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I Think I'm the One !

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posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
I am a God, too...

but don't get a big @$!& about it. You're no better than anyone else. Neither am I, and I should know!

I am actually Osiris, if you care to know. I don't give give a rat's ass though. I enjoy being not Osiris. Screw being some God person. Humans can do it. They are not babies. They are all Gods in training, and they have the ability to access God-likeness at anytime they so choose to be aware of it. The more sensible Gods hanging around here on Earth know this. Duh! You must be like a newbie at this, bro. Don't worry. If you don't get it this time, you'll be BAAAACK!!!!

Your fellow God person,
Totally Not Osiris *nudge nudge wink wink say no more"

Sorry, you think humans are Gods in training? You see this is the problem folks things are seriously wrong when people think like this. Goodbye

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by HarmanThe OP may or may not experienced what he claims, besides the point in all honesty. This is a nice topic to read, lot of insight given imo so why should it be closed? Because some cannot keep their cool? Why?

And for the OP, what is you like to share in regards to the 'end time', what is it all about in your opinion?

Thanks Harman. It's going quite well I think, a bit of a bumpy start but if the individuals here are well tuned they should really get a deep glimpse into their pysche.

Yes, the 'end times' well I'll be honest with you, face to face honest, it's on my mind 24/7. It's what I need most help with in working out. I have seen the end times before but the memories are so feint I can't access them. I'm only guessing now but it could be something to do with turning on a light switch in peoples’ brains and then moving with purpose en masse to a gathering of sorts. I'm pretty sure I know how to teach the masses to turn on the light switch but lets face it, in this day and age this isn't gonna be easy.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by spitefulgod
Wow with all these powers you have chosen to spend time writing an article on ATS a forum here on earth in te milky way..... Thanks

I know, crazy isn't it, but I am bound by this physical body at the moment and haven't been able to break free from it. However don't underestimate ATS, it is one of the globes better focal points.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

I still dont get it!!! you are the one but ur trying to remember being the one??

help me out here creator im having some trouble understanding what your message is?

And now that your here oh megga one what our your plans for us all??

And what took you so long?


posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:50 AM
this has been a great thread. it is almost as fascinating to read everyone elses responses as it is your premise. who really "knows" anything? so many beliefs are based on subjective experience. yet, so many firm convictions as to "this is the way it is."

i feel you are pretty intelligent and definitely "out there" i try to imagine your path and why you came to ATS in the first place. someone mentioned that you have not asked for help; however, the very act of the posting seems a plea for help of some kind.

whether you are seeking followers or the cream of the crop to follow. inherent is a need to share some knowledge. it must be a very lonely spot you occupy. the want to share is human. seems like you are seeking a little validation. testing the waters, so to speak.

additionally, you identified with the poster who labeled you an Annunaki. Nephalim comes mind; and the potentiality that you indentify with an alien sort of spirit. maybe in the likes of th RA material?

also, i sense a competitive spirit and a lot of "me". the karate and fighting battles are a clue. i can definitely see why you would feel "alienated". yours is knowledge that is not well received by other egos. most people are too busy trying to validate their own beliefs and think of what they want to say than to genuinely listen. everyone elses "me" or I.

as far as "fishing out the casting director". i am not sure what you are inferring here. are you actually looking here for someone higher up the hierarchy than yourself? perhaps, you are seeking a little understanding?

My question is that if spirit is infinite. then whats the big hangup about what happens here? after all a human lifespan is meager indeed compared to infinity. if one is truly spiritual, then death, 2012, and events happening here are almost insignificant. what becomes of one in the "long run"? i mean if a harvest is coming up, what happens to the guys that miss the cut?

don't throw your pearls before swine comes to mind; however, i welcome any unique insights you may have to offer.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by googolplex
I have been reading this thread from start, would say most which is trifle. To start by saying you are the one, in my thoughts would be foolish,
in truly being the one you would be but a vessel thru which the true one creator would work. Any miracles that are not of the spirit, are false, if not working in the spirit any miracles would not be true miracles.
I am leaving this thread but will say to all of the ones out there become that vessel.
I myself do not believe in demoms , but nor am I stupid enough to tempt them.

