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Originally posted by ofhumandescent
It not only that whites are shown as evil or stupid, but many commercials/shows/movies do their best to show blacks as the alpha males.
Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Grand Puba
While you base your opinion on a book written by one man, my evidence is based on the realities of what we know about history, and the works of vast numbers of historians. Whites developed the right technology at the right time in human history to conquer the world.
What most of the evidence shows more clearly is that it is the social organizations and forms of government that helped whites advance above all other civilizations on Earth. It comes down to the revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. Constitution was written.
Your choice to believe that the achievemen of whites is due to violent tendencies or some accident of nature plays well into the hands of the people who desire most to oppress you and well as the average white guy, and people of all groups. As long as minorities can pretend that whites do not deserve what they have gotten in this world, it gives them the excuse not only to practice discrimination against whites, but to deny responsibility for their own actions, thereby condeming them to failure. This pits the lower classes against each other, increases crime, and increases the power of the elites over the masses. You might want to re-think you opinion.
By choosing to ignore the characteristics that allowed western Europeans to achieve the levels of success that they achieved, you ignore the importance of those institutions from which we all have benefitted. Rather than building reasons to discriminate against whites, you would be better off to study what made Western Europeans succeed like they did. The revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. was founded, and its success as a nation are not accidents, nor results of violent behavior, they are results of offerring equality to all, as is the success of most European nations.
Originally posted by melaena
Originally posted by Yoda411
Listen, in America at least black people finally have their day. We have a true black president. I say it's time we abolish the E.O.A. because we are beyond those times.
I hope you don't really believe that Obama's election means America has left its race issues behind. Don't forget almost half of the country voted against him. Not to mention the fact that he's a middle class, non slave-descended, mixed-race black president. Those things together made it a lot easier for him to make it, and for certain people to accept him. You'd never have got some ghetto-born full black with the blood of slaves in his veins into the white house, just as America's a long way from a trailer trash president, and a long, long way from a native american president
Originally posted by Grand Puba
Well I just presented that book because it was written by a white man, but there are many other references I could give!
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The constitution is great, however the writers of the constitution didn't apply it to blacks, indians, latinos, asians or their own women!
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's violent use of technology from the mis-use of the asian man's invention of what we today call "Gun powder"
- Gunpowder
"The earliest known formula for gunpowder can be found in a Chinese work dating probably from the 800s. The Chinese wasted little time in applying it to warfare, and they produced a variety of gunpowder weapons, including flamethrowers, rockets, bombs, and mines, before inventing firearms."
Originally posted by Grand Puba
to the "Atomic bomb"
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's threat of world destruction keeps everyone else in check!!
Originally posted by Chaoticar
(Note: I am well aware that everything I post here is going to be reduced to "STRAWMAN! STRAWMAN!!111!11!!!, but here goes)
Originally posted by Grand Puba
Well I just presented that book because it was written by a white man, but there are many other references I could give!
Wow, isn't that amazing logic:
White people can't be racist about white people!
If a black person declared that "negros were inferior", well we'd have to agree - y'know, blacks can't be racist about blacks!
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The constitution is great, however the writers of the constitution didn't apply it to blacks, indians, latinos, asians or their own women!
Maybe that's because none of the above were powerful in the colonial United States?
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's violent use of technology from the mis-use of the asian man's invention of what we today call "Gun powder"
- Gunpowder
"The earliest known formula for gunpowder can be found in a Chinese work dating probably from the 800s. The Chinese wasted little time in applying it to warfare, and they produced a variety of gunpowder weapons, including flamethrowers, rockets, bombs, and mines, before inventing firearms."
Those noble Chinese, eh?
Originally posted by Grand Puba
to the "Atomic bomb"
We're forgetting that - in the only two cases where nuclear weapons were used - the Japanese were prepared to fight to the death for their "godly" Emperor:
However, I assume that - if that never happened - you'd still be whining that "raciss white soldiers massacred the Japanese".
Originally posted by Grand Puba
The whiteman's threat of world destruction keeps everyone else in check!!
Yeah, whites are evil devils, amirite?
Originally posted by Grand Puba
Then we can talk about what I've said and not your bogus straw men!!
Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by Chaoticar
LOL LOL Chaoticar,
I too am not interested in guilt politics. I do not feel guilty for who and what I am and am not in any way interested in the political/public education version of history.
