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ATS' Motto, Deny Ignorance,

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posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:48 PM
Hello Everyone,

I would like to inform you that nothing on this website is factual. The only facts that are contained on this website are the threads which link to news sources.

The phrase "Deny Ignorance" is ironic because ATS actually feeds off of ignorance. The more you 'believe' in these unfounded theories, the more ATS gains monetarily. They would gladly contribute to your ignorance fully knowing that it can be transformed directly into cash.

For example those whom believe 9/11 is an inside job - I would invite you to read Noam Chomsky's 9/11. The book itself only costs $10 and is nothing but Q and A with arguably the most intelligent man in international affairs. I believe a lot of you whom are at unrest with 9/11 today would find a lot of knowledge and guidance from this book, as well as other Chomsky literature.

Could you say something about connivance and the role of American secret service?

"I don't quite understand the question. This attack was surely an enormous shock and surprise to the intelligence services of the West, including those of the United States. The CIA did have a role, a major one in fact, but that was in the 1980s, when it joined Pakistani intelligence and others (Saudi Arabis, Britain, etc.) in recruiting, training, and arranging the most extreme Islamic fundamentalists it could find to fight a "Holy War" against the Russian invaders of Afghanistan."

Source: Noam Chomsky - 9/11 Page 18

I would like to invite you to take a deep breathe at this point. Realize that reality is in fact reality and you do not live in a snow globe. The next time a conspiracy theory arises, go to the library, open an encyclopedia, talk to analysts/scientists/historians/researchers, do an independent investigation, compare assumptions versus science, fact vs. theory, common sense versus no sense, what you have observed versus what somebody has told you that you have observed, and most importantly go outside and see the world for yourself through two pupils and not through a computer screen.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by AlmostPossible]

[edit on 12-22-2008 by Springer]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

Just so you know.. You dont have to be a nutty conspiracy theorist to see whats going on today..
Sure ATS is full of bunk.. Like a diamond mine.. You have to go threw alot of worthless stone to find a diamond in the ruff..

Yet again, these days.. You can just link mainstream media clips together!
No conspiracy here my friends.. Its right out in our faces at this point.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by zysin5

You must believe yourself that the people in our government are less than mentally competent. Your video simply further supports the fact that the people running the country are human beings, in that they make mistakes.

The difference is when you make a mistake nobody cares. When they make a mistake it costs 100,000 lives.

It is conspiracy theorists connecting the dots for you unfortunately.

Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Bush wanted a war with Iraq, and used 9/11 to execute this war with Iraq through deceitful measures including those of the WMD speeches.

That does not prove an inside job

Neither does the fact that there was bombs in the buildings! Do you think the government would ever admit that we were so unsuspecting and unprepared that an organization had the time to plant bombs in one of our most highly respected buildings?

My point is simply this: Don't let others draw these conclusions for you. It is just as deceitful as the opposing force.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:16 PM
You signed up to post this? A conspiracy theorist may just draw their own conclusion. That you work for the gov't and we are getting at least something right.

Toodles from the Kernel.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Are you suggesting that MK-ULTRA did not occur?

Are you suggesting that corporate lobbyists do not influence political decisions?

Are you suggesting that ideological rhetoric isn't a major theme in political speeches?

Are you suggesting that the Pentagon hasn't been demonstrated to have lied?

Are you suggesting that there is nothing valid on this website?

If so, perhaps you haven't tried hard my opnion.

Edit for Format.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Politicians lie - Then a conspiracy theorist grabs hold and falsely attempts to explain to you why they lied without even the need of having a complete grasp on international conflicts. In fact, I would bet that 96% of all conspiracy theories which tread mud on ATS come from uninformed, non-college educated, non-scientific, young children whom are attempting to explain their personal outrage towards the state of affairs around the globe.

edit -----

To stay on topic from my original statement - the conspiracy theorists who understand the state of mind 'believers' then benefit from this social pattern through use of books, advertisements, public appearances, etc.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by AlmostPossible]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

I would like to inform you that nothing on this website is factual.

