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Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Grand Puba

While you base your opinion on a book written by one man, my evidence is based on the realities of what we know about history, and the works of vast numbers of historians. Whites developed the right technology at the right time in human history to conquer the world.

What most of the evidence shows more clearly is that it is the social organizations and forms of government that helped whites advance above all other civilizations on Earth. It comes down to the revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. Constitution was written.

Your choice to believe that the achievemen of whites is due to violent tendencies or some accident of nature plays well into the hands of the people who desire most to oppress you and well as the average white guy, and people of all groups. As long as minorities can pretend that whites do not deserve what they have gotten in this world, it gives them the excuse not only to practice discrimination against whites, but to deny responsibility for their own actions, thereby condeming them to failure. This pits the lower classes against each other, increases crime, and increases the power of the elites over the masses. You might want to re-think you opinion.

By choosing to ignore the characteristics that allowed western Europeans to achieve the levels of success that they achieved, you ignore the importance of those institutions from which we all have benefitted. Rather than building reasons to discriminate against whites, you would be better off to study what made Western Europeans succeed like they did. The revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. was founded, and its success as a nation are not accidents, nor results of violent behavior, they are results of offerring equality to all, as is the success of most European nations.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
It not only that whites are shown as evil or stupid, but many commercials/shows/movies do their best to show blacks as the alpha males.

It not only that, but many commercials/shows/movies do their best to show blacks as people that know the proper grammar.

What the it? I R mad blacks get 2 b przdent when i text my white homiez zo gud.

u bz?

hit me bck.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:59 AM
Divide and Conquer alive and well. Disinformation agents and fools abound. Let's get back to what's important. Your time is fleeting. By the end of February 09, the world will be a different place. Some will notice, many will not. There is an ancient debate concerning 'the' dichotomy of Free will vs. Determinism. If the latter were true, would you not be here in search of the truth? Would America have been created? Would the blood of past Patriots be in vain? Did they even know what/who they were fighting for?

What will be will be. Will you Be? Who are you? Have you been 'defined' without your consent? Did you cower to an unseen power. If the unseen truely had 'power', would it be necessary to remain 'unseen'? I suppose that is the question of the ages.

Seems appropriate for the 'times'.

Cicero Marcus Tullius 106-43 BC - "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist..."

You can be assured that the fellow above was not an educated 'product' of the 'State'. Are our minds as evolved as our technology? Why not? Whom do you serve; 'your' destiny, or that of another? If that which you served is not satisfied, why should you have faith that you are to achieve a higher existence? Only the 'individual' can achieve 'their' place in the world.

If the fool at the healm of Pinnochio 'nations' were to achieve a world at his disposal, a system of wordwide serfdom inherent with minds conformed to the will of the pyramid apex, or so those were led to believe, then how would this 'master' achieve a higher existence. What satisfaction would he find in a world of his own creation? There is a good reason tyranny never lasts. It was never 'designed' to. A tyrant never finds peace, only destruction, whether from within or without.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Grand Puba

While you base your opinion on a book written by one man, my evidence is based on the realities of what we know about history, and the works of vast numbers of historians. Whites developed the right technology at the right time in human history to conquer the world.

What most of the evidence shows more clearly is that it is the social organizations and forms of government that helped whites advance above all other civilizations on Earth. It comes down to the revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. Constitution was written.

Your choice to believe that the achievemen of whites is due to violent tendencies or some accident of nature plays well into the hands of the people who desire most to oppress you and well as the average white guy, and people of all groups. As long as minorities can pretend that whites do not deserve what they have gotten in this world, it gives them the excuse not only to practice discrimination against whites, but to deny responsibility for their own actions, thereby condeming them to failure. This pits the lower classes against each other, increases crime, and increases the power of the elites over the masses. You might want to re-think you opinion.

By choosing to ignore the characteristics that allowed western Europeans to achieve the levels of success that they achieved, you ignore the importance of those institutions from which we all have benefitted. Rather than building reasons to discriminate against whites, you would be better off to study what made Western Europeans succeed like they did. The revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. was founded, and its success as a nation are not accidents, nor results of violent behavior, they are results of offerring equality to all, as is the success of most European nations.


Well I just presented that book because it was written by a white man, but there are many other references I could give! The constitution is great, however the writers of the constitution didn't apply it to blacks, indians, latinos, asians or their own women!

The book "Guns, germs and steel" may be a more evenhanded approach to the issue than "The iceman's inheritance" but the theme is still the same!

The whiteman's violent use of technology from the mis-use of the asian man's invention of what we today call "Gun powder" to the "Atomic bomb" The whiteman's threat of world destruction keeps everyone else in check!!

For now anyway...


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:10 AM
Personally I do not like any group of people, I assess individuals based on their character. We have all encountered A class jerks from all races, why generalize on the basis of a few exceptional cases? I've even encountered a few kind police officers. Leaders of all races have committed a great deal of unspeakable acts of violence, often time to their compatriots. We are all savages, but we are also capable of accomplishing incredible acts of kindness, know why? We are all humans. Race is negligible. Those who are unable to change are unfortunately taking up precious space in this overcrowded world. Sigh. To those who truly believe that white males are being discriminated against, some would say that you're probably Paranoid, stupid, weak, pathetic, immature, uneducated, petty, incapable of sophisticated thought, voted for Sarah Palin, livestock, demented, and/or vile.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:20 AM
you know... some times, You need to look into the forest to notice it's made up of trees.

Don't be fooled, okay, there is a reason for all of this... it's intention and it's designed to land bad things on the Black Community.

There are, very racist, very wealthy, very powerful white men.

