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Child Sex Slavery Thrives in America

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'll tell you what, I just flagged, starred and bumped your thread back up to the top of the BAN forum, as this has been an eye opener for me here today, and your work should not go underappreciated in this matter.

I hope other will join in the discussion of your thread in the BAN forum.

This subject needs some serious light shed upon it. I've got 4 little ones of my own, and this sickens me way down deep in the pit of my stomach...

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Thanks didn't have to do that

I was genuienly seriously when I said that...I'm not great at putting a thread together....and I think you are
But thanks again!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:17 PM
Well I would like to point out... being relatively youn, my high school years are still fresh in my mid. Do you know how many teachers from my high school alone have been convicted of having sex with minors? I can think of at least three that come to mind, and I know of another handful that were never caught, but I was surrounded by hot chicks in those days for some reason (although I was always too shy to get with any of them) and they were always talking about teachers who would hit on them, or their friends who went to Brazil with their Spanish teacher... and when I was in rehab when I was 17, there was a WOMAN counselor who was taking certain boys on "field trips to NA meetings".... come to find out they went to hotels, got drunk and high, and had sex parties.

Now, I can remember in elementary school... I found a carving in the metal slide... "Mr. ***** Rapes Me." I told a teacher about it, and I ended up getting in trouble. I've never said that to anyone. Me personally, I've never been molested by anyone, but it happens all the time by people in positions of power, especially people who work with children and young adults. It happens so much, you wonder how the heck more people don't know about it... but it is absolutely frowned upon to talk about.

I had a close friend, this girl, who was from as far back as she could remember passed around and sexually abused by city council members, school administrators, businessmen, local celebrities... and her parents willingly submitted her to this stuff. I believe her father was an illegal immigrant who must have struck a deal with local authorities in exchange for certain favors... they would force her to drink whole bottles of robitussin and lock her in closets and they would slip her alcohol and she'd pass out and wake up bleeding from her vagina...

it was... sorry for being so graphic... but I didn't believe her at the time, and looking back on everything that has happened with her, I was her only friend and I should have believed her because it was so true... and I've known all the girls around here with mental issues, very beautiful girls who would cut themselves severely, willingly give their bodies to everyone, attempt suicide, be thrown into mental hospitals.... and they all have told me similar stories... and I just never put the pieces together until rather recently.

It's everywhere just under the surface. I'd say it might be worse in suburban areas... maybe not as out in the open, but that makes it even worse for the children and family members who are victims of this. I mean, in slums, where people are packed closer together and things happen right out in the open, it might seem worse... but usually what's hidden behind closed doors is much more sinister because of the absolute lies and denial that go with it.... it affects many more people than just the poor children involved.

It's... you want me to be honest with what it is? It's ritualistic sacrifice of children's emotional and etherical energies to negative entities....

These things do exist. Look at how many people see these shadow people, these djinns, how many people lapse into mental illness for no reason, how many people get possessed by "demons", how many people have negative spirits or whatever you wanna call them haunting their houses? There's a whole unseen world that is purposely being covered up by this farce called "paranormal studies" and unwittingly ignorant people who think they are chasing dead people and aliens and poltergeists, but "we may never be allowed to know" is always the final analysis.

Well the paranormal field is just a big cover up basically, and actually we've been invaded by negative entities which little kids can even see... why can't we? Because society has entrained our brains to tune it out... hypnosis! You can hypnotise a person in order not to see elephants in the room. In this case, it's these "invisible" entities.

All of societies disharmonious and out of balance activities are initiated by these "unseen" entities... and child molestation is like a feast to these things. These people who do this might even be possessed by these entities.

It might sound like midievel (I never know how to spell that word) mythology, but it's REAL. Scientists have acknowledged the existence of other dimensions, other realities, other universes... and life thrives in these other wavelengths of reality just as well as this one... and no boundary is concrete...

You are witnessing a symptom of parasitic extradimensional entities.

Ancient humans understood harmony and balance, and these things just didn't happen back then. Believe it or not, this society is a symptom of a multidimensional force feeding off us like batteries, and the symptom of our being treated like a giant battery is that .... since we are such spiritually aware creatures, we're subliminally tortured by this force. How many people will willingly say "extradimensional entities are telling me to do bad things!"?

I've seen these things and their negativity and their tricks, and others I know and/or have extensively corresponded with have seen them, too.
The only obstacle in the way of the truth and the solution is the superstition of this so-called sterile and monotone reality we are told that we live in incessantly from the time we are born. We are hypnotized into not seeing the perpetrators of our own slavery and perversion.

Believe it or not. I'd prefer that you found a way to experience it for yourself. Turn the TV off for a long long while. Go into solitude and meditate for a month or two. Eat healthier. Do qigong. Study gnosticism and the occult. Study mythology and religions.

