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Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Chronogoblin

As a woman, I have been discriminated against several times. One place did not care for pregnant women. The other just didn't think women could do field work.

It happens, quite a bit. I tried to pursue with the EEOC. The job had let 14 people go in 18 months. 13 were women. Most of those minorities. But no one wanted to step up. They were worried they would not get another job.Some wouldn't even talk about it. I also saw my Indian friend blatantly discriminated against. in Navajo society, it is a matriarchy. When she explained in a cultural manor to her Chinese manager(the only one not white) he got angry and said women cannot lead and wouldn't talk to her in 2 weeks.
Now, they managed to get away with this in a privelage to work state. ARound here that guy would of been fired and never have worked again.

There were 13 management positions, all held by males except the sexy sales manager.

There are so many cases that are not even brought to attention.
The EEOC wouldn't bother with me because I was only one person.

You are not allowed to speak for others.

My biggest let down ever. I thought I would be protected, but I wasn't.

Do I believe in affirmative action? No.
Because companies get around it by hiring minorities, and then firing them.

Hiring is the easy part, keeping a job or promotoed is the hard part.

So more to the topic on hand.

No matter how much white men are ridiculed, I think the ridicule in a way is a reaction to the power they still have.

Or it is a smoke screen, to let minorities think they have power when they don't.

We have all heard the jokes, Michael Jordan is filty rich but is a fraction of what Bill Gates is. But most people will of heard of Michael Jordan first.

In recent years nerds have ruled. It has become more mainstream. More acceptable. Is it really that white men are beign weakened? or that brains are allowed to be popular. Movies such as American Pie makes nerds cute. So do reality shows.

But is being weak and nerdy a bad thing? No, because the real famous lasting people in teh world are nerds. Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, that guy who built the personal computer. These things are all pervading. Only a certain amount of people follow sports or fashion. Everyone has a computer, blackberry, ipod, etc.

So despite being tagged as listening to Kenny G, a little humility in the world of power is not a bad thing.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:42 AM
Responding to this thread. I do believe racism against white males are bad. But its not just white males. Its white people doing stupid sh!t. And I am not talking about all white people. In all races there are the stupid ones. But I think we must remember its the white males who becomes the serial killers. Its the white male who raps, then murders, and then raps again, then eats their victims. By God I cant believe how evil runs in someones hearts like this. And whats funny about its most of them are all white males and their even gay or by!!!!!

Serial Killers are bad, and what they do to get there victims to submit it more evil than Satan himself. And again its sucks to say, most of them are white males. Go figure.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by slymattb]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:47 AM
this is a article from Australia that started all this metor shower of various rep;lies.I do not think this is some agenda to globally suppress males.I know in advertising satirical" tounge in cheek" is the norm.
I am from Texas here is a ad from the Department of Transportation featuring to old white men in a old pickup and wearing cowboy hats talking like a hip-hop slanging black from Houston.
What is ironic is we have seatbelt
After watching the vid, the seatbelt thing was explained by the director of the commercial was "it is a old vehicle and not equipped with seatbelts.It isn't against the law.
Everyone's a racist the minute you take pride in your heritage it seems.We are all guilty it's just those that make it a issue everyday that are the danger
The Dallas Cowboy NFL team is supposedly going through racist turmoil in the locker room with everyone taking sides and Terrel Owens stirring it all up.They claim the whole thing is a Media Fabrication and Owen's Posse in yesterday's press conference after beating the Giants was berating reprters saying "Yellow Journalism, tell us your sources!" That can be for another discussion but the hunger for attention sometimes creates Controversy where it doesn't exsist previously.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:57 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Alucard Hellsing

Thank you for speaking the truth. White Males are still on top in this world. I guess most whites don't want that to end so they are trying to stop their demise as soon as possible. I can't blame white men for always wanting to be king of the world, but everything comes to an end.

If Black women were running the world and someone tried to stop that, you best believe I'd be complaining, whinning, and fighting. Everyone loves to win.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:28 AM
I'm sorry to say guys these ads do not border on racism at all, leans more towards stereotyping.

These threads get out of control way to fast and I can't believe most of the posters get away with the kind of stuff they say.

