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He Touched A UFO! Sgt Penniston's Account!

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:27 PM
"Well, I had no problem going around the craft and doing the 360-
degree looking at it. But after I did touch the actual symbols
and that on the exterior of the craft, that's when it started to
-- I backed away. I backed away from it because the light was
starting to get brighter. There still was absolutely no sound.
That is probably the most incredible part of this. There was
absolutely no sound from this craft."

An excerpt from an interview with Sgt. Jim Penniston concerning the Rendlesham Forest incident.

and a link to his sketches of the UFO

And listen to the man himself

What more do we need, people?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:21 PM
I would be very interested if you can tell me if it it felt like very fine skin, you could push in and it retook its original shape. Years ago I worked on certain image/energy absorbing coatings. In my line of work, I heard things from people I trust with out question. But never had the "need" to get further information by seeing it first hand. Pity. Still trying though. But they don't let me play to much.

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
Quoting - Please review this link

[edit on 25-11-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

I don't quite know what you mean when you say, what more do we need? It seems that Pennistons experience alone is enough to convince you that this was an alien spaceship? Have you ever wondered if this couldn't have been a proto-type top secret probe that had gone wrong and had been told to land at the nearest American base,ie Bentwaters? Maybe it was Russian? After all, America had stabbed the UK in the back and had stored nuclear weapons there without telling the British government. Maybe it was a satellite of some sort that had crashed into the forest? According to Jenny Randles the NSA had been doing some top-secret testing of it's over the horizon radar equipment, and this had brought down a satellite that was seen to enter the earths atmosphere in the skies above southern England. What if that satellite hadn't burned up but ended up in Rendlesham forest?
The whole case is so full of holes that it destined to go the same way as Roswell. Claim and counter claim until nobody really knows who is telling the truth! While Penniston is an excellent witness, as is Charles Halt, is there anyone who believes Larry Warrens version of the events of that night? Seems to me that most of what we've been told is disinfo designed to stop the real truth leaking out into the public domain.
The Rendlesham forest incident Isn't about aliens, little green men or spaceships! It's a glimpse into some of the hardware that America has in its arsenal. . .

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Two feet shorter than a Mini Cooper and slightly taller. Triangle shaped which reduces the interior room greatly. Perhaps one
human sized occupant could fit leaving little room for much else.

Sounds like a drone / RC craft of some type. It could easily be a proto-type or experimental military craft of some sort.

He mentions 80 people having seen it. Do you happen to know how many of that number have come forward? Did he commit a criminal act in disclosing this. I need to spend more time on this one.

Thanks for bringing this up. For some reason I've never really looked into this in any depth. From the description though, it is hard to think of this as any more than a terrestrial craft, probably military for surveillance and intelligence gathering.

The entire story sounds as if it may have been a training exercise of sorts without the knowledge of many of the participants. How does this man get away with talking openly about it? If he is violating his orders about this, can he be trusted?

[edit on 11/25/2008 by Blaine91555]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:46 PM
I know Sgt Penniston. Amazing story. And I find everything he has said regarding it to be true.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

There are not many other witnesses who have come forward, but I found this info on the website dedicated to the Rendlesham Forest incident. The History Channel's new series, "UFO Hunters", covered the case in an episode:

Halt spoke of a new witness: someone who was fortunate enough to be in the control tower at RAF Woodbridge, during the UFO incident and who saw it all.

In November 2007, Charles Halt received several emails from a security guard, who was posted in observation tower: “He has given me quite a bit of correspondence, and he verifies the fact that on that night he was in the tower, he actually saw beams coming down into the weapons storage area, simultaneously while we saw it near our feet in the field.”

“One thing you have to keep in mind is that the trees are much higher now. We had a 360 panorama from up here before. We would have never let the trees grow this high for security reasons. From here the tower operator had a fantastic view of everything, from miles around.”

Unfortunately Halt notes, “[The new witness] doesn’t really want to come forward”. A portion from one of the emails was shown on screen, but only reveals how the witness was surprised to not hear about the UFO on the BBC news during the aftermath of the incident.

Another important piece of information was revealed by Vince Thurkettle. Those of you familiar with the Rendlesham case will recognize Vince for being the first to come up with the lighthouse theory. He is skeptical of the case, but what he revealed suggests that something far stranger than a lighthouse was to blame – someone was taking this case very seriously.

Vince claims, that only a few days after the incident took place, he was at the forest chopping wood when a black car pulled up, “two young Englishmen got out, say 25 years old, in suits. They came to talk to me and what they were asking was […] 'we've heard of red lights being seen in the forest'. They said 'were you out last night?', I said 'No', they said, ‘did you see anything?’, ‘do you know anyone [who did]?’ and I said "No". And then they just closed the conversation down and went.
Vince later discovered the two men had interviewed “everyone in the area”.

