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Pentagon plans 20,000 uniformed troops inside U.S. by 2011

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posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by serbsta

In all reality 20,000 troops isn't really that much; America already has more then that stationed here now; alot more in the hundreds of thousands. Those men dispersed over that large of an area doesn't seem like it would have that affect.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:51 PM
This is hardly news. What do you think the National Guard is? Quite a few more than 20,000, BTW.
This is a case of the media making a mountain out of a molehill.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by cmd18B
reply to post by die_another_day

Im confused about your million men police force..Im going to think you mean that the already in place law enforcement that protects and enforces laws in their state? I will say that its not enough to deal with a large scale disaster in my opinion and if this was to come to fruition then so be it, We cannot stop it. I think the guy from Philly, Devildog said he wouldnt mind troops patrolling the streets and I agree with him especially since I am from Philly, AKA Killadelphia which needs all the help it can get. If you have nothing to hide and your a law abiding citizen then whats the big deal?..Dont give me that constitution crap because nobody really respects it anymore and it is a shame because thats what our forefathers fought for. The only thing we can do is go about our daily lives and wait and see.....oh and most automatic weapon ammo is 223..40. Cal is most likely for your sidearms although some MP-5's have a variant in 40 cal....Just to keep you informed...

I have nothing to hide, many people have nothing to hide yet they disagree with the idea.

What's going on here is the a step towards the decision of whether or not the people still have control over the government or the government controls us. When the people can no longer influence the actions of the government, then what was the whole point of the people agreeing to set up a centralized authority to work in their favor?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:55 AM
2011??? IT's HAPPENING NOW, & I'm sure that there will be many more than that much sooner than we think... Look at ice land.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:44 AM
I used to try and warn Americans about these troop deployments. No one believed me. You should have:

I won't even bother mentioning the Constitution or Posse Commitatus - no one ever listens. I hope you all enjoy what's coming.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Canadianduder]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:13 AM
no no no no
ever heard of GIVE THEM AN INCH
they take a mile
little bit by little bit
little bit by little bit
little bit by little bit
this that this that this that this that

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Paranoid Paranoid Paranoid

When the world goes out of balance and risks taking humanity all together, someone has to step in and protect our IGNORANT and USELESS Race.

Scientists and common sense have been predicting human waste will eventually cause problems for larger populated areas... NOW we are there. and everyone is like scientists scientists what do we do? Well reuse what you abuse...

While thats not part of the topic... the truth is Human beings are difficult to handle and deal with, how do you handle people that think they know everything but dont know the truth of why your doing what your doing... well they cause problems so a strong force to handle crazy force has to be made, it looks like The U.S. is starting to stand up for themselves... but have you know nature always protects her intrests... the world will be polluted way too much before earth can clean herself and we can assist her... she will Cause changes in the earths geography to aid in her reconstruction of the earth....So therefore stuff like... hurricanes...uhm... stuff like earthquakes... and uhm.... other horrible things will have to be watched so that you know SOLDIERS can HELP other HUMAN BEINGS.

There is more purpose of a soldier then killing.
No group of soldiers is perfect... not one is. In fact there will be a few corrupt individuals... you should know that recruiters feed on lower class individuals anyways who statistically have more mental problems then the less stressed upper classes...

Its all related stop being paranoid. If we would do our part and stop wasting thing and taking granted things and ACTUALLY RESPECT THEM, the government wouldn't have to crash the economy and make wasting things harder to do.

While^^^ That doesn't hold all of the truth it holds some. Start using your brains for once... Our world is being destroyed because the dominant race on earth that is supposed to protect it is destroying it. We are too late, horrible catastrophic events have already started happening... and all of you are online......

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Canadianduder
I used to try and warn Americans about these troop deployments. No one believed me. You should have:

I won't even bother mentioning the Constitution or Posse Commitatus - no one ever listens. I hope you all enjoy what's coming.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Canadianduder]

You hit the nail on the head, I guess when they show up in peoples back yards they will believe........................

