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ATS' Motto, Deny Ignorance,

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posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by zlots331
But that's just the conspiracy in me. I don't take anything at face value. I reserve the right to always question what I "see".

Interesting that you would say this and not be concerned of the plot behind ATS - Jim Marrs Book? If you haven't heard of it, move your eyes slightly to the right... good now move your eyes slightly to the left... good job!

The funny part is that those who contributed to writing the book not only did it for no compensation, and had no idea they were contributing to it, but they will probably buy it as well!

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
The funny part is that those who contributed to writing the book not only did it for no compensation, and had no idea they were contributing to it, but they will probably buy it as well!

On what do you base that errant assumption?

Jim Marrs wrote the book.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
The funny part is that those who contributed to writing the book not only did it for no compensation, and had no idea they were contributing to it, but they will probably buy it as well!

On what do you base that errant assumption?

Jim Marrs wrote the book.

Oh please! It is no assumption! Read the book's description!

Are you giving yourself stars??
The plot thickens... is the Internet's largest and most popular discussion board community, with more than twelve million page views per month. It is dedicated to the intelligent exchange of ideas and debate on a wide range of "alternative topics" such as conspiracies, UFOs, paranormal, secret societies, political scandals, new world order, terrorism, and dozens of related topics. AboveTopSecret's popular podcast is downloaded tens of millions of times per month and will become a nationally syndicated radio show prior to the publication date of the book.

First of all the book is written on everything discussed here, clearly using it as a headway for new ideas/facts/concepts/etc, secondly it is called "Above Top Secret" as if you couldn't make it more obvious.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
First of all the book is written on everything discussed here...

Apparently you see something inherently wrong with that. Why?

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
First of all the book is written on everything discussed here...

Apparently you see something inherently wrong with that. Why?

Listen it's no secret that it was a direct exploitation to the views, theories, and intellect of those whom contributed to this website.

If you read the terms of service (which I'm sure you, Bill, has done) you will see that you grant yourselves the right to redistribute the works of all whom contributes to ATS. Thus bringing in the concept of putting it all into a book.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Edit: Content.

- Carrot

[edit on 12/22/2008 by CA_Orot]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:10 PM
hehehe im tempted with a two liner here. To anwser your question WW3 should start sometime around.... ummmm 2012...... and yes there are aliens and bush is one of them. And why WW3 because my shorts smell and im furry....

I didnt say ATS is a crystal ball into the future.
but you can lick my crystall.... oups got carried away there!!! Ball.......

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Hey Dirt,
Thanks for the quick response.
I believe that you are proving your own point.
Obviously the fact that this thread is being discussed, politely I might remind you, is because you (as the OP that you aren't really trying to hide anymore) have presented a "conspiracy" and we, as members, are now discussing it.
You are being given the opportunity to present your case and others to respond.
But all I keep hearing is; financial gain, Marrs' book, you are under our control, drool at the sound of the bell.
Try going to some of the other threads and entering a debate on a different topic. Think outside the box.
Re-read the Terms and Conditions again. All work posted here is presented as public domain. No different than shouting it out on the town square. I am actually quite proud that someone has written a book about ATS. Makes you think that this site is more important than you assumed it is.
Also, try reading some of Jim Marrs' postings, he had one recently that went into great depth about Obama's birth certificate. No opinion, just the facts and suppositions that he was able to put together for members to comment on and debate as this has been a hot topic of late.
Keep trying, I'm still not convinced. Throw together some data that supports your claims.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:12 PM

It isn't a conspiracy! It's a fact! They are benefiting from your ignorance!
Secondly I am not the OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
If you read the terms of service (which I'm sure you, Bill, has done) you will see that you grant yourselves the right to redistribute the works of all whom contributes to ATS. Thus bringing in the concept of putting it all into a book.

Exactly. I wrote those terms & conditions (with legal help).

And, a bit more than a year ago, we made it very clear, in a high-profile event, that we would indeed seek to expand the reach of the contributions of our members beyond the boundaries represented by the website.

