WOW! Some of you people are really unbelievable, i served in the Marine Corps and i think i probably have some more insight into this matter than most
of you who did not serve, and particularily those of you who are paranoid!
Do some of you people forget that these troops are our sons, daughters, bros, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents, etc, etc.....
Or wait! Let me back up a bit here! I forgot they are brainwashed, they are microchipped, Oh my! All of our Soldiers and Marines are under the
influence of mind controll and are going to throw us all in prison camps under the control of the evil new world order people! (sarcasm of course)
Some of you need to chill out big time with this crap because it is VERY, VERY, disrespectful to our "BRAVE MEN AND WOMAN IN UNIFORM" to question
were there loyalty lies, and there morals and integrity while most of them are over seas in that sh#thole desert and we are sittin on our fat azzes
behind a computer passing judgment on them when they are the most patriotic and careing bunch of Americans that there are, period!
Myself personally would absolutely LOVE to see about 200 thousand of our troops patrolling the streets of the U.S. for a few years or so, As to clean
up the crime and show these gang A-holes how tuff they are not, and to get a handle on the illegal imigrants that are undermining our jobs, raising
our taxes, and bringing drugs like coc aine, meth anphetamine, marijuana, and heroine into this country by the tons every month and poisoning our
Maybe we should be raising awareness about this threat as appossed to the fictional threat that our servicemen and woman supposedly pose!
You people need to grow the F up!!
And one more thing people! One of my last details in the Marines before i was disscharged was the huricaine Katrina, and i was sent down to Billuxi
and Gulfport MS were the damage was the worst by far to help those poor folks, we had set up temp shelter, fed them, and collected basic neccessity's
for the people, along with the horrible job of body retrieval in which i will say no more!
Well folks from that experience i've learned what careing and great people we have in this country and especially in our military, but i've also
seen that our Gov. had major flaws in it's policies and in the way it handles such catastrophic disasters.
But our Gov. did also realize it's major flaws and has ever since been working on ways to drastically improve it's system for emergency response,
and one the major ways was to pre build emergency shelters and or emergency camps like those camps that have been popping up around the U.S. in the
last few years or so, even stockpiling plastic coffins so to be prepared for the casualty's, so the next time a Katrina like event unfolds they
would be prepared.
But what do people say, O MY!! The Gov. is going to get our troops to round us all up and throw us in prison camps just like the natzi's did! There
is proof! They are building the camps all around the country....Do any of you realize how big and how many camps it wouold take to imprision even lets
say 10% of this nation, a hell of a lot more than exists that's for sure.
You know people, this country is far from perfect and we do need to get our priority's in order, no doubt about it, but i think we are forgetting the
fact that the large majority of the common folks in the U.S. are really good people and that these same people make up the majority of our City's,
towns, Gov. and Military, so have some faith in your fellow countrymen and woman because if we want a future of Peace and non corruption in this world
it starts here in the U.S.
I like to still believe in the old saying "GOOD ALWAYS TRIUMPHS OVER EVIL" so i think if the majority of us here on this planet keep at least some
love in our hearts it will eventually prevail!
PEACE, devil
[edit on 1-12-2008 by damdevildog]