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Barack Obama Is Qualified To Be President... Isn't He? (by Jim Marrs)

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by danx

Appreciate the response.

I mean, if it doesn’t get addressed, it’s only a matter of time that this will happen again.

you and I agree on this and we have agreed in other similar threads that a case could be heard so that this issue may be reolved one way or the other.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by danx
reply to post by DarrylGalasso

You didn’t?

If you didn’t I must have you confused with someone else, and in that case my apologies

Now I am going to get on you a little bit. You have progressed from assuming what I think to insinuating it. And no I didn't just for your edification; however that is not my purpose now.

When someone has said something to you that is wrong or perceived wrong, you ask for and expect respect and rightfully so; yet when you yourself do the EXACT same thing to someone else, not only do you not afford them that respect, you go even further than assume and insinuate their intent or what they think. You are making yourself look like you have no integrity at all, and you can take that for what it is worth.

Up to this point in time I had actually had some respect for you. I understand full well that this probably means nothing to you; however it means a lot to me, because there are not many people that I do have some respect for that has not demonstrated that they are deserving of that respect. So it does mean a lot to me.

If you are not willing to show respect, please do all of us here a favor and do not ask for any in return. It's just good old fashioned common courtesy.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by jam321
you and I agree on this and we have agreed in other similar threads that a case could be heard so that this issue may be reolved one way or the other.


I also believe that the SCOTUS has not accepted Mr. Donofrio’s case because it lacks standing (or merit), I don’t believe it’s because they don’t to address it, and here’s why:

What happens in 4 years? Are we gonna go through this again? The SCOTUS can’t be this shortsighted!

I mean, Obama will surely run again. Or for the sake of argument, even although unlikely, let’s assume McCain runs again in 2012. Donofrio’s also contested in his lawsuit that McCain wasn’t a “natural born” citizen. Are we gonna go through this again?

This needs to be addressed sooner than later!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by DarrylGalasso
When someone has said something to you that is wrong or perceived wrong, you ask for and expect respect and rightfully so; yet when you yourself do the EXACT same thing to someone else, not only do you not afford them that respect, you go even further than assume and insinuate their intent or what they think.

I hope you do realize I was replying and talking to alot more people than just you. This obviously doesn’t excuse me from remembering what your position was, however, I was expecting you to be more sympathetic.

If you are not willing to show respect, please do all of us here a favor and do not ask for any in return. It's just good old fashioned common courtesy.

You said I was wrong, and I apologized. What else is there for me to do?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

I get irritated every time Obama supporters pull the race card. This is a question of constitutional eligibility, black, white, yellow or red. It seems that there is an overwhelming need for these people to capitalize on what I feel is "white guilt" for the past. Mr Obama should be agressively proving that he is an American citizen, and ending the controversy once and for all. It is becoming a severe DIVIDING ISSUE for the population. The longer this issue is not resolved, the stronger I will feel that there is something that needs to remain hidden. And, in the event that he is found to be ineligible, and is removed or replaced, the national implications would be staggering. Can you imagine riots such as Watts or after the verdict on Rodney Kings attackers taking place on a NATIONAL level?
This could plunge us into another conflict on the scale of the civil war.
If there is nothing to hide, show it and lets move on.
And stop with the race card already. It is worn out and getting no more sympathy from this American.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Great post. You would think that if he has nothing to hide it would be a no-brainer to just produce his birth certicate once and for all to not only prove his eligibility but to shut up everyone asking for proof.
Its pretty simple isn't? Just produce it and shut everyone up.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by danx
I mean, Obama will surely run again. Or for the sake of argument, even although unlikely, let’s assume McCain runs again in 2012. Donofrio’s also contested in his lawsuit that McCain wasn’t a “natural born” citizen. Are we gonna go through this again?

This needs to be addressed sooner than later!

It is certainly ridiculous that this was not clear early on for BOTH Mcain and Obama and anybody else who wants to run for POTUS.

If they can't prove they are eligible to run for president then they can't run. I say McCain should have been OUT when the Republican Party had options. I mean who really checks these guys? They are where they at because of who they know so....

