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Making inmates pay for food

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Dreemer

The Laws, Human Rights, and the Constitution are what I do believe in. I believe that if someone chooses to break the laws, violate a person, or go against the constitution, they should be punished in the way the law states.
I believe a person is innocent until proved guilty. I believe that if they are proved guilty, then most often, granted not always, but most often that is the case. At that point their freedom is gone and they need to do their time.
I don't really care how much their mommas love them. That is not my business. I don't care how sweetly that rapist talks to you to make you love him so. They harmed another person and they should be punished.
I do not believe in cruel and unusual punishment. Making them pay for their food like everyone else is not cruel and unusual punishment. Not feeding them organic eggs is not cruel and unusual punishment.
I do believe that putting that individual into a nice cozy room, providing yummy room service, cable TV, and a gym for free, not to mention free dental care. IS cruel and unusual punishment for the original victim.

I am no Nazi. I am an American.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:02 AM
If the inmates doesn't pay for the food, then would they goto jail? HaHa.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by resistor
I have not allowed that experience to cause me to believe that all doctors are murderers.

Neither do I. I do not see the point you are trying to make here.

Pour out your hate on those most convenient if you must, but know that you are doing yourself no favor. The solace you seek is within you, not in the punishment of those you know nothing of.

I pour my hate on those who deserve it. In all honesty though, I do not hate even a handfull of people. Twards the prisioners who deserve to be in prision, I have no feelings what so ever.

I do not seek solace, I am not sorrowfull. Sorry to disapoint you.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:17 PM
Again with the putting words in my mouth. I do not believe the prisoners should be babied, or given room service, or access to TV.

I also dont believe they should be tortured, raped and abused. Just because i dont support one does not mean i support the other, this is not just a two solution dilemma.

Unfortunately the whole justice system is broken....americans still have yet to learn other ways of teaching their children other than beating so its no surprise that this is how they treat prisoners as well. We have come very far today in the sciences of behaviour modification, and cognitive behavioural therapy, and yet in our system we act as if these things dont exist.

I believe we should have a rehabilitative, correctional pursuit, but it is almost impossible in a justice system such as ours where such minute things are criminalized and punished with jail time so that we have such a drastic prison population....the larger the population the harder to control, and the harder to teach. Remember almost anything is criminalized now. Did you used to record music tapes and VHS tapes from friends when you were younger? Well now people can have massive sentencing from such things, and the majority of people i know can be criminalized just for the contents of their hard drive, and these are just AVERAGE PEACEFUL AMERICANS!! There have now been countless people held at abu graib and also at GITMO for years and then released on no charges, and these people received neither due process or representation.

You can say I am naive for my belief that humane treatment is the only option for any humans (and this does not discount capital punishment), however i think YOU are a bit naive if you truly believe in the law in the US, it is a biased and unbalanced law, that weighs on the lower class much more so than the upper class (you have as much freedom as you can afford), that specifically targets the lower class much more often, and that has been a tool to destroy the urban leadership of civilian protest and the civil rights movement. Yes, you can say that martha went to jail, but the very REASON that her and finally OJ being sentenced is so sensational, is that most often they dont. Our leaders LIED to get us into a war, and lately bush has passed sweeping pardons for him and his cabinet for any war crimes they are accused of in the future. Our bankers are massively stealing our tax dollars and yet there is no one to cry foul and they get away with it. The FDA regularly allows things on the market they know are not safe, as often the doctors on the FDA review board have stakes in the product they are reviewing and yet they are NEVER held accountable, and these are people LIVES at stake. The tobacco company suppressed knowledge for decades that their product was addictive and killed and yet were never held to serve time....and there are MANY MANY other examples of all of these types of things. So how can we have such a terrible and abusive justice system supported for one segment of the population, and then nothing but congressional slaps on the wrist for the other? And YOU accept this, even though YOU are in the population that is being oppressed, have faith in those doing the oppression, most likely because you have heard how good it is for you on TV, as i am quite sure that few if any of those on here have actually read a book on the prison system or have any experience working in said environment and seeing the effect it has on people.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Willbert

Originally posted by The Bald Champion
Me too...

I'm sick of these sociopaths.

I'd like to box up half these fellows myself. They are the dark in the world -no different from the criminals at the core.

HEY anyone want some??? give me yer address and I can pay YOU a visit.

Thats uncalled for.. threatening posters.. I'd call you on it.. but not interested in doing time.. go to your local bar and find someone there willing to take you up on your offer of intimidation and threats...

Where's the F#@# Mods to weed out these pestisites...

No. Give the mods a break. I can handle this.

[edit on 12/23/08 by Marked One]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
reply to post by Dreemer

I do believe that putting that individual into a nice cozy room, providing yummy room service, cable TV, and a gym for free, not to mention free dental care. IS cruel and unusual punishment for the original victim.

I am no Nazi. I am an American.


