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'Karl Rove's IT guru' Mike Connell dies in plane crash

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posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 11:24 AM
This isn't coincidence. If you work for a voting machine company, beware.

Deaths of people involved in elections

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 11:27 AM
Here's a radical thought. Maybe it was an accident.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Oh, how bloody convenient!

You see what these a-holes think of us?

You see how easily they devide us?

You see the contempt they have for the laws of the land?

You see how complacent and apathetic they think we are?

It's hugely ridiculous, the way things are going right now.

9/11 first, then 7/7 (descrepencies all over the place in 7/7 as in 9/11)

For me, the real problem is not that 'They' would stoop to these things, for we all know, beyond a shadow of doubt that they would, could, have done and will do again!

It's how brazen it all is! It's all seemingly done without sophistication, as if they are kind of saying ' Ahh, that'l do, who gives a flying F**k, what the F**k are the brainless morons gonna do? Write on a few conspiracy website? Ohhh, we're shaking in our boots! Ha ha F**king Ha!

(see, 'infamous' Operation Northwoods, see porton down in the UK experimenting on soldiers and servicemen using nerve toxins a la VX gas, mustard gas etc., telling them it was research into the common cold

(yeah, VX and mustard will get rid of you, so no common cold, it works!), see also, US army infecting and then witholding treatments for syphilis, among black army servicemen (to see the progressive effects of the VD).

The government IS capable of these things, the HAVE purpetrated these kinds of attrocities on it's OWN citizens, and WILL do again, without hesitation if it serves their purposes.

Not at all suprising that they would think nothing of murdering someone who was about to spill the beans is it?

Hold on to your hats, the ride is getting a little bumpy from here on in.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Dorothy Kilgallen (journalist who was going to disclose a secret meeting of the world's military heads concerning UFO's).

[edit on 21-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

Kilgallen was set to blow the JFK assassination case wide open as well, but she died in her sleep from a drug overdose. Her notes from the interview with Jack Ruby and the article she was writing on the case had disappeared from her room as well. She did give a draft of the interview to a friend probably because she was fearful for her life. Several other writers involved in the Ruby/Oswald case also died mysterious deaths. I didn't know about the UFO stuff.

I don't hesitate to believe the government will kill their own people to keep their secrets safe or to advance their selfish ambitions. It's a sad world we live in.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:32 PM
If there actually is a God, the shenanigans of Rove, Cheney, Gonzalez and all the rest of GWB's crew will come out into the daylight.

I will be paying close attention to where this particular story goes. I mean, supposedly it is a fairly well documented case that threats were made against this man. By whom, time will tell.

What I'm waiting for is to see this account buried and passed off as inconsiquential until it is conveniently forgotten.

I'm especially looking forward to how Fox News handles this story, seeing as Rove is on their staff.

If it is ultimately proved that Rove was involved in election fraud or threats made against this man and his family, not counting if he was involved in a "hit', it would spell the death of FOX. Who's their next staffer, Cheney?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 04:33 PM
I went to where I usually get my daily news (Roadrunner main page) to see what it had to say about this "accident". I had to dig a little until I found it but it summed up what I just said above.

Nothing to see here people, move along, the exit is on your right.

COLUMBUS, Ohio(AP) An Ohio pilot who died in a small plane crash was a Republican media consultant who helped operate campaign Web sites for President Bush and former presidential nominee John McCain. Forty-five-year-old Michael Connell of Akron was killed Friday when his plane crashed near a vacant house in a rural area of Uniontown, about 10 miles southeast of Akron. He was attempting to land the aircraft at the nearby Akron-Canton Airport. Connell was the CEO and founder of Cleveland-based New Media Communications, which built campaign Web sites for Bush and McCain, according to the company's Web site. The site says the company also worked with the Ohio Republican Party, the Republican National Committee and other political groups. No one on the ground was injured. The plane did not have any passengers.

I'll look around a little more to see what other kind of articles from the MSM have to say. Please add your own. I'm curious how this will be handled.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:22 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Allegedly, Mr. Rove had threatened Connell;

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:43 PM
This may have already been stated...but I may have missed it.

The idea of "running out of gas " in a plane is the "ballon" in a gas tank mob deal.

Sticks out like a sore thumb to me, but, hey, accidents happen.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:31 PM
As A NE Ohio pilot and former flight instructor, I have to chime in. Anonymously, sorry. I know these planes, taught in them, and even survived an accident in a small twin plane.

Conspiracy theorists have looked to the fatal downing of Bonanza N7472N several days earlier as a "test run" sabotage with an unknown before this crash of N9299N with Connell. Good for fiction but way off reality. This is a bad time fo year to fly around here.

