posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:01 PM
Now, I ususally don't talk about stuff like this, but I read a couple of chords that kind of struck home.
Now I will say this beforehand. I do not care if you believe me, I have no interest or reason in telling lies to entertain the speculative mind. If
you do not believe, maybe it is not for you, but for those who do, may the Truth manifest its self to you.
Okay, to the person who spoke of the predator cloak looking creature. I share this to your comfort. To this day, a close friend of mine refuses to
talk about it. Why?
Because we were awake when it happened.
Anyhow, there were these woods not too far from where I stay now. (Orlando Florida, 32811). One day, two friends of mine and myself were going through
the woods, as young kids do. I was about 13-14 then, I am 23 now. Now, for some odd reason, there is a dark patch of woods, like, there were woods,
and then, deeper into the woodsthere was just this spot that was really dark for some odd reason...just oddlooking. We decide to go venture through
there. Upon leaving, one friend, who is still a close friend,(I refused to really associate with the guy after this event.), and myself here a
cracking noise. Like someone stepping on a branch. We turn around, and about 50 feet from where we were, I saw a figure, appearance was like predator
in his cloak form, everything behind it looked fluid-like or watery, coming right at us. I asked my close friend if he saw it, and he mumbled
something and starting b-lining it out of the woods. The other guy had already began to take off. I start running out of no where my foot gets caught
by a vine. My heart is racing, I am freaking out, so I scream for help. The other guy keeps running(bastard), while my close friend turns around and
helps me. We never went back there again. And to this day, as I said, my friend does not like to talk about it. Everytime I bring it up, he says "I
don't what you talkin about man..." and changes the subject. Only once did he ever ask sparingly, "What was that man?"
And oddly, there has been construction all around that dark part of the woods since then. However, the dark park remains there. Untouched by the
construction that is literally all around it. Also, there is some odd, I believe masonic stuff around this area. Owls and what not on top of
buildings, barely visible and easily overlooked if you do not mind things like freemasonry.
Secondly, my sleep paralysis happened like this: I awoke unable to move one night. I was about 21 at the time. The room was being illuminated by what
looked like dark light. Like the room was being illuminated by the inverse of regular light. Hard to describe. I heard lots of talking going on, but
couldnt make out the words. Then something triggered in my mind. My girlfriend didnt stay over that night, but yet I felt this bodily presence as
though someone was resting/laying on the right portion of my body. I struggled to awaken, only to have what ever it was start licking my neck with
what felt like a freakishly long tongue. Blacked out after a while and then came to. Freaked me the heck out.
Yeah, that is my two bits for now.
May Truth and Love be with you.