And remember Americans are the quote-unquote "TERRORISTS"! You're an American. I'm an American. Therefore we are the "terrorists". I heard that from somebody at a Zeitgeist screening after they saw me wearing an "Infidel" shirt. [/sarcasm]

[edit on 12/23/08 by Marked One]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:15 PM
seeing that "terrorism" is defined as actions against a civilian populace to influence government decisions, and we do that all the time, then yes, america is a terrorist. Given that the CIA handbooks distributed to south american dictatorships demonstrate tactics to instill fear into populaces, then yes we are terrorists. Seeing as the United States is the only country found guilty by the world courts for acts of terrorism....well, you get the point.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
I've been to jail and while some of the food is palatable for the most part it is foul, rancid and often had live bugs crawling in it and just plain inedible. (Cockroaches & maggots were common). So, if somebody demanded I pay I'd demand a certain level of quality - through the courts if necessary. Jail is a great place to go on a diet though.

Jeez man, what jail was that! I am all for Arpaio but if that were the case, I doubt I could bring myself to supporting him in anyway. I have been to his jail too waiting for trial. Bail is usually set higher if the crime warrants it and the perp is a flight risk. The food was fine I mean I ate everything on my plate and it was hot too. I can't imagine what place fed you crap like that though

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
seeing that "terrorism" is defined as actions against a civilian populace to influence government decisions, and we do that all the time, then yes, america is a terrorist. Given that the CIA handbooks distributed to south american dictatorships demonstrate tactics to instill fear into populaces, then yes we are terrorists. Seeing as the United States is the only country found guilty by the world courts for acts of terrorism....well, you get the point.

Yeah this guy asks me "What's with the shirt? What's an infidel?" I politely explain "Oh well as you can see by the eagle insignia similar to that found on back of the US Dollar, along with the word "Infidel" written above it. Infidel is a word used by Islamic Jihadists against those who oppose them. In other words; anyone who isn't a Muslim like them. So therefore I am an infidel. And with the eagle it is played as a joke at the expense of Islamic Jihadists."

And he's like "Oh okay. Well...anyways. We are the terrorists...!" (Referring to Americans as the terrorists. And this guy was American just like me. I thought it was kind of odd and later it started to make sense)

But anyways. I'm trying to find this article about some jail/prison in Texas picking up a Cable TV subscription for their inmates. I can't seem to find the article anywhere. I'll look later. Basically it'll be done by the start of this upcoming year. It's because of the switch from analog to digital TV. And the cable bill isn't being paid for with tax dollars. It's being paid out of the prison's commissary fund.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Aermacchi

That was King County Jail in Seattle Washington, in 1985. The cold cereal often had cockroaches trying to escape the cereal bowl. The maggots & worms were in the bread & other poorly stored food. The jail made 10 people share one Razor - which resulted in Hepatitis outbreaks many whom never knew until years later. There were outbreaks of lice & scabies throughout the jail. It was one flew over the cuckoos nest times 5 - if you weren't mad when you arrived, you would be by the time you left.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Let me sum it all up: According to the law, both state and federal, inmates MUST be fed a minimum number of calories a day...period.Minimum standards MUST be met. Inmates CANNOT be starved or deprived food. Inmates CANNOT be forced to work on chain gangs or anything else. If he so chooses, as inmate may lar around and sleep all day if he so wishes.

Corporal punishment is forbidden, so the authorities have limited means of making an inmate do anything much at all. Also, there are NO debtiors prisons in America: you CANNOT be deprived of your freedom simply because you are destitute.If you are broke it is a shame, but NOT a crime. So, if they ' charge' inmates for food, it is like sending a bill. It won't get paid and there is no way to enforce collection. None.

The system CANNOT arrest a man and jail him merely because he has no money to repay the ' food bill' from the jail.

It is HIGHLY likely that some court will throw it out altogether, making it illegal to charge for food. It is an OUTRAGE that the scummy sheriff not only wants to punish the inmates, but also insult them by making them pay for the slop they feed them.This is a POLITICAL showboating by an elected official who has nothing to give this world but a mean attitude and a sadistic streak. Old Sheriff Joe is a bitter and heateful old windbag who would never get his picture on TV if he was not a prima donna with a sadistic and cruel outlook.

People who would keep harrassing and bothering the convicted do so out of an inner meanness, not because they are for law and order. Doing time is no doubt hard enough without making people super pissed off. They get out and do worse...and one day mark my words some gansta is going to show old Joe the business end of his resentment....

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
Let me sum it all up: According to the law, both state and federal, inmates MUST be fed a minimum number of calories a day...period.Minimum standards MUST be met. Inmates CANNOT be starved or deprived food. Inmates CANNOT be forced to work on chain gangs or anything else. If he so chooses, as inmate may lar around and sleep all day if he so wishes.