Why do you suppose the good money went to a Black man to assure his election?

Why is the media allowed to unashamedly represent white men as stupid, dumb, lazy, inferior?


We all know

Wars are created... how they are created however eludes most people

The first test run was Mayor Dinkins in NYC, replaced by Rudy Giulinai

Black man walks into a disaster

White guy comes in to "do what ever is needed" to clean up the mess

Lets be Realistic...


Are Blacks being given this?

What's the agenda?

To set them up for a fall Humpty Dumpty, so all the Kings Horses and all the Kings men can't put Black America back together again.

Use your heads

We all know... maybe some of us have forgotten... maybe uropeans are all into "tolerance" and many Americans too...particularly Californians and NYers

But what will a generation or 2 GET... a generation or 2 of uncontrolled trashing of the White Man?, jobs, equal rights...

Complete loss of everything

They know what it will get

A generation of real angry White Males...

a generation of kids, down the road that... want it, wants it all back

Kids denied their dads, that think moms a piece of trash and... reality check, a single parent isn't enough... tell me you "I did it stories it's all luck and bs and sacrifices if you did an okay job at's hard ... most kids become punks...

your going to get a complete swing of the pendulum down the road...

That's why it is the way it is... the Backlash is what they want

and I don't mean this like a jerk, but, they know the results... who wilol win that fight when it comes, really, nerdy white kid with the books and computer and knowledge vs thug culture?

Education applied to violence vs lack there of?

40 Million Black Americans

Do they care if allot of white women breed with Black guys?

That would be if 20 Million Black males mated with white women... this upcoming generation, 20 Million Black men that...never have Black children

The end of Black people...replaced with Obamas perhaps... but he's not Black is he? he's... something new, something else


If your a high roller white guy...

what better way to eliminate Black Males?


arrest them all in a damn war on drugs... keep as many as possible incarcerated in prime breeding years

Not enough?


Portray therm at a higher status in the media make one president (make sure he takes the fall for everything the white guy before him did wrong) but give them status, sell the music, put them in that position...

everyone that marries a white woman = one less Black Family

Not Enough?


Really piss off white males, knowing they have gone a bit soft, wake em up, strip their power... until they fight back...

eliminating what remains ...then of course call it heinous... in the MSM

War on terror? Racism?

Some one wants... these white guys woken up, angry.... back to their roots

and they know, the truth is, no group of guys on the planet is honestly capable of more heinousness when motivated then... White Males

What are we really... despite some almost civilized behavior?

The people that fell Rome... Vikings, Conquerers, barbarians...

What's under Al Bundy? A guy that WANTS to fight


Lets not Lie or be fooled... there is a Racist agenda behind the diminishing of the White male, there is a reason for it, it's not a good or benevolent one, It's designed to cause a side to loose

and me

I'm not a prick

They are setting up a fight... I know instigation when I see it

Prison, Interracial Love, Finally.... Civil War

No More True Blacks or hardly any.... that's the intended result

Don't believe it?

ask one question

why are there 40 Million Black Americans vs 260 Million Other?

Ongoing process always...

They don't trust Africans because of... in the end, Africa.. Fear that this is what a black society will become and Nothing to show that it wont.

Arrests weren't good enough... Now, it's make them cool so they stay away from Black women and trophy white girl the situation...

just another way... just look at the numbers of... eliminating Black men

This isn't conspiracy...

Just racism and breeding

and the practice of controlling breeding started ... Eons ago

Prison, Love, War.... all one and the same... one process...


The word so many Black people used for hope... a Giant Effin Lie, designed to be rid of them... Integration when your outnumbered 4/1 by white people and everyone else practically is Hispanic is... Absorption, it's in reality ELIMINATION


a fine line... the American Affair with African Americans

A wish of 400 years... Integration

Not going to be what is expected... results, Black Community diminished to a true Minority rebelled upon in anger by the rest of the society... fed up with the superiority/ inferiority complex which in the end is utterly media created

All i'm saying is

It's not going to be in my disfavor before all is said and done

and I'm not enough of a racist to not warn Black people as to what is really being done to them... it's a charade, it's numbers...the reality speaks for itself

Every Black man that impregnates a white woman is Black family gone... via child support, via, prison, via.... all of it.... Done...

How the Racists that promote this see it... one Black Man has a family with a white woman... one Black Family eliminate... do white people suffer, no, some looser dude who can't get laid looses his GF who was... probably a slightly heavy, slightly insecure chick looking to make a statement anyway...

no loss in terms of a populace gone soft as the more "hardcore" types see things

The white guys who loose, can't hit a ball, throw a punch or put out like a man anyway.... why not get some good athletic Negro blood in the mix right?


I'm just saying it as a racist powerful white guy sees all this and why it is going on

But what they want is "The Perceived Threat" the loss, the anger... so when in 10 years or 4 or 20... the even smaller and more tragic remnants of the crime ridden Black community face America, they face 60-70 Million pissed off white guys who can say...via a failed president and other things... we do this better and ...go ballistic to take it back

And Black guys are... doing 70% or more of the job, because power and money and all the rest.... White Women, all about the White Women...

Jail/War on Drugs
White Women

The end of the Black Americans

Lets just tell the Truth

There is no "Black President"

He's half white... did it all on face value right, married a sister (something 50% in his shoes wouldn't have done) stayed inner city, democratic... the whole 9 yards

but when it's said and done... The guy isn't Black is he?

Here in, lies the truth

The REAL agenda isn't anti White

I'm divorced, i'm in all the situations described

and this thread is the response


I have Zero Fear of whats to come as a result, because I know... the media doesn't change who I am or what I am, nor do any laws... My kids will... despise my ex, for any power she yields...they always do... my race will absorb the other race, my kids will come to me...