I can demonstrate this concept of history quite easily and in a manner which will never be taught by what passes for history in most courses even to day and even in college level courses financed by a whorish soul selling pubic education. By this I mean a education financed by the body politic.
To demonstrate how ignorant and politically/racially minded so many are out here....
What I know and can see clearly in almost any history that before about 1519AD the so called white man anywhere you looked in the world lived mostly at a substance level and often much poorer than many other races in the world. The suit of clothes most had ..was what what they had on. No need for a closet...there was nothing to put in one if you even had a closet.
Most of the fabeled superior white men were never to travel more than 20 miles from where they resided if indeed they traveled that far. Most of them did not own the land on which they lived. Most of the land in most nations was under a feudal royalty.
There was almost no progress everwhere you looked in this world. Regardless of race. A few people had a little and the rest had almost nothing.
My point in all this is that what is not taught to most of that what ever changed the white man was not his race...for he always had his race ...yet little happened.
For people no matter who makes the boast of a race or progress by race is to speak of stupidity. Educated, institutionalized stupidity. History bears this out. Conversely to transfer guilt by race is also to promote stupidity.
Whatever changed the white man was not his race. It was also not the political system per se.
It was his religion..and it did not happen to all white men...but only a few in certain nations...and not in others where white men dwelled.
It was obviously not his education...for we can see this today in the dumbing down of so many...even here on this site ..ATS/BTS. They cannot get beyond cheap racial politics and slant in anything they discuss. They must have the crutch of race to prove their points and get others to default to their nonsense and guilt politics.
I agree with the poster stating that other nations were bloodthirsty and have long records of killing and conquerings. Once again...this demonstrates that it is not only white men who have a monoploly on poor education or knowledge of history.
What many so obviously have out here on this and other threads is an advanced tendency to attempt to transfer guilt and such guilt behavior others while thinking that the bulk do not know enought history to counter thier points or demonstrate the flaws in their arguments or techniques.
I do not and will not feel guilty for who and what I am...or am not.
Once you know and underestand the secret kept from most of us about 1519 AD and the fabled superior white will never be intimidated by guilt politics again. You will clearly see how cheap and manipulative is anyone trying such a technique. They are counting on most of us not knowing any history. They would be correct on this except you now know that the secret is out. Not hidden anymore.
What ever changed the white man was not his race. Anyone attempting to use race to make you feel guilty is conning you...a con job. They are also conning themselves.
Once you know the truth this technique so many attempt to use ...doesnt even make good nonsense.
Any college professors or highschool teachers attempting to use such techniques are also conning you and getting you to pay for such nonsense. They are liars and phoneys.
The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!
At no point have I said that any white man should feel guilty for crimes that they haven't committed!!
The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Grand Puba,
I am not into racial solidarity because I know that just like any other phoney system of men it will eventually be hijacked for many purposes as were other historical systems. Often these systems were hijacked and redirected by a handful for the purposes of others....not the peoples. This has nothing to do with has to do with power and the nature of power...most of which is Occult. By your title or handle on here you should already know this. If you don't ..I strongly suggest you learn.
I don't believe in racial solidarity. I don't believe man is sufficiently noble, moral, intelligent,or anything else to maintain a system based on racial solidarity.
As to this..
The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!
This is about as textbook an example of the point I am making in my previous post. Thank you for the confirmation.
There have been some five or six world class empires going back to the Ancient Egyptians. All of them exhibiting the violence, cruelty and visciousness of which you describe as being currently and popularly attributable to the "White Man" or "RACE."
The Egyptians
The Assyrians
The Babylonians
The Persians
The Greeks
The Romans.
Now if you want to go further based on history of the Orient of which today we know can include the Empires of the Aryans or Indians, The Chinese, The Japanese....all very violent cultures full of conquerings, slavery, depravity, feudalism etc etc.
It never seems to occur to most when reading or quoting any history that the material of which men is inferior material. It is not sufficient for men to rise above this natural state. Regardless of what "Race " he is. In short..our raw material of which we are made is lously material.
No matter how educated we are or will become we cannot seem to overcome our natural raw material...for it is insufficient.
What you state Grand Puba is not an irrefutable fact. It is like much of public education ..a con job and you have taken a big bite out of the apple.
