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Child Sex Slavery Thrives in America

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Dutty_Rag
I will get the stats I was reading yesterday for you -

This IS a matter of rich and poor. Of course it can happen anywhere. But statistically, it's poor, white families with an average income less than $10,000 per year. Someone mentioned immigrant communities - in fact these have one of the lowest incidences in the continental USA - although - where abuse happens outside the families - in southern states, it is statistically a white abuser praying on a vulnerable child who IS in this case often from an first generation immigrant family.

I don't mean the state should not intervene in terms of the cops coming over and sorting a case out.

I mean that this isn't something the state should be over-legislating for. Ridiculous laws requiring adults to go through exhaustive checks before working with children, people with certain attributes being barred from adopting children etc -

Who's more likely to notice and be able to intervene in a case of abuse - a neighbour? Or someone at the town hall or in the federal government or even law enforcement who has never met the family in question.

Law enforcement may be the right people to rectify a situation, but they are seldom the first responders and even rarer the people to detect such crimes.

This starts in the community and we should be educating the community to be more responsible. In a tight community where people communicate and interact, people don't feel like they can get away with it.

Stats to follow soon.

Well, its a nice thought about "tight communities" etc. But it is not realistic. Not in today's world with how busy people are and people want to keep to themselves. People dont like nosey neighbors just like they dont like a nosey government. Also, from what I have seen, neighbors dont seem to want to get involved in "familiy issues", so I dont believe neighbors are reliable. And how many times have you heard a neighbor on the news say, "wow, he just didnt seem like that kind of person".

Also, cities are too large now to be "tight communities". It just isnt possible.

And im sorry, but as a parent, any person (teacher, etc) working my my child MUST have passed an extensive background check. If not, I will do a check myself
Grant it, a check doesnt reveal anything if they havent been caught. But its still something in place to help weed out those that should not be around children. All my opinion of course.

I just think the whole problem is much deeper then many of us can see. Way too many powerful people invovled, IMO, way too many cover ups, etc etc. There is a reason they call it "underground" and there is a reason why Joe Schmo neighbor wont be much help in most of these cases.

Thankfull the FBI (and other agencies world wide) are working on this issue (as I noted in my thread), but it seems the problem is TOO big and cant be contained

Anyways, thanks for your clarification and I look forward to stats (I like to keep as much info as I can on this

[edit on 12/9/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Shouldn't we as human beings have more morals than wanting to have sex with little kids. Where does that come from. What is wrong with society, that some people in society actually do this. We have a group of people who get the kids to provide a service to adult people who know better than to do this. I know money is a big factor, Why is there even a market for this? It just makes me sick.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:02 PM
I looked up the statistics on mising children, and this is what I found.

85% to 90% of the 876,213 persons reported missing to America’s law enforcement agencies in 2000 were juveniles (persons under 18 years of age). That means that 2,100 times per day parents or primary care givers felt the disappearance was serious enough to call law enforcement.

152,265 of the persons reported missing in 2000 were categorized as either endangered or involuntary.

The number of missing persons reported to law enforcement has increased from 154, 341 in 1982 to 876,213 in 2000. That is an increase of 468%.

According to the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Juvenile Justice Bulletin, June 2000

Kidnapping makes up less than 2 percent of all violent crimes against juveniles reported to police.

Based on the identity of the perpetrator, there are three distinct types of kidnapping: kidnapping by a relative of the victim or "family kidnapping" (49 percent), kidnapping by an acquaintance of the victim or "acquaintance kidnapping" (27 percent), and kidnapping by a stranger to the victim or "stranger kidnapping" (24 percent).

Family kidnapping is committed primarily by parents, involves a larger percentage of female perpetrators (43 percent) than other types of kidnapping offenses, occurs more frequently to children under 6, equally victimizes juveniles of both sexes, and most often originates in the home.

Acquaintance kidnapping has features that suggest it should not be lumped with stranger kidnapping into the single category of non-family kidnapping, as has been done in the past.

Acquaintance kidnapping involves a comparatively high percentage of juvenile perpetrators, has the largest percentage of female and teenage victims, is more often associated with other crimes (especially sexual and physical assault), occurs at homes and residences, and has the highest percentage of injured victims.

