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Alex Jones, Open Discussion.

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:10 AM
Hello All. I've been following AJ for a while now. he's got great guests and new information all the time. But I can't help but constantly think of Thomas Richards' writings Thomas Richard's Views On Alex Jones. Although I can't listen to anybody who's pumping religion for too long, I do think he brings up some valid points.

What I find with a lot of these threads about Alex Jones is they seem to go off topic all the time and the true goal of finding out the truth about Alex Jones is lost. I say, with this thread we stay on Topic. IS ALEX JONES DISINFO OR NOT?? Does he have an agenda besides exposing the NWO?

What this thread should have is articles and video links showing where AJ has been WRONG or Where he has done the questionable.

Alex Jones is on the air everyday exposing himself to criticism and dissection so let this be the one thread that finally cuts through the BS regarding Alex Jones. Lets stay on Topic and not get pulled into menial spats. Let's stay true to FINDING OUT WETHER AJ IS OUT TO CONFUSE OR TO GUIDE TO THE TRUTH. Big Question.

On a side note here are a couple of things I have noticed. His guests kiss his butt, He has great guests, he never mentions UFO, Aliens or Vatican. Pretty weird for a Conspiracy guy wouldn't ya say?
I know "he only talks about things he can prove". But doesn't the UFO phenomenon at least spark his interests??? Hello Mr. Conspiracy has no interest in other worlds, where we come from & deeper conspiracies? Laughable. Also he's so aggressive that he is not even open for discussion on other topics. AREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO BE OPEN MINDED IN THIS DAY AND AGE NEVER CLOSING OUR MINDS TO ANY POSSIBILITIES?? Question marks everywhere with this guy. I'm a truth seeker. So everybody is a suspect.

Let's not let this thread die y'all. Let's hold his feet to the fire as he would any member of the NWO. I've seen too many threads on Alex Jones fall back into the abyss. This is not my first thread on AJ. The reason why is because I am a listener and skeptic. My intuition tells me to look deeper into this guy because he COULD be the key to the door that allows us to get one step closer to THE TRUTH!

I have nothing against Alex Jones or Anyone Seeking the Truth.

Looks Like I'm Not the Only One Who's Sixth Sense Goes Off Concerning Alex Jones:

Alex Jones - Exposed!!
William Cooper Call Alex Jones A Scaremonger
Alex Jones - Truth to Horror Movies
Alex Jones Just Went Crazy
Alex Jones, Help or Hurt 911
Alex Jones Debunked
Alex Jones Dis-information
Alex Jones Patriot, Fraud, Dis-Info?
Alex Jones Honorable?
Alex Jones & Ron Paul Are Frauds
Why is Alex Jones Still Alive?
Alex Jones Evil?
Alex Jones, Trustworthy. Think Again
What is The Deal With Alex Jones?
911 facts Even Alex Jones Won't Discuss
Alex Jones Cracked Out or Good Info?
Alex Jones CIA Connection
Alex Jones, Real or Paranoia?
Proof Alex Jones is CIA
How Come Alex Jones Never Discusses UFO's?
Alex Jones is A Puppet of the Jesuits and NWO

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jboogienoj]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:47 AM
I will only add that I think AJ has to learn to control himself and become a proper interviewer.

The other day some poor guy who had two babies taken by the Children's Services was trying to tell his story and couldn't get a word in edgewise.
The children were taken because his wife had a brain tumour when she was 16.
fifteen years before the births.

I would never call the show for fear I would lose my temper.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:03 PM
Okay -- totally on topic.

Do i think AJ is a disinfo agent?


Is he genuinely interested in exposing the NWO, and does he believe in that stuff??

My opinion, yes.

Do i trust him?
errmmm.... maybe.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:06 PM
I think AJ is on a path to destroy himself.
He portrays himself as an insane person, thereby giving a bad name to what 'they' would call conspiracy theorists.
Sorry, I just had to say that off-topic

Ok, to your comment that he doesn't speak of UFOs
There's nothing wrong with staying the course that you wish to expose

And talking about aliens could make him seem an even worse source as far as credibility goes.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:19 PM
Alex Jones is a good ole boy - meaning an ole redneck - just an ole cowpoke who has stumbled on to some good stuff and continued to research it to fruition.

He does it his way, and it is his show. you either love him or love to hate him, either way its good radio, and if your careful you might just learn something. He constantly challenges people that dont like the way he does it to do it themselves.

In answer to your question. He is no disinfo agent.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:36 PM
Also I will add. What promped me to start this thread was the mention of how Alex had edited the Bohemian Grove incident/Video. It was interesting.

I seem to have gotten a lot of feedback from AJ supporters. What do you guys think of the old Spiritually Smart website. Anything there?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:14 PM
Good topic. I have wondered about Alex Jones myself. I like the topics he covers and the challenging of conventional thinking, but I always find myself feeling uneasy when I see a video of Alex Jones protesting something. Alex has to know what he looks like when he is with a group of people and he has chosen to utilize a bullhorn. Or when he is yelling above everyone else, "911 was an inside job! 911 was an inside job! 911 was an inside job!" I like the topics but his tactics when confronting people, shows a complete lack of imagination. His approach will never solve any problem and will never bring about a rational discussion. He has to know bullhorning or yelling at someone only puts you in the category of ranting lunatic. Especially when bringing up alternative ideas. This approach will only cause a person to push him further away and completely dismiss anything he has said. With this approach, Alex Jones does more to harm the idea than help it. And I have to believe he knows this. So one must ask, why does he do it then?