It's who you know.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:44 PM
i enjoyed the original post, however feel a need to qualify a fact, #1 a person regardless of nationality does not get to run for president of the usa, unless they are endorsed by, or a member of the bilderbergers, as were the bush family, the clintons and McCain all members of that elite club, you are not even in the running if you are not a member period! So? that leads us to? what are they up to? has this man beeen set up? or have the american people been set up to believe that change is possible, if so, why would mr obama be stacking his top advisors with zionists? I find it strange that the befuddled american public in general can see through the smoke and mirrors, they had such hopes when pelosi got controll of the house, did anything change? i don't think so. So did the puppet masters make a mistake in selecting Obama, i don't think so, if he is discredited they will have thier excuse for imposing martial law in the usa, because there will be riots etc, what comes after that i do not know, we can only guess. Along with the orchestrated global econimic melt down , obstruction of the media by the few huge conglomerates that own them and the governments that are controlled by the same conglomerates who wage war for only one thing, money! I got out in 1991, i worked at the top, but got out because one day i woke up and realized that what i was doing was helping them exist, my daily bomb check in the morning etc, yes i know who they are, because i met many of them, sometimes i didn't even know their name, but many i did, the level i am talking about is, henry kissenger, chrietien, adnan kashoggi, peter monk, the cia, mossad, greek intelligence, mubarrak, papandraous and on and on, 10 years of it, i have broken a code of silence but feel i must, so what i speak on here is from hands on so to speak, first hand experience, has the world gone mad, yes! the puppet masters want total controll, ( the bourne ultimatum) gps chips in everyones cell phones, i wouldn't doubt that a gps chip is also in the new credit cards also, big brother? i know much of this is kind of off topic but it is all related to the obama thing, a delusion meant for the american public, perhaps to test how well there brainwashing is working, just like the weather aerosol programs, i talk to 30 year olds at work and they just say what? I see the other people , the non thinkers, zombies, we can do better than this, ie what just happened in thailand last week, we do have that power to change things, because what we have now is not and will not work for us the people..cheers

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

really sorry that you're comprehension skills are lacking. the state of hawaii said that there is a birth certificate. not that he was a citizen.
he also traveled to afghanistan with his friends at a time when americans were not allowed to enter the country. how did he do that if an american passport was not allowed entrance?
obama supporters really make me understand why they put up the signs at the zoo...THESE MONKEYS BITE EVEN THE HAND THAT FEEDS.
we skeptics are only trying to get at the protect you too. what is the problem?
and if you all know so much, why do you keep questioning facts?
and the racial loonies,sore loser thing is childish. if you don't want to honor the constitution,try living in another country.

so in effect what you're telling me is that if i get pulled over,i should tell the officer that ,WELL THE PRESIDENT DIDNT HAVE TO SHOW QUALIFICATION,WHY SHOULD I ???? MY LICENSE WAS SEALED,YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.
by not showing proof,he is violating the beloved PATRIOT ACT.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:47 PM
Forgot to reply to DANX

I think some people have problems with the way you potray yourself.

That is, you care about the law, but don't care about the principle.

That is, you use the law as a tool so that you don't have to base your actions on principle. I guess a better way to put it is that law is sometimes used as an excuse for working on principle.

I guess principle and morals can be used in the same way in the above paragraph.

I really don't care about the law in the particular case, the laws can be changed. I care about the principle.

The principle of the issue here is that he did not provide a valid birth certificate for examination. You can ask why he would need to, but you already know the answer, and that is because people have the right to ASK.

If he provides a valid BC for examination and it turns out okay, do you think there will be anymore threads on this issue?

I think you are assuming that we are all right wing nut jobs.... but we are more similar than you imagine.

We just work by principle rather than by law or words. I don't know who else I am talking about, so maybe it's just me....

I happen to have first hand experiences of lawsuits being used as a tool. DNC and Obama's filings to try to drop the suit is a CLEAR example of that.