Stranger kidnapping victimizes more females than males, occurs primarily at outdoor locations, victimizes both teenagers and school-age children, is associated with sexual assaults in the case of girl victims and robberies in the case of boy victims (although not exclusively so), and is the type of kidnapping most likely to involve the use of a firearm.

Sorry for the long quoe, but you have to read through the whole thing to get an accurate idea of the numbers we are talking about.

If 152,265 of the reported missing children were considered as having been forcibly taken against their will, 49% of those were kidnapped by family memebers, and 51% were kidnapped by aquaintences or strangers, some of which are either killed or are returned after the abduction, so we are talking about probaby around 100,000 that we kidnapped that potentially could be part of a national child sex ring, which is a lot less than the numbers being kicked around here, but still a serious number. This would be the number taken annually, but this number could be far lower, there aren't enough details.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:22 PM

You have to go down to page 8 to find this number. This seems right.

This webiste gives numbers much, much lower. Estimated number of children engaged in sex for money or drugs, food or shelter was around 1,700.

I grew up on the wrong side of town, have known plenty of people who grew up on the edge, and have only known one girl who ran away from home, and was kept by a man in his twenties while she was a teenager, 14 to 17 or so, in exchange for sexual favors. She was in her twenties when I met her. I find these numbers of hundreds of thousands of teenagers in sexual slavery to be hard to believe.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
I find these numbers of hundreds of thousands of teenagers in sexual slavery to be hard to believe.

Do you mean for the States or in general?

Here are some stats:

Sex Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person forced to perform such an act is under the age of 18 years.

-An estimated $9.5 billion is generated in annual revenue from all trafficking activities, with at least $4 billion attributed to the worldwide brothel industry. (Ibid.)
-An estimated 2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion dollar commercial sex industry. (UNICEF)
-An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. (UNICEF)
-Around the world between 50 and 60 percent of the children who are trafficked into sexual slavery are under age 16.
-Human trafficking is the second-largest organized crime in the world.
-25 percent of all child sex tourists around the world are U.S. citizens.
-The largest number of people trafficked into the United States come from East Asia and the Pacific (5,000 to 7,000 victims). The next highest numbers come from Latin America and from Europe and Eurasia, with between 3,500 and 5,500 victims from each. (U.S. Departments of Justice, Health & Human Services, State, Labor, Homeland Security, Agriculture, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. 2004. Assessment of U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice.)

What Are the Trends in Prostitution in the United States?

Many child victims of prostitution are only 11 or 12 years old, and some are as young as 9.12 The average age at which they enter prostitution is reported as 14, and the median age of involved youth is 15.5 years.13 These children come from inner cities, suburbs, and small towns, and there appears to be an increase in the recruitment of middle-class youth from schools and shopping malls in the suburbs.14 The vast majority of youth involved in prostitution are girls,15 although some service providers see an increase in the number of boys. Some attribute this to a greater willingness by boys to disclose their sexual activities.16 Larger cities are more likely to have a higher proportion of boys involved in prostitution; however, service providers in smaller cities report seeing an increase in prostitution activities.17 "Prostitution is a seasonal problem. It is most prevalent during the warmer months and in cities with warmer climates. During the peak seasons for prostitution in the larger cities throughout the United States, there can be as many as 500 prostitutes on the streets. At least 25-30 percent of those prostitutes are children younger than 18."(18)




Although it is nearly impossible to provide accurate statistics about the number of children involved in prostitution, the examples below provide an overview of the problem8

Cambodia: As of 1995 one survey found minors from 13 to 17 years of age comprised about 31 percent of sex workers.9

China: As of 1994 the Peking People's Daily reported more than 10,000 women and children were abducted and sold each year in Sichaun alone.10

Costa Rica: The capital city of San Jose is home to more than 2,000 child prostitutes. Across the country, children are regularly sold to foreign pedophiles as part of sex-tour "packages."11

India: In 1995, 20 percent of Bombay's brothel population was composed of girls who were younger than 18, at least half of whom were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive.12

Sri Lanka: 100,000 children between the ages of 6 and 14 are kept in brothels and an additional 5,000 children between 10 and 18 are working in tourist areas.13

Taiwan: Estimates indicate the number of children in the sex industry to be around 100,000.14

Some more links on the issue (so I dont have to c&p everything) but I would suggest reading:

[edit on 12/9/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by isa75

You are really starting to piss me off!