Yes I am also a vessel or Gods work, to say of God would be presumtous on my part. Goodbye

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Well done for speaking up,,,your words are here for others that know something is going on,,,you give your messages this way.I must admit I only read a bit of your story,,but that was enough to know,,and there are some that are with ya and loadssss that mock.

You can maybe steep to peoples levels but when they dont understand you,,,you know your on a notch higher,,,,it aint about bragging its a spiritual thing in these days,,our spirits are learning and there is an army gathering,,,,say what ever you wanna say,,even if they dont understand,,,and only 1 or 2 do,,,its them 1 or 2 that your message is hitting home.

I will read the rest later

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Well, I do have a question.

I have been practicing trying to astrally project, and I know I can do it... but the fear of leaving the body has me on edge.

The part about it that bothers me is when I am meditating I begin to feel the vibrations as my astral body begins to disconnect. The vertigo sensation is what bothers me the most, it is very intense and I was wondering of there was anything that I could do to make the transition out of my body smoother??

I don't like roller coasters if you know what I mean.

I only want to astrally project so I can go through the "hall of records" to see who I was in my past incarnations to help me grow in this life.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Some good tips are imagine a ladder or rope above your chest and pull on it. Feel yourself move upwards out of your body and past the ceiling. Also make sure you visualise breathing in white light. Also try falling asleep with non-vocal music on. Then try your projection techniques as soon as you stir.

Good luck with accessing the hall of records though.

Mod. Edit: Removed part of post advocating a possibly dangerous method of achieving astral projection.

[edit on 12/26/2008 by seagull]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:14 AM

[edit on 26-12-2008 by HeluvaStorm]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by HeluvaStorm

What I'm trying to say is I thought you were full of love, but yet you threaten those that debunk you?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Ok now I read alot on here and its fun but please please DONT

There are a few techniques you could try, one is to exhaust your body to the point of collapse then in a quite place without distractions using astral projection techniques to project.

SAY THINGS LIKE THAT... exhaust your body to the point of collapse ???

Please do not try this: Op you can have fun but please do not advicate things you do not understand to others who may follow or take what you are saying as real...

Mods ???

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:23 AM

i actually believe all human beings are special in their own unique way
and to be perfectly honest we are all the ONE, there is no I there is WE, peace ^^

To believe that we are all one is a flatland concept. Yes we all used to be from God, but that was a long time ago. You cannot now talk of the human race as one. It is not possible as there is too much hate and evil that exists within it. This within a unit has the effect of breaking the bonds that exist in oneness. A group of people can become one yes but as the size of the group increases so does the level of difficulty in keeping the unit together thinking and moving as one.

To say there is no I would mean that God cannot focus on an individual aspect or personality, this would be a false hypothesis. I am in no doubt that God loves certain individuals.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Starred every comment you made on here,and flagged,,your a wise one and I'll definatley be coming back to read more of your comments in detail.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Im sorry but your last statement made me fume!!

I know ur babble is funny and im only here to read the others responces much like my own.

But to adovcate techniques that are unproven to others who MAY JUST BELIVE WHAT Y0U ARE SAYING...

exhaust your body to the point of collapse ??????

Dont you understand that is very dangerouse?? Im not impressed with that and have made a formal complaint about it..

Very very silly thing to suggest on ATS that ANYONE do this

Please if anyone who is reading what you say PLEASE do not do this as its NOT SAFE

I would insult you sir but you are not worth the ban....

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

Wise? I hope you was being sarcastic ??

exhaust your body to the point of collapse??

Do you advocate this? please...

Of all the things he said THIS is the most stupidest!! and very very seriouse.. and dangerous for people who would try this one there own..

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:40 AM
I said his wise yes and I think he is,,Ive also said I havent read it through properly

Not everyone that says every single word is correct,,I say that,,everyone on earth is mixed up everyone,,we all seek the truth and to seek the truth we need to visit mentally insane alley and then say,,been there done that now I know a few things,,I just know by reading his words God,Aliens,army that he is on the right track but may be a little misguided,,,but that will come clearer Im sure.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by polarbeardr

Very good post.

I doubt if I can begin to imagine the burden of carrying thoughts, insights, experiences that feel so real to you, all alone.

You have obviously taken time to think about this, and you are right knowledge is like a responsibility in itself, how one uses it and to what purpose helps shape and define the individual. The more knowledge acquired the greater the subconscious push to use that knowledge.