I'll... still make a ton of money the obstacles only...disenfranchise the weak...

I Am What I Am

Calculating, Patient, Aggressive, Intelligent and Very Adaptable

Just like the F'ers who run this all

One difference... I'm not a Racist... and I'll speak the Truth

None of this bodes well for African Americans or for Women to be brutally honest...

Sick... Territorial... a reason China is almost 2 Billion strong with one language... and Europe 1/3 in Numbers has over 20... a Violent strain, very smart, very aggressive Caucasians...


Don't ever not ask WHY... just because something is what you want... or think is right or is Long Overdue you... don't believe when you get it, if it is handed to you the person doing the giving isn't out to get you...

Sometimes, what you wanted all along turns out to be a waste of time and energy

This situation...

It's contrived, designed with a goal...

To elicit an inevitable set of responses...

The intentions are not... Humanitarian nor are they in motion by White men... against White Men

Nice Thought

That life is fair.. Blacks, Gays, Women have rights

But there is ruthless intention behind nations and cultures...

They don't care about the color of skin so much as results... Religion, Culture... Out comes...

America will be a bit Darker skinned parts of it when this is done... but the Culture will be the one they designed it be... and they have been breeding people since before the pharaohs, there wll be no "Black America" when they are through...

Obamas... the Obamas of the States will have a voice... but really, listen to the man, is he Black or white? Not how he sees himself... or what he sees when he looks in the mirror...

but rather... who he is

There has been no victory for Black people, nor any infringement on the future of White America beyond the temporary... losses in a battle for a nation, nothing more, nothing less to those who play with power...

Can't Kill Em

Can't Send em Back to Africa



accept them, breed them in.... absorb them...

That's the real...sad, racist... WHY to all of this


The final solution, the American way

Sad but True

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by melaena

Originally posted by Yoda411

Listen, in America at least black people finally have their day. We have a true black president. I say it's time we abolish the E.O.A. because we are beyond those times.

I hope you don't really believe that Obama's election means America has left its race issues behind. Don't forget almost half of the country voted against him. Not to mention the fact that he's a middle class, non slave-descended, mixed-race black president. Those things together made it a lot easier for him to make it, and for certain people to accept him. You'd never have got some ghetto-born full black with the blood of slaves in his veins into the white house, just as America's a long way from a trailer trash president, and a long, long way from a native american president


You write some well thought out and reasoned posts but I felt that this one is as emotional and nonsensical as many of which you try to claim are not well thought out. I am writing this in responst to your posts up to page 2 of this thread and am working my way to the current end.

My point about trailer trash presidents is that William Jefferson Clinton fits that bill and did more to discredit the office of President than many others before him.

I also have enough savvy to understand that Obama's election was not about numbers per se but marketing. By the same reasoning I also understand that by the example of William Jefferson Clinton...what was cleared up by his Presidency was the realization that the standards for President of the United States are not really as high as many of us would assume. We are going to have this verified for us again shortly. The same could be said about the current President. I see no reason to think it will change with the coming administration.

For some reason you and many others.. by conditioning and education...assume that it is about racism against Obama. I think you are wrong. It does not seem to occur to so many Americans ,educated by television standards, that they are not for/pro the political party represented by Obama.

It is getting to where everything in America is polarized by race, sex, or whatever cheap transient that television and movies can portray as the template of Americans. I am not interested in this phony nonstandard.
Like so much in America it has become cheaply merchandised by polarization to get votes at election time. It is very easy for skilled peoples to substitute thinking for emotinonal programming by this manner. I tend to call it whoredom or idolatry. It definitely is a hijacking and very skillfully done..without the bulk of people even knowing it is being done as evidenced by many of the posts on this thread.

It is for this very reason that I gave up watching most of television and am very choosy about movies. Most of it to me is cheap drivel....including the news....especially the news.
I choose not to live and breath a television life...television standards.
Sad to me that most Americans do not seem to be aware of this line of thought. I don't need to be living a second hand life through the gods of television and Hollywood...or the music industry for that matter.

I know this about what I am saying by the so oft repeated experience of having people around me try to express or describe an idea or moral concept by a movie or television program they have watched. It is astonishing when you think it through. They have no real life experiences of thier own. They have television/movie lives...television/movie experiences/thinking, television/movie emotions. Their sense of reality is skewed from the starting gate. And I am talking about grown up aged people....who are emotionally immature to the point of believing a type of entitlement. They genuinely believe that they the expense of others because they saw it on television or movies....because it is emotionally satisfying/justified. This is become alot of what we see entering the voting booth now days.
And people want to gell it down to racism??

I do not believe that this up and coming President will do anything to solve the so called Race problem. I think that they, like other political partys and party platforms, will prey and parasite off the phenomonon to their political advantage. If this pans out..I will not be calling this leadership. I will call this predatory and whoredom.

Any so called race problem will first have to be done by Americans themselves by turning off their television sets and isolating themselves from those who make merchandize out of the institution and cottage industry of This also includes public education since public education is paid for/financed by the body politic.

As to the premise by the general I agree with it. It has been happening for many years now by subtilty. It is accelerating. What will happen down in Australia will be a template to be followed by other countries in trying to mold thier unsuspecting peoples by a diet of television programming, emotions, and nonstandards. In short ..Political whoredom. The buying, selling, and trading the very souls of a nation for a substitute template.

