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I Think I'm the One !

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Harman

I have to agree with you, this is ATS and even tho I read wild stuff on here its great to read others views more than the ops "in this case".

I dont think there will be an end time so to speak but we are going to wake up sooner or later.. its just progress.. if it happens all at once "2012" ect sounds just like the rapture to me..

And we all know what happend in 2000 dont we? zip!

Humans are very very bad at dates and predictions imo why? becouse humans aint incontroll..

but thats my 2cents and maybe it relates to him?? so if hes god or is finding out he is i know why the world is so insane we have him has god!!!

Were has this guy been for the past xxxxxx years lol down the pub???

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

"I agee. But why push someone over the edge. Help them"

You can only help them if they want help. He shows no signs of wanting any help at all.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Wow with all these powers you have chosen to spend time writing an article on ATS a forum here on earth in te milky way..... Thanks

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
reply to post by dunwichwitch

The heart of the unregenerate fool is filled with violence, hatred, murder, envy, strife, deceit, bitterness, pride, anger, vengeance, wrath and all selfish acts. No good can come from such a fool. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another.

Putting your faith in humans is futile.

He does claim that Jesus is God in the form of man. And also I do recall Jesus saying a wicked and lost generation asks for proof......This is the second time i've brought this up but would anyone wanna post some prerequisites for prophethood? I think it's kind all of our responsibility to decide whethere this man is genuine (no matter how foolish we feel doing it).
Frankly I don't think he is but I haven't yet delved into verses saying how to know a prophet's real or not. Prophets might be mean and still be of God I think. Mean is just a word that describes one person being above the other in a given arena (exerting dispraportionate powers towards those lower than you i think may be allowed if it's justified). I'm gonna go so far as to say that most on here are poking fun of this guy to get his reactions, which in turn attest to his viability. However, I think this is a secondary source. As spiritual people we should heed the advice of the spiritual leaders of the past, aka bible, koran, etc.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:48 PM

[from Quezacoatl]
"The Warrior Spirit beckons unto each individual sentient being to clean out all limitations of it's expression...You will find yourself there as you collect all those images and reintegrate them into a Oneness. By the application of Intent you can visualize the diversity of fragmentation as One...You are One with the world. You are part of Beingness and Placeness. As a Being this Oneness is you. As a Place this Oneness is a gateway to the Source of Creation.
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Getting Closer...

[edit on 25-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I am probably one of the few that can connect to the source code which I carry within me.

Oh my dear friend: I think your claim falls short as either the 'One' or probably not the 'One'. Only you could 'convince' your fellow ATS members your true purpose here on this planet. Please provide sufficient evidence for us to feel reasonably assured that you hold the answers to time and space and all that jazz... See ya!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Sorry, but anyone who says, "anyone trying to debunk me will face serious karmic repercussions," and then, "mess with me and you mess with my tribe, and they are not as lenient," isn't "The One".

"The One," whatever that means, wouldn't need to warn anyone about karmic payback or worry about being debunked.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
Oh my gosh now you are attacking the mods. And now I am being pulled up on missing out the 'American' in Native American Indian. Oh my it makes me feel a little sad inside, realistically lets face it no matter what I would have wrote you would have responded in the same way to such a declaration. Hostility is so passé, and to be honest rather boring and predictable. I feel a little sad that you will all be congratulating yourself with your retorts, but the difference is if you aint of the light that's pretty much it, we're done with ya. You could have asked me so many revealing questions but instead you turned to the dark side, the side void of love and light. I know your psyches, your patterns, responses, and harm you have caused others. I will start to limit my responses to anything other than posts related to end time discussions or what it might be like being the one or similar questions. If you are in favor of intellectual evolution and elevation of the spirit then talk on, if you are not I suggest you gather your little bundle of deluded and misguided thoughts and toddle off somewhere else.