Kinda makes you believe the media when they talk about the link between internet discussion boards and mental disorders.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Lol, I keep hearing the term "reverse racism" and "reverse discrimination", ect.. lacks are just as racist as whites, there isno "reverse racism" or :reverse dicimination".
Racism is a collectivist mindset, rounding everyone that has somethin in common into one group. I'm an individualist, I belive there are idividuals, I a guy, my skin just happens to be of a light tint, however I come from people of many different colors, the color of my skn does not determine anthing in my life, I have no culture either, I'm an earthling living on this planet with other earthlings.
If you belive that what is happenin to whites being discriminated agianst is reverse rascm/discrimination, then you might have a colloectivist mindset.


[edit on 15-12-2008 by TheRandom1]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by dntwastetime

It's already happening here in the UK.

This is from the UK government. I'm all against discrimination but they call for positive action ( discrimination ) to allow firms to hire more women and ethnics.
If they are best for the job then they should get the job.

But this is for a perfect world which I will never see

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by dntwastetime

It's one thing for whites to pat themselves on the back and so call "elevate the worlds heathens to their standard". But it's another thing to slaughter and descriminate all who don't tote their line.

Economic greed by white males has allowed millions of slaves to enter this country and set up shop to serve their descriminating democratic agenda. Now that the white male is in the same "soup line" as those he once controlled and looked down upon, now he wants to propanda HIS plight for equalness at the first glance of a black president.

It's all about the thought of him loosing control, and anyone with 1/2 a brain can see through the hidden message in this article. Is this a plea for sympathy?... a rally call for white power?... or a - wakeup call - brick over the head - on how they have devilishly treated others??

Only the history of their compassionate hearts will tell -

[edit on 15-12-2008 by Level X]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:07 PM
It is beyond obvious, the way that the media constantly portrays white males as bumbling morons, and it is about times we started turning this into an issue. There is nothing wrong with people speaking out about the portrayal of white males in the media, and starting to demand a change.

No body is blaming blacks for the way the media portrays white males, the blame is being exclusively aimed at the NWO, the elites, powers that be, what ever you want to call them, who seem intent on bashing white males to the point where it stirs up racial division.

I would like to also say that you can be white and be prejudiced against whites, and the same goes with any other race. The way white males are being portrayed in media is even starting to bother non-whites. I have heard plenty of non-whites make comments about how poorly white males are being portrayed.

Is it a concerted effort by some NWO, or just a result of white males being the safe choice to make the butt of a joke anymore?

All too many people want to portray white males as the bad guys of history, and that is complete nonsense. Slavery was practiced around the globe, and was far more wide spread in Latin American during colonization, but some how latinos get to portray themselves as the victims of white males. The U.S. and Canada are multi cultural societies, but Latin America is far more dominately populated by the descendents of the Spanish conquestidors, but nobody pays any attention to this. Arabs have conquered and taken over Northern Africa, and are currently working on taking over the entire continent, but the world turns a blind eye. Muslims ruled Spain for several centuries, and most Spanish people are descendent of the Moors, not whites. Ah, but everyone wants to ignore these facts of history.

It is time to return some balance to the telling of history. If one group demands special treatment, then all groups must be given special treatment, or it is discrimination. If we are going to talk about something like slavery, or conquest, then tell the whole story, don't single one group out to demonize, as is the current trend. I read through this thread, and clearly see a lot of racist attitudes aimed at white males, and it is wrong.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Level X

Your sttement is a perfect example of how a collectivist thinks.

Do you seriously believe that everyone who is of a certain skin color thinks the way you described, you are very wrong, black, white, yellow, red, green, we are all individuals, the only thin that seperates ourselves into a collective is our own beief that we are different "groups" of people AKA "races", I don't make descisions based on the color of my skin, my place of oriin ect, I make choices based on logic (but sometimes irrational emotion), i don't care what skin color you have, you are an individual, not a race.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Originally posted by TheRandom1
reply to post by Level X

I make choices based on logic (but sometimes irrational emotion), i don't care what skin color you have, you are an individual, not a race.


I write posts based on historical facts (and sometimes I inject rational emotion), I don't care what skin color you have, and yes, we must stop looking at race, so we all can be graded as individuals.

It's that eye opening transition that will be a bitch for some!

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:23 PM

We dark people want dark skinned smileys.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
Good post op. Personally I think it is sad and shameful the way white men are being degraded these days.

When it comes to commercials, I always thought the Washington Mutual ads were some of the worst. The smart black guy that makes fun of a corraled group of "stupid white male bankers". My god, can one imagine the opposite? A smart white guy making fun of a pen full of "stupid black males"???