Ah, but you have stepped into a hole. If nothing on this website is true, then your statement is not true. But if your statement is not true, then there must be some things on ATS that are true.
Therefore, your statement is false.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by AlmostPossible
Politicians lie -

That in it of itself is a conspiracy theory as far as the mainstream media is concerned. Are you betryaing your own premise?

Then a conspiracy theorist grabs hold and falsely attempts to explain to you why they lied without even the need of having a complete grasp on international conflicts. In fact, I would bet that 96% of all conspiracy theories which tread mud on ATS come from uninformed, non-college educated, non-scientific, young children whom are attempting to explain their personal outrage towards the state of affairs around the globe.

Such why most are called theories...and in fact this website is designed to give an outlet for those who do want to question that which many of us are forcefed...some maybe talking about their own reactions but there are many of us who take the time to think about that which we post.

For the record, I am a college drop out...does any of my contentions lose validity because of that fact?

Please do our research when answering that question...

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Be sure to quote the whole statement next time.

I would like to inform you that nothing on this website is factual. The only facts that are contained on this website are the threads which link to news sources.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by AlmostPossible
reply to post by zysin5

That does not prove an inside job

Who said anything about an inside job? I belive you are putting words into my mouth to make it seem as if Im one of those "nutty" conspiracy theorists.
I simply research the given data, and share it with others.
I make no claims. I never claim 100% truth. That is up to my readers to decide.

And my video is clear cut info that yes its very much in our faces, and you dont have to think to far outside the box to "get it".

I belive you are here to mock, and push your own agenda.. while claiming you are saying, dont let others think and speak for you.
Yet here you are putting words into my post, and making up your own mind.
You see I can tell you have made a choice to belive what you want.

I never said anything about lizardmen, or aliens..Or 9-11.
I showed you what was put on MSM outlets, and put them together in a way that can show those in this world. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to realize those in places of power lie. And they get away with it.
And when asked, they say, "so What?"

Does that mean an inside job?
Its not up to me to tell anyone that.
People can think for themselfs! And at the end of the day.. They will belive whatever they want to belive, and I support that.. No matter how far out there it might seem to some.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

I'm actually offended by your remarks.

I would like to invite you to take a deep breathe at this point. Realize that reality is in fact reality and you do not live in a snow globe. The next time a conspiracy theory arises, go to the library, open an encyclopedia, talk to analysts/scientists/historians/researchers, do an independent investigation, compare assumptions versus science, fact vs. theory, common sense versus no sense, what you have observed versus what somebody has told you that you have observed, and most importantly go outside and see the world for yourself through two pupils and not through a computer screen.

What has led you to believe that those of us here on ATS don't already do those things? I really don't need, nor desire, your advice on how I should approach whatever theory (conspiracy or not) I choose to analyze. Arriving at a conclusion that may be different from yours does not mean my methods are flawed any more than it means your methods are solid.

And I do see through the world through two pupils. I see it everyday. Maybe you should see 9/11 through your two pupils instead of Noam Chomsky's.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Once again, please do not quote partially as you seem to have missed the point.

For every force, there is an equal and opposite force. This is just as true in society as it is in physics.

For every political lie, there is an equal and opposite conspiracy theorist perpetuating their own lies in order to benefit monetarily - or politically.

Have many of you have become what you have set out to fight against? How many of you have perpetuated the ideal that 9/11 was an inside job, when no facts point to that conclusion directly? How many of you might have unknowingly perpetuated ignorance, lies, and untruth as a result of an the equal and opposing force of these politician's lies?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by AlmostPossible
Once again, please do not quote partially as you seem to have missed the point.

I quoted your entire post prior to your edit.

How then did I quote partially?

For every political lie, there is an equal and opposite conspiracy theorist perpetuating their own lies in order to benefit monetarily - or politically.