Yes. The law requires that inmates eat a nutritious meal. Not a five star meal. So if they're fed "slop"? Too bad. You don't like the food? Stay out of jail.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Obviously you folks have no idea of what makes up a nutritious meal. Its NOT calories. Its vitamins and nutrients. My point is, with the science we have today, we know many things about food and what is required, and what effects certain foods and chemicals have on people, and yet we act like it does not exist.
Nitrites, for example, which are in all processed meats such as bologna, hot dogs, cold cuts, sausage, etc, have been shown to be linked to liukemia, as well as brain tumors in children....included in prison food..this is fact, not theory. MSG, an excitotoxin shown to kill brain cells, fact, not theory, included in prison food. It is shown that calories are not what the body needs, it is clean vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, all of which are in short supply in processed foods.
Further, processed foods, and indeed genetically modified foods, are shown to cause cancer, disease, diabetes, allergies, sterility, depression, if we are feeding our prisoners foods which are PROVEN to cause specific ailments, then we are forcing said ailments upon our prisoners.

Just because you accept these foods for yourselves does not mean that others should be subject to the debilitating effects they cause. Just because YOU, or the vast majority of americans may be ignorant of such sciences does not mean our justice system can act as if these things havent been shown in studies.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:25 PM
To clarify my previous statement, most american citizens have no clue about nutritional health. Most of you still think that milk and pasta are healthy foods, despite the fact that childhood consumption of wheat and dairy products have been shown in studies to be the main cause of allergies, asthma, and other autoimmune disorders later in life. Most of you think artificial sweeteners are better for you than sugar, and that margarine is better for you than butter, and that pasteurized milk is better for you than raw milk. Most have no idea that proper vitamins and nutrients can prevent the flu much better than vaccines, and cure infections much better than antibiotics. Point being, peoples so ignorant really have no position to say anything about what food is necessary and adequate for ANYONE, much less criminals. Dear gods, most of you would rather give babies processed food rather than breast milk, and still give your infants floridated water.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:28 PM
Further, sorry to drone on here, in a society where the majority of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer etc which are responsible for the majority of deaths are from lifestyle and dietary choices, and most of you still have no clue why you are getting these, to state that "whats good enough for you is good enough for them" is rediculous.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 05:35 AM
No. Let me reiterate. What I'm trying to say is "We are required by law to feed our inmates a nutritious meal. NOT a five star nutritious meal. The food is nutritious but it doesn't have to taste "scrump-diddly-umptious". You make yourself out to be an expert on nutritious food. Is it not true that nutritious food tends to not taste good?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:25 PM
HELLZ NO, WAY OFF!!! nutritious food can taste WAY GOOD.. The problem is that most americans are totally inundated with sweet and salty so their taste buds are desensatized. If you go to italy or africa, you will think the taste of food is bland for 2 or 3 weeks, then you will start actually tasting the flavors and see how tasty things really are. Just like when people start on the atkins diet, they think things are bland, but after 2 or 3 weeks they start seeing how sweet foods are naturally, like the sweetness of water or the natural sweetness of vegetables. Just fast for a few weeks and you will see how numb your tastebuds normally are to the true flavors of foods, when you finally start eating again and a piece of brocolli or sliver of cheese tastes like the best thing you have ever tasted.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Marked One
So if they're fed "slop"? Too bad. You don't like the food? Stay out of jail.

If you don't want to go to jail just kill the pigs trying to take you there and if that doesn't work slaughter the fat slob stupid jailers.
Hell, if they're stupid enough to want to work around criminals then they deserve to get shanked, right?

[edit on 26-12-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by pexx421
Obviously you folks have no idea of what makes up a nutritious meal. Its NOT calories. Its vitamins and nutrients. My point is, with the science we have today, we know many things about food and what is required, and what effects certain foods and chemicals have on people, and yet we act like it does not exist.

Don't be talking about where all that fat and calories is! You know where that come from? Watching that damn TV. EVERY time you turn it on? You get somebody talking about 'Lose weight!' 'Get healthy!' 'Get in shape!'. Everybody looking all anorexic talking about that's healthy. I KNOW what healthy is! And let me tell you somethin' else. I dunno why everybody tryin to lose weight in the first place. Ain't nobody suppose to be the same size. We suppose to be all different. Big. Small. Medium. Midgets. You suppose to have all that. I don't know why everybody go do that. They wanna be the same size! It's like that Oprah Winfrey. She gonna lose her weight? What? Nutin' wrong! She was fine. Oprah was a fox! She lose all dat weight, face looking all big, skin hanging all over. And Luther Vandross. Nigga use to be the "Black Pavarotti"! Lost all that weight looking all ashy. Oprah and Luther betta keep they ass one way! Cuz I'm confused!

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:48 PM
The sheriff in this case is INSANE! He feeds the accused twice a day.

Now he wants to make them pay for what little food he does choose to give them. This counties sheriffs department has not been involved in litigation SINCE THE 70s because the sheriff is doing good job. No the contrary is true. And I would bet that if the citizens of the country shifted their focus and investigated their elections they would probably find that the sheriff stuffs the boxes.

Just one question for you the reader here and now.

Do you eat twice a day?

Your criminal record has no bearing here just the answer, do you only eat two meals a day?

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