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I Think I'm the One !

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:54 AM
there are many zombies here but between them there are others who are not.\
i dont come here often but it is always an experience too.
fare well in these times.


posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:57 AM
I find it quite incongruous that "The One" would make a thread titled ...

I Think I'm the one..

so before he even started his post there is a lack of belief on his part, why else do you think he'd post it here? as a polarity responder it will enforce his beliefs, then there's all of those people who will take pity on him and they'll project whatever they believe he's talking about in place of what he is actually talking about so really they just distort everything he says into something they can understand from their point of view, same thing as I'm doing now.

If we're going to get all bent out of shape because some kid has a little bit too much time to think, than we might as well close the browser window.

As a person who feels they are the one, you should be trying to digest all of the malarkey that you've gone over to get to where you are mentally and regurgitate it into something that doesn't sound like it's been stolen from numerous movies and books.

With all of that said, there is definitely a "shift" taking place on earth and regardless of drug use, .. more and more people are becoming aware on a much higher level than most people are used to and then they start grabbing at all of the things that lead them there, yet they are unaware that they are grasping at fleeting images.

edit: I would like to clarify for the record that I am not making fun of him at all, ... I think this is more serious than most would. Take a moment and rethink the position.

[edit on 12/25/2008 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Seek help.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by John Matrix

"The ONE, obviously has become aware of, or has been exposed to, some spiritual teachings. Whether good or bad remains to be seen."

You say "Whether good or bad remains to be seen." I agree, I also say, whether he`s the ONE remains to be seen. Not when you call people a 'shabby crowd". When did being enlightened mean we can call others names and not bat an eye about it?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Little One

Maybe YOU should start a thread of all your not-knowledge! You're offended by being called an 'indian,' and offended deeply when the word 'tribe' was used by the OP. Let me explain, I have many, many native american indian friends from MN, OK, IA, CO., etc. here in the usa, and they really aren't like you say they are (always an exception).

Some still practice their ancient religious belief (Sun Worship..."oh, never, never say that secret!").

What you've debunked in regards to the OP is less than nothing: you have shown you know very little, in truth, in this regards. I.e., Higher States of Reality, that, yes, can happen to any on the Path.

They are dreamtime walkers, always will be as long as it exists. I've met one of their shamans through a lifelong friend, and what they know is...well, seek one out, someday.

I am another in the 'One,' and can assure everybody here, it's beyond syntax to explain. The writers of the Matrix have stated that their symbology runs far deeper than any know (in their opinion)...deeper than a few attentive thoughts will reveal.

The OP is right on. Vegeance is the Realm of the Ancients, and nothing can change that: their's is the Karmic Barrier Shield that returns wrong actions (includes thought) back upon the originator(s).

Sorry to burst your ego splendour, eh? In fact, you're starting to sound just like the thing everybody's is boo-hooing on this thread, sans the Knowing. Get that balance, look above-within,...or look elesewhere (find another thread, perhaps?). You've missed the point of this one, LO. Nothing personal: just a broader pointview than yours.

An Elder in the Light

Kat77's pertaining comment regarding 'indian.'

[edit on 25-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I suggest you gather your little bundle of deluded and misguided thoughts and toddle off somewhere else.

again you provide another hilariously ironic post.....

you call us, the people who question your outlandish fictional claims delusional......

you have to admit what you're claiming is outside the norm, not something that happens everyday, its strange, so why do you get all offended by us questioning it....someone who is "the One" would understand its human nature to question, and not to accept things at face value. You must be aware of all the other posers who have claimed to be ":the One" so called false prophets, if we just accepted what they said at face value, like you want us to, we would be following and worshiping false prophets, do you understand that?

if we can't ask for proof how can we believe you?

put that in your matrix pipe and smoke it

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by smokecrops

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
I suggest you gather your little bundle of deluded and misguided thoughts and toddle off somewhere else.

again you provide another hilariously ironic post.....

you call us, the people who question your outlandish fictional claims delusional......

you have to admit what you're claiming is outside the norm, not something that happens everyday, its strange, so why do you get all offended by us questioning it....someone who is "the One" would understand its human nature to question, and not to accept things at face value. You must be aware of all the other posers who have claimed to be ":the One" so called false prophets, if we just accepted what they said at face value, like you want us to, we would be following and worshiping false prophets, do you understand that?

if we can't ask for proof how can we believe you?

put that in your matrix pipe and smoke it

I think the point is that if you can't hear a little bit of truth in what he says from your "truthvoice" (you know, that voice in your head), then you're lost already. This is extremely similiar to Jesus' teachings, and since the op stated he wasn't religious I find that extremely interesting. You gotta admit this guy at least holds firm.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:24 PM
Hi Pharaohmoan.
Are you by any chance the same guy as Hidden_Hand?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whitewave]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:26 PM

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by CA_Orot
Okay, so lets start with Timing. WHEN is the right timing for you to unveil your proof?