I have said for years now..that when a whorish government gets fiinished with this nation..the only one who can openly discriminate will be the government. They wont allow anyone else to do it but will whorishly grant themselves carte blanche to so do. This is what is going to happen down under...and eventually by the very whorish process which is the body other nations.

In my mind/thinking....the template of equality desired by the gnostics, the intelligences of this world will be found at the gutter level when these groups are finished with us. In otherwords when a feudal system is once again wide. Royalty..some men ruling others by title..fiefdom.
This is the purpose of television programming/public education make this acceptable by crisis management...real or imagined..but definitely manipulated. To substitute privily ..our beliefs, libertys, and freedoms for the new feudal template.

Thanks to all for thier posts,

Post Script,
I also find Yoda's quote above to be racist..and following the template I described as entitlement by victimization programming so popular today to allow defaulting through on cheap emotions.

This man is the President of the whole nation after January 20. Not the black President. What nonsense. Talk about merchandizing ...being programmed. People are so far gone they post such nonsense and dont even know the difference. Entitlement. No thinking allowed. The Quote in itself is contradictory. It doesnt even make good nonsense once you think it through and evidences what I was stating above.

Yoda's quote above evidences we are not in fact beyond those times.
Some have institutionalized this line of thinking to where they no longer think it through but justify it as entitlement thinking/ if no one else will notice it or think it through. How dare anyone think or question outside the box for which they are supposed to be programmed.
Yoda does not think or realize that his statement in itself racism.
You are seeing gnosticism, sophism, and intelligentsia at work on unsuspecting peoples. And it is a religion. This also means that politics using this template is itself a religion.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

[edit on 17-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:46 PM
(Note: I am well aware that everything I post here is going to be reduced to "STRAWMAN! STRAWMAN!!111!11!!!, but here goes)

Originally posted by Grand Puba
Well I just presented that book because it was written by a white man, but there are many other references I could give!

Wow, isn't that amazing logic:
White people can't be racist about white people!

If a black person declared that "negros were inferior", well we'd have to agree - y'know, blacks can't be racist about blacks!

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The constitution is great, however the writers of the constitution didn't apply it to blacks, indians, latinos, asians or their own women!

Maybe that's because none of the above were powerful in the colonial United States?

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's violent use of technology from the mis-use of the asian man's invention of what we today call "Gun powder"

"The earliest known formula for gunpowder can be found in a Chinese work dating probably from the 800s. The Chinese wasted little time in applying it to warfare, and they produced a variety of gunpowder weapons, including flamethrowers, rockets, bombs, and mines, before inventing firearms."
- Gunpowder

Those noble Chinese, eh?

Originally posted by Grand Puba
to the "Atomic bomb"

We're forgetting that - in the only two cases where nuclear weapons were used - the Japanese were prepared to fight to the death for their "godly" Emperor:
However, I assume that - if that never happened - you'd still be whining that "raciss white soldiers massacred the Japanese".

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's threat of world destruction keeps everyone else in check!!

Yeah, whites are evil devils, amirite?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Chaoticar


The method and technique is called guilt conditioning. One must be made to feel guilt or the burden of guilt because of the template of who and what one is. It is often accompanied by "Victimization " on the part of other groups to allow them to play through unquestioned and unaccountable while others stand pat by being burdened by guilt. It is a type of conditioning on the unwary...unawares. It is also very effective.

This technique was promoted years ago by such social engineers as Phil Dohahue and passed quickly into the view of the body politic as a tool to manipulate the public by both Victim and Guilt conditioning. Others quickly picked up on this technique as merchandizing and rating grabbers. Jerry Springer, Montel,Maury, Oprah, Sally Jessie Raphael, Rikki Lake and a whole host of others using victimization and emotional feel good techniques to put the public on an emotional train wreck puppet string.
Once again the body politic was quick to see that this was a very powerful political tool to condition people for emotional issues to be used or misused to get people to be predictable and controllable/malliable in the voting booth. If you listen closely can see many politicians using this method. And remember too...politicians pay for and finance publilc education. It is better for them if you are taught/programmed to be an emotional train wreck in your education rather than a thinking self diciplined individual. This way it is more predictable and controllable as to how people will think and vote.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Grand Puba

Chaoticar, thanks for answering to Puba's reply for me.

When the Chinese accidentally stumbled across the invention of gun powder, they quickly applied it to warfare. It wasn't for lack of trying that they failed to turn it into as powerful of a weapon as the Europeans.

The Chinese have an equally bloody of a history as Europeans, and they continue on to this day in being aggressive in expanding their dominance, witness Tibet.

The U.S. constitution did not succeed in applying the concepts of equality to all races, but at least it was a start, and when you look at U.S. history, you will see that many did work to apply the ideals of equality for all to all races. Socially, it has been a evolutionary process, and the effort continues on to this day. No matter how you try to belittle the concepts of the U.S. constitution, it was a bold work based on revolutionary ideas that have probably changed the world for the better more than any other idea in human history.

Whites can be prejudiced against whites, and there are many examples, and blacks can be prejudiced against blacks, and so on and so forth. It just goes to show that racism isn't really about race, it is about the support of deceptive ideas that distort the reality, and pit one group against another.

You are not helping the effort by trying to claim the success of whites is due to their violent tendencies, ignoring the huge body of evidence that says otherwise, except perhaps, by playing the devil advocate, and giving those of us a chance to respond to these false beliefs.

mopusvindictus and orangetom1999 also makes some good points, althought here are things I disagree with in some of their posts.

