you're wrong.
"Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God."
This is saying the same thing. Man can't do something "impossible" except with God's help
1) If god is Omnipotent, can he make an object so heavy he cannot lift it himself? Yes, he can. God is a Holy Trinity. God the Father, (the mind)
could create a boulder that God the Son (the body) or Holy Spirit (the soul) could not lift.
Points 2-4: God can see all outcomes but that doesn't mean that you don't have the ability to choose which one you want to. "All paths are
foreseen, Nothing is for certain."
5) If god is Omniscient, knowing what will happen in the future, than he can not use his omnipotence to change the outcome... As he is powerless to
change the outcome of future events, he is not Omnipotent.
Wrong again. God cannot lie. If he says the sky is red, bam! It becomes red. That's the very spirit of the definition of omnipotence. God CAN
change the outcome, but that would be changing the game. God plays solitare and he is a gentleman. He shuffled the cards, laid them out and plays
them as they lie. If he were to pick up a card that he wasn't supposed to, that changes the game. Could he change the outcome of something? YES.
Would he? NO. That's cheating and he wouldn't be much of a role model if he didn't live up to his own expectations.
God is not Powerless to interfere, he CHOOSES not to. The same way that we could save a mouse about to be eaten by a cat. If we save that mouse
though, then the cat may starve. If we don't have a "future view" then how can we make the guaranteed best decision?
As far as unraveling the religion, NOPE, but you're looking at it wrong. Christianity is a right or wrong religion. It doesn't matter if the bible
is 100% God's word or not. The only thing that matters is whether or not you believe the bible. If you do, then there should be no question in your
mind as to its authenticity. If you don't then its just a book, and it doesn't matter who wrote it.
"None of these conclusions look good for believers. It pretty much establishes that Christianity is wrong."
Only if you have a non objective look at it...or you're a noob
By the way I'm an Athiest...