The people have a right to ask, the President Elect has the right to give the people the REAL BC. Not to use the courts as some kind of tool.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Rizen]

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Rizen]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:55 PM
I think this whole thing is BS. Has any of these people actually seen a Hawaii birth certificate, I don't think so. I find it hard to believe a quote from a person that is so against Obamas certificate that has typos in it. I've seen copies off the internet of Obamas original and short form certificates. His originals looks like my dads one and his short form looks like all short form birth certificates in the state of hawaii. Originally certificates has transformed over time so my original will not look the same as my fathers one and my fathers one to my grandfathers. Now, with what Jim Geraghty has wrote, Obama could be nailed with this, im not sure. And FYI, it is against state laws to provide a birth certificate to someone other than the person requesting it, the clerks can only acknowledge that they were born in Hawaii. People should do more research before they make outstanding accusations.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Jkd Up
If Obama senior was married to a Kenyan woman in a tribal ceremony, that would be the equivalent of a christian covenant marriage; covenant marriages were legal, lawful and binding in both the civil and religeous aspects, and have been reinstated in several States; covenant marriage fell by the wayside as States discovered the huge vistas of contractual obligation which could be attached (without disclosure, of course) to the contract (licensed) marriage, besides the fees, of course.
Anyway, unless Obama senior was divorced from his first wife according to tribal customs and requirements, then he became a bigamist when he married Obama's mama, if he did 'marry' her. Either way, the fact that Obama senior was a subject of HM the queen (who is Head of State for all commonwealth countries), then Osama Obama is a British subject, which is mutually exclusive to any citizenship; his fealty is to HM the queen, and absent the revocation or surrender of his Kenyan national identity and obligation he cannot swear an oath of loyalty to our Constitution without conflict that the least, and the utterance of a statement known to be false at the upper end.
Additionaly, there is the residency requirement which Obama Mama does not appear to meet, in that she did not live in the United States, a US territory, possession or protectorate for the 5 years preceeding Obama's birth, compounded by his apparent birth in Kenya (the governement of which is seriously considering erecting a national monument at his birthplace, just down the road from where Obama's paternal grandma lives - - - in Kenya) Obama's maternal grandma would have known all the answers to everything, but she died, amazingly, coincidental to the question of Obama's citizenship becoming a very thorny issue for the Obama camp.
I don't like, or trust, Obama, but I didn't any of the others,either, barring Ron Paul and the Constitution Party candidate but - - - I'm reasonably sure that McCain is a citizen, since the Panama Canal Zone was de facto United States soil at the time of his birth. It's my opinion that Obama is a fake, and if there were some fatal, but regretable, incident that took Obama off the planet sans corpus, I'd just have to get me one of my bi- or tri- ennial Foster's Lager with which to mourn the loss, complete with sparklers, noise makers and a goofy party hat.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by danx

Actually I did not ask for an apology although it is both a nice gesture and appreciated.

And I honestly do not mean to come across as hateful. I only ask this from you, imagine someone you respect, now imagine them doing something that is completely contrary to why you would give them respect. That is how I felt. It is not personal, in all actuality I applaud you for making your points in (most of the time) a dignified manner. I understand that we all have buttons and when someone finds and pushes that button that an emotional response is forthcoming, so that being said we have all said things here that were mean spirited to someone in response for something they said that "pushed our button."

Furthermore, I completely agree with everything you are saying regarding what the court's decision may or may not entail and also that standing and merit are two completely different things. And contrary to what you might think I am not just asking for for some sort of proof of the BC because I am anti Obama, although I am now and it has nothing to do with the BC, well it does a little but that was just the last straw so to speak. I will explain that in a second. At one time I was hard core pro Obama and had a sticker on my car and a sign in my yard (still have that in the garage).

When the stuff with the Rev. Wright started I thought to myself, how could this man attend this church for 20 years, have him as a mentor (which would imply he spent more time with him that 1 1/2 hours on Sunday morning), have his kids baptized there and yet he has no clue about this man's beliefs? I thought though, hey stranger things have happened, perhaps he is telling the truth. Then came the deal with the Chicago real estate guy and he knew nothing about that, again I thought, well that is possible. Then came the black panther deal. Now I started to begin to question his integrity and honesty, but that wasn't enough to make me take the sign out of my yard YET. Next there was his aunt whom he did not know was illegally in the country, it was at this point I took the sign out of my yard and if my wife were not at work she could attest to that for you. I was quite disappointed at this point. Lastly there is the BC issue. Now I am sorry, but if it looks like poop, smells like poop, and taste like poop, I am comfortable assuming it is poop.