Perpetuating the idea that the success of white Europeans is only due to their violent tendencies only succeeds in exacerbating the problem, and completely ignores the body of evidence of history.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Chaoticar
(Note: I am well aware that everything I post here is going to be reduced to "STRAWMAN! STRAWMAN!!111!11!!!, but here goes)

Originally posted by Grand Puba
Well I just presented that book because it was written by a white man, but there are many other references I could give!

Wow, isn't that amazing logic:
White people can't be racist about white people!

If a black person declared that "negros were inferior", well we'd have to agree - y'know, blacks can't be racist about blacks!

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The constitution is great, however the writers of the constitution didn't apply it to blacks, indians, latinos, asians or their own women!

Maybe that's because none of the above were powerful in the colonial United States?

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's violent use of technology from the mis-use of the asian man's invention of what we today call "Gun powder"

"The earliest known formula for gunpowder can be found in a Chinese work dating probably from the 800s. The Chinese wasted little time in applying it to warfare, and they produced a variety of gunpowder weapons, including flamethrowers, rockets, bombs, and mines, before inventing firearms."
- Gunpowder

Those noble Chinese, eh?

Originally posted by Grand Puba
to the "Atomic bomb"

We're forgetting that - in the only two cases where nuclear weapons were used - the Japanese were prepared to fight to the death for their "godly" Emperor:
However, I assume that - if that never happened - you'd still be whining that "raciss white soldiers massacred the Japanese".

Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's threat of world destruction keeps everyone else in check!!

Yeah, whites are evil devils, amirite?

Yes, I'll agree with you! You have presented nothing but strawman arguments!

I never said any of the things you are bringing up! Have non-whites comitted acts of atrocity? Sure! Where did I deny such a thing?

The white man PERFECTED it!!


So I'm not gonna chase these red herrings!!

Prove that the white man's violence against non-whites is NOT the reason he is on top!!

Prove that the white man doesn't have the ability to blow up the whole planet!!

Show me a non-white nation with the ability to blow up the earth!

Then we can talk about what I've said and not your bogus straw men!!


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Grand Puba
Then we can talk about what I've said and not your bogus straw men!!

Further discussion is pointless, as your entire viewpoint can be reduced to:
* The White Man is violent!
* The White Man hates non-whites!
* The White Man can blow up the world!

I know your kind, and I'm not going to waste the time or effort attempting to debate a person who believes if I post the same thing over and over and over again, I'll batter the opposition into surrender through sheer attrition!

You have some deep-seated issues with white men that no Internet discussion can hope to cure, and for that I'm really sorry.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Chaoticar

LOL LOL Chaoticar,

I too am not interested in guilt politics. I do not feel guilty for who and what I am and am not in any way interested in the political/public education version of history.

I can demonstrate this concept of history quite easily and in a manner which will never be taught by what passes for history in most courses even to day and even in college level courses financed by a whorish soul selling pubic education. By this I mean a education financed by the body politic.

To demonstrate how ignorant and politically/racially minded so many are out here....

What I know and can see clearly in almost any history that before about 1519AD the so called white man anywhere you looked in the world lived mostly at a substance level and often much poorer than many other races in the world. The suit of clothes most had ..was what what they had on. No need for a closet...there was nothing to put in one if you even had a closet.
Most of the fabeled superior white men were never to travel more than 20 miles from where they resided if indeed they traveled that far. Most of them did not own the land on which they lived. Most of the land in most nations was under a feudal royalty.
There was almost no progress everwhere you looked in this world. Regardless of race. A few people had a little and the rest had almost nothing.

My point in all this is that what is not taught to most of that what ever changed the white man was not his race...for he always had his race ...yet little happened.

For people no matter who makes the boast of a race or progress by race is to speak of stupidity. Educated, institutionalized stupidity. History bears this out. Conversely to transfer guilt by race is also to promote stupidity.

Whatever changed the white man was not his race. It was also not the political system per se.

It was his religion..and it did not happen to all white men...but only a few in certain nations...and not in others where white men dwelled.

It was obviously not his education...for we can see this today in the dumbing down of so many...even here on this site ..ATS/BTS. They cannot get beyond cheap racial politics and slant in anything they discuss. They must have the crutch of race to prove their points and get others to default to their nonsense and guilt politics.

I agree with the poster stating that other nations were bloodthirsty and have long records of killing and conquerings. Once again...this demonstrates that it is not only white men who have a monoploly on poor education or knowledge of history.

What many so obviously have out here on this and other threads is an advanced tendency to attempt to transfer guilt and such guilt behavior others while thinking that the bulk do not know enought history to counter thier points or demonstrate the flaws in their arguments or techniques.

I do not and will not feel guilty for who and what I am...or am not.

Once you know and underestand the secret kept from most of us about 1519 AD and the fabled superior white will never be intimidated by guilt politics again. You will clearly see how cheap and manipulative is anyone trying such a technique. They are counting on most of us not knowing any history. They would be correct on this except you now know that the secret is out. Not hidden anymore.

What ever changed the white man was not his race. Anyone attempting to use race to make you feel guilty is conning you...a con job. They are also conning themselves.

Once you know the truth this technique so many attempt to use ...doesnt even make good nonsense.

Any college professors or highschool teachers attempting to use such techniques are also conning you and getting you to pay for such nonsense. They are liars and phoneys.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to lpost by melaena

LEAST discrimanated against group. I would love to know exactly what alternate reality your living in. Straight white christian males are the most discrimanated against group on the face of the planet want proof? If i being a straight white christian male were to apply for a job and a member of any other race, a woman, an atheist, a satanist, or a gay were to apply for the same job, and all were told "thank you for applying, however we are not hiring at the present time", i would be the only one who could could not scream discrimanation. That is not an oppinion, but the cold hard truth. Therefore, I do believe that would be considered discrimantion against straight white christian males. Who for your information are no longer the majority (as this is no longer the 1600's) i do believe they are among the smallest minority. please check your facts before making ignorant and uneducated posts as most would find this distasteful

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by Chaoticar

LOL LOL Chaoticar,

I too am not interested in guilt politics. I do not feel guilty for who and what I am and am not in any way interested in the political/public education version of history.