They were overtly racist. Now that bank went bust. Good riddance to the lot of them.

as a white male who is aware that we're being attacked by the ptb, i find this commercial hilirious and unoffensive. Can't you see that they had it exactly right??? It's the rich vs the poor no matter what colour. "the poor are always gettin f'd over by the rich. Always have. Always will." I saw that quote in a movie that i forgot the name of, but i remember at that moment wondering why everyone knew it but no one stopped it. Now i know. Their tricks are working. Their wedges sink deeper. Like stuggling in quicksand.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

"What we need is a single piece of legislation in place to criminalize any act deemed to be motivated by discrimination. Whether that be based on race, religion, sexuality, gender..."

NO SIR NO SIR NO SIR! We HAVE laws against harming others in various ways. We don't need more laws.

"What you read into media is your problem, no one else's. If you don't like it, switch off."

Respectfully, wrong again. The media doesn't just produce sounds and images that brainwash or entertain. They are designed to sway opinion and REWRITE beliefs. Even if you ignore and tune out this hateful nonsense, others who pay attention will make your life difficult. I have a dislike for the illegals I see around and some have branded me a Nazi for expressing these feelings. Ignoring the media provides me no protection. I ignore and tune out the media and I still swim in a toxic social soup created by them. We have to determine the source of these efforts (and the motivation) and actively fight it.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Media was invented to be the tool of manipulation.

Even language was invented to perpetuate lies and to hide the truth.

May go even further than that...

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Yoda411
I'm so sick of the Equal Opportunity Act.

Listen, in America at least black people finally have their day. We have a true black president. I say it's time we abolish the E.O.A. because we are beyond those times. We need 21st century legislation that prohibits real discrimination against race, sex, and religion.

There is no legislation that can keep anyone from discriminating, racism and sexism at least are two types of ignorance that go deep and spread quick if not careful. They are often subconscious and Americans have been programmed to make decisions based on these subconscious sexist/racist thought processes. Some have managed to break the chains of the programming and at last we have a black President and hopefully we will move forward in unity but there are those so ingrained with hateful ignorance that they will be unable to move beyond it...

So while we might be able to pass legislation to stop racism/sexism in institutions I'm afraid it will be impossible to "prohibit it" elsewhere, as sad as that sounds...

As for the OP, I've been encouraging discrimination against white males for years, and I am a white male. White people have left a trail of slavery, hatred, and blood wherever they go and there is no reason for them to continue getting a free ride. Perhaps it is time white people get discriminated against so that they can walk in the shoes of those they spent so many generations doing even worse to. Call it some small measure of karma, perhaps...

[edit on 15-12-2008 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by SlyFox_79
Pathetic. As a young women with high expectations for myself, I sort of feel offended because now males have to be discriminated against so I could get a job. I would rather fight a fair fight and get the job because your employer thinks you are better than anyone else, not because he is suppose to discriminate.

Just depends on where you work at mostly.

The place I work there are way more women than men and that being said just the opposite happens. If your a man you have a better chance of getting the job if a woman equal to him applies for the same position due to the physical labor involved and at times required. (mental hospital)

I really only see this with large factories and electronic factories in the area. Most other places where I am at it's a 50/50 chance.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

You're correct about the backlash. As a woman who worked hard to take care of two children after their father walked out- no child support was paid and I'm too proud to go to the state for assistance with a debt collection- I appreciate that I was able to find opportunities to make a good living. But, I like being treated like a lady and my husband, who's taken care of my girls and me for many years now, understands that. And, if I were stranded in a parking lot the last thing I would do is become angry that a male attempted to ease the misery.

It should be viewed as common courtesy for your fellow human. Sadly, before he met me my husband was unsure how to handle those common courtesies.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Stop watching TV. It's full of brainwashing of all kinds to push different agendas. Nerdy white guys are popular targets, but not all white guys. The reason why it would be funny to see guys like Bruce Willis, De'Niro or George Clooney in a little self deprecating humor is because it nearly never happens. So it's unfair to say all white guys on TV are portrayed negatively. This is mostly only the case in advertising targeted to adult women (women in their 30's) Because, according to the advertising agencies, it appeals to their ego, and it has a bit of truth (it does, don't deny it). Choose your role models wisely and just don't be *that* white guy. So what if TV portrays one thing or another? are we going to let our sense of reality be dictated by TV?

Aside from a handful of shows and a few movies I pick up on netflix I don't miss TV.


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