Originally posted by Pharamoan
My money is on when the right minds meet. 2012 may be my time to shine.

Convenient. Care to get more specific, or shall I? December 21, 2012 -- by any chance...? Now, THAT would be a coniscidence.

Originally posted by Pharamoan
Quote One: To ask for proof means that one is in the dark anyway, and if you're in the dark that its already too late for you.

Quote Two: That's right, it takes a different mindset, normally one shooting from the ego to instead of seeking out proof, demand it.

Am I understanding you correctly: Are you telling me, that you believe everything you read? And are you suggesting that I should do the same? Becuase I'm sorry, but I simply can't do that...

What if I tell you that the world is flat - will you believe me? Sans Proof? I'd say, thats a little foolish of you to believe ANYTHING - without proof...But then of course I would say that...because I don't believe you.

Originally posted by Pharamoan How would you know I am who I say I am?

I don't. I believe I even stated that on my last reply to you - that you can be whoever you choose to be - that I am none the wiser when it comes to who you are.

My turn for a question: Why would you choose to find a "following" and reveal yourself on the Internet... Perhaphs because if you tried this in person, that psychiatrist visit might not be optional...but rather required? Is that your motive? Or is that my Psychology classes getting the better of me?

Make you belief system fluid and open to new possibilities.

I am open to new possibilities - I believe that anything is possible; barring that there is proof to substantiate it. Is there a God? There might be, and there might not be. There is not enough proof either way for me to believe or not.

You have to understand something, you have come to AboveTopSecret.Com - making HUGE CLAIMS. The members here, are not all children on Christmas Break. There are educated members, spiritually enlightened members, Alien Abductees - this site is VERY diverse. You also have to understand, or at least acknowledge - that there are Believers and Skeptics on this website... And that we, the conspiracy theory driven members, question EVERYTHING that we read. Or at least I do anyway....

Originally posted by Pharamoan
I would only bear witness of this to those who are ready to receive and comprehend it.

OKay. Have fun with that and determining who is "ready".

I’ll say this one last time, ask for proof and you are on the wrong side of the street.

Then I guess I'm on the wrong side of the street - because I will not blindly follow you or believe your massive claims of specialness. I'd rather stand on this side of the street putting you on the spot and demanding proof, then on the other side of the street beside you and believing you wholeheartedly without ever asking a question.

If you don't understand purpose then how can you move with it and your intentions be taken seriously?

Hmm...Now, if memory serves me right - YOU are the ones with intentions here, not me. My purpose, is to live and to be and to love. Hows that?

- Carrot

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Kat77

Originally posted by John Matrix

My two cents is as follows:

I have been raised to the higher consciousness during a white light experience.
At the time this happened to me I had never heard of this white light experience.
It happened in a dream. The sky opened, brilliant white light flowed down to me and flooded me. It was so bright and pure that when I looked down at my arms and body I could see all of my bones.
A very tall female figure appeared in the light next to me and said, "we are one in spirit". There is more to this dream but I will leave it at that.
It took me months to process the effects of this profound event.

dreams are subject to all kinds of interpretation. your perception is guided by your subconscious...which is to say, retained thoughts and memories.

I get a headache from all these metaphysical terms being thrown around. True enlightenment will not lead you to speak words that are confusing to the sleeping or the waking. Man cannot achieve Divine enlightenment through intellectual exercises or high minded words.

Enlightenment comes, at the appointed time, to those that seek to have their heart and mind governed by the higher Divine Nature of God. Then, by patiently holding to the Divine Nature will the Spirit flood your soul at the appointed time. In this simple act of faith lies the way to rebirth, regeneration, sanctification, transformation, enlightenment, and illumination. What we once thought to be complex is made simple, that we may show others the way.

God is not the God of confusion.

