posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:07 PM
Found this at Blacklisted News today:
Mumbai Attacks Look Like A Western Intel Operation
The recent terrorist attacks in Mambai India appear to be the work of a western intelligence agency. Sophisticated terrorist attacks are usually only
executed by an institution with a vast amount of resources at their disposal, and not by terrorists living in a cave somewhere. History has shown that
high profile terrorist attacks which get top billing in the media are in fact government sponsored. Already, India is blaming Pakistan for the attacks
and we’ve also seen an onslaught of propaganda from media outlets attempting to place the blame for this attack on the fictional CIA founded
organization Al-Qaeda. There are even eyewitness accounts saying that the attackers did not look like Indians but instead appeared to be western. In
fact, some of the attackers have already been identified as British citizens of Pakistan origin. Of course none of that matters, since the media needs
to sell the Al-Qaeda myth to the dumbed down masses here in America. Considering that Barack Obama has gone on the record talking about the
possibility of using military force in Pakistani territory to go after Al-Qaeda terrorists, it looks as if this event is going to conveniently provide
him the excuse to do so when he takes power in a few months. He can say that he is going after Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and the media will sell it as the
right thing to do. Let’s face it; the only groups that would gain from the killing and wounding of hundreds of innocent people in India are western
governments. It is allowing them to continue to sell the phony terror war to the dumbed down American sheep, it effectively plays off India against
Pakistan and it provides the excuse for future U.S. military intervention into Pakistan.
Let's get into more detail about who will gain and why they stand to gain from these attacks. First, the attacks allows the media to re-introduce the
idea of the phony terror war back into the public eye. Despite the fact that there is little to no evidence that this was pulled off by some sort of
Islamic terrorist group it is being billed as such an attack by Al-Qaeda. In addition, we have coincidentally seen terror alerts with claims that
Al-Qaeda is planning to attack subways and Amtrak stations the same day of the Mambai attack here in the United States. Even though the government can
provide no specifics on the intelligence that lead them to conclude that this was a possibility, this has given them the excuse to pump more fear into
the minds of the American people through the mass media propaganda complex. It has effectively brought the horror of the terror attacks in India
closer to home in order to continue the media sell of the bogus terror war.
Second, it allows India and western governments to blame the attack on Pakistan as a pre-text to launch military operations on Pakistan soil. Obama
has already said that he would take action against so called terrorists in Pakistan. Such attacks would not have anything to do with fighting the
bogus terror war but instead would be used to exercise continued western influence in that portion of the world.
Third it serves as a way to create more tension between India and Pakistan both of which are nuclear powers and both of which have been fighting over
the region of Kashmir for many years now.
Conveniently a new Al-Qaeda tape was released on the Internet yesterday showing the supposed number two of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahri challenging the
Bush administration to send the military into Pakistan. With each Al-Qaeda video and audio release it is becoming increasingly more obvious that
Al-Qaeda is actually intentionally making statements to help fulfill the agenda of the west. If Al-Zawahri were really living in a cave somewhere it
would be a little more difficult to make all of these video and audio tapes. Al-Qaeda is a fictional group created by the CIA, so considering that
fact; wouldn’t it make more sense if Al-Zawahri were actually working for the CIA, instead of a phony organization that is really just a list of
names? By challenging the Bush administration to send troops into Pakistan, he’s in fact giving credibility to the idea that there are terrorists
that need to be defeated there.
Whenever these attacks occur, one has to look at who would gain the most from them. Clearly, the west has the most to gain from such an attack. They
get to use these attacks to sell their phony terror war, play off India against Pakistan and it serves as a fantastic excuse to justify a future
military invasion of Pakistan. The war on terror is a fraud and this appears to be yet another manufactured event that will allow the bloodthirsty
criminals in Washington DC to continue their efforts in consolidating their power and control.