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Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged

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+2 more 
posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:39 PM
Herald Sun News AU

I saw this link on Its pretty disturbing to read, especially because we are suppose to not be descriminating against anyone. Its backwards thinking to hate someone in order to make someone else fit into society better. The future does not look bright.

+24 more 
posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:42 PM
I'm so sick of the Equal Opportunity Act.

Listen, in America at least black people finally have their day. We have a true black president. I say it's time we abolish the E.O.A. because we are beyond those times. We need 21st century legislation that prohibits real discrimination against race, sex, and religion.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Sorry to break this to you, but white males have been discriminated against for years. Companies get no E.O. brownie points for hiring a white fit male, so they'd rather fill a position with a colored and/or female and/or disabled person, irregardless of qualifications for the position to get the brownie points. I've run into this countless times throughout my working life.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Yoda411
I'm so sick of the Equal Opportunity Act.

Listen, in America at least black people finally have their day. We have a true black president. I say it's time we abolish the E.O.A. because we are beyond those times. We need 21st century legislation that prohibits real discrimination against race, sex, and religion.

I agree with you. However, knowing people in this country as well as other countries discrimination will continue because they like to see trouble amougst people. Thats what they live for. We just have to keep them at bay if at all possible.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:05 PM
To the gentleman that calls Obama a "true black" president, you are partially incorrect. Obama is white, black, and Arab - a dangerous combination for everyone.

+41 more 
posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by dntwastetime
Good post.

I have had to turn the channel so often because I am sick of seeing white males as protrayed as big, stupid, luggish, bad fathers etc.

Our laws are prejudice against white men (fathers) too.

In 80% of all divorce cases in 2006 the child was awarded to the "mother".

Without asking the child, without examining the home situation of both parents, the child is by most courts considered the property of the "mother".

It's become fashionable on TV for young women to use the man to get the sperm and make her pregnant so she can have "the baby experience" minus the man (who is a blood relative to the baby/father).

I am so tired of white men being portrayed as stupid, insensitive and unintellegent.

Hollywood again is manipulating the masses into believing and accepting this view.

It not only that whites are shown as evil or stupid, but many commercials/shows/movies do their best to show blacks as the alpha males.

Some car ad showing off their new voice activated stereo shows the white guy embarrassed for listening to Kenny G and the black passenger sneering at him. Message: White guys aren't cool and are only worthy of black disdain.

Some other commercial I can't even remember what it was for shows a white guys geekily trying to hit on Carmen Electra and her dismissing him. When his black friend shows up she suddenly is interested asking for his name. Message: White guys are not worth dating, but make sure the black guy notices you.

Several movies I've seen ads for depict white kids trained in classical music or ballet tossing their culture aside when they mix with blacks or Latinos to take up rap, hip hop and break dancing. Message: White culture is boring and dull, embrace the exciting ghetto lifestyle.

A DS commercial has a hyper geeky white guy bothering a black guy that is looking at a DS. The black guy finally does the old fake "lunge" at the white guy to shut him up. Despite the threat of violence from the black guy, the white guy still wants to follow him home. Message: Any negative reaction a minority has towards white is justified by the whites behavior. Plus despite their violent nature, whites should still try to hang out with blacks.

Multiculturalism isn't about raising other races to white standards, it means lowering white culture to meet the lesser cultures.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:26 PM
As a white male in the U.S. and almost 60,I have been discriminated against since I was 28 yrs. old.
So much for equal opportunity and all that BS.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by dntwastetime

I am so tired of white men being portrayed as stupid, insensitive and unintellegent.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:38 PM
My my, how modern we've become.

Anyone see this backfiring? I sure as hell do.

For each passing day, the more and more I grow to detest the world.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I've never seen any of those commercials. Perhaps the subtleties of commercials change to reflect the local demographic. The question is who programming the commercials and why?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:53 PM
I ride mass transit every day and experience reverse discrimination on a regular basis. Blacks seem to think every white guy is a neocon country club type.

One day, a black scolded a white guy on the bus for simply reading a book. Blacks ask what time it is because they don't bother wearing wristwatches. It's like they do not want to conform to anything anglo, so you have the hip hop culture with the clown clothes, butt hanging out of pants, retarded speech patterns and so forth. Blacks will not listen to any music made by any other ethnic person, just hip hop only. I've seen blacks urinate in public, beat up on each other physically and verbally, and exhibit just about any crude behavior you can think of.

Having just gotten that off my chest, I will admit that it is not right to generalize. Blacks, when being rude towards white guys are generalizing. White guys should not generalize (as I did in paragraph 2 of this post) about blacks.

Unfortunately, I think there might be racial problems in the USA in the future. I don't think blacks or whites are over the racial tensions. Not from where I sit, anyway.

P.S. --- I realize that not all white guys or white people behave well either.

