posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 12:54 AM
i have several examples, i can share! some of these will be confirmation for those who are experiencing real phenomena and not medical problems.
so without further ado, the examples:
1) a friend, who had returned home to her family after being away at college, was sleeping on their living room couch. it was the middle of the
night. the light was on in the living room. she woke facing the back of the couch and to a sense of dread, as if something were behind her, but she
didn't have the courage to turn to see it. instead, an image formed in her mind of what it looked like. it was immense and totally black. no
discernible features. she turned just in time to see it going down the hall of their house. she knew, it was going to her sister's bedroom. she did
not know how, but she knew. she had a brother as well and his room was in the same hall and closer to the living room than the sister's room, but
still she knew that's where it was going, as if it had told her so.
she took a deep breath, leapt up from the couch and ran into her mom's room to wake her up for moral support in confronting the thing, when suddenly
her sister became to shriek. now the mom, my friend and her brother, all ran down the hall to rescue the sister.
when asked what had happened and what she saw, she said something totally black and gigantic, was in her room suffocating her by nearly crushing her
lungs with its weight. they are a catholic family, so they had a priest come over to bless their home. dunno how well it worked out but that was
many years ago and i haven't talked to the friend for probably 20 years at least.
2) my husband and his brother were tinkering around with a book on the occult and a ouija board. when they went to sleep that night, my husband was
woken from a sound sleep by his entire bed moving around and shaking like an earthquake was in their room. he shared the room with his brother. he
looked over to see his brother floating in the air above his bed. there was an open window near the bed and his brother's body began to float toward
it. outside was a brilliant light but that's all he could discern. he said he could see his brother was strugging against whatever it was, but seemed
nearly helpless. suddenly he yelled out, in the name of jesus! and the thing hurled him literally, back on his bed so hard, that my husband said he
was surprised it didn't break the bed frame or hurt his brother.
when asked what had happened and what he had seen, his brother said he didn't see any kind of entity or being, he just woke up paralyzed and floating
in the air toward the window. he thought whatever it was was trying to toss him out it because they were on the second floor and it was way up there.
(personally, i think it was a thwarted abduction)
3) i don't have abduction dreams or experiences, per sey, but i've had some real interesting dreams. the series dreams are the ones that bug me.
for several months, i would have the same type of dream every night, till i would pray for it to stop. examples were, working on the moon. every
freakin' night, i would find myself working on the moon with a bunch of other people, all wearing the same blue one piece coveralls. it was bland
and depressing. there was no sense of accomplishment, no joy, no one was happy, everyone was blase', no one talked, they just moved around sorta
robotically. ugh.
another series dream, which predated the moon slavery thing, was puzzles.i was presented with various puzzles, problem solving situations, and was
given the task of unravelling or otherwise deciphering the meaning. every night. night after night. the puzzles started off easy and got steadily
harder, till finally they were presented as many puzzles at the same time and i was supposed to decipher all of them simultaneously. i'd wake up
mentally exhausted. that's when i said, eh, screw this and prayed for it to stop.
there are other examples as well, such as fighting in a battle with medival armaments. every night, swords and shields and clunky armor. was weird,
to be honest. prayed for it to stop.
and the one that ran the longest, and still comes back occasionally, is the space ship thing. i'm given a spaceship to pilot and instructions on
what to do with it. and i zoom off, do whatever it is i'm supposed to do, and come back when it's done. i don't remember any of the details. just
brief glimpses of lights and panels and technology i don't recognize.