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by rjmelter
No group of soldiers is perfect... not one is. In fact there will be a few corrupt individuals... you should know that recruiters feed on lower class individuals anyways who statistically have more mental problems then the less stressed upper classes...

Is that so? Want to back that up with a few sources? I think you might be talking some smack on a few different levels (stress levels for upper and lower class people, and recruiters "Feeding on the lower class").

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Yeah Im exmilitary you can take my word for it or just be ignorant... thats your choice... statistically its true no matter how you want to look at it. Considering the lower class and middle class makes up a larger percentage of the population... thus a larger percentage has more people and a certain percent of Americans have disorders you can verify that on MSNBC.COM in the health boards... what are you military or something? I hope its a wake up call or something everyone needs one from time to time... The Pill that = a dose of reality...

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

when you got nothing left got nothing left to lose

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Sounds like the U.S. is getting ready for Nuclear war in the future... Hmmm SOOO ironic that it's before 2012?? Lmfao. How predictable for a human race.

Hehehe, I'd like to see what happens during 2012. Let me guess... WE'LL LIVE! Hahahaha! So funny. I love humans.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Security of the State/Nation? America really is going socialist. People really nolonger know their Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Scarrrrry stuff. So what is the deal with the Obama Youth Program? Will it start out as a Civilian Conservation Corps like program? Now, sit back and think about how many time you hear the terms "crisis" or "war on "____" used to rationalize unconstitutional government action and policy.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:22 PM
Your poor, poor uninformed people.
Understand the facts. Since the Iraq War began there has been over 5,000 American troops killed, however a Canadian news report from a source called "The Canadian"...
says that Over 70,000 deaths, and over 1 million disabilities among American soldiers attributed to Iraq Wars from a U.S. government data source.

Now I tend to believe outside sources myself versus our lying government.
But consider this, since the beginning of the Iraq war, there have been over 95,000 MURDERS in the United States. Many attributed to Gangs & Drugs.

Having troops on the streets is not so bad. It may help stop the chaos. I do consider that all this chaos may be by design from the government to begin with the bringing of drugs into our country by the C.I.A. Once the foot hold of drugs was here, there was no stopping it. However it is here, the chaos is everywhere. People becoming victims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So for bad or for worse, make your choices, gangs & drugs running wild or police & troops standing on the corners.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Suppose a mag 8 earthquake hits Los Angeles.

Who can best organize and carry through rescue, recovery, medical, water, food, etc.?

Your local militia?

I remember people whining that the gov't didn't do enough during Katrina.

Now they complain because pre-planning is being done.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Exactly. There are more weapons in a small rural Texas township than those numbers. Probably more powerful too. I am no 2nd amendment nut but the part about "a well regulated militia" is a double edged sword. To me it means that the fact that a citizen can also posses a weapon means that that fact is a "regulating" inflluence on the military.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Canadianduder
I used to try and warn Americans about these troop deployments. No one believed me. You should have:

I won't even bother mentioning the Constitution or Posse Commitatus - no one ever listens. I hope you all enjoy what's coming.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Canadianduder]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Xilvius

Being anti-federal government is not the same as being anti-American. Our federal government is owned by groups that do not have the best interests of the United States at heart.

There is no justification for having 20 thousand Federal troops to do the job already being done by our police and National Guard.

I think we should be asking ourselves what the Federal Government is getting ready to do that it cannot count on the support of local State Militias (National Guard) or police and thus needs 20 thousand Federal Troops to enforce. Once established the number will grow.

I'm guessing it's so the Federal Government can disarm it's own citizens before proceeding with a broader agenda. At the very least it's a power grab by the Federal Government to rest control of the National Guard from State governors and place it under control of the President.

Be very afraid of any government that fears it's own citizens.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

150 to 200 Thousand well armed people.

In any case No member of the Armed Forces may operate within the USA at any time for any reason. Posse Comitatus Act A law enacted in 1878 to prohibit the use of the U.S. army in civilian law enforcement.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:33 PM
20k is nothing in the grand scheme of things for the USA.

However it is definitely a worrying sign of a switch to a more policed state.

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