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'Karl Rove's IT guru' Mike Connell dies in plane crash

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posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 08:59 PM
I am not sure about this source so take it for what it is worth...


A tipster close to the McCain campaign disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell's life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife, Heather. VR's attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, notified the United States Attorney General , Ohio law enforcement and the federal court about these threats and insisted that Mr. Connell be placed in protective custody. VR also told a close associate of Mr. Connell's not to fly his plane because of another tip that the plane could be sabotaged. Mr. Connell, a very experienced pilot, has had to abandon at least two flights in the past two months because of suspicious problems with his plane. On December 18, 2008, Mr. Connell flew to a small airport outside of Washington DC to meet some people. It was on his return flight the next day that he crashed.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
interesting situation - that crash site is about a mile from me

Iand - might'a seen Connell at a local coffee shop with some guys in sunglasses last night

Anyway you might be able to check the amount of fuel on the ground or descriptions of the fire. In other words can you confirm if the plane was indeed low on fuel or if in fact there was plenty of fuel which caused substantial fire and damage?

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 09:47 PM
Isn't Carl Rove a regular on Fox News??? I seem to see him there a lot of times.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Some info.

[edit on 20-12-2008 by spinkyboo]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 10:49 PM
The plane crash is an effective tool to get rid of somebody "they" don't want around anymore. Paul Wellstone suffered a similar fate.

In a senate that is one heartbeat away from Republican control, Wellstone was more than just another Democrat. He was often the lone voice standing firm against the status-quo policies of both the Democrats and the Republicans. As such, he earned the special ire of the Bush administration and the Republican Party, who made Wellstone's defeat that party's number one priority this year. Various White House figures made numerous recent campaign stops in Minnesota to stump for the ailing campaign of Wellstone's Republican opponent, Norm Coleman. Despite being outspent and outgunned, however, polls show that Wellstone's popularity surged after he voted to oppose the Senate resolution authorizing George Bush to wage war in Iraq. He was pulling ahead of Coleman and moving toward a victory that would both be an embarrassment to the Bush administration and to Democratic Quislings such as Hillary Clinton who voted to support "the president." Then he died.

A quote from a pretty good article that goes over other notable plane crashes, many of which happened the night of or just before an election.
Was Paul Wellstone murdered?

Considering this IT guy was going to testify this is so obviously dodgy that i feel in this day and age they don't even care anymore what the public thinks. They know the people who are wise to the games can't have the blinders put back on and the people who aren't informed need to stay uninformed so they do anything they can to cover things up even if it is so in your face that it screams murder.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Brothers

No offense but pls use a google search Karl Rove is one of the most notable republican strategists and the brain behind all the Bush campaigns. This guy is so powerful in Washington its not even funny. Just for people like you who don't google and just think he is a dude on Fox here is his Wiki Page

Karl Rove

Everyone, before commenting on a story pls read up on who you are commenting on. Seriously this is a website so you have internet use a search engine i beg of you.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Is it a coincidence that Paul Wellstone, Mel Carnahan and Michael Connell all died in exactly the same way?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:52 AM
Just watch Zietgiest part 2. When they talk about the Economic hitmen...
and them takin people out by makin them crash in their airplanes.
Sound familiar???

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:40 AM
Hmm.. this was on the local news but they failed to mention who the pilot was and allthe details surrounding the story. Maybe because they just didn't know yet or couldnt release info until family was notified, but that certainly is strange.

No doubt in my mind this is another 'obvious accident' that simply wasn't an accident. It sucks to be a sheeple.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss


This story is just right for the conspiratorial me.
He worked for Govtec and was scheduled to testify in the Ohio voter fraud case.

Well this says it all.

"This is what I have been working on to prove for over a year. In fact, it was through following the Siegelman-Rove trail that I found evidence leading to Connell. That is how I became aware of him. Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.

"He has flown his private plane for years without incident. I know he was going to DC last night, but I don't know why. He apparently ran out of gas, something I find hard to believe. I am not saying that this was a hit nor am I resigned to this being simply an accident either. I am no expert on aviation and cannot provide an opinion on the matter. What I am saying, however, is that given the context, this event needs to be examined carefully."

"Mr. Connell has confided that he was being threatened, something that his attorneys also told the judge in the Ohio election fraud case," concluded Alexandrovna.

An FAA investigation into the causes of Connell's plane crash is underway, but no results are expected for several weeks.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Mod edit: External links added.

[edit on 12/20/2008 by Hal9000]

First of all even if he did run out of gas unless he was flying a F-16 or T-38 he still should have been fine. If he crashed into a house there were roads around the area and chances are a highway or interstate. You should be able to land a small plane pretty much on any road heck my uncle lands his on a gravel road and also takes off on the same gravel road.

It wasn't fuel loss mark my words, maybe he dumped the fuel because of a serious problem but he did not crash because he simply ran out of fuel.

Now if it was a helicopter without fuel sure you are screwed but a small plane no. Unless he was flying over the mountains and crashed into the side of one because his fuel dumped or in the ocean I can't see this being a valid reason.