You've had your dose of medicine. You won't be able to feed off of us any longer. How does that make you feel? Or are you just itching for a way to get back at me? Yes I can see it now, you can't accept that your not getting to me, that I am at one with who I am, that great things await 'some' of us. Maybe just maybe you already know you'll be excluded from the final count. Yes, that would make sense to me. Not to you of course if you are still in denial that is, not denial of me but of your own mind which is probably acting erratic as I speak. You try and water down reality by saying we are all one yet you don't actually understand what it means to be one, sure you may have read it somewhere or heard it mentioned in a film but can you grasp what it is, what it means, what it stands for? I doubt that very much.

So what does it mean to be at one? Have you ever experienced oneness with another? Well imagine that, increase it exponentially to infinity and you have some idea of the love within the Divine Matrix. I can tell you now human oneness is not possible. There are far too many differences, conflicting egos and paradigms of thought. Your best bet as a race is to be humble and subservient in the presence of exposure to the source, should that ever happen. Trust me there is little compassion towards humans and the atrocious acts they have committed.

Maybe that's my purpose in life, to sound the trumpet of the end times! Could be but I'm not likely to sound it in the presence of such a shabby crowd no offense to those not taking offense.

I don't know, maybe i'm ignorant but: do you even use a keyboard or is your mind typing letters on the screen? I would think that someone with your supreme stature would at least have good grammar and spell all of your words correctly. Maybe you were in a hurry when typing or thinking of typing but; don't you exist throughout time in the past, present, and future so rushing the type is hardly an excuse for mispelling simple words.

I have great belief in God but sir I don't believe you are even close.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by heyo

There are teachers today, not prophets.
At one time God spoke to his people through prophets, thereby revealing something not previous told about Himself. When the New Testament was completed prophets were no longer needed, and the gift of prophecy ceased. That's why the New Testament has a warning not to add to or take away from the scriptures. Now, all teaching must be verified as true through the scriptures, which is God's complete revelation to us, until such time as Christ appears, then there will be more revelations from him.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by John Matrix]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga

[from Quezacoatl]
"The Warrior Spirit beckons unto each individual sentient being to clean out all limitations of it's expression...You will find yourself there as you collect all those images and reintegrate them into a Oneness. By the apllication of Intent you can visualize the diversity of fragmentation as One...You are One with the world. You are part of Beingness and Placeness. As a Being this Oneness is you. As a Place this Oneness is a gateway to the Source of Creation.
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Getting Closer...

[edit on 25-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

I prefer to be one in spirit with God. To be one in spirit with the world is to be one in spirit with the unregenerate murdering selfish heathens.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by Harman

I have to agree with you, this is ATS and even tho I read wild stuff on here its great to read others views more than the ops "in this case".

I dont think there will be an end time so to speak but we are going to wake up sooner or later.. its just progress.. if it happens all at once "2012" ect sounds just like the rapture to me..

In regards to the whole 2012 thing i have entertained the ideas of niburu rushing by and throwing a hissyfit in our solarsystem, big NWO man-made endtimes, spiritual global war-fare and all things thought up by 2012 adepts. But just recently i figured it's the people itself playing it out themselves. I do think there is an awakening going on and that will spark resistance from the ones pulling the strings now. So no demons as such or whatever but old-style thinkers holding on to power for dear life and throwing everything at us to keep us occupied and 'out of touch' with the inner realm, 2012 is some kind of vocal point but it will not be allright one moment, hell and brimstone the other.

The ones in power know that incremential pressure building works best so they are turning up the heat slowly. Though they seem to be in a rush the last few years and people are noticing. It's a perfect moment for the change the ones in power want to prevent. Not sure if this newly born haste from them is planned or that it is some kind of ccrisis-management because they didn't expect it so soon.

I do think it is the time-period that after death (whenever it may occur) some souls will move on and others will stay 'here' to continue the learning and do not believe any soul will be deemed unworthy to continue it's journey. This is something i read from the RA material ( and it did sound 'right' to me so imo it has truth in it.