Leave no stone unturned in the quest for the cause of this massively disharmonious behavior which has been unleased upon our species within the past few thousand years. I wonder if we haven't opened a gateway in which all species on Earth could be corrupted by these negative entities.
I still couldn't find any info on other animals raping their young. Like I said, closest I found was a seal raping a penguin.... yikes.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by isa75
I have read a few books on this and that was when I was in high school like 10yrs ago. I have followed it actually. And that 300,000 number is more. They bring the children here from other countries (underdeveloped) and make them do this. And the biggest clientle for this is our gov't and white males, they are on the west coast also. Even here in hawaii we have this but its not children/ its girls over the age of 16, but still they are told one thing and end up having to sell themselves for the people who brought them over. They get busted here all the time. National Geographic did a show on this a couple of years ago although it was about the Russians chic getting tricked into coming over here (US). They tell them its for modeling. This isnt just happening to children its happen to women all over the world. This is huge, we just never hear about in the news. There are books out there on this.

What??? Why are we dumping on the white males again? Where did you dream this statistic up? Provide a source. Also, there's no young children being abused in Hawaii, just girls over 16, huh? How on earth would you know this?

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:38 AM
While I'm sure the US has a problem like this it cannot in any way compare to the depth of the same problem facing Russia, Ukraine and some former Soviet satellite countries.

Hell, child porn websites are LEGAL in Russia and Ukraine. Do the search yourself if you dare hitting those URL's - provided your IP isn't blocking them.

Hey Russia, get the board out of your eye before trying to get the speck out of ours.

That said, the problem here in the states does concern me and these abducted children are going somewhere - Nancy Holloway was sold to a Venezuelan business man according to the guys accused of kidnapping her...


posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:05 AM
I also wanted to add.... the "Mr. ***** Rapes Me" carving.... was referring to the principal.

That principal ended up moving with our class to the middle school. Hmmm... seemed like the kinda guy that would be all about the fresh meat. Like him or not, he was friendly with a lot of the kids. It is just a bit odd that a grown man would want to be around all those children all the time, and then eventually move his operation to the middle school....

To escape the prying eyes of suspicious parties? Or to upgrade to the budding pubescence model children? I dunno but I was creeped out when he folowed us to middleschool. He was only assistant principal there.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by intelgurl

I think the United States is no worse than any other country in that aspect, really. Are you suggesting that people in other countries are somehow mentally different from people here? Or is it just that here the whole status quo thing has an image to maintain in order to keep everyone docile, so these types of people go more underground.

People, don't play the "Well over THERE..." card. Everybody on this Earth is being affected by perversion uniformally... and OVER THERE it is only somewhat acceptable because the structure of the certain culture can maintain a status quo operating like that. Gangs are illegal here, but they're everywhere. Drugs are illegal, but they're everywhere. The Mafia is illegal, but they're everywhere. Making something illegal and underground almost perverts its devolution even more quickly, and it's only illegal to make the obvious perversion go underground to stagnate... in order to keep the illusion of normalcy within a culture.

It sure as Hell makes more of a mental impact on the victims, who may never be seen or heard from again except for in a highly cruel secret deadly criminally controlled underground.

Criminalization of something makes the nature of the criminal even worse.

Not saying anyone would appreciate child pornography being available legally, but ya know... you can't ask the state for help when it comes to a parent/adults doing their moral duty to raise/treat a child with love and respect. That's the individual's responsibility. The state... you're gunna ask the state...the same state that sends hundreds of thousands of fresh outta highschool young men and women out to die and murder for some political agenda... to help make sure kids aren't being harmed when kids are being blown to bits in other countries at the hands of THE STATE? Are kids over there more expendable to us than kids here?

"Well thank God we're not OVER THERE. Thank God we're not THEM. Be thankful. Ignore the suffering of other less developed peoples, for they are primitive and fun to shoot and kill for liberty because they're all so much more messed up than US."


[edit on 10-12-2008 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

How can we combat this threat when those with the means and the motivation continually provide financial support. I suggest a good many involved are hidden in plain sight. Real upstanding members of the community. BTK Killer comes to mind.

I agree with Isa the number is far more. You must remember all the stats found are on reported cases only. How many incidents go unreported? I think of the Austrian case how many others are out there? How many have perished in captivity?

Another point I would like to make addressing the numbers. I think greeneyedleo mentioned in her post that some children are "bred for it." How many runaways of reproductive age could be enslaved for that purpose alone?

I would think more money could be made off a young woman for breeding purposes as opposed to directly being involved in the sex industry or possibly used for both. We'll never know the exact numbers. Again I refer back to the Austrian case that woman had 7 children during her time captive.