I really got a good insight into Alex Jones when I listened to William Cooper critique his Y2K mass hysteria push. Here is the video: This really kind of shows how Alex really tries to scare everyone and borders on inducing panic. On this video, Alex Jones is completely wrong. In fact, he is so wrong it makes you wonder "Who is Alex Jones really?"

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:24 PM
I listen to Alex Jones regularly, but do get put-off with how he never lets his callers utter a word. And there are commercials EVERY five minutes. Very, very annoying. I question if he is pushing products more than information at times.

He has spoken recently on Coast to Coast more so about UFOs, usually in the domain of Project Blue Beam and HAARP, confidential government programs. So he is coming around slightly. He does believe and state the possibility of the government "disclosing" UFO information in the near-future.

I come to ATS often hoping to learn more about many information people. I never know what to really believe about:
- Alex Jones
- Peter Schiff
- Williams Lindsey
- Gerald Celente
- George Noory

I'll keep coming to ATS to eventually come to my own conclusion of information, including whether to trust Alex Jones or not.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:26 PM
I listen to him from time to time. Too much commericals interrupting all the time makes is hard for me. Hate that

AJ have some flaws himself of course, screaming and steaming. A bit full of himself and absolutly loves hearing his own voice and when things is "all over the news" like he often says, they most likely aren´t.

However, it´s just retarded to think his a CIA-agent because he doens´t talk about reptilians, DNA-love-buttons or the Vatican all the time. Look at some of his guests like Micheal Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell. They do nothing BUT talk about that.
If I didn´t listen to Alex Jones, I would actually never heard about "the Vactian secrets" at all, and I think have had a LOT of people look into that aswell after listening to him. He even advertises anti-vatican websites on his page.

And taking singel qoutes out of context from thousends of radio-hours?! Come on!

Come on, they site is trying to expose Joe Rogan for wearing a regular t-shirt and saying hail satan. What rebel-kid DOESN´T do it? No real evidence at all, just a religuos fanatic who doens´t understand the origins of the texts he himslef are qouteing. So #ing tired of all these so called christians who read the bible for years and years but know know # about it.

I think he´s just a regular guy trying to expose the power elite.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:32 PM
My greatest support to Alex!

I see and hear that he is just depressed these days, because he know what is happening, but still people are too blind to see the truth, listen his words of warnings. He has keep warning from these coming times for so many years now, and still, even here in ATS are guys, who dare to say... "But there is no New World Order" ... And keep living in their wonderland.

- He is one of your best mans in resistant
- Secure his life with militia forces
- Give him all the support he needs

He is not one of "them", but he is one of the best chances you got.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:54 PM
The bullhorning I have respect for because it shows one way or the other he puts himself on the line. BUT WHERE I DRAW THE LINE is WHEN ALEX DRAWS THE LINE IN SAND AND SAYS THE TRUTH STOPS AT THE GOVERNMENT. The same with Mr. Spiritually Smart Thomas Richards. HIS SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH STOPS AT CHRISTIANITY. Real truth seeker WILL NOT CAN NOT DRAW THE LINE. The truth is ever evolving.

Can someone please give links on any incriminating or anti Alex Jones links? I'm on a mobile right now making it hard for me to copy and paste.

I want this thread to become a consolidation of all Cases against Alex Jones. So maybe one day someone can surprise him with rebuttals if they can ever pin him down on THEIR own terms. What? He does it to politicians right? Same thing only I think it's time for him to answer some of the tough questions.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:54 PM
I listen to Alex online several times a week, coast to coast streamlink if I'm interested in the topic, and I'm a subscriber to Jeff Rense. I like to keep up with whatever they are all on about but frankly, I don't agree with any of them on some things.

These alternative guys often have some good points to make and they can help keep you up-to-date and thinking, but my advice is to keep your own open mind and take everything said with a grain of salt.

I turn off Alex when he gets on one of his maniac rants which is fairly often. Sometimes he turns his anger on his own listeners, which I find particularly distasteful. Like, he'll say something like "You there sitting on your butt! You think I'm kidding don't you!" And he'll start in ranting. I have to switch it off at that point. Also, just like any famous radio talk guy, he's got a huge ego and yes-man cronies to go with it. I hate that step-and-fetch-it attitude towards his staff of yes-men. But I do continue to tune in several times a week because I think he is pretty much right on target with some of his views about some issues. I like hearing his point of view, anyway, even if I don't fully agree with everything.

I tend to like Ian Punnett and George Knapp better than Noory, but I like Noory, too. Sometimes coast just sort of grinds out the same old tired topics without any new info. But sometimes there is a terrific show on c2c.