Now let's evaluate this as a whole, he knows nothing about his associations, he doesn't know his aunt in an illegal alien, and not only is there the BC issue, but he refuses to address the problem. Is this what you consider a leader to be? Would you trust ANY OTHER PERSON ON THIS PLANET that has done the same things to run this country? How sound do you think his choices for important nominations ESPECIALLY any supreme court nominations he may have to make are? He does not know anything about anybody or anything negative that effects him, what does this tell you?

To me I view it as either one of 2 possibilities:

1) he is a liar
2) he really doesn't know these things

In either case does this make him a good candidate to run this country and bring about any sort of change?

[edit on 12/9/2008 by DarrylGalasso]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by hawaiigurl

So spending millions of LOBBYIST MONEY, or TAXPAYER MONEY, or whoever else's money, by using the courts as a playground.....that's just fine with you?

Why not just provide it?

Someone should study how much LOBBYIST MONEY (and which ones), or TAXPAYER MONEY, were spent on playing games with the court?

DANX? Research time! Can you calculate how much taxpayer money or lobbyist money, (or if he won the lotto), did Obama spend on fighting this "complex" issue.

Just give up the BC already

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by hawaiigurl

it is against state laws to provide a birth certificate to someone other than the person requesting it,

Is it also against the law to verify that you have seen his birth certificate and have it on file without Obama's permission?

Seems to me Fukino violated some kind of privacy law by doing so. Then again, maybe because I have never heard of a government agency giving out information about an individual's document without consent.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Rizen
I think some people have problems with the way you potray yourself.

That is, you care about the law, but don't care about the principle.

I do care about the principle, but what you are asking me to do is not respect Obama’s choice of not disclosing his original records. How can I not respect his choice if he’s under no legal obligation to do otherwise?

That is, you use the law as a tool so that you don't have to base your actions on principle.

I focus on the law because it is something objective, otherwise we’ll be forever debating our opinions, which are subject to our personal preferences.

You can ask why he would need to, but you already know the answer, and that is because people have the right to ASK.

I’m with you on this, but there’s a difference between asking and demanding. Asking implies that there’s a possibility people will not do what you want them to and accept it.

If he provides a valid BC for examination and it turns out okay, do you think there will be anymore threads on this issue?

I think you are assuming that we are all right wing nut jobs.... but we are more similar than you imagine.

But see, what’s a valid BC examination to you isn’t to someone else. Some would perhaps be satisfied if he released it to the Supreme Court and have them declare him eligible or not. Others perhaps wouldn’t trust the Supreme Court and want him to release it to the public.

Basically, there is always some people that will never accept it, no matter how much evidence is provided.

However, having said that, I have no doubt the majority of people would be satisfied with the Supreme Court examining it, but until the Court requests Obama to do so, he doesn’t have to, regardless of how much we think he should.

We just work by principle rather than by law or words.

The problems with principles is that they are not the same, or hold the same value, for everyone.

edit: spelling

[edit on 9-12-2008 by danx]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:10 PM
I am late to this thread and have only read part way through. I have great respect for Jim Marrs and this post has only added to that respect.

Mr. Marrs has given both sides without prejudice, something to be commended.. Is that not what journalism should be about?

The bottom line remains, with all the lawsuits , that Obama has not release his authentic birth certificate speaks volumes.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by davion
So how does one get a certificate of live birth without having a birth certificate to verify?

Does he pull it out of his ass like so many conspiracies on this website?
no,one simply goes to the vital statistics people and reports the birth. they issue a colb.
did you think that everyone born outside of a hospital doesn't have a cirtificate of live birth?

where would you claim your child was born? kenya? i'm sure the bennies over there like medical etc,are much better. so you rush him home and get a colb. and this doesn't make sense to you?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

It's a conspiracy site. There are a fair amount of loonies here.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:13 PM
First our President Bush uses our taxpayer money like it's free and at least partly got us to where we are today regarding the financial crisis.

Then Bernanke showers the world with dollars and that will come from either printing money (sell Government bonds to foreign countries), or taxpayers.

Now, many American's investments cut in half or more, 401Ks down 50% or more, and Obama announced that he will spend billion dollars more building infrastructure and roads (preparing us for North American Union, I think), by guessed it, taxpayer's money or printing more money.

I think after 3 kicks in the face, I'm really feeling the 4th kick, which is Obama using either taxpayers money, or lobbyist money, to kick people again.

Just watch, we will be kicked in the face many more a times, and there will always be people protecting the "foot".

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