the EAS box or my FOX box beside me.

I think with RFBurns and I, there is a good range of alerts being monitored.

I also think round 3 is ebbing down... time to see if this is going to be an even more ongoing event.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by xsamaelx

A Hydrothermal Explosion would be less devastating than an eruption. By saying this they may be throwing us a bone to dispense any fear-mongering. Otherwise, I'd say they are really not sharing diddlysquat. If they consider that there is a chance I'd like to know a bit more about what they know. If they wanted to calm the masses hearing something to the effect of: "There is absolutely no possibility of a supereruption". Why can't they do this? Aren't they sure enough?

Here's a blog about how unprepared the government is leaving us in the event of a major volcanic disaster:

Zero preparedness threatens everyone living within 600 miles of Yellowstone. However, that specified radius -- from an interview of several geologists for a February 2000 BBC program -- has apparently been branded "alarmist" by Monkeybrain's regime. The map showing the 600-mile-radius -- what I'm calling 'Area One' -- is credited to the US Geological Survey on the Discovery Channel's site, but no longer appears on the USGS site. What does appear on the USGS site is a lot of no-worries pap stacked wide and deep. The USGS no-worries pap is clearly social engineering designed to maintain government and the global economy for the benefit of the superrich. No fair spending the public money for public civil defense. Public money is for corporate welfare and the superrich. Civil defense, once a robust arm of civil society but eviscerated for decades by the bought and paid for majority of superrich-representing politicians, is now FEMA's job. FEMA is where Monkeybrain's fascist goosesteppers are doing a heck of a good job securing their wardrobes and careers -- and not saying or doing anything to offend the Business Roundtable, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, or the unconstitutional, privately-owned, and treasonous Federal Reserve.


Despite the BBC programs on supervolcanoes that aired February 2000 and April 2005 -- and the executive summary presented to the FEMA hierarchy by the BBC and the program's scientists after the 2005 program -- FEMA still does not publish any preparedness guidelines for a supereruption. You can search FEMA far and wide. No mention of radioactive volcanic ash fall appears. Their advice of what to do during a volcanic eruption is infantile, relative to a supereruption from which (1) evacuation might very well be impossible, and (2) roof-crushing radioactive ash might fall in heavily acidic rain for weeks, as far away as Dallas and Chicago. Needless to say, the states' disaster planning amounts to the same no-worries bureaucratic shuffle around short-term emergencies.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

Do you happen to know what the canadian equivalent for an EAS radio or emergency or weather bulletiin radio is? I've always wanted to get one, but not sure which is the right one. The NOOA(sp?) one looks like it's only for Americans. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Quick pep talk for like-minded folks. If you're like me, and let's face it you are, you're obsessive. Those of us following every detail qualify. There's a great book (very well known) called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I was greatly impressed by it and one of its wise teachings is that you have a Circle of Concern, which is large and encompasses things like the fear of eruption and then the Circle of Influence, which is the small area in the Circle of Concern where you can take reasonable action.

This could go on for some time and I hope we can (and have the opportunity) to live normal lives as it does. For me, the Circle of Influence includes staying abreast of development periodically and being prepared. I bought $350 in non-perishables and have flashlights, batteries and dust masks on hand.

My point is do what you can do and let some of the rest go. I'm writing this because after three compulsive days I took a drive tonight just to clear my head and I realized that I have a knot in the pit of my stomach over something I have no control over. I'm going to take my own advice, which is to take control only of that things that I can and hope for the best as it relates to things that are beyond me.

Best of luck to all of us and I hope this comes to a logical and safe conclusion soon! And thanks to those who are contributing to those periodic updates.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:36 PM
Ok as its ATS and as a personal belief too we need to deny Ignorance.

Yellowstone does have a lot of activity in this one area, which is very unusual and concerning.

None of the quakes soo far have been of the magnitude that really cause concern, just their depth and frequency and proximity to each other.

The deformation seems to be focused on this region esp in recent times too, I have not read this thread it's too long, but I am sure someone has looked at all the stations and noticed, commentated, the marked change in the stations very
close to these events compared to the rest of the park esp recently.

This lake is very little known and only a few years ago was it discovered that the lake floor is swarming with very active hydrothermal vents, so its formation and geology is quite misunderstood still.

For all we know it could just indicate a new batch of vents being created as new hydothermal channels from the lake are created down to the magma and find new ways to the surface. One of the first quakes could have been normal as such and blocked the normal flow of expansive steam in those channels so the only way for the pressure to escape is to force, explode out of parts of the system. the depth and apparent same strength might indicate somethings simple as this, and when a new channel out of the system is found we might never see any activity in this lake in our lifetimes again.

However of course there is a very small possibility that something big is going on and this could be the precursor to an full eruption, even if only on a St Helens scale.

And an even smaller chance that the full caldera would go.

Which ever one of these possibilities it is, and the depth magnitude & proximity of location make me pray for some very active hydrothermal events just below the surface, and maybe such an eruption, we can never be sure the Big one is not brewing.

However, we must at ATS keep it real and truthful.

The Hydrology of the lake is totally and completely normal.

The seismic activity no, the deformation around that area no, but the hydrology is normal Period. Anyone saying different is just posting bad science and does not understand it.

Some have tried to postulate using very short range science and not understanding how to interpret basic charts that the outflow is now strange, elevated or not normal.

Not True the below graph shows the last 60 days of outflow from the lake, the triangles on the graph are the median (average) over the last 4 years....

its less now than even Nov 08, and as you can see from the average its been below the norm recently!