The fact is, Colonel Halt had not even written his memo to the British Ministry of Defence. How could they have possibly known? RAF Bentwaters must have informed them directly, unless they were not from the MoD.
Colonel Halt had some more to say. He said he did not know who questioned Vince, but he said “the airmen involved were questioned under very mysterious circumstances, by people they did not recognize and some of them were British”.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

"Two feet shorter than a Mini Cooper and slightly taller. Triangle shaped which reduces the interior room greatly. Perhaps one
human sized occupant could fit leaving little room for much else. "
On the Strange But True, UFO Debate, Charles Halt, who had Pennistons original notes, said the triangular object was an equalateral triangle, each side being about nine foot long. I think this is slightly larger than a mini.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

It must be so cool to be you.You know everyone! Thanks for taking the time to post on my thread. I find the Rendlesham Forest incident to be the most compelling account so far.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Yes I know quite a few interesting people. Been doing this UFO research during most of my free time for the past 10 years. Sometimes I sit back and I'm amazed.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

I'd be interested to know if you feel Clifford Stone is being truthful in his accounts of his experiances? He seems very credible and I would like very much to think he's telling the truth.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:05 PM
not many will come to debate this one..

well as you can already see a few may jump on here to get some mild ATTENTION and joke around...they'll start their post with what seems to be skeptisms but shortly they will call it a crashed sati that flew off, and lets not forget the SECRET MILITARY cant forget em!

but any grown man who is sticking to his story some 30 years later has to be taken seriously..

and i for one believe him to be true.

UFOreality, if i can sit back and be amazed simply by reading, online research,video documentaries etc. then you must be seriously blown away.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by LordThumbs

"but any grown man who is sticking to his story some 30 years later has to be taken seriously.."

Yeh, just like the guy who has spent the last thirty years in an insane asylum because he thinks he's Admiral Nelson! Funny, he's sticking to his story too so you would take him seriously!
As ridiculous statements go yours is a doozy. . .

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
reply to post by ufo reality

I'd be interested to know if you feel Clifford Stone is being truthful in his accounts of his experiances? He seems very credible and I would like very much to think he's telling the truth.

I know him too. Yes I believe he's credible and telling the truth.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by LordThumbs

I was talking about being blown away by the people I've come to know and the circumstances I've been in.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
Have you ever wondered if this couldn't have been a proto-type top secret probe that had gone wrong and had been told to land at the nearest American base,ie Bentwaters?
Maybe it was Russian? After all, America had stabbed the UK in the back and had stored nuclear weapons there without telling the British government.
Maybe it was a satellite of some sort that had crashed into the forest? According to Jenny Randles the NSA had been doing some top-secret testing of it's over the horizon radar equipment, and this had brought down a satellite that was seen to enter the earths atmosphere in the skies above southern England. What if that satellite hadn't burned up but ended up in Rendlesham forest?
The Rendlesham forest incident Isn't about aliens, little green men or spaceships! It's a glimpse into some of the hardware that America has in its arsenal. . .

Hold on, I was under the impression you thought the case was nothing more than rabbits and lighthouses:

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:11 PM
This is my favorite UFO case.

I can just never get over Jim Penniston's eye witness account and testimony. His notebook entries are so fascinating, I love to take a look at those symbols every once in a while, they just re affirm my belief that UFO's are real and that there is far more to UFOs then meets the eye as Donald Keyhoe says.

Description: Felt like glass, black exterior, strange hieroglyphics, static feel when near it, and made absolutely no sound.

Simply amazing

The question remains, was this an alien spacecraft/probe?
I would think that those symbols should be enough to make an ET argument.

As for the credibility and/or accuracy of Halt and Penniston's accounts, I personally have no doubts concerning that.

This Case is one of the few genuines, a real study.

And who were those mysterious British guys who questioned everyone at the base before Halt even wrote his memo? ... Mi6 possibly?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Thanks Ziggy, I've got to do more reading about this one. It seems interesting.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Your right. A Mini is a little over 11 feet long and about 5 feet high I guess.

Still factoring in a propulsion system and other equipment necessary to make it habitable, not much room.

This is one of the cases I believe really occurred and would like more answers. Its ones like this that keep me interested unlike the blurred birds and little lights on black backgrounds. This smells real but is it military or Alien?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

I think Clifford is honest. The question is sane, but I have no reason to doubt that. He is hard not to like from watching tapes and reading his stuff.

I'm starting to get a little miffed that ATS has not published the stuff he gave them yet. It's been a long time since Team ATS got that stuff. Has it been released and I missed it?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
reply to post by MsSmartypants

I don't quite know what you mean when you say, what more do we need? It seems that Pennistons experience alone is enough to convince you that this was an alien spaceship?
Like most believers, I believe that Most ufo's are indeed ours, however, this case was when 1980? If the technology that Sgt Penniston and Col. Halt witnessed and in Sgt Pennistons case, touched was/is ours, where is it? 28 years later and we are still running on petroleum products?

Most if not all debunkers believe that the Government can't keep a secret, so where is the fabulous tech that was witnessed? If the technology is ours, then tell me what advances have been made since, in your opinion of course.

Sgt Penniston is the most credible of all, along with Col. Halt, at least in my opinion. What do they have to gain? Are they getting rich by telling their story? Are they disinfo agents? Maybe, but why?

As I've said before in this forum. If what everyone sees in the skies is ours, why not come forward with it? Every war could be ended in a flash, and everyone that wants a job could have one, but it's all a big secret, the question is why?

[edit on 11/26/2008 by saturnsrings]

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