Notice this...contradiction...
At no point have I said that any white man should feel guilty for crimes that they haven't committed!!
followed by this..contradiction...
The white man's quest for violent control of the world got us all to this point!
Here again you confirm my point about public education/television education/political education. Thank you.
I hope that the readers of this thread can now begin to see the standard issue M1A political line which is so prevalent across the world that race must dominate everything to the exclusion of common sense and a knowledge of even history. This is so prevalent among so many it has become a cottage industry to the point of entitlement...that it must play through by default...unchallanged and unquestioned.
Once you have sufficient knowledge to notice it being played on you....put a mark on it and anyone using it. Teach yourself how and why it is false.
Then you will be ready to refute the arguements if you even want to bother.
This is the point I was making in my previous posts. It did not take long for a poster to come along and make confirmation. It is so ingrained in peoples minds and souls that they dont even know what they dont even know. They think it plays through unquestioned entitlement.
Beware..of this pale horse. It is in itself ...racism.
It never seems to occur to folks that this symptom is not limited to any men by race....but by the naturally inferior material of which we are made. The material is insufficient for the task. No amount of man made, intelligent, gnostic workings are going to change this . No amount of education is sufficient.
Thanks again Grand Puba for making my point about much on this thread and among the state of men.
[edit on 18-12-2008 by orangetom1999]
All the the nations you have named have never possessed the power to erase the planet earth from existence!! And then use said power to keep all the nations of the world in check!
What most of the evidence shows more clearly is that it is the social organizations and forms of government that helped whites advance above all other civilizations on Earth. It comes down to the revolutionary concepts on which the U.S. Constitution was written.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
Grand Puba,
Wow!! Benefits of a classical education.
Guilt, collective, crime.
All from standard issue Marxist ideology. Textbook M1A programming. Standard issue education format today.
Once again in classical M1A issue propaganda public education format you leave out most of the overview of history for your versions of Bias and non subtilty. Watch this...
All the the nations you have named have never possessed the power to erase the planet earth from existence!! And then use said power to keep all the nations of the world in check!
No not all the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. As a matter of fact ..none of the nations of the earth have the power to erase the planet from existence. Nations today as well as in years past have had the power to change the face of the earth drastically through their conquerings and restructerings.
You are however showing your racial bias here and also your provincial grasp of history. As not all these nations are so called "White Nations". By this I mean today as well as yesterday.
Please keep up the racial baiting. I have every confidence that at least some of the readers will catch on to the template or paradigm and see it for what it is...guilt conditioning. Division..not racial solidarity.
Marxism has always been divide and conquer...just as did other nations...other ideologies.
As to "Guilt." Don'T waste your time on me with guilt. I have learned to step outside this template and see it for what it manipulation...translate that ..political manipulation...translate that public education standards.
I am not into guilt. What I am into here on this thread is exposing a faulty premise and you are doing fine in confirming that. Please keep it up.
It is apparent and will be soon to most of the readers that outside of race issues you don't have anything outside of racial victimization politics. Now you want to expose your hand with divisive marxist ideology and verbage? Please do continue.
I am also not into collectives. I am into individual thinking and initiative.
Individual responsibility. In short ..I am a capitalist.
I am just not interested in this kind of cheap political template. I find it very popular today and it gets so can see it coming after awhile. One becomes very aware that even the "Free Press" has succumed to this nonsense and is being lead around by their gonads. After all..the press has adequately shown themselves to be mostly shills for the various political parties...who in turn finance public education..almost all of the press. Not much different from public education. I would say that public education, politics, and the press are connected. They are nonsense.
Oh..and lest I forget..I did not mention did. I am not interested in crime. Please take that victimization template somewhere else. For it too has become a cheap political template looking to default through on emotions. I am not such an emotional a train wreck that I need crime as a crutch to illustrate my points. That is the second time you have tried to slip in this point about crime. I am going to leave you your crutch here.
If you are insistent on using crime ..please do. You will once again show your racial bias and expectation to play through unchallanged and default to the readers of this thread.
It doesn't work with me Grand Puba. I am not interested in guilt conditioning. I am also not interested in nonsense...attempting to default through unchallanged and unquestioned as the moral ethical high ground. It is not any of these. Translate..that politics. Cheap whorish politics...for votes..for souls.