posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:11 PM
Hey everyone.
Been lurking this thread since the beginning. Very interesting stuff here that we have going on. Quite scary for someone like me that is so afraid of
death. I just wanted to sign up and say thank you all SO much for your input and information, as it is so helpful. I am quite young, only 17. But
these kind of "doomsday", end of the world type things always interest me.
After reading everything that everyone has had to say, I still don't have an opinion to be honest. It might also be that I am afraid to have an
opinion. I know here in southwest Ohio we really wouldn't deal with the initial blast, rather the ash. I am hoping that this is just a burp from
Yellowstone, and that over the next few weeks it will quiet back down and we can go back to worrying about the financial market ect;