Not to mention every pilot knows you do a pre-flight check because if you don't you could die and on the check list is checking the fuel and fuel gauge.

I would say he dumped the fuel because of a much more serious problem.

What altitude was he flying at when it happened? Just thought of something, did the cabin pressurization system fail at a higher altitude causing hypoxia and him to become unconscious and if it was on auto pilot he would have passed out, died and then it would have ran out of fuel and crashed.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:29 AM
This is just more background information. Mike Connell was not only involved in the voter fraud cases in Ohio but he was also responsible for setting up the alternate email system for the White House.


You see, Mike Connell set-up the alternate email and communications system for the White House. He was responsible for creating the system that hosted the infamous accounts that Karl Rove and others used. When asked by Congress to provide these emails, the White House said that they were destroyed. But in reality, what Connell is alleged to have done is move these files to other servers after having allegedly scrubbed the files from all "known" Karl Rove accounts.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:47 AM
People who go against the NWO Machine no longer get assassinated, they "have a fatal incident".

Having a fatal accident, suicide or rare fatal disease seems to be the new way of dealing with dissidents these days.

It serves two purposes very well.

1) Gets rid of the "problem"
2) The public is unaware of the person being done away with via assassination because their demise appears to be completely unrelated to being assassinated.

The "Big boys" are getting rather clever these days and the public remains stupid.

Marilyn Monroe
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Alistair Beckham
Dr. Keith Bowden
David Sands
Phil Schneider
Ron (Jerrold) Johnson
Princess Diana
Ann Livingston
Karla Turner
Danny Casolaro
Mae Bussell
Deck Slayton
Brian Lynch
Darlene Novinger
Ron Brown Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman
Peter Ferry
Ed Willey (Wife claimed Bill Clinton groped her in Oval Office)
James Wilson (Whitewater)
Dorothy Kilgallen (journalist who was going to disclose a secret meeting of the world's military heads concerning UFO's).
Dr. James McDonald
and the last four who happened to all die on the same day.
Frank Edwards, Arthur Bryant, Richard Church, Willie Ley.

..........the list goes on.

Strange how in the last two decades so many UFO Researchers and politicians seem to have had "had fatal incidences" more so then the average percentage of regular citizens.

Anyone that stands in the way of the NWO / Alien Agenda or threatens to disclose a "major truth" that is knowingly going to wake up the masses is being murdered.

Some how, it appears that The NWO, politics, UFO's and the Alien Agenda are all tied together some how and the "NWO Machine" will stop at nothing to murder anyone who they preceive to "get in their way".

The public just blindly accepts the news of these incidences as just another "accident/suicide".

[edit on 21-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by northof8
Well we can say that this isn't as bad as the Clintons. They have left a wake of bodies over the decades that is just laughed off or ignored altogether. They did it before, during and after Clinton was in office. Just wait until Obama gets going.

I have a feeling Obama will make Clinton and Bush look like angels...

You may be right. There have been several reports that some of Obama's homosexual friends in his church have been executed.

[edit on 12/21/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
This is just more background information. Mike Connell was not only involved in the voter fraud cases in Ohio but he was also responsible for setting up the alternate email system for the White House.


You see, Mike Connell set-up the alternate email and communications system for the White House. He was responsible for creating the system that hosted the infamous accounts that Karl Rove and others used. When asked by Congress to provide these emails, the White House said that they were destroyed. But in reality, what Connell is alleged to have done is move these files to other servers after having allegedly scrubbed the files from all "known" Karl Rove accounts.


This is where the meat of the conspiracy will be found. The voter 'fraud' is a b/s cover story. The missing "Administration" emails that America SIMPLY MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO SEE is the only thing the ideologues would kill over.

Here we have a person who could have revealed that the 'disappearance' of the emails, which the courts are going to end-up accepting as 'lost' forever, is a nonsensical proposition put forth by people who don't realize that their data can easily be recovered from the massive NSA data buffer. But of course, we're meant to think that can't be....

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by anonymousATS
It would be hard to beat the Bush's body count.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
Just watch Zietgiest part 2. When they talk about the Economic hitmen...
and them takin people out by makin them crash in their airplanes.
Sound familiar???

Well of course... if something sounds familiar it MUST be the same thing.. right?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
It would be hard to beat the Bush's body count.

Very true.

The Clinton's have a pretty high count too. They were (are?) neck-deep in CIA coc aine-smuggling operations.

You'd think we would get tired of putting criminals in office. Could it be that "we" aren't putting them in office?

[edit on 12/21/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by anonymousATS
Absolutely but most people are fooled so easily and maybe it's at the point where it is beyond "the people's really having a say anymore.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I believe Clinton is the one to beat as far as body count!

...on topic,

I am hoping that the couple of posters here who have access to the
actual crash sight will really run up there and try to get a look.
Mabey we can confirm or deny some of the official stories.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 11:11 AM
You have to be a pilot to join the club.
It make it easy to rub you out.
The Illuminati club.

There might be other methods mentioned in "Conspiracy Theory" the movie.
Or what ever suits the situation.

Consider Forestall, Patton and Tesla.
The Illuminati higher ups had their reasons.

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