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Alex Jones, Open Discussion.

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 08:40 PM
sis this discussion JUST about Jones, or the innumerable guests on his show?

and if we can say a black or white YES/NO to his complete falseness or correctness..
are we saying a black and white YES/NO to ALL of the economic professionals and researchers that are interviewed on his show?

I mean.. is that what you're asking?
if you're not asking that.. you should.

personally... I listen to his show alot.. just for news and views .. and I actually do not agree with the whole militiant aspect he promotes..
I'm also as far opposite as you can get.. from his christian dedication.

but listening to his guests and what they have to say..
is a different matter.

I don't listen to jones for his rants.
I listen for tid bits of info from his guests..
and i blend that info with info i ge from guests from all over the info-sphere.

i think you're an idiot if you think he's dis info.
maybe alot of what he says is completely exxaggerated...
but you have to define DIS info and MIS info.

is her purposely putting out FALSE information to deceive you?
i don't think so.

does he put out MIS info due to his character and the way that he processes info and events?
that grows organically through any stream of info.

again... are you really centered on HIM and HIS iiews.. or do you listen to the guests?
if then you listen to the guests.. are they all "dis info" agents?

i think it's wise to get your info from a number of sources.. and not overreact to the info you get.. but process it properly.. and don't blend it into some biblical prophecy..
but use what you can from it and make prudent decisions on all the info you get from everywhere.

...most importantly
I wouldn't get caught up in the whole "fight the NWO" crap.
an NWO is going to happen in human history no matter what.

best to not fight it ..
and just AVOID any type of ill-effects you may encounter from it.
just get out of it's way.
because it's an iron fist driven steam roller

change happens.
shift happens.
humanity needs to be more fluid and efficient in its transactions with one another and cooperation.
i think radical "popular" religions are completely anti-progress... and anti-change..

i wish Peter Joseph had a radio program where he would talk about constructive cooperative REAL solutoins rather than worry-warting and filling your mind with terror like you would listening to jones all the time.

where does it say that the corperation of the united states was going to stay the same forever, as a permanent fixture?

in order for humanity to develop properly in progress..
it needs to change and reconfigure it's organizations into more efficient methods of cooperation.

not stay stagnant and comfortable.

i think jones wants to stay stagnant and comfortable wrapped in the comfy luxury of the old US mentality sucking the thumb of literalist, radical, christianity.

I think he yells and screams like a toddler that doesn't want to be picked up and moved out of his comfy solitary crib.. and moved into the room of other kids that are playing and sharing.


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

You say he lies every day. The fact is that anyone posting alternative news has to run with stories from, well, alternative sources. It's not as if the head of the CIA is going to speak with Alex Jones.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Rintendo

No no, my friend. I can prove he lies every day. Go back and read my posts. I already showed you how.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by prevenge

I don't listen to jones for his rants. I listen for tid bits of info from his guests.. and i blend that info with info i ge from guests from all over the info-sphere. i think you're an idiot if you think he's dis info.

I listened to a program of his where Stan Monteith and Lyndsay Williams discussed the "dropping" oil prices. To $50 a barrell.... Listen to the interview on his website. They both tell different beginnings to the story. I believe AJ notices this during the interview and tries to steer the talk. Appears to me that they should no who called who. Listen to the whole thing. Contradictions one after the other.

This is why! How much info can you trust from his guests if you know one, just one of the instances that have been presented on this or any other forum is true.

An open discussion is a great way to get this out. Anyone with a negative attitude toward discussions of this nature should question their membership on the site. For surely all members must have the ability to reason and think in the most basic of scientific reasonings. I thought it was the thirst for knowledge that brought the person to this type of site.

But nowadays we seem to put everything into beliefs. God created the sun to go around the earth etc... Don't question. Just believe.

Now go back to sleep....

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Alex Jones has a product and he is selling it to anyone who listens, whether it be Coloidal Silver, water Purifiers or All Natural Soaps he has paying Sponsors vying for airtime.

His popularity amongst the growing disenfranchised and in particular Left Wing Christian's ensures the sponsors come back.

He is a Salesman and not much more.

His interview skills are simply awful, he continually tries to guess what the interviewee is about to say and then doesn't give the person the chance to confirm the guess and just either hangs up or swings into a commercial or talks about his dvd's or up and coming movie premiere.

I just love it went he vents his spleen and goes into the tyrannical Rant about being an AMERICAN!!!!!.

All good stuff but don't get sucked into it as its purely a money operation designed to make Alex money.

Watch some of Derren Browns material and you will see Jones is using forms of persuasion not too dissimilar to convince the listener of the validity of the message coming from him.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by mazzroth]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by jboogienoj

Just remember guys, I think Alex Jones is just trying to get us all to think about what we "normally" don't think about. See what we normally don't see no matter how obvious it maybe in plain sight. Is he passionate about this country? Yes. Is he passionate about what he believes in? Yes. Let's admit what could be worse, him having no concern at all about the information he brings forth?

I think if you saw what he saw, read what he reads, and see people act the way that they do most of the time "asleep", yeah that can make you angry. You may call him a "good ole boy" aka "red-neck", whatever you wish, let's not forget it takes a whole lot of guts to do what he is doing. You can criticize how from the "sidelines" very easily. Just try that from his position and then ask yourself how does it feel to you.