I can demonstrate this concept of history quite easily and in a manner which will never be taught by what passes for history in most courses even to day and even in college level courses financed by a whorish soul selling pubic education. By this I mean a education financed by the body politic.

To demonstrate how ignorant and politically/racially minded so many are out here....

What I know and can see clearly in almost any history that before about 1519AD the so called white man anywhere you looked in the world lived mostly at a substance level and often much poorer than many other races in the world. The suit of clothes most had ..was what what they had on. No need for a closet...there was nothing to put in one if you even had a closet.
Most of the fabeled superior white men were never to travel more than 20 miles from where they resided if indeed they traveled that far. Most of them did not own the land on which they lived. Most of the land in most nations was under a feudal royalty.
There was almost no progress everwhere you looked in this world. Regardless of race. A few people had a little and the rest had almost nothing.

My point in all this is that what is not taught to most of that what ever changed the white man was not his race...for he always had his race ...yet little happened.

For people no matter who makes the boast of a race or progress by race is to speak of stupidity. Educated, institutionalized stupidity. History bears this out. Conversely to transfer guilt by race is also to promote stupidity.

Whatever changed the white man was not his race. It was also not the political system per se.

It was his religion..and it did not happen to all white men...but only a few in certain nations...and not in others where white men dwelled.

It was obviously not his education...for we can see this today in the dumbing down of so many...even here on this site ..ATS/BTS. They cannot get beyond cheap racial politics and slant in anything they discuss. They must have the crutch of race to prove their points and get others to default to their nonsense and guilt politics.

I agree with the poster stating that other nations were bloodthirsty and have long records of killing and conquerings. Once again...this demonstrates that it is not only white men who have a monoploly on poor education or knowledge of history.

What many so obviously have out here on this and other threads is an advanced tendency to attempt to transfer guilt and such guilt behavior others while thinking that the bulk do not know enought history to counter thier points or demonstrate the flaws in their arguments or techniques.

I do not and will not feel guilty for who and what I am...or am not.

Once you know and underestand the secret kept from most of us about 1519 AD and the fabled superior white will never be intimidated by guilt politics again. You will clearly see how cheap and manipulative is anyone trying such a technique. They are counting on most of us not knowing any history. They would be correct on this except you now know that the secret is out. Not hidden anymore.

What ever changed the white man was not his race. Anyone attempting to use race to make you feel guilty is conning you...a con job. They are also conning themselves.

Once you know the truth this technique so many attempt to use ...doesnt even make good nonsense.

Any college professors or highschool teachers attempting to use such techniques are also conning you and getting you to pay for such nonsense. They are liars and phoneys.


I have to ask, where is the "Guilt" coming from?

At no point have I said that any white man should feel guilty for crimes that they haven't comitted!!

If you're innocent, you're innocent!

If you mention black criminality I don't feel guilt due to the fact I'm not a criminal!

The whiteman's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!

This is irrefutable fact!

Yet, if you aren't into racial solidarity then why do you feel "Guilt"?


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Grand Puba,

I am not into racial solidarity because I know that just like any other phoney system of men it will eventually be hijacked for many purposes as were other historical systems. Often these systems were hijacked and redirected by a handful for the purposes of others....not the peoples. This has nothing to do with has to do with power and the nature of power...most of which is Occult. By your title or handle on here you should already know this. If you don't ..I strongly suggest you learn.

I don't believe in racial solidarity. I don't believe man is sufficiently noble, moral, intelligent,or anything else to maintain a system based on racial solidarity.

As to this..

The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!

This is about as textbook an example of the point I am making in my previous post. Thank you for the confirmation.

There have been some five or six world class empires going back to the Ancient Egyptians. All of them exhibiting the violence, cruelty and visciousness of which you describe as being currently and popularly attributable to the "White Man" or "RACE."

The Egyptians
The Assyrians
The Babylonians
The Persians
The Greeks
The Romans.

Now if you want to go further based on history of the Orient of which today we know can include the Empires of the Aryans or Indians, The Chinese, The Japanese....all very violent cultures full of conquerings, slavery, depravity, feudalism etc etc.

It never seems to occur to most when reading or quoting any history that the material of which men is inferior material. It is not sufficient for men to rise above this natural state. Regardless of what "Race " he is. In short..our raw material of which we are made is lously material.
No matter how educated we are or will become we cannot seem to overcome our natural raw material...for it is insufficient.

What you state Grand Puba is not an irrefutable fact. It is like much of public education ..a con job and you have taken a big bite out of the apple.

Notice this...

At no point have I said that any white man should feel guilty for crimes that they haven't committed!!

followed by this..contradiction...

The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!

Here again you confirm my point about public education/television education/political education. Thank you.

I hope that the readers of this thread can now begin to see the standard issue M1A political line which is so prevalent across the world that race must dominate everything to the exclusion of common sense and a knowledge of even history. This is so prevalent among so many it has become a cottage industry to the point of entitlement...that it must play through by default...unchallanged and unquestioned.

Once you have sufficient knowledge to notice it being played on you....put a mark on it and anyone using it. Teach yourself how and why it is false.
Then you will be ready to refute the arguements if you even want to bother.
This is the point I was making in my previous posts. It did not take long for a poster to come along and make confirmation. It is so ingrained in peoples minds and souls that they dont even know what they dont even know. They think it plays through unquestioned entitlement.