So your point is contradictory. You make concession for political lies yet seem to ignore the relevance of such actions in favor of denigrating conspiracy theory...

Seeing as how you have agreed that politicians lie, where is the agenda in that? Where is the amicable and 'okay' aspect of a lie?

Have many of you have become what you have set out to fight against?

It may benefit you to broaden your examples to beyond 9/11...I am a particular theorist that centers mainly on MK-ULTRA. It is real and I implore you to click on the third link in my signature.

A real conspiracy and one that benefits this site for naught, financially speaking.

How many of you might have unknowingly perpetuated ignorance, lies, and untruth as a result of an the equal and opposing force of these politician's lies?

And how is your 'black and white' expression of truth and lie benefit the vetting of opinions and impressions? Are you not inadvertently perpetuating a conspiracy theory when questioning the motives and perspectives of conspiracy theorists?

Perhaps you have found yourself at the right website...

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

Yeah Chomsky also believes Oswald was the lone gunman.

He works at MIT, which has an excellent physics department, he needs to go ask them about Newtonian physics, and the laws of motion. BTW MIT also does research for the military.

I'm a Lib Soc just like he claims to be, but I am very skeptical of his motivations. He might impress you, but sorry I see his analysis as being very limited. He doesn't even address the fact that government are controlled by those with the wealth to do so, and the foreign policy he analyses doesn't take into account the real reasons for our government actions that are not revealed in the MSM.

Chomsky basically criticises government policy, not government itself.
He believes government, using law and order, can solve social problems. He doesn't believe in 'conspiracies', that is ridiculous to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

For every force, there is an equal and opposite force. This is just as true in society as it is in physics.

And don't forget, with every "Motion" there is measurable frictions!!!

You are being redundant and very opinionated with your own ways of thinking.
To "Deny Ignorance" and explore the other possibilities is just that "Denying Ignorance", and for the most part, the topics of discussions in these forums are open to new submissions of ideas and possibilities, once again "Denying Ignorance".

To declare untrue; contradict.
To refuse to believe; reject.
To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disavow.

To decline to grant or allow; refuse: deny the student's request; denied the prisoner food or water.
To give a refusal to; turn down or away: The protesters were determined not to be denied.
To restrain (oneself) especially from indulgence in pleasures.

The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.

So, and with what intentions, do you get off making statements such as your thread title?

If you are so "Adamant" in your "Theories" of ATS forums, "Why are you even here?"

"Got a topic, 'Post it, 'Got B.S. and slanderous accusations, SHOVE IT!!"

Plain and simple and "Denying Ignorance with every stroke of the keyboard with this reply post!!"

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:52 PM
You know, there is a lot garbage at times, for a lack of a better word. Some conspiracies are complete bunk and I myself question a good number of the sites that are cited. Furthermore, I completely hate the fact people constantly link youtube videos that inform you of the "truth" when it is just someone rambling in front of a webcam. I don't know when it became fact, but it is pretty annoying.

However, I think this makes it that much more dynamic. You are not subscribing to the forum and getting 100% answers 100% of the time. You have to hunt, sort things our and form your own conclusions.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Seeing as how you have agreed that politicians lie, where is the agenda in that? Where is the amicable and 'okay' aspect of a lie?

Good question my friend, where is the agenda in a politicians lie.

We must first understand that those whom conspiracy theorists consider "Washington insiders" have a very thorough view of the world in which we live - arguably much more thorough than the world through the perception of a mere civilian. So those whom claim to have figured out the "unknown answers" surrounding why a politician might lie simply has a very narrow perspective to begin with, and should not be considered a valuable source of such information.

To the question where is the amicable and 'okay' aspect of a lie, clearly many of us would choose to respond, "There is no good lie". I would certainly have to agree to an extent, that there is no good lie, however when you put it into the political international conflict perspective I must restate - we are very much outsiders to the process and for us to determine our own conclusions based on the little information in which we are provided is nonsense and a mere assumption.