+6 more 
posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:54 PM
I've seen those commercials. I've also seen every damned sitcom since the 70's denegrating the white male and fathers and men in general. The manifestation of gender reversal is a very dangerous slope. We have seen the male continuously played and shown to be ignorant and useless by teachers in our schools. Males told that if they act like males they are neandrethals with no common sense. The backlash is already commming to fruition. Males of all races are starting to get even less thoughtfull and caring. They have no reason to bother for they are already thought of as idiots so why bother to try. I used to try to intervene when I saw a lady in distress. I don't anymore. I let them deal with the issues themselves. If I'm such an idiot then I have no business trying to help. Appologies to all ladies here who know the difference, but its getting so I can't make that determination any longer!


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

The commercial with the 2 guys listening to music while driving, before the black guy uses the voice activation feature to switch the stereo to Kenny G they are listening to Korn, an all white band. The white guy originally tries to impress the black guy with his voice activation system AND his taste in music, which so happened to be a white band. Kenny G is the butt of many jokes and its obvious he was here, has nothing to with reverse racism.

The commercial with the annoying guy with the PSP was a series of commercials with that same annoying white guy, the theme of the commercials were "Dude get your own". That same annoying guy would hassle people who were using their PSP, now the commercial with the 'intimidating' black guy featured Micheal Strahan a popular retired football player. Obviously if you had seen the other PSP commercials you would know this has nothing to do with racism but has everything to do with "Getting your own PSP"

These dancing movies where the white people throw aside the culture to be 'urbanized', although I have never actually seen one, Im guessing it has more to do with respecting each others culture as being different. The fact that these movies usually feature white women and black men is what im guessing your really upset about.

Not only do you have a poor memory about these commercials but you are missing alot of details, if I was you I would refrain from posting until you get your facts straight. Stop spreading disenformation. Besides most of these commercials and movies were *probably* produced and directed by white people unless Hollywood has been taken over by the black panthers.

What a person feels in his heart is what he sees in the world.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

I dont think you were paying attention when you watched said commercials, they have nothing to do with gender reversal or racism for that matter.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Ever noticed these days how women try to look and act more alpha dog than men? They all wear pants, walk and talk like men. Heaven forbid they would wear a dress and be feminine for awhile.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Multiculturalism isn't about raising other races to white standards, it means lowering white culture to meet the lesser cultures.

Seriously excellent post. But I disagree here. The attempted damage (destruction?) of white culture is a *symptom* of multiculturalism.

The purpose of multiculturalism is about the destruction of mono-nationalistic culture by fragmenting our society. This is but one of the stepping stones to one-world government.

The powers-that-be will only succeed in these games as long as we let it happen. We could decide, as individuals and groups, to make this behavior very expensive to the monsters behind it.

Also, I still can't believe that these monsters openly talk about their plans in books and articles (government documents?) -- and then they freely walk the streets. I'm amazed that they have avoided being turned into hamburger.

[edit on 12/14/2008 by anonymousATS]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
Ever noticed these days how women try to look and act more alpha dog than men? They all wear pants, walk and talk like men. Heaven forbid they would wear a dress and be feminine for awhile.

My god, this really is an irony free zone. Do you not think there is something a little strange about posting on this board to complain about women expressing their freedom to wear what they want, and act as they like without harming others?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:06 PM
African-Americans are still economically/financially disadvantaged compared to Whites, who hold a significant advantage in that field.

Success in American is determined by how well the African-American can appease the White man. Just compare Larry Elder and Michael Steele with Barack Obama. Obama may be president, but that's because he ran. He had one hell of a time trying to convince Whites that he wasn't that "Black," all the while trying to convicne Blacks he was "Black" enough. Judging from what I've been reading on ATS, its pretty clear Obama is still held in low regard by most Whites. Charles Barkley was another great example.

Media images and perceptions of African-Americans are largely controlled and created by Whites, and unfortunately adopted by irresponsible Blacks who both know better and don't know any better.

In the presence of institutional and structural racism, the false idea we live in a meritocracy and a colorblind society persists.

Funny what happens when you lose the emotions and the conspiratorial rhetoric - the truth comes out. Whites are as advantaged as they have ever been and their complaints of conspiracy and "reverse discrimination" is resentment and racism on their part.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by sweatmonicaIdo]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:13 PM
I used to care about this being a white male myself, i've seen the ads that degrade and belittle white males in general.

But u know what, stuff it, i'll be dead by the time this fad reaches it's pinnacle and would actually affect me in any real way.

For now the white male is still the be all and end all, we are still the alpha male, and they are trying reeeaall hard to bring us down, whoever they might be, but it'll take a good while.

For now im enjoying the ride and privalege of being a white male, we got it good, enjoy it while it lasts...

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 07:21 PM
What comercials? Please accurately describe them. Present some proof.
The commercials 'Ofhumandescent' mentioned were inaccurate and taken out of context.

Here is the Psp commercial, I cannot find the Saturn car commercial at this time.
Cant inbed for some reason.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by TheInformer]

[edit on 14-12-2008 by TheInformer]

[edit on 14-12-2008 by TheInformer]

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