Beware..of this pale horse. It is in itself ...racism.

It never seems to occur to folks that this symptom is not limited to any men by race....but by the naturally inferior material of which we are made. The material is insufficient for the task. No amount of man made, intelligent, gnostic workings are going to change this . No amount of education is sufficient.

Thanks again Grand Puba for making my point about much on this thread and among the state of men.


[edit on 18-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Grand Puba,

I am not into racial solidarity because I know that just like any other phoney system of men it will eventually be hijacked for many purposes as were other historical systems. Often these systems were hijacked and redirected by a handful for the purposes of others....not the peoples. This has nothing to do with has to do with power and the nature of power...most of which is Occult. By your title or handle on here you should already know this. If you don't ..I strongly suggest you learn.

I don't believe in racial solidarity. I don't believe man is sufficiently noble, moral, intelligent,or anything else to maintain a system based on racial solidarity.

As to this..

The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!

This is about as textbook an example of the point I am making in my previous post. Thank you for the confirmation.

There have been some five or six world class empires going back to the Ancient Egyptians. All of them exhibiting the violence, cruelty and visciousness of which you describe as being currently and popularly attributable to the "White Man" or "RACE."

The Egyptians
The Assyrians
The Babylonians
The Persians
The Greeks
The Romans.

Now if you want to go further based on history of the Orient of which today we know can include the Empires of the Aryans or Indians, The Chinese, The Japanese....all very violent cultures full of conquerings, slavery, depravity, feudalism etc etc.

It never seems to occur to most when reading or quoting any history that the material of which men is inferior material. It is not sufficient for men to rise above this natural state. Regardless of what "Race " he is. In short..our raw material of which we are made is lously material.
No matter how educated we are or will become we cannot seem to overcome our natural raw material...for it is insufficient.

What you state Grand Puba is not an irrefutable fact. It is like much of public education ..a con job and you have taken a big bite out of the apple.

Notice this...contradiction...

At no point have I said that any white man should feel guilty for crimes that they haven't committed!!

followed by this..contradiction...

The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!

Here again you confirm my point about public education/television education/political education. Thank you.

I hope that the readers of this thread can now begin to see the standard issue M1A political line which is so prevalent across the world that race must dominate everything to the exclusion of common sense and a knowledge of even history. This is so prevalent among so many it has become a cottage industry to the point of entitlement...that it must play through by default...unchallanged and unquestioned.

Once you have sufficient knowledge to notice it being played on you....put a mark on it and anyone using it. Teach yourself how and why it is false.
Then you will be ready to refute the arguements if you even want to bother.
This is the point I was making in my previous posts. It did not take long for a poster to come along and make confirmation. It is so ingrained in peoples minds and souls that they dont even know what they dont even know. They think it plays through unquestioned entitlement.

Beware..of this pale horse. It is in itself ...racism.

It never seems to occur to folks that this symptom is not limited to any men by race....but by the naturally inferior material of which we are made. The material is insufficient for the task. No amount of man made, intelligent, gnostic workings are going to change this . No amount of education is sufficient.

Thanks again Grand Puba for making my point about much on this thread and among the state of men.


[edit on 18-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

All the the nations you have named have never possessed the power to erase the planet earth from existance!! And then use said power to keep all the nations of the world in check!

Also, many whites claim that all of the nations you named are in fact "white" nations!!

As for my statement being contradictory, it can only be so if you leave out my statement on black crime, which you did!!

I know that there are peaceful white men, however I am speaking about white men as a collective!

You can not deny that the white man as a collective at this point in history has assumed this position of dominance without being violent to the extreme against non-whites and women!

So once again I ask...

Why the "Guilt"?


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:25 AM
Grand Puba,

Wow!! Benefits of a classical education.

Guilt, collective, crime.

All from standard issue Marxist ideology. Textbook M1A programming. Standard issue education format today.

Once again in classical M1A issue propaganda public education format you leave out most of the overview of history for your versions of Bias and non subtilty. Watch this...

All the the nations you have named have never possessed the power to erase the planet earth from existence!! And then use said power to keep all the nations of the world in check!

No not all the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. As a matter of fact ..none of the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. Nations today as well as in years past have had the power to change the face of the earth drastically through their conquerings and restructerings.
You are however showing your racial bias here and also your provincial grasp of history. As not all these nations are so called "White Nations". By this I mean today as well as yesterday.
Please keep up the racial baiting. I have every confidence that at least some of the readers will catch on to the template or paradigm and see it for what it is...guilt conditioning. Division..not racial solidarity.

Marxism has always been divide and conquer...just as did other nations...other ideologies.

As to "Guilt." Don'T waste your time on me with guilt. I have learned to step outside this template and see it for what it manipulation...translate that ..political manipulation...translate that public education standards.

I am not into guilt. What I am into here on this thread is exposing a faulty premise and you are doing fine in confirming that. Please keep it up.
It is apparent and will be soon to most of the readers that outside of race issues you don't have anything outside of racial victimization politics. Now you want to expose your hand with divisive marxist ideology and verbage? Please do continue.

I am also not into collectives. I am into individual thinking and initiative.
Individual responsibility. In short ..I am a capitalist.
I am just not interested in this kind of cheap political template. I find it very popular today and it gets so can see it coming after awhile. One becomes very aware that even the "Free Press" has succumed to this nonsense and is being lead around by their gonads. After all..the press has adequately shown themselves to be mostly shills for the various political parties...who in turn finance public education..almost all of the press. Not much different from public education. I would say that public education, politics, and the press are connected. They are nonsense.