White males aren't the only perverted men on this planet by a long shot believe me!

You made two posts and it seems you went out of your way to mention white males as the main perpetraiters of this disgusting crime...

What's up with that?

Let me tell you something about your beutiful and peaceful Hawii!
Back in the 17th and 18th centuries when the pirates and sailers would land on the Hawwiian islands young girls as young as 12 and 13 would be given as gifts or for trade from the leaders of the villagers, did you find that in any of your books?

Apparently not! You only have books about those dirty white men rite?

The point i am trying to make here is that this problem is not isolated to any one culture or nation, it is a major problem in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the U.S., India, Russia, etc, etc.....

Go to any getto whether it be the U.S. or any 3rd world country and there will be young girls getting molested and taken advantage of by some evil lowlife scum! These bastards need to be round up and strapped to a stake and burned to death! I'll lite the fire! An abomanation to humanity is what they are!!


[edit on 9-12-2008 by damdevildog]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:01 PM
I did a few different google searches on the subject of child molestation happening in nature. While I found plenty on mothers eating their children, males killing the children of the females, homosexuality in other species (natural, by the way), a seal raping a penguin lol (so I guess interspecies relations is even natural)... but I've found it hard to locate any information on sexual molestation of the young in any other species. I'm wondering if it is just that humans have developed more of an abstract way of thinking of places to put their wangs... or if it is something darker than that... something less apparent in the consensus view of what affects our reality, our behaviors... like if possibly the sick perversion of our human sex industry and therefore many people's sex lives is not some manifestation of something from beyond our known reality.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I don't doubt that such operations exist,

Why? Since the 70’s 75,000 or more children have been going missing every year. You don’t think a few couldn’t be ending up in the sex industry, especially with the rampant amount of unidentified children turning up in porn distributed through the internet?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Heh, I think you may have mis-read what you quoted there.

I said I DON'T doubt that such operations exist, not that I doubted they existed.

I will say that the sheer numbers are a bit jaw-dropping to me though. This is huge IMO.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Heh, I think you may have mis-read what you quoted there.

I said I DON'T doubt that such operations exist, not that I doubted they existed.

I will say that the sheer numbers are a bit jaw-dropping to me though. This is huge IMO.

Sorry, I’ve been doing that all day. It is pretty huge, and it’s scary that the media doesn’t tackle this issue more, especially when so many kids are constantly going missing.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

It is slavery we are 'statistically' certain of though. More and more cases of 'imprisoned' youths are surfacing, parents, fosters, friends, strangers, sex, labor, servitude.

Slavery is the deepest rooted cancer in our world and it must be destroyed utterly. No apologies, no hesitation.

Let no person EVER own another, no matter the guise or form such ownership represents.

Certainly we are all aware that this 'issue' was even portrayed by the MSM back in the 1979 .. Hardcore - George C. Scott (1979).

It was 'too ugly' for the movie moguls; I guess.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

THAT to me, is every bit as big of a conspiracy as the subject matter itself. It sends up huge red flags to me. There is something sinister going on at the highest levels here...

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by isa75
Shouldn't we as human beings have more morals than wanting to have sex with little kids. Where does that come from. What is wrong with society, that some people in society actually do this. We have a group of people who get the kids to provide a service to adult people who know better than to do this. I know money is a big factor, Why is there even a market for this? It just makes me sick.

Theres a market because theres a demand,just saying its sick doesnt mean there is no for why people would do such things,beats me..ive always thought there was a wide variety of reasons,some biological,social conditioning...who knows.But its a very real cold hard fact that its happening every day,and its even worse in many other countries.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:19 PM
I have gone into the following story in much more detail in the past, but...

I had a friend who 20 years ago confided in me a story that chilled the very blood to hear it. He had never been on the Internet or any source of conspiracy media, he was just a typical guy who suddenly became very disturbed as an adult when a flood of memories came to him from his childhood. He told me about the last vestiges of the nazi families living through-out the Pacific Northwest, including B.C., and how they controlled the Cub Scout groups for the purposes of grooming children for use as sex slaves to be used by politicians from around the World. He said the embassies were the hubs of this group and that while attending a summer camp for the cub scouts they were separated and basically brainwashed through sexual torture to determine who the group wanted to take for their needs.