So why would a politician lie?
There are countless scenarios to which they would see fit. They are not going to broadcast the idea that 100+ potential attacks on America were defused on any given day. They are not going to intentionally broadcast their international conflict agenda either - which would make aware the enemy. There are countless scenarios, all of which cannot be explained by a civilian outsider whom was not briefed on the classified "dark side of the moon" aspect to any Washington scenario.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:03 PM
I'm going to shoot you something that's not "almostpossible" but damn accurate. It doesn't take the wisdom of Yoda to get the 411 on what is going on here. A member registers with several account using them to bolster his own arguments, probably because of poor debate skills, which is strictly forbidden by the T&C. He gets banned and reregisters again and again. Only this time he insults what is probably the smartest group on the Net:

In fact, I would bet that 96% of all conspiracy theories which tread mud on ATS come from uninformed, non-college educated, non-scientific, young children whom are attempting to explain their personal outrage towards the state of affairs around the globe.

ATS members don't like to be played the fool. Congrats, I think you qualify for the 2008 Darwin awards.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by AlmostPossible

How many of you might have unknowingly perpetuated ignorance, lies, and untruth as a result of an the equal and opposing force of these politician's lies?

Since you gave me the benifit of the doubt here. I will return the favor and say yes, you are right on that one point.
But you see, thats part of the plan.
It not only protects them, but protects us aswell.

Sure you are going to find tons of stuff on ATS that is used to throw people off the truths of this world.
But like I stated in my first post.. Its a diamond mine here.
And you have to go threw alot of worthless stones before you come across anything worth taking to heart.

But its up to the person to decide what is best for them.
Its not up to me. And Im glad its not up to me.. Or yes, that would make me the very thing I set out to break down and defeat.

Give a man like me too much power, and yes, I will fully admit I would abuse that power, and fully take advantage of that.
These are the things that make us human. And we are all humans here right? Right

Truths are a very personal thing. And there are so many people, and so many ways of life, that people will only see what they want to see.
Many have already made the choice! However I chose to listen, and read, and make up my own mind upon what I feel is right.

You are right to point, but you have to understand.. Your on ATS now.
And its not like your on some run of the mill site where your going to find it easy to blast us, and make us look foolish.
Your dealing with the elite here.. And Im more than proud to be a member, even if some things said on here are used to deflect and empower those who lie.

You would capture more hearts and minds on here if you came across differently.. You came off extreamly rude, and more than likely hurt any chance you would have had to win the hearts and minds here.

I can see what you are saying.. But then again, Im just being nice to you sir. As I belive no matter who you are, its always best to be kind, and classy. It only serves the greater evils in this world to get into a pissing contest with you. And further divides us as a people.. And thats what they want.. They want us to hate eachother becasue we feel differently about many things.

If you want to know who belives what.. Thats up to you, to do the research and the reading on here.
Then you can come to find who to Deny ignorance with!!

No matter what, ignorance is going to come into play.
Hell, Im ignorant on many things, None of us know it all. And Im willing to admit that. And as much as I wish I had all the answers and 100% truths, its just not so. Thus you get what you have here.
ATS is a wonderful place, and Im thankful for this place.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by AlmostPossible
We must first understand that those whom conspiracy theorists consider "Washington insiders" have a very thorough view of the world in which we live - arguably much more thorough than the world through the perception of a mere civilian.

Why should I "understand" that based on your statement of such?

So why would a politician lie?
There are countless scenarios to which they would see fit.

So are you saying that only non Americans have a right to consider conspiracy within the expression of the American politician?

You have just conceded that politicians lie for many reasons and if we assume for the sake of argument that politicians lie for the sake of national defense, then the conspiracy is directed to international means...which concludes that conspiracy exists.

What is your real problem, if I may be so bold?

Edit for bbcode.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by MemoryShock]

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