But i'd like to read as many opinions about it as i can and the OP mentioned it too so i'd like to pick his brain so to speak

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

I have more faith in humans than in saviors, because saviors do the human race a disservice by having a spiritual sort of "no child left behind" policy. You can pass a flunking kid to the next grade, only to see him repeat that grade over and over again because he did not learn what he should have understood coming out of the grade before. So your best bet is to let the kid repeat the grade he/she is in until he/she understands. The highest of divine interventon is no intervention at all. A God doesn't worry much about death or fear of never amounting to anything. A God would be happy being a bunny rabbit or a mantis and completely forgotten in time because the God realizes the nature of all things... and that potential resides in all beings, large or small. No one is the one, yet so is everyone. God day.... hmm I'll leave that typo.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
reply to post by heyo

There are teachers today, not prophets.
At one time God spoke to his people through prophets, thereby revealing something not previous told about Himself. When the New Testament was completed prophets were no longer needed, and the gift of prophecy ceased. That's why the New Testament has a warning not to add to or take away from the scriptures. Now, all teaching must be verified as true through the scriptures, which is God's complete revelation to us, until such time as Christ appears, then there will be more revelations from him.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by John Matrix]

the warning in revelations is taking about revelations only. It refers to "this book", as in the book as it was being written, which was not part of the bible....And as far as the prophets disappearing, I'm assuming you're talking about Paul in corinthians and the like? I seem to recall those passages being too open to interpretation to see either one side or the other as truth. If you can show me a compelling verse I would've learned something more today. peace.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:18 PM
God himself could appear, at the same time, on everyones tv's and moniotors, and spread love thro words.

We as a world, would poke holes in him and deny its truth.
basically, we would cry foul and laugh.

this is the problem people. we are programmed to say "fake" or "false"

God is within us all, just look/listen, you will hear.

i am not religious, but i am very spiritual.
i can almost see what the post starter is trying to say, infact, i can "FEEL" what the meaning is. The thread starter will understand that one.

Maybe the 2nd coming has been, maybe we didnt look/listen, maybe we killed him. Maybe ?

We live in a world where we are judged and we judge

[edit on 25/12/2008 by shauny]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:34 PM
Why did My post get taken away....????

That was the most stupid thing ive ever seen, I simply posted my opinion, and im told it was ill mannered? I posted one swearword, and even bleeped it out so people would not be offened, and still they warn me?

Seriously, thats just rediculous....

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by heyo

But as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
John 1:12 and 13

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the living and abiding word of God
First Peter 1:23

We who have received Jesus Christ have been born of God, and we have the right to become the children of God.
1 John 3:2

Through regeneration God is our Father, and we are His children with the divine life and the divine nature.

Through his 'glory and divine virtue' Christ bestows on us his 'precious and magnificent promises' which enables us to 'escape from the corruption which is in the world' and so become 'partakers of the divine nature'.
2 Peter 1:4

And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the day star rises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:47 PM
Thanks for the threats . . . I'll make sure to bow to your every whim . . .

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by nikiano

Honey, you're giving this nutjob too much credit. There is no englightenment here. He's just a tweeker on too much today, it is Christmas and all.

Oh, and I'm not afraid of your "wrath".

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:59 PM

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

I found your dogma quite earthy, having nothing to do with the One:

"The exponents of the false religion of an interpretation of a bible of half-truths would have you focused in the personal life of being the effect rather than seeing it's relation to a larger scheme. The Enlightenment that they preach is the life of weakness that can only be escaped through a mediator. Beware those who profess the mediator."
("The Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Beware the Hydra headed beast of religious dogma. When one enters a state of Oneness, it does not need figurines to do so. Having experienced spontaneous cosmic consciousness, I know.

Humanity feeds the many-headed pet. Satan=Santa (anagram) the Hydra master. There is no One to be found in the locked gates of religious preaching and it's dogma. Thanks, tho; I'll keep the kids home.


[edit on 25-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

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