There's no secrets or hidden agendas.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Thank you for bravely admitting that you have exploited your contributors for your own financial gains.

By the way, anybody who joined after that 'high-profile event' would have no clue that was your intentions.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by DirtMcGurt

Read the T&C again. I'm sure that in the fine print that there is a limit of five names you can use in a day.
And GREAT respect should be given to SO. He knows the rules because he wrote them.
We are merely guests taking advantage of the forum that he and others have put together for our enjoyment.
Beware the power of the Overlord.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
Thank you for bravely admitting that you have exploited your contributors for your own financial gains.

By not possessing the facts, and/or ignoring them, you're demonstrating a rather irritating level of ignorance yourself.

"Exploit" is a rather strong and accusatory word, within the context you seem to be applying it. The typical connotation would be that we're "unfairly benefiting" from the freely offered contributions of our members. Might you pull back the apparent curtains of what appears to be your ignorance in this matter by explaining how we might be unfairly benefiting? Or, if your context is intended to carry a different meaning, please correct my assumptions.

By the way, anybody who joined after that 'high-profile event' would have no clue that was your intentions.

The content I gave you is linked, and easily discovered, on the bottom of every page of this website.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:24 PM
And now I will take my own advice. I'm off to peruse some of the other threads to enlighten my day. Maybe somebody had an alien baby or married their dog or something.
But I will check back using the "MY ATS" button.
But you probably know how to use that feature, being a previous member and all.
AND, Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
By not possessing the facts, and/or ignoring them, you're demonstrating a rather irritating level of ignorance yourself.

3) Content Copyright: By posting on this message board, you relinquish all exclusive copyright privileges to the material you post and you grant The Owners non-exclusive rights to publish your posts in perpetuity in all forms.

I'm just glad that you came out of the blue to admit to it. That's what this thread was missing, the owner's admittance to exploitation of it's visitors and contributors.

By the way exploit means to use or manipulate to one's advantage. There is no question what has happened here.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
By the way exploit means to use or manipulate to one's advantage. There is no question what has happened here.

Please explain how you believe there is "manipulation" to our advantage.

If you are so certain it's happening, then it would be very easy to provide us with the benefit of details... or at least your learned opinion on the matter.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:27 PM
Hell I'd be honored if they took something I wrote and used it.

Rather that then the post gets read by 3 people, skipped by 20, and floats away into the abyss.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

It needs no further explanation. The content contributed to this website has been directly transformed into a publication through use of your copyright cover-all in the terms of service.

You know as well as I do that is what happened, the best thing to do at this point is make future users and present users more aware of your activities.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by DirtMcGurt

Sir.. We read the agreement upon joining this site. And I speak for myself, but I would be highly honored if anyone such as Jim Marrs, Or SO, Springer, Mr. Grey used my work that I put into this site.

To be exploited means that you are not told, and you are tricked into doing something.

Its made very clear to each person on here.. Thus in no way is that exploiting others..
You are here to simply make drama, and become another one of those countless trouble makers on here. (unless however you have some proof to your claim.. You know like sources, links, other than your own personal thought.) Otherwise I stick by my statement of your agenda, as it stands.
As everyone here is being nice to you, and giving you the time of day to speak your mind, no matter how low it might seem to me..
Show me the proof, show me something other than you making wild claims. S.O has shown me plenty.. And I stand by ATS 100%.

However there are so many sites, where the owners wont give anyone the time of day to come in and post with us.
Thats why I love this place, and why I would be extreamly honored to have my writings used to help the human race as a whole.
How could that be exploiting a person.. When we have agree'ed to this.

Its not exploiting.. Its an honor..

[edit on 22-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by DirtMcGurt
You know as well as I do that is what happened...

No... I have no idea as to what you believe happened because you're just tossing about vague accusations.

Please provide substance so that I can provide meaningful responses... which hopefully, will benefit all readers.

Otherwise, I'll be forced to assume you're just playing some silly disruptive game.

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