Yeah, it sounds pretty crazy, but I actually went and did a little footwork myself into the camp he described while on a road trip, and I very quickly found out that it was not a good idea to ask questions about that place and the people who used to run it. I was basically warned to keep out of it and that was that.

My friend also told me that one of the purposes of the camp was to find people who could be programmed for tasks years later to be carried out by trigger phrases, again this is a person who never read a peep about the Montauk stuff or any of that, it was very eerie to hear.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective
Ive always felt like this is what happened in the Natalie Holloway case.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Any body who forces a being to do its bidding against that being's will, no matter how much that being is fooled into believing it is their will, is a slave driver. Let's not be superficial with the term "slavery". Society as we know it today is one big slave camp. It should be no surprise that the powers that be, lacking morality enough to fool the world into forced slavery via government, the economy, monetary systems, religions, jobs, etc., would not hesitate to have created a massive worldwide child sex slave operation. In the Western World, the CIA, NSA, MI6, and other secretive alpabet agencies AND secret fraternities have been firmly installed to maintain the illusion of morality and free will.... as populations grow and information becomes more rapidly and easily shared. Suppression of knowledge and confusion of free will is the purpose of all of these falsely respectable governing bodies... and they should all be denounced by humanity as unnatural and dangerous to the viability of our species, our fellow species, and our world.

There is no argument there. It must end, and the true agenda of these oppressors must be learned... or we will be wiped out. Humans are not baby rapists by nature. It is society and it's methods of perversion, confusion, and control which have made us this way.

Stop trying to defend a society which is destroying the world in the name of progress. It is not helping at all.

This is a general statement addressed to everyone.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Reminds me of a thread on here about a sex ring case that involved minors, it was linked to the White House during the Reagan years( I remember when I heard about this I immediately thought: Why is Clinton getting oral sex in the White House talked about more than child sex rings existing in the White House? In that thread we also asked a lot of disturbing questions, like where do the children go? The White House scandal happened in the 80’s and has been barely mentioned by the media since. It wasn’t that long ago, children or teens involved would be adults now. Where the hell are they? Why do none come forward and tell their story?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:39 PM
I'm sure there is much more to it than just that, but at the same time I think a lot of this stuff goes on under most peoples noses. I live in a little town along the foothills of the colorado rocky mountains and even in my little town something happened. There was an asian restaurant that was closed down due to human trafficking. It involved children and young adult females. If it can happen here then it can happen anywhere. I do wonder though, the people/kids/girls/ect.. involved in human trafficking here in the US, are they from other countries primarily or are they US citizens? Not that it matters really, it is all horrible. But how can something like this be stopped when most people don't even know it is happening right under their noses.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Some excellent commentary here people. Looks like I may have to delve deeper into this one.

So WHY is this being ignored by the MSM here? That in itself makes me alarmed. It appears there is a conspiracy of silence and UNDERreporting of this....My question is WHY?

Most cases of organized ritual abuse are ignored by the media. For example the Gunderson Investigation, and the case of Perry Dunlop up here in Canada. IMO it is because some very high ranking elitists are taking part in organized, ritual sexual abuse cults. CIA, politicians, businessmen, all very rich and influential. How do we stop that?

Some related threads:

Is Ritual Child Abuse a Hoax?
Another Pedophile Ring Swept Under the Rug
Franklin Child Prostitution Ring

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Bnmssnit
reply to post by DimensionalDetective
Ive always felt like this is what happened in the Natalie Holloway case.

And I feel this is what happened with little Madeline from England who disappeared in Portugal.

Everytime a child disappears and it is NOT a pissed off parent and they are not found immediate thought is they have been sold off for this very sick purpose. After all, like rapinbats said....there are TONS of unidentified children found in child porn.

DD. Im glad your thread is getting attention, unlike mine and many others here time a story like this comes sending it to you to start lol

[edit on 12/9/2008 by greeneyedleo]

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