Oh..and lest I forget..I did not mention did. I am not interested in crime. Please take that victimization template somewhere else. For it too has become a cheap political template looking to default through on emotions. I am not such an emotional a train wreck that I need crime as a crutch to illustrate my points. That is the second time you have tried to slip in this point about crime. I am going to leave you your crutch here.

If you are insistent on using crime ..please do. You will once again show your racial bias and expectation to play through unchallanged and default to the readers of this thread.

It doesn't work with me Grand Puba. I am not interested in guilt conditioning. I am also not interested in nonsense...attempting to default through unchallanged and unquestioned as the moral ethical high ground. It is not any of these. Translate..that politics. Cheap whorish politics...for votes..for souls.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by poet1b


My apologies for having missed your post at the tope of page 11. Thank you for your post.

I want to add to your post with a detail which was in my post further down also at page 11.

Here this quote

What most of the evidence shows more clearly is that it is the social organizations and forms of government that helped whites advance above all other civilizations on Earth. It comes down to the revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. Constitution was written.

The primary social organization available to most at the time of the founding of this country and the United States Constitution was the church.
This was known by government as well as the people.

It was religion which changed the white man. And not all white men changed by their religion. It only happened in certain nations where white men dwelled. For did not change in Russia. Russia remained poor and very backwards until the 1960s or 1970s. This is known informations in certain circles.
So to attribute the white mans success to race is ....pure nonsense. It does however ...pass for intelligence today ..politically. This is why I use the term for this type of politics/education programming as whoredom. They will sell/buy/swap your soul for this type of political lie and deceit.

It was his religion which was to lay the groundwork for progress....and it did not happen among all white men. It only happened among certain white men.
Oh..and you are correct again where you quote that it comes down to the revolutionary concepts under which the US Constitution was written.
Indeed!!! It is still revolutionary today...once you know what it actually is.
This too is why American standards must be corrupted by any means possible....privily ...without most of us even being aware of it.

Racial Solidarity...what flatulance. All one needs do is treat people how you want to be treated.
Entitlement thinking/beliefs/politics is not treating people how you want to be is stealing..soul stealing.

Thank you for making your point and my apologies for missing it earlier.


[edit on 18-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999

Grand Puba,

Wow!! Benefits of a classical education.

Guilt, collective, crime.

All from standard issue Marxist ideology. Textbook M1A programming. Standard issue education format today.

Once again in classical M1A issue propaganda public education format you leave out most of the overview of history for your versions of Bias and non subtilty. Watch this...

All the the nations you have named have never possessed the power to erase the planet earth from existence!! And then use said power to keep all the nations of the world in check!

No not all the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. As a matter of fact ..none of the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. Nations today as well as in years past have had the power to change the face of the earth drastically through their conquerings and restructerings.
You are however showing your racial bias here and also your provincial grasp of history. As not all these nations are so called "White Nations". By this I mean today as well as yesterday.
Please keep up the racial baiting. I have every confidence that at least some of the readers will catch on to the template or paradigm and see it for what it is...guilt conditioning. Division..not racial solidarity.

Marxism has always been divide and conquer...just as did other nations...other ideologies.

As to "Guilt." Don'T waste your time on me with guilt. I have learned to step outside this template and see it for what it manipulation...translate that ..political manipulation...translate that public education standards.

I am not into guilt. What I am into here on this thread is exposing a faulty premise and you are doing fine in confirming that. Please keep it up.
It is apparent and will be soon to most of the readers that outside of race issues you don't have anything outside of racial victimization politics. Now you want to expose your hand with divisive marxist ideology and verbage? Please do continue.

I am also not into collectives. I am into individual thinking and initiative.
Individual responsibility. In short ..I am a capitalist.
I am just not interested in this kind of cheap political template. I find it very popular today and it gets so can see it coming after awhile. One becomes very aware that even the "Free Press" has succumed to this nonsense and is being lead around by their gonads. After all..the press has adequately shown themselves to be mostly shills for the various political parties...who in turn finance public education..almost all of the press. Not much different from public education. I would say that public education, politics, and the press are connected. They are nonsense.

Oh..and lest I forget..I did not mention did. I am not interested in crime. Please take that victimization template somewhere else. For it too has become a cheap political template looking to default through on emotions. I am not such an emotional a train wreck that I need crime as a crutch to illustrate my points. That is the second time you have tried to slip in this point about crime. I am going to leave you your crutch here.

If you are insistent on using crime ..please do. You will once again show your racial bias and expectation to play through unchallanged and default to the readers of this thread.

It doesn't work with me Grand Puba. I am not interested in guilt conditioning. I am also not interested in nonsense...attempting to default through unchallanged and unquestioned as the moral ethical high ground. It is not any of these. Translate..that politics. Cheap whorish politics...for votes..for souls.


You need to go back and read my post on crime! I didn't use it in the context that you are suggesting! (Sorry can't cut and paste it right now)

You keep mentioning guilt yet I've never asked any modern day white man to feel guilt!

So I ask again, why do you feel a need to bring up a non-issue?

Let me ask you this...

Are you saying that america does not have enough nukes to explode the planet earth into ash?

This is the threat that hangs over all non-white nations and your pretty language can't disprove anything that my not so cute english has brung to the table!

marxism? Come'on dude, you're smarter than that!!

If you cannot deny that the white man has set up this state of world affairs, why not just say so and be happy that you're on the "winning" team and let the chips fall where they may?

Propaganda no matter how eloquent won't work here!!

Ask the obama haters!!


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