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Alex Jones, Open Discussion.

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by reaverto
Could be a very skilled disinfo agent, but if so he has been one since at least his early twenties when he started off doing local cable access shows where hardly anyone tuned in. Hardly the promising start of a disinfo agent.

His website is truly great and chalk full of good info. Sometimes, just sometimes as on many conspiracy sites he will seize on a topic or quote out of context if he suspects it something related to the New World Order paradigm. Most of the time he nails it though.

His "interviewing" style mainly consists of him freaking out and yelling which does not serve him well if he wants to be taken seriously in his field. I much prefer Rense's laid back approach but he is probably a disinfo agent as well!

If you had Rense's style with Alex's website that would be a killer combination. Rense's site hasn't changed since 1997.

You should check out Thomas's website, hard to disagree with it. Seems to be all supported. That being said, if I now tell you that I'm exCIA and exFBI and that I was in a government project for the NWO. Are you going to believe what I say? They're raised for this. Predetermined destiny for some, others can break free and use free will.

Check out this audio, about 1/2 way in. He says "they lie and make stuff up" about him and he says "they TERORIZE me". Do you really think AJ is being TERRORIZED. Quite the word for someone who admonishes bush for doing the same, much the same as the hand thingy. You can criticize...

I could be wrong. Deja Vu_javascript:icon('

[edit on 25-11-2008 by AllTiedTogether]

[edit on 25-11-2008 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by reaverto

Alex does not just take things out of context, he outright lies. LIES. What is it about that word people keep missing.

And his website, informative as it is, and it is! - is nothing but a cobble of other people's work. I do appreciate having one place to find it all but he does not do research for that website other than scouring the web. Ebaum used to do it to, remove watermarks. He sold his site for millions and is set for life, all off of simply posting other people's work he found on the web. If only the NWO was as popular as fratboy humor, Alex would be as set, but I cannot help but think any income generated off that site above and beyond the cost of hosting his site, is all profit. He is doing ok, you can tell because his production values have soared since he was able to scrap that Amiga Toaster he was using for so long. The man is making money off of lies and other people's journalism. Hardly a hero. As for any new secret info he has revealed, well how would you know if any of that is true other than because you like how it sounds?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 08:37 AM
Personally i think Alex Jones is slowly going insane. The NWO subject is starting to get too his head.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:36 AM
You have got to give him credit for his research , alas the good work stops there . I was a fan of the CONTENT of his shows until i listened to the most childish and insolent interview ever , the one he did with the writer/director/producer of the Zeitgeist films , who's name escapes me .
He acted like a complete buffoon and tends to repeat that sort of scurrilous behaviour anytime that religion dares to encroach on his conversations . This leads me to think that there is most definitely a chance of him being Jesuit influenced .

Or am i imagining this ??

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by dion3976

Here is something I came across when doing some background checking on this very subject.

The way he goes in and out of character, while weakened by some booze, makes me wonder if he is putting on an act, or has been trained professionally?

As for the christian front, I think that is kind of blown/undermined by the language used and the tendency to agression (starts a fight later on). Intrested in your thoughts on this.


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:12 PM
Alex jones is ecentric for sure.. for entertainment purposes... is he doing this for money yes... is he speaking more truth then faux,cnn and msnbc? yes... does he exagerate things yes... But you have to give the man credit..

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by jboogienoj

You have to remember that fact that a conspiracy theory stops being a theory once you have a piece of evidence however big or small. So I take issue with this being called a theory. Alex Jones always goes on Coast 2 Coast AM and touches the UFO thing by saying he has nothing against it, he just is trying to stick with what he can prove. So, all of you that are trying to figure out if you can trust him or not, DON'T!!! Do your own research and find out for yourself. If you do this you will find out that the NWO is real and that Obama is just picking the same type of people for his cabinet and so we are getting change alright, but not the change our founding fathers believed in. Don't just sit here and go off other people's word, think for yourself. Everything will lead you back to the Federal Reserve and December, 1914 when they took over our country. I believe UFO's are real too but a side issue to what we face today immediately. Let go of this petty stuff and stop the infighting because all the time we are fighting eachother they(NWO) are laughing at us because that is what they want us to do. We aren't looking at the real problem which is them. So, don't take my word for it. Look for yourself and wake up!!!!!! We are a few months away from the Economy going into a second Depression and then in the soup line a lot of you will be fighting over who got the last chicken noodle. Grow up and stand up or sit down and let them take us like a coward. I for one am not going out like that in a fema camp. "In a true Democracy, the government fears the people, not the other way around!" "Those who give up Liberty to obtain security deserve neither!" Both by Benjamin Franklin. "In a time of Tyrany, telling the truth is a Revolutionary act." SPREAD THE WORD, THE NWO IS COMING, THE NWO IS COMING!!! YOU HAVE A CHOICE TAKE THE BLUE OR THE RED PILL. I CHOOSE TO BE AWAKE! COME JOIN ME!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:07 PM
I think after all this time the scars are building up, concern turns to anger, and hope turns to panic. I just grew tired of his freak-outs, followed by fake crying that lasts for a few seconds, then apologies. Listening to him too often made me a very unhappy person, I haven't quit reading or learning but that show sometimes made me feel like I was the enemy.