His plane was not equipped with de-ice on wings as reported elsewhere - at least it was not when advertised for sale in 2003, and rarely do these ever get full de-ice.. It can easily go 4-5 hours on a tank of gas, so one report of out of gas is likely wrong. However, Friday had a lot of icing rain in the area. A bit of that can significantly reduce lift. And if he was on final to Akron, holding airspeed above stall in a Saratoga TC with icing and gear down, is very tricky. Initial reports suggest he probably did a very good job trying to perform an emergency landing, but a flagpole connected with his wing and he would have been unable to control the landing after that.

Many off runway accidents leave the pilot alive because of training, and the availability of decent landing sites. If he had gear down, was set to land in a spot that had a high probability of success, I have to doubt this was sabotage. He was certainly alert at the time. Just too much room and opportunity for the pilot to survive. If someone wants a person gone in an airplane crash, there are cleaner ways to do it with more probability for success.

This probe may have been a contributing factor in his death - stress, the need to travel during the holidays, focus on this more than flying, etc. But I for one can not put government conspiracy into the minds of his four kids just because it satisfies our morbid curiosity of high drama in politics.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Allegedly, Mr. Rove had threatened Connell;

OMG! If this is true this is really sick!

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Reminds me of the Ron Brown plane crash during clinton's days in the office.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by The cult of Osiris
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Reminds me of the Ron Brown plane crash during clinton's days in the office.

Exactly, Osirus but if you look at the post above that warns you against working the elections by liveandlearn shows thats the preferred method of silence.
BTW liveandlearn great find!

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
He was flying a piper super cub.

The super cub also is very light and will glide nicely without power for a considerable distance.

[edit on 12/20/2008 by UFOTECH]

No, actually it was N9299N, a Piper Turbo Saratoga, a 300 hp PA32-301T manufactured in 1997. It has a max gross weight of 3600 pounds and a max cruise airspeed of 165 knots (about 190 mph). If you do everything right it has a range limit of 627 nm. The one way distance between Akron Canton airport and College Park is 239nm, or round trip of 478nm. The Super Cub is a 1750 pound (max gross) 150 hp PA-18, with a cruise speed of about 100 knots. The Cleveland Center radar track shows a gradual decrease in cruise ground speed at the cruising altitude of 6,000 feet msl followed by a gradual loss of altitude of about 100 feet/minute to 5,600' and then a more rapid descent of 425'/minute to a level off at 3,300' followed by a groundspeed loss of 11 knots. All of this is consistent with airframe/propeller icing. The Saratoga was not certified for flight into known icing conditions and rarely, if ever, had deicing or anti ice equipment retrofitted, except for the standard alternate air source for induction icing. And Akron reported .97 inches of precip that day with an afternoon high of 45 deg F. At 6'000' the temp would have been about 24 degrees, perfect for either clear or rime icing.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:39 AM
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Raw Story: GOP consultant killed in plane crash was warned of sabotage: report

"Connell...was apparently told by a close friend not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged," Renault said. "And twice in the last two months Connell, who is an experienced pilot, cancelled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane."

Here is a link to the FAA webpage for the Registration info on this aircraft: N9299N.
FAA Registry N9299N

Serial Number 3257018
Type Registration Corporation
Manufacturer Name PIPER
Certificate Issue Date 08/21/2007
Model PA-32R-301T
Status Valid
Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine
Type Engine Reciprocating
Pending Number Change None
Dealer No
Date Change Authorized None
Mode S Code 53161471
MFR Year 1997
Fractional Owner NO

Registered Owner
State OHIO
Zip Code 44286-9399

[edit on (12/22/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Just thought I would check....

....but of course, no mention of this on Karl Rove's website.

Just look at his squinty smug face!
It says: 'I know something you dont know'

If anyone cares to watch him (maybe see if he is nervous or squirmier than usual) he will be on O'Reilly Dec. 22 at 8pm est, and on Hannity Dec 23 at 9pm est.

[edit on (12/22/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Starting to lean that way myself. Some of these "death lists" do show some fishy deaths but the one thing we all have in common is that we all are going to die.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:19 PM
Karl Rove was apparently "warned" not to fly

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 01:26 PM
The man was warned about possible tampering to his plane:

ithout getting into specific details, 19 Action News reporter Blake Renault reported Sunday evening that 45-year-old Republican operative and experienced pilot had been warned not to fly his plane in the days before the crash.

"Connell...was apparently told by a close friend not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged," Renault said. "And twice in the last two months Connell, who is an experienced pilot, cancelled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane."

There were prior requests made to the Justice department to place him in witness protection:

Arnebeck warned the Justice Department that Connell's safety was in jeopardy earlier this year. In July, he wrote an email to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, requesting witness protection for the GOP operative, which was carbon copied to Democratic Congressmen John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who were sympathetic to his 2004 lawsuit over Ohio's electoral votes.


[edit on 22-12-2008 by clay2 baraka]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 05:25 PM
If he's a witness in a serious case such as this, and request witness protection, why wasn't it granted?

Not a one-liner. It's a pertinent question.

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