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Child Sex Slavery Thrives in America

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Jomina

Not to mention that a lot of the "legitimate" cases of sexual abuse are falsely implanted memories contrived under hypnotic regression.

THe sad thing, and a bit off topic, is that there have been many convictions based on "repressed memories" alone, without a shred of physical evidence.

300 000 seems a very high number, I wonder if this article has classed molestation and large age differences as sexual slavery.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by asmeone2]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:38 PM
"Conspiracy of Silence" - set to air on the Discovery Channel in 1994 (?) and 'bought off' with tax-payer dollars - to keep it off the air.

This is shocking, has to be illegal, and vile. I remember seeing an advert on a upcoming documentary on sex tourism in Thailand on newsworld CBC, only for it to be canceled at the last minute, which leads me to strongly believe that there are people in high places who want to downplay the true nature of the problem because the powers-that-be are involved in the sex business, perhaps not as pimps, but as the perpetrators themselves.

I can't help but worry that as more people become poor in America we will see predators start to descend on Trailer parks.

I remember seeing an advertisement for McDonald's 'Im lovin' it' commercial only once, and unbelievably, involved children from a trailer park, some of them who seemed to have been sleeping in dirt, bunched around a grinning doctor with a trailer in the background, and at the end on a black background with white 'I'm lovin' it' text was shown
Did anyone see THAT?

People need to get off their butts and start making threats to elected officals.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by star in a jar]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Some excellent commentary here people. Looks like I may have to delve deeper into this one.

So WHY is this being ignored by the MSM here? That in itself makes me alarmed. It appears there is a conspiracy of silence and UNDERreporting of this....My question is WHY?

THIS is one of the huge questions..yes, Why is this major topic being ignored??? HHH. Maybe because there are people in 'important' positions too close? Dont know, just a "conspiracy theory"

Also, why is THIS topic almost ignored here at ATS?? Every thread started about the topic dies within a day!!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Well, I created that "list" just on assumption...meaing, maybe there is such a large amount of kids that fit in that category, making them - "at risk". Guess their number was an assumption too.

Guess im not typing out my thoughts very well

But I understand what you are saying

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Well this one seems to be going pretty good.

Aside from the point you mentioned--high ups involved--I think most people just find it too beleiveable to contemplate, they are still stuck in that "greatest country in the world" mindset.

That and I think the proof is iffy at best. If a child goes missing you can't prove what is happening to him--even if he turns up dead and molested, the evidence will show what has happened to him but won't offer any conclusive proof that the CIA and whatever other ring in question is involved.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Here are ATS related links that I collected for my thread:

Related Discussion Threads:
Conspiracy of Missing Children
One Million children go missing every year in US and UK alone!
Child sex ring at the White House
Why So Many Missing People in U.S.? Renagades or Repitlians?

[edit on 12/9/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:51 PM
One of the problems is the rash of grossly exaggerated reporting done on missing children. People know it can't possibly be true.

Most missing children are runaways who then return home. Those who spread the wrong numbers are shooting themselves in the foot by removing their own credibility.

Here is a great article on this topic and how it gets reported wrongly.

Numbers as high as one or two million are routinely cited in the media. John Walsh, host of the television show America's Most Wanted, has testified before Congress about this issue, and has placed the annual total number of abducted children at more than 1.5 million, adding that "we don't have a clue what happens to over 50,000 of them," and that "this country is littered with mutilated, decapitated, raped and strangled children."

...When the numbers are analyzed more closely, however, the true scope of the "crisis" becomes clearer. In 1985 the Denver Post won a Pulitzer prize for its series of articles revealing the truth about the child abduction scare. Reporters Diana Griego and Louis Kilzer found that 95% of missing children are runaways (most of whom come home before three days) and that most of the rest are child custody disputes.

There is definitely a problem and probably has been since man became man. However I'm fairly certain that the numbers we see in this article are in fact Russian Propaganda.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yeah I know. I was wondering, like other posters, what the definition of "at risk" and even "Sexual slavery" is here.

In order to solve this problem I think we will have to define what sexual slavery is.