But if I've learned one lesson these last 7+ years it's that if you want people to learn, especially when it involves 9/11 or something else along those lines you need to stay calm. Yelling and getting upset just sounds like desperation to the unaware. You have to treat people with respect if you want them to respect your point of view, especially when your point of view is as earth-shattering as the views we all take for granted.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Alex Jones is a crazy man. I've been listening to him and watching his videos since 2001. Every time I would try to get other people to watch his videos they would be like " this guy is just too much, he comes on way too strong, I can't even listen to him because he's so effin crazy". I think it's the old truth mixed with lies (and in alex's case craziness). He absolutely knows this. He has to. I don't know. The one thing I do know, and you can ask any of these so called truthers, is that after all the years they have spent researching, questioning, answering, standing around circle jerking and preaching to the choir, they still have more questions then answers. The system is controlled, everything is part of the system.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Ive learned to trust nothing completely but my own experience and deep feelings. AJ brings to the surface alot of very important issues. however, its up to our own selfs to check it out and to do our own research.
Furthermore, from what i know "they" wrote (introduced) the bible and all the religions to humanity. Any one who believes in any of the religions is not a self thinker and forever will be far from the real truth.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by TylerKing

You also have to cite your sources, and it helps if those sources have any respect. Two things Mr. Jones seems unwilling to do. How he expects to teach non-conspiracy-theorists anything is beyond me.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
he speaking more truth then faux,cnn and msnbc? yes...

Please do not take this personally. I see this said often and it always makes me wonder so since you said it last, I am asking you. How do you know he is telling more truth? Have you ever tried to back up his claims via sources other than his website? He does use a lot of sources that are later debunked completely on his website and he never offers proof on his show of anything so how do you know he is truthful at all?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:25 PM
AJ seems to shine a dim light on the nasty things lurking in the corner. He then gets people upset and debating. Think about this thread. People are discussing issues and going out and digging up facts. For that alone he is very valuable.

He is also human. It is very frustrating to see lemmings diving off the cliff and not be able to divert them. If he sounds loud, angry and crazy at times I do not blame him. There are times I want to take someone shake them and stuff their face into the facts. I have run into a lot of people who will deny there is a train as it runs over their feet. It really makes me want to scream. After years of that it is amazing he hasn't cracked.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

What nasty things, exactly? I can't remember him breaking any actual, verifiable news stories other networks hadn't.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
reply to post by bingmat

Bing Obama is CFR Trilateral he sold out long ago, you have to look a bit deeper amigo..........

Thanks, and I know there's been alot of things said to supoprt that, but what evidence is there?

I was making the point that AJ is losing credibility and flitting between which party/candidate he's pointing the finger at over certain issues.

Two years ago (and before - and since) it was Bush who was today's bringer of all things NWO... and now, a man in the opopsing party is guilty of the same accordign to him.

I haven't seen any real evidence to say Obama is as you say CFR Trilateral, can you post me some links on here so I can look into it further please...??? i'm not denying what you say, merely I haven't seen anything other than (mostly) anti-Obama posts/interviews/discussions that are in the main, laced with racism and anti-islam setniments.


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Ive learned to trust no one completely, but my own experience and deep feelings.
Aj brings to the surface alot of very important issues. Its up to us to do our own research.
Furthermore, i know it was "them" who wrote (introduced) to humanity the bible, Christianity, and all the religions, therefor im skeptic of any one who believes in anything but himself/ The truth shall set you free

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:02 PM
Well it seems AJ has done it again ie skirted around the JFK/Mossad/Israeli angle in a big wide circle ... well thats not exactly the truth. The truth is that he has misrepresented "Final Judgement" by Michael Collins Piper in a big way. So big that Mike Piper spent a lot of his programme on Tuesday (November 25th) on RBN taking AJ and his guests, Robert Grodin and Jim Marrs to task over what they said about Mike Pipers book.

If you really want to know more about how Alex Jones doesn't tell you the whole truth about things, you should listen to the Tuesday edition of Mike Pipers show.

Just go here:

And then go to The Piper Report link, then November, and the Tuesday November 25th.

Even if you don't like what Michael Collins Piper says about Israel, the Jewish lobby in America and related subjects, you owe it to yourself to listen to this programme. You may learn a lot about the JFK assassination, and in particular a certain Alexander Emric Jones.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:11 AM
i cant listen to his show live anymore..the stream is always weeks old...whats up?

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:47 PM
In my opinion he is a shill. Alex Jones promotes the idea of fear. Which is a tool of the ruling class. His tirades and fear mongering and religious hate speech amount to a needle of truth hidden in a mountain of lies. No one person has a grip on the whole truth. If you want to know the real Alex Jones watch his interview with Peter Joseph the creator of zeitgeist. After seeing that i can say i will no longer visit any of his sites or promote any of his videos.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:21 AM
Infowars images suggest human implants

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