I would simply say to the individual who took a huge risk in sharing such very personal experiences that most of the people in the world have no way to relate to what seems very real and urgent, even hopeful, to you. That is the nature of our psychological defenses. Things that we are unable to relate to are managed unconsciously, so that we avoid feeling afraid. That is to say, our reaction pushes scary stuff away to keep it at a safe distance from where we perceive we are.

Which is why so many of the posts here have been hostile! The mind not only doesn’t like gaps in its structural makeup it doesn’t like adding new bits that threaten to rearrange the whole.

I would say with all due respect to the individual who risked posting, that (and here is where I begin to sound a bit whacky and paranoid) that the very way we think, analyze our own thoughts, apply logic to understand the world and our experiences, has been shaped from the very beginning by family, community, education, political forces, and, definitely, the media.

And I have allowed mine to be shaped only by progress, forward thinking, evolution (and not at a snail pace) and the Divine.

Benjamin Whorf had an hypothesis (not to the extreme I am suggesting) which I believed he called, "linguistic relativity hypothesis." That our language shapes how we think . . . about everything! Our language is heavily influenced. If you doubt this, recall the time when you began to apply rules of grammar and syntax.

Yes I have studied this, not only the written language but also spoken and variations in tone ie accents all shape the individual. It’s difficult to explain the psychology but different cultures and localities within that culture speak from different parts of the body. The French for example speak from the chest area and with a deep tone, that tone I have found resonates with virtue and correctness, things must be right with the French. They have an apt for good taste, again this is literally down to them exercising the connection associated with their tone and the body’s and mind’s reaction to it. Speak with a French accent for a few week and will find you mindset change to one of greater certainty and dare I say it a little more arrogance.

I do not mean to sound arrogant or even suggest that I know anything. If there is any ultimate meaning or explanation for "what is," I am totally convinced that each of us have only a few pieces that fit into an infinite puzzle. I am of the opinion that in those pieces of the puzzle that we have more than half probably do not fit into that infinite puzzle at all and will in time have to be discarded. It is all very humbling. It is also my personal belief that no one on earth has all of the pieces.

I would tend to agree with you here. Personally I don’t think I like having all the pieces, it would leave no room for personal growth.

I am acknowledgling that this is my opinion. My opinion is based on what I have experienced so far.

My personal theory, which paradoxically, is not supposed to be shared, is that it would be best to keep our perceptions of "what is" private. I am violating that theory right now. I know I am. So, in doing that, I give up the right to criticize any individual who shares her or his perceptions regarding "what is."

Mmm, a bit of a grey area here. I mean there are times when it is good to share and other times to keep quite. Sometimes the mind becomes so flooded with information that one needs to either verify that info or offload some of it.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

Look I understand what you are saying, but he is advocating something NO ONE should try

Its not safe nore is it smart to suggest things of this nature on a site such as this..

I would not like anyone to come to harm becouse they willy nilly follow the one into a corner and do what he is saying ...

Please understand hes not some guru nor profesonal budist "meditation ect"..

Sure he can act as the one and even get a kick out of posting or make some thing he is the one whatever that is... but when he says things like that its very alarming to me becouse others "in cults" did just what he is saying.. if you get my point??

A nut following a nut is never good more so when they say such stupid things like

"exhaust your body to the point of collapse"

Or do you think thats a good idea, or how about you try it?

Becouse you wont and its a stupid thing for him to say...

Mods i do not condone such things as i stated to the poster i was pointing out its very silly to say things of this nature..

Please do not exhaust your body to the point of collapse

Do not try this please

Msg to OP : very very silly....

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by americandingbat
I haven't read all the way through this thread, so I apologize if this has already been addressed – if it has, maybe someone would point me to the page that it's on

What is the significance of your username and avatar, pharoahmoan?

I don't mean, tell me about the pun on "pheromone" – I mean, why did you choose these symbols to represent yourself on a board where you hoped to "out" yourself as The One?

I also would like to thank you for this thread, because in a couple of the responses here I have seen great wisdom and compassion.

The avatar spoke to me and the I have memories of using the Cheops Pyramid as a stargate. It think it was on another plane though. I'm pretty sure I was dead.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

Do you agree with what he said ???

exhaust your body to the point of collapse

Read it... do you agree??

yes or no??

Becouse I know I dont infact im
at it

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