I think it is more than a neighbor molesting a kid once or twice or even more than that (of course that is terrible too!), it is someone being kidnapped, held agains ttheir will for an extended period of time, probably also brainwashed and made to do physical labor.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:53 PM
Oh yes. I think the books are also cooked by noncustodial parents who report their kids as "missing" or even make false abuse allegations against the other parent, this happens quite often I think.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yeah I know. I was wondering, like other posters, what the definition of "at risk" and even "Sexual slavery" is here.

In order to solve this problem I think we will have to define what sexual slavery is.

I think it is more than a neighbor molesting a kid once or twice or even more than that (of course that is terrible too!), it is someone being kidnapped, held agains ttheir will for an extended period of time, probably also brainwashed and made to do physical labor.

I believe they are talking abou the very dirty underground child sex industry: porn, kidnapped kids, kids being used for sex, prositution, etc etc. I dont think they mean your local "pedophile".

Im talking about cases like "The Franklin Cover Up"

At least that is how I interpret it.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Which is why I think there should be a distinction. Less serious crimes can easily be handled by local law enforcement but if they are lumped together with these truly terrible crimes I think it will convolute the process of stoppign the rings. But that is just my opinion.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Hmm, not sure what to think of this one...

Russian propaganda?

I don't doubt that such operations exist, as we have some very sick people out there, but I'm not sure I believe that such a prolific, wide-scale operation could be happening right here, in modern-day, surveillance state U. S. of A...

I will leave it up to the reader to draw their own conclusions on this one I suppose...
(visit the link for the full news article)

Nope, not propaganda. Human trafficking in the U.S. is a real and growing phenomenon.

Usually, this happens to illegal immigrants because the immigrants cannot contact authorities for various reasons.

So I might put the number around the hundreds of thousands.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:07 PM
It's possible that the internet plays a role in this evil practice. Which would account for the large number of kids being exploited. I also would not rule out the expolitation being carried out with children here illegally. Many large cities are "sanctuary" cities and cops would actually be forced to turn kids back over to their pimps. Maybe evne involvement of law enforcement can't be ruled out.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

That would make sense. I am going to generalize horribly and say that I have observed that many of them do not seem to discipline their children, making them easier targets.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:31 PM
To be honest this isn't news. It's a sad fact that it happens on a large scale almost anywhere in the world.

I don't think it's upto the state to intervene, this is an issue of personal responsibility.

It happened 100 years ago - it happened 300 years ago - but I don't think on the scale it does now. Community is now non existent, family's operate privately with little oversight from the community.

Once upon a time everyone knew everyone's business and this thing would be snuffed out before it got serious because people came to know about it.

Maybe porn is to blame in the rise in this kind of thing. It is still mainly endemic in poorer neighbourhoods. Stats suggest a college education means your literally hundreds of times less likely to be a peadofool. Coming from a financially secure home with a loving family means your 100 times or so less likely to be a victim.

Eliminate social poverty and you will bring down crime and reduce child abuse in all its forms massively.

This is not about legislation, harshening laws to protect children, that only takes care of the symptoms - not the causes.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Dutty_Rag
To be honest this isn't news. It's a sad fact that it happens on a large scale almost anywhere in the world.

I don't think it's upto the state to intervene, this is an issue of personal responsibility.

Eliminate social poverty and you will bring down crime and reduce child abuse in all its forms massively.

Maybe porn is to blame in the rise in this kind of thing. It is still mainly endemic in poorer neighbourhoods.

So the "state" should not intervene?? When children are being exploited and used and abused? They should just ignore it? Personal responsibilty? What do you mean by that in the context of innocent children being used and abused?

Also, this is not a result of poverty vs. rich IMO because this can be in rich and poor societies and rich and poor families. This is a result of a bunch of *&^%# up people using and abusing children.

Stats suggest a college education means your literally hundreds of times less likely to be a peadofool. Coming from a financially secure home with a loving family means your 100 times or so less likely to be a victim.