I've listened to Rense for years. I like hearing Jim Marrs on Rense but usually they just shoot the bull without any new info or preparation, which is sometimes frustrating. I do like Jim Marrs and hardly ever disagree with Jim.

I'm a big fan of Linda Moulton Howe. Whitley, well, I subscribe to his Dreamland podcast and enjoy William Henry's stuff and some others. Whitley is another really big ego who's done everything, seen everything, etc. Always has to have the last word on everything. So, that can get tedious.

So anyhow, Alex Jones... worth checking out what he's currently on about but remember, you don't have to buy in to every angle he's ranting on.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Let me sum up Alex for you. I listen every day at work.

"This is real, people. This is admitted. It has been documented. Declassified. This is mainstream, folks"

just do not look for the admissions, documents, declassifications, or mainstream stories, because they do not usually exsist.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Unfortunately there will be NO summing up it this thread. THIS IS AN OPEN DICUSSION WHICH WILL CONTINUE. All the key players in this Truth movement need to be discussed. Jordan, Michael, David and of course Alex. There are more of these guys need to be examined closely, no?

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jboogienoj]

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jboogienoj]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by jboogienoj
The bullhorning I have respect for because it shows one way or the other he puts himself on the line. BUT WHERE I DRAW THE LINE is WHEN ALEX DRAWS THE LINE IN SAND AND SAYS THE TRUTH STOPS AT THE GOVERNMENT. The same with Mr. Spiritually Smart Thomas Richards. HIS SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH STOPS AT CHRISTIANITY. Real truth seeker WILL NOT CAN NOT DRAW THE LINE. The truth is ever evolving.

Come on. This is like saying your local news reporter is CIA because he only talked to local level cops in some broadcast.

Alex Jones never said it stopped at goverment. He have taken the occult spin on stuff many times and says "they" (the powerelite) belive in some weird stuff, but he can´t find the evidence for it.

I´ve looked into a the vatican/jesuit-spin to the whole thing aswell, and I don´t agree with that. I think Alex Jones is probably closer to the truth than "catholics are to blame"-people.

I usually goes something like this: Oh, so this guy isn´t exposing the pope?! Well, look at him here: wearing a t-shirt. Doing something with his hand. Can he be throwing the horns? Satanist, CIA, Jesuit! Real hard evidence. Disinfo agent right there.

Come on, trying to expose Joe Rogan. Mr SpritualSmart is so clueless it hurts. Former drug addict turn 180 degrees, now hating on everyone else. Why doesn´t he just call Joe Rogan up? It´s not like he is hard to get hold of. Such an investigator.

He is just a guy exposing the power elite and gets attacked for it. So stupid. Start thinking for yourself. Do you think alex jones wants you to kneel for him and worship his name? He´s just a guy stop looking for a saviour

[edit on 23-11-2008 by youg_george]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:42 PM
A couple more reasons people might want to keep an open mind about his show:

- Product Whoring
- Menacing music behind all Commercials
- Hangs up on nay sayers
- Isnt dead yet
- Never confronts nay sayers
- Like Ron Paul, never lands a knockout blow (Ron Paul had the world stage and fumbled)
- Sounds like a Pro Wrestler. (you know Pro Wrestling is fake right? Ehhem)

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Alex Jones had Noam Chomsky on his show a while back if some of you recall , and he laid into him AFTER the interview , it was the height of cowardice.
I can still remember the outlandish claims A.J made about tying the intellectual in knots or something to that effect.
A Jones needs it all his own way , he will countenance no opinion but those that support his take on events . Even when Chomsky could cite historical facts dates etc off the top of his head, A.Jones could only wait until he had the airwaves to himself to lambast Chomsky.
A .Jones is a fox guarding the chicken coup.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by jboogienoj

A lot of what you presented here confirms what I felt about the guy. To be fair, I haven't listened to his show that much, but I've seen a few videos, and they just seemed exploitative - almost to the point of conspiracy porn. I'm not sure what his agenda is, but I doubt it's "truth".

I'll be following this thread, thanks.


JanusFIN - I originally felt the same way. Also, I am of Finnish descent and have some questions, may I U2U?

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Nox Vulpes]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Everyone should keep an open mind, but the arguments are usually just stupid.

- Yes, there is a lot of products. But he puts out all his stuff for free. He doesn´t have a lot of money and have explained this many times. Every cent goes into his works. I believe this and have seen no evidence to the contrary.

- The music? CIA sponsored?

- He usually lets the nay-sayers have a go.

- Most people talking about this isn´t dead. William Cooper for example lived to be much older than Alex Jones. If he was so close to the truth he´d be shot in his teens right?

- Yes he does. Way to much usually.

- Errm?

Come on. Don´t look for a #ing perfect human being in him. He is just a regular guy. If I made I show, it would sound much like his. What does that make me? CIA-jesuit-pope lover?

[edit on 23-11-2008 by youg_george]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

Please if you can find that podcast or video you are speaking of I would love to hear/see it. EVERYBODY please post all videos and or audio of Alex getting spanked. Ya see, when you create barriers around yourself or ideas you empower the opposition. Alex has locked himself in a sort of JAIL CELL philosophically. The truth is free and evolving. Like outerspace it expands.

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