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He Touched A UFO! Sgt Penniston's Account!

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posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Why the emphisis on the symbols? There are symbols used within different agencies, not officially linked to the government that have their own set of symbols they use for code. Many of them can be confused with hyrogliphs to a casual observer, oreven look like something that might be otherworldly to another casual observer. So the symbols alone will not tell you weather or not the thing is of alien or terestrial origin in itself.

As far as the flying characteristics, if it was a top secret craft, the witnesses would not know if it was if they did not have the right clearence to have such knowledge and it would appear to be of otherworldly origin.

The other question to ask is wy would aliens be marking thier ships, do they obide by the same regulations on their home world or dimention that our aircraft must obide by here on earth?And would a secret military craft have writings on it as well? Just some things to think about.

I personal believe in the top secret craft theory, but without the actual physical object to study, we will never know for sure, unless it shows up on the battlefield and the witnesses remember it.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:09 AM

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Majorion

"And again I'll emphasize that assuming it was "top secret" it certainly would never be spotted by anyone in the first place (military or otherwise)."
Sorry but I think you're wrong! There's a long history of witnesses seeing top secret classified proto-type craft, and being ridiculed for coming forward with their sighting, only for the real culprit to be declassified and announced to an amazed world. You only have to do a quick google for UFO sightings in and around Nevada to see dozens of weird and wonderful accounts of saucer and triangular shaped aircraft that are obviously flying out of Area-51.. . And while the airforce refuses to admit they're theirs they are, by definition, UFOs. True unknowns.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Majorion

"And when it comes to both the two main witnesses Col. Halt and Sgt. Penniston, I have no doubts regarding their credibility and honesty. "

This is just another falicy I get fed up hearing. Because someone is a pilot, or in the military etc, then they are expert witnesses and everything they say and describe has to be taken as gospel! Absolute rubbish! Witnesses like Penniston and Halt, pilots, military officers and so-on, when confronted by something out-of-the-norm are just as likely to make glaring mistakes as anyone else. Studies carried out by Dr Christopher French have proven this. So saying that just because a witness is highly respected and excellent at their job does not make them infallible. Anyone can make a mistake. That's why they put erasers on the end of pencils.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I haven't seen this mentioned spesifically in this thread, so I just want to meke people aware that there also excists an audio tape recording of the incident made by LtCol Charles Halt (Deputy Base Commander).

This is the complete audiotape as it was released by the freedom of information act. It was recorded by then Lt.Col. Halt, deputy base commander of Bentwaters Airforce Base:

This is the cut version of Col. Charles Halt´s tape which he recorded during the UFO incident that took place in Rendlesham Forest and on the US airforce bases Bentwaters and Woodbridge in dec.1980. Col. Charles Halt used the tape recorder to document important moments and details during their investigation that lasted over several hours that night. The total lenght of the tape is 18 minutes but this version has been shortened into 6 minutes in order to fit into youtube. It starts just before Charles Halt´s team´s first sighting and ends when they are back at the base:

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:01 PM
Very interesting thread, why would Sgt. Penniston lie

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: drneville
Very interesting thread, why would Sgt. Penniston lie

Why indeed. When I first started this thread I believed it entirely but I have now come to believe he was pressured to add the BS about the binary code to lessen the credibility of his earlier accounts....which I still believe to be true.

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