Imo there is a substantial number of unreported births occuring in the US that are falling under the radar. These children could possibly be lost into the sex trade before they are even conceived their sole purpose for being is profit. The unregistered status of these individuals alone would make them all the more valuable to the industry. These children could be more easily disposed of when no longer profitable. Or possibly used in a more public arena without fear of identification. That would explain the point made by rapinbat concerning the number of unidentifiable children popping up on the web.

Picking up neighborhood children is a risk taken by the unprofessional. The organized front runners in this industry would not take such foolish risks. They would not endanger their livelihood or possibly draw unwanted attention towards their rich clientele. Imo drugs are often used to keep women compliant, dependent and possibly breeding. One must wonder if some of those rich clientele might be all too happy to supply such "tools of the trade."

This problem today imo is extremely more complex, profitable and widespread than any other time in history due to the fact that it has been industrialized, globalized and networked. Maybe I'm wrong. Thanks to you DD and greeneyedleo for keeping the plight of these individuals in focus.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
I think the importance of this issue cannot be overstated. We are talking about SLAVERY; regardless of who, or for what purpose! We should be fighting this with more diligence and vigor than the fantasy war on terror or war on drugs!

Nevertheless, it bears noting that the Russian propaganda machine has been working overtime of late, bashing every American institution and value it can.

So the news is not news, per se. But The problem is real, and for those who doubt, check the video - "Conspiracy of Silence" - set to air on the Discovery Channel in 1994 (?) and 'bought off' with tax-payer dollars - to keep it off the air.

Google Video Link

Outrageous allegations, terrible to utter, and horrifying if even only 1/2 of it is true.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Maxmars]

i agree with your first statement, you dont hear any of our 'leaders' talking about fighting a war on human trafficking ie: slavery because they are up to there bloody necks in it supporting it. lots of £$ to be made and sick neocons to please. some of the oldest cultures and religions have sacraficed people, drank there blood and murdered children. these things did not go away in time, secret societys still practice these sickening rituals today, the same people dictating what is to be and isnt to the governments. the same gang of familys all the way through history. as a previous poster said when he mentioned 'breeding' children - you can bet your last $ they breed them as they cant go missing if they dont exist either. look at the way peodo's are dealt with in the courts, its laughable the pathetic sentances they get for having thousands of images and videos on there computers and string of offences going back years begger belief - the whole bloody system is bent as a £3 pound note

i mean just look at the catholics, the amount of 'out of court settlements' -mega$$- for rampant child abuse over years speaks volumes about there organisation and there real values. the cover-ups, the protection for public figures.........this can also be used as leverage by the black nobility to compramise people into doing as they are dam well told.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Tippys Dad

What??? Why are we dumping on the white males again? Where did you dream this statistic up?

LOL. Where have you been? Haven't you heard? White+Male+American= Evil today.
Second line added per two line rule.

[edit on 10-12-2008 by Chance321]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:19 AM
well kids, i haven't joined this mishmash of great information and disinfo colliding and confusing, but trust that the problem is real, it involves every job that relies on a political payout and everybody who works in these fields know it and even if they aren't involved, they could all be tried for misprison of treason. (examples of industry that looks the other way: corporate, media, judicial, legislative, law enforcement, the educational system, social serices, etc.)

fear keeps people quiet. quiet may eventually get many of these terrified fools tried and convicted. I can't believe that any of them would bring a child into this world knowing what they know.

even though this is an anonymous post, i know what i'm talking about but it's all very good hearsay from possible victims who grew up to know to look the other way or may have even given in to the dark side because it's all they know now.

a blog post on myspace...that's my profile. you're welcome to look around, but be warned that my main page is loaded and a slower connection will probably result in computer freeze.

i might join this forum, but with all the disinfo floating around, i'd probably get real frustrated real quick. i'm still kicking it around. i do follow abovetopsecret on twitter. my profile there is Kat77 if you'd care to hook up and talk some more about it.

I think I'll add this post and a link to this thread on the blog post, if it will let me edit it. myspace gets real crappy when i post about this and i've lost whole blog posts trying to get this information out there. abovetopsecret also has this funny way of not posting my better anonymous posts.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:36 AM
Not sure what to think of this, or if it even exists?

Google: Franklin Credit Union Scandal

WARNING: You may be haunted by the misery and multiple levels of deceit and gov't involvement. Hard to always know what is trus and what was exaggerated.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Hmm, not sure what to think of this one...

Russian propaganda?

I don't doubt that such operations exist, as we have some very sick people out there, but I'm not sure I believe that such a prolific, wide-scale operation could be happening right here, in modern-day, surveillance state U. S. of A...

I will leave it up to the reader to draw their own conclusions on this one I suppose...
(visit the link for the full news article)

Actually I know this article is at least false if not full out baseless propoganda. The reason for this is that Atlanta is really the trafficking capital of the nation.

