In light of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy, I decided to do some research on birth certificates in general and see if I could clear up and
deconstruct some of the disinformation that’s out there.
I would like to invite you to participate fully in this study by digging out YOUR birth certificate and posting what you find in this thread. I have
included pictures below and if you want to do the same, I think it would be fascinating.
If you do decide to post photos of your certificates, I strongly encourage you to black out all identifying information that appears on your
There are four things I’m interested in:
1. The title of the document
2. Whether it’s a “long form” or “short form” (defined below)
3. The Registrar’s statement and signature.
4. The issue date
What I have found so far is very interesting and I hope others will join in to further our education and continue to deny ignorance by participating
fully in this thread.
General Certificate Information
There are three types of birth certificates.
The Vault Original – or “long form”, which contains the name of the hospital, the parents’ occupations and the attending
physician’s signature along with all the vital information found on:
The “Short Form” - the information on which is extracted directly from the vault original. These 2 forms (short form and long form) can
be used in a court of law or to verify age, place of birth, citizenship, etc. The short form is the legal proof of the long form.
The Souvenir Birth Certificate – which usually has the baby’s footprint on it. Souvenir birth certificates are NOT legally accepted as
proof of age or citizenship. Only a COPY of the original OR a “short form” can be used as legal verification.
When a child is born, a birth certificate is created and filed in the state Health Department records vault. What people take home is either a COPY of
their vault birth certificate OR a “souvenir” birth certificate (the one with the footprint).
When you request a birth certificate from the state, you will either get a photostatic COPY (photocopy) of the vault original, OR a “short form”,
the information on which is extracted directly from the vault original. This is sometimes called an “abstract”.
Abstract: 1: a summary of points (as of a writing) usually presented in skeletal form ; also : something that summarizes or concentrates the
essentials of a larger thing or several things
Birth Certificates
My Birth Certificate:
The birth certificate I have is a COPY of my vault original. It was requested in 1963, 6 years after my birth, before it became common practice to
issue the “short form”, as it is now. Here is a photo of my birth certificate. Keep in mind. This is a
direct copy of the vault ORIGINAL.
Notice the title of the document.
Certificate of Live Birth.
The State Registrar’s statement near the bottom reads:
I hereby certify that this child was born alive on the date stated above.”
Followed by the Registrar’s signature.
The certification at the bottom reads:
“I hereby certify that the above record is a
photostatic copy of the original certificate which is registered and preserved in the Division
of Vital Statistics of the Ohio Department of Health.”
What this means is, I don’t have a birth certificate titled “Birth Certificate”. This is my original and it’s clearly titled “Certificate of
Live Birth”.
Another Birth Certificate:
Here is another birth certificate of someone I know who ordered it last year. What he received is the “short form” with just the basic information
on it. It is also titled “Certificate of Live Birth” and has only the very basic information on it.
The State Registrar’s statement at the bottom reads:
I certify that this a true, full and correct copy of the original certificate on file OR the vital record facts on file in the Vital
Records unit of the Oregon Center for Health Statistics.”
Obama Birth Certificate
Everyone has seen Obama’s birth certificate on the Internet. For this discussion, I will refer to the photos on
It is titled “Certification of Live Birth” and the second picture shows the Registrar’s statement and signature:
I certify that this is a true copy OR abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii State Department of Health"
1. My conclusion is that the Certificate of Live Birth that Obama posted on the Internet is a "short form" (abstract) of his vault copy and the
information therein is exactly the same as that which is on his vault copy on record in the state of Hawaii’s Health Department.
2. Further, since the title of my long form AND my friend's short form are exactly the same (Certificate of Live Birth), I conclude that
there is
no real difference between a "Birth Certificate" and a "Certificate of Live Birth" except for the volume of information, as is so many times
asserted by people who are asking for the "original". They have the original. It's just a condensed version of the vault original.
I’d love to hear your comments, thoughts and questions. And I’d also love to hear what you find out when you inspect YOUR birth certificates.
Thanks for reading!
[edit on 6-12-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]