Now the next graph shows the height of the lake, again nothing really unusual:

It has risen recently but not above the recent norms or the median.

The rise is shown by the following, precipitation or rain or snow fall in the area:

Pretty obvious eh if there is an increase in outflow or gauge height in the next weeks?

And the last graph shows the temperature of the lake, which would probably be rising if there was a huge amount of new lava circulating just below it, or if much much hydrothermal water/steam was being added due to any changes in the nature of the caldera:

Its dropping, as its colder and winter.

Nothing at all in any way anywhere is strange, not normal or outside of any previous recordings for any recorded hydrology at the lake.

The data proves it.

Lets move on and look more at deformation, and the seismology until any of the above change drastically eh?

DENY IGNORANCE source USGS Real Time Hydrology At The Lake

Kind Regards,


posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

It would seem the best defense against the snake is to walk around and continue on your way.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by pantangele

I appreciate this post a lot, as until about two weeks, I have been stressing greatly over events that I have NO control over. The past few weeks I have found myself addicted to the news, telling my friends/family of the latest headlines, and spending a couple hundred dollars on supplies.

I found myself feeling so much better when I pulled myself from the headlines and stopped obsessing over these events.

I do want to keep abreast of this story though, but I have learned to not keep checking every hour as I had been doing back in October/November with the stock market.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by MOFreemason]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by violet
reply to post by RFBurns

Do you happen to know what the canadian equivalent for an EAS radio or emergency or weather bulletiin radio is? I've always wanted to get one, but not sure which is the right one. The NOOA(sp?) one looks like it's only for Americans. Thanks.

This quote below is taken from the wiki article on the EAS system for the US and the different types of alert systems for other nations.

Unfortunately, as of 2007, the CRTC has yet to adopt a system, but is looking at something called "All Channel Alert" and "CANALERT".

As of January 2007 Canada does not have a national emergency population warning system. The private company Pelmorex, which owns Canada's two major weather networks, has proposed a national warning system which would be called All Channel Alert. This would work like the American EAS. Pelmorex's proposal has yet to be decided on by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Canada's national broadcast regulator.

The Canadian government is currently working on a proposed national public alerting system under the name CANALERT. It is expected that this system will work closely with private broadcasters and telecommunications operators to enable an all-hazards, all-media warning system based on the Common Alerting Protocol information standard.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Wow, Bravo you have made your point.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

What makes you think "they" would even tell us?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Go here we arent monitoring a creek we are monitoring the river that feeds the lake OUTLET

USGS 06186500 Yellowstone River at Yellowstone Lk Outlet YNP

cripes I dont get what the big deal is water comes in and goes out all the time. People learn by theorising with each other and finding new data. Nice graphs by the way great find.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by xoxo stacie]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:51 PM
Look at RSOE.

We have quite a few blue earthquake Icons, does this mean anything?

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Sorry to blow a hole in your theory but I am afraid there's a underlying point necessitates it:

8" of snow does not equal 8" of rain/liquid precipitation when and if it melts.

Just saying...

[edit on 1/2/09 by SevenandFive]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:53 PM
As for the question of emergency Canada we have the EBS and I'm sure I remember the states having the same nation wide standard...a tone on the TV...local stations and radio broadcasts within localized areas....

Red screen normally saying:

This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast system...if this had been a real emergency.....(insert instructions and Gov to listen to).

Pretty sure it's still in use. Or am I just old and remembering something else? Also fairly certain it it also used on radio stations.

Edit to add:

I haven't had TV in ten + years (by choice and it's been WONDERFUL) so things may have changed????

[edit on 1/2/2009 by justgeneric]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by pantangele

Good perspective, I appreciate it. This is a little hard to tear myself away from though, and if anyone missed it and likes adrenalin rushes be sure to get the FireFox ad-on equake which you can find at this link, someone else here posted it earlier. It will shake your monitor when it records a new quake. I don't know how thorough or useful it is, but I just got a shake for a (uncomfirmed) 4.5 in Bolivia. Adrenalin! I set the sensitivity pretty low.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Look at RSOE.

We have quite a few blue earthquake Icons, does this mean anything?

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Realtruth]

Its hard to tell on the rsoe map but those are along the ring of fire and alot of the volcano's in that area are on level two and three alerts with many more being orange. Earthquakes in that area are quite common...just not all those high level alerts.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:02 PM
more news links...the swarm has rattled more than just the ground and news outlets are watching and waiting as well.

Geologists keep an eye on Yellowstone: - More small quakes rattle Yellowstone - Yellowstone still shaking -

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I am not sure if it has been posted or not, but here is a link to the Tetons webicorders. It gives a better look at the actual quakes. As you get further away from the area, the harmonic tremors fade and you are left with just the quake readings. The Tetons are close enough that they picked everything up very well. I was origionally checking them out, because I felt if this was something nonserious then it would not be picked up on recorders further out. It is picked up on a few Utah recorders but just barely. Im not sure that this is not enough to have caused the avalanches we have been seeing in the news. Its something to keep in mind though.

Here is the link.

I cant help but feel the people in charge of these recorders felt the same way, as some of these were recently turned on it seems.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

The ring is really easy to see here...

Now start at alaska go down past mexico.... peru then follow the pink line over to aussie land and up the asian coast all the way back to alaska

thats the ring of fire its an ongoing chain of volcanos and activity related to them.

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