Please provide some facts to back up your claim. Id like to see them, as this is a topic of great interest to me (and others)

[edit on 12/9/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Does anyone remember the Boys Town sex scandal where children were trading themselves to prominent Republicans for drugs? I didn't think so.

[edit on 12-9-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Does anyone remember the Boys Town sex scandal where children were trading themselves to prominent Republicans for drugs? I didn't think so.

[edit on 12-9-2008 by groingrinder]

Yes. That is The Franklin Cover UP and I provided links (in my above post) where it has been talked about here

The children were not "trading themselves". They were victims.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Well the adotion industry loopholes, legitimate means, favors for favors and the religious institutions have a fair amount to do with it if I can use my own case as an example.
I wasn't sex industry, rather, I didn't know I was sex industry in the instances I was used for such-filmed, as these instances were rare and more seemed used as a convient distractor in play to divert suspicions, entrap a person/s for further favors, gain income for futher operation, or find a foot in a door in a heiarchy to be exploited--in hindsight, this is not all encompassing.

I was the maid, the gardner, the assistant, the cleaner-in the after cleaner sense of the word. I was the workhorse. I was a small girl, but I was worked worse than a full grown man, fed as if I were a member of holocast, treated worse than an unwanted stray dog. In front of everyone. But know one knows. How does this happen?

Well. Here is some of what I saw to indicate how, but I'm not of a mind to think in these circles, only such monsters are. Which may be why the rest (of the world) goes on oblivious to what intrinscially they can't comprehend as the conflicting information stares them in the face under an embodiment of purity and goodness. Just think of the catholic churches reputation: years and years men have come forward, but, it just sort of blips by in the news, unresolved. Because for those 'fathers' the information is so conflicting for others. I think it is more often heard or more easily believed, "the child is lying"-until the evidence mounts to such proportions. As if.

It takes us all to stop it. Just as it took my coming by way of information of brave people who have found their way forward I can add my little bit for someone else to form a cohesive picture and react accordingly, or at least more informed.
As with any must realize there are dangers and dangerous people, a population unaware or unable 'to be' aware-let alone to act, buyers, recievers, and those on the edge rationalizing to themselves.

A big problem may be one I am feeling. I don't trust this country. THIS is where this has happened to me, and each forward step I get a slammed door, not totally, not so much now as I am 'feeling' support and seeing the world, but historically, in my life, with all of the people who were ever supposed to matter, or labelled as the appropriate authority.

It's the rattlesnake and the horse. A horse will not pass where a rattlesnake has scared it.

cont... (what where and how I happened *in the trafficking in persons for exploitation, income, and ill means)

adoption rules, services, military connections, the religious institution, "doctors", the documenting process, psychology, "choice", photos, 'extended testimony network', and how it all fits to bear and misuse a non citizen (or any) child "natually" and non disclosed, as well as a hypothesis of the same for kidnappee's: In America.

(mods can I get a preshout if any of inappropriate, I'll go reread the T n C to frame my response as non identifying and appropriate as is called for, as far as I understand it)

back later...

[edit on 9-12-2008 by HugmyRek]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 04:21 PM
I will get the stats I was reading yesterday for you -

This IS a matter of rich and poor. Of course it can happen anywhere. But statistically, it's poor, white families with an average income less than $10,000 per year. Someone mentioned immigrant communities - in fact these have one of the lowest incidences in the continental USA - although - where abuse happens outside the families - in southern states, it is statistically a white abuser praying on a vulnerable child who IS in this case often from an first generation immigrant family.

I don't mean the state should not intervene in terms of the cops coming over and sorting a case out.

I mean that this isn't something the state should be over-legislating for. Ridiculous laws requiring adults to go through exhaustive checks before working with children, people with certain attributes being barred from adopting children etc -

Who's more likely to notice and be able to intervene in a case of abuse - a neighbour? Or someone at the town hall or in the federal government or even law enforcement who has never met the family in question.

Law enforcement may be the right people to rectify a situation, but they are seldom the first responders and even rarer the people to detect such crimes.

This starts in the community and we should be educating the community to be more responsible. In a tight community where people communicate and interact, people don't feel like they can get away with it.

Stats to follow soon.

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