I know that trafficking is alive and well in our country, unfortunately, but I believe that Thailand and other areas are much higher because the gov turns a blind eye there.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Ever hear of Suzzana"s Law passed in 2002? It requires all local police to report any missing person 21 or younger to the NCIC computor. The Justice Dept. is required to report on this yearly to the U.S. Congress or be in violation of this law. Recently a reporter found that not only was the U.S. Justice Dept. guilty of violating this law (never having reported on the missing children) but that less than 45% if the police departments in this nation had reported to the NCIC computor on missing children. The Justice Dept. refused to list these depts. or go after them for fear of embaressing them. I am aware of this because I went to the police to prevent my daughters from being turned into prostitutes. The result was the police attempted to make me a criminal as phony evidence was provided to make me look like a pedophile. If the job I have did not require me to be investigated continually by the DOD, DHS, Goddard Security, and 4 more Depts' I would be serving time now and my girls would be prostitutes. My daughter was put on the NCIC computor and than illegally removed by the local police. Certain officers from various depts helped me so long as they would not be identified. I taped not only those involved but those who helped. If not for that I would have been removed by security from my job. Those who were with me from the start ended up in shock from what they found out, the pervasiveness of this. One undercover officer ended up cussing me out because he helped me and reported to his superiors who required him to give up hunting drugs and hunt kids instead. A local reporter did a TV report of what I had showed him. The local police told him that everything I had shown, the schools, the juvinile system, the mental health system, was all true and that they were involved. His life as well as mine was threatened and the report removed from his station within a week, he has now moved across the nation from here for safety. See if you can get the missing children statistics from your local police and vaerify it with the NCIC computor. You will be

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:08 AM
yea, this isn't anything new, we just have not caught them yet...
it appears every time we get a leg up someone knocks the leg out from under the justice system so only the small fish are caught and the big money - power brokers - well spin their way clear of the subject...

but how can you deny this:

I guess that is why less than 0.01% have knowledge of it.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

The reason for this is that Atlanta is really the trafficking capital of the nation.

Can you please provide some links to back this up. Supported links to big claims would really help us in collecting info on this topic.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
This really is a problem. All the missing children have to be going somewhere, because they are not being found dead here.

I started this thread (which died quickly)

This is part of the problem. May not answer all your questions...but it is a real problem here in the states.

this figure is not factually truthful, when a child is taken by the other spouse, because of an arguement, or a child goes to a friends house and does not tell his/her parents, and in both of these cases the parent(s) calls to report a missing child, that is reported in this large have to be careful with statistics.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
This really is a problem. All the missing children have to be going somewhere, because they are not being found dead here.

I started this thread (which died quickly)

This is part of the problem. May not answer all your questions...but it is a real problem here in the states.

this figure is not factually truthful, when a child is taken by the other spouse, because of an arguement, or a child goes to a friends house and does not tell his/her parents, and in both of these cases the parent(s) calls to report a missing child, that is reported in this large have to be careful with statistics.

I understand that. Most statistics will take that into account, usually there will be a disclalimer or a footnote somewhere. Well, in the stuff I have read. Obviously not all report this fact.

But I think we are talking about many of the unaccounted for children. There are still way too many - ones where its not a pissed off family member keeping their kid from the other parent.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:41 AM
A few years ago there was a television program that ran an exposé on a kidnapping ring that operated doing kidnappings to order. They worked through a website that offered to host online portfolios for people interested in getting into the modeling or acting professions. Their real clients would peruse the ads looking for people that interested them.

When a client found someone that he wanted, he would tell the company and they would set up an appointment to interview the person who had placed their portfolio with the website. Part of the process was to use a limo to drive the acting/modelling hopeful from the interview location to a studio for more promotional shots to be taken. The kidnapping would take place in the limo. The person would be drugged and then taken by oddball means, out of the country. Destination the Middle East usually, or other places where very wealthy people can do whatever they want with impunity.

The television show managed to get an interview with someone in that business, who agreed, that it was pretty awful, but who stayed in the business because that was the family business.

When I heard that I felt like the sherrif's deputy from Mayberry.

[edit on 10-12-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:47 AM
How can you stop this? People can do whatever they want to do. Laws can't stop it completely, in fact laws don't come close to stopping it. So many predators are caught yet the numbers of abused children or missing children don't seem to change much from year to year do they?

I think if you really want to try and stop this you have to look elsewhere. what causes people to treat each other in such horrific ways? Is society creating these monsters? I think so. Humanity does not get the moral structure it needs. Morality is tied to archaic and corrupt religions that send mixed messages about morality. their idea of morality is tied to shame, guilt, hate, and fear. These are negative emotions that help lead to negative people and a negative world. Our morality needs to be entirely based on this world until we get a better grasp of where our consciousness comes from. People are waiting for a positive afterlife instead of taking the steps to change this world from the negative to the positive.

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