True enlightenment does not cause you to think about annihilating those that don't agree with you. The enlightened are fully aware that the angel that came to them has the power and authority to carry out God's vengeance on the unjust. The enlightened grieve for those headed to destruction.

my heart grieves because there are so many who "know" enlightenment yet can't articulate exactly what it means. my own ignorance knows no bounds and i dare say there's a long way to go toward enlightenment barring some massive, worldwide definitive proof given by way of the source.

until that happens, we're all in the dark. to claim otherwise is being less than honest.

The unregenerate cannot interpret spiritual things so your comment concerning interpretation is misdirected sand meaningless.

Your attempt to minimize the experience with such comments does nothing but show you are still in darkness, living under the power of your fallen nature.

Normal dreams do not have a profound life changing impact on one's life.
This was not a normal dream. I had no need to interpret the experience. It happened. It is what it is.

If you read what I wrote you would understand the knowledge I passed on was not revealed by the flesh, but by the Spirit of God. The knowledge of Spiritual things is foolishness to fallen man; likewise, all the knowledge in the world is foolishness to God's simplest thought.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

I agee. But why push someone over the edge. Help them.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
Hi Pharaohmoan.
Are you by any chance the same guy as Hidden_Hand?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whitewave]

I already asked him about hidden hand he didn't answer.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:45 PM

a mature audience would have looked at his words, and moved on. but everyone (including i in one post) has to put in their two cents and feed the monster instead of put it out of mind and direct yourself toward something of importance.

to the OP, congratulations. you fed off peoples lowest of emotions. their thoughts come before their awareness. surprise surprise

seriously is this ATS??

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:46 PM
I am a God, too...

but don't get a big @$!& about it. You're no better than anyone else. Neither am I, and I should know!

I am actually Osiris, if you care to know. I don't give give a rat's ass though. I enjoy being not Osiris. Screw being some God person. Humans can do it. They are not babies. They are all Gods in training, and they have the ability to access God-likeness at anytime they so choose to be aware of it. The more sensible Gods hanging around here on Earth know this. Duh! You must be like a newbie at this, bro. Don't worry. If you don't get it this time, you'll be BAAAACK!!!!

Your fellow God person,
Totally Not Osiris *nudge nudge wink wink say no more"

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by just_another_yourself

Seriously, this is the gray area, ok? ATS has given the unsubstanciated claim-topics a place, ALL KINDS and not only the once you deem plausible. If you hate a topic don't post in it, if you cannot cope with unsubstanciated topics, throw the gray area out of your topiclist, click on "" besides this topic title in you myats and be rid of this thorn in your eye, get your peace back because it looks like you are popping a digital vein here.

The OP may or may not experienced what he claims, besides the point in all honesty. This is a nice topic to read, lot of insight given imo so why should it be closed? Because some cannot keep their cool? Why?

And for the OP, what is you like to share in regards to the 'end time', what is it all about in your opinion?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by Harman]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:02 PM
How can you be the "one" if you have superiors?

How long have you been on this planet?

I sellected you as my foe because you seem to have a sense of self-entitlement which is one of the biggest flaws in humanity.

Life is not about your self but it's about how you share it with the rest of the world, true pleasure is helping others and awakening them should be our top priority.

We are the future of humanity, we will never be the end of it, spiritual advancement is not grounds for making you the one.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Why is it that you want to fight so much? Why don't you just let go and let God?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:08 PM

[from Quezacoatl]
"I also saw the Earth continue upon the edge in linear time. Society sought to test the awareness of individuals and the concerns of special interest groups. It used a continuance of checks and balances where the mediocre existed as the majority with the minority, with either good or evil intentions, to show the way. Christs appeared along with Anti-Chirsts to fight for the balance while most in the world were unconscious. Those who were only semi-conscious expected the appearance of a Savior to save them. The mythological expectations of such superbeings did not allow the semi-conscious to see the subtleties of those who could save them. The expectations were upon those who could produce miracles while those who could show the way to Freedom were ignored."
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Let them who have eyes, see. Let them who have ears, hear.

Methinks the semi-conscious of ATS have much to learn from this statement (oh, no, don't read it! You might stir from your sleep!).

PS - YOU do the work, get it? And don't forget to stone the true helpers, those who tread before; but instead, look for the gross 'miracle' producers; forget that the Subtle is the Realm of the Real.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

The heart of the unregenerate fool is filled with violence, hatred, murder, envy, strife, deceit, bitterness, pride, anger, vengeance, wrath and all selfish acts. No good can come from such a fool. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another.

Putting your faith in humans is futile.

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