He has the right to express himself the way he see's fit, you either like it and see through it or you don't. If you don't believe in what he is saying anyways , what difference does it make how he is saying it?

I think as an American he is probably the only friend you can have in terms of a voice when the sh@# hits the fan.

I think he is doing the best he can, with what he has, with where he is at, and the best way that he knows how. remember his point is to inform you, shock you, wake you, and make you think and question him.

I think Bruce Lee said this once "Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own."

Part of the problem or part of the solution at least Alex is trying. Long live Alex Jones, and ATS!

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:17 AM
I do not believe Alex Jones is a disinformation agent. HE may be overly aggressive and confrontational but when your dealing with subject matter that the sheeple have been PROGRAMMED not to see, hear or speak, sometimes you need to scream in someones face untill they wake the hell up.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:19 AM

This Interview opened my eyes as how unjust he can be....
I was disgusted and ashamed for Jones... full credits to Mayer-Rothschild, he kept his cool and even shown Jones that "Breeding" and "Good Manners" are not a thing of the past.

The "Adventurist-Environmentalist" can not be held responsible for what his ancestors may or may not have done.
I think Alex loses his cool to often, he has started off on a crusade which is destroying his senses.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:22 AM
Everyone does advertising, everyone tries to make money. If your gonna say Alex Jones is a scam artist because he turns a profit your really ignorant to the way the world works. You need money and resources to get your word out. Does anybody listen to a penniless hobo on the street corner with a sign that says 'the end is coming!' no. Does anybody listen to AJ on the radio and maybe they go and research the topics and get more informed, sure.

if your argument against AJ is based on his business, then you need to take a good look at every other person in the world who ever had a messsage followed by a commercial. ok. idiots.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:25 AM
Alex Jones is just like me. You tell people whats going on and no one cares what you have to say. Everyone's glued to TV and what the government tells you. To me Alex Jones seems like a calm man, because if I had his show, I would be cursing, jumping up and down, and waiving my fist at the average retarded American who thinks inside the box.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:37 AM
I notice he goes nuts when people talk about CPS taking children.

and other things like that, as a father i can see how dealing with this info all the time could drive you nuts. The other day he had a man on who's kid were takin because his wife had cancer? and could be an unfit mother because of that/

things like that would drive you mad if you were a father, and truley had feelings for others

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by RomanMaroni

He screams a little too much. I like his journalism and the topics though just watching him feels like I need ear plugs. Other than that, I think his intent is genuine. Some people don't mind going out a Martyr, and that just happens to be what the PTB fear will happen. All the sudden, everyone will be reading his reports and videos. They don't want that.

I think the PTB are in a rush to push through this NWO scheme for a reason. Thery're not operating 'in the background' anymore, there's a giant spotlight on them at the moment and their getting a sunburn, it's growing like a cancer, and their stressing out, spreading their cancer at rate of malignancy. It's possible their time is running thin? I wonder how the people are going to react when they organize? I have a feeling this is just around the corner, hence all the FEMA 'camp' construction and military drills becoming all so common, in America and Europe. Who's next?

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:52 AM
The mans a fake and as said earlier on here his only out there to sell this product if conspiracy talk. While I do believe there are things in this world the mainstream are yet to come to terms with, much of the conspiracies from him are over the top and in my opinion politically, socially and personally motivated.

The man appeals to the disenfranchised alright.. especially for the moment the Christian right. If I am to take anybody seriously who discusses the mysteries and conspiracies of modern times I want somebody who is out there to spread the truth with no political, social and personal prejudice... this guy does not do so.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz
Everyone does advertising, everyone tries to make money. If your gonna say Alex Jones is a scam artist because he turns a profit your really ignorant to the way the world works.

Alex Jones is a scam artist because he purposely tells lies. Confirmable, verifiable LIES. Most of his lies steer you toward being afraid. He recommends solutions. Stock up, be scared, buy gold, be afraid, stock up!

Cut to commercials for gold, survival gear, storable goods.

Back to Alex Jones and some more LIES, blatant LIES, complete and utter LIES to make you afraid and put you in the mindset that will make you feel that you need things like gold, survival gear, storable goods.

Cut to commercials for gold, survival gear, storable goods.

Back to more lies with Alex Liar Jones.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:53 AM

[edit on 24-11-2008 by angel of lightangelo]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz

if your argument against AJ is based on his business, then you need to take a good look at every other person in the world who ever had a messsage followed by a commercial. ok. idiots.

Not once tonight did anything on television convince me that I was doomed if I did not buy the products they advertised over and over and over and over. I agree, advertising always drives the agenda, but not in the obvious, over the top way it does on Alex' show.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz
Everyone does advertising, everyone tries to make money. If your gonna say Alex Jones is a scam artist because he turns a profit your really ignorant to the way the world works.

Yes you have a point there....and he does encourage the burning of his DVD's and have them passed around amongst friends and family. He is also doing alot more than me to fight the NWO so I will get down off my soap box and say in him at your peril.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Alex it said best one day, he said something to the effect and I am paraphrasing " even if I am all that these people say I am---which I am not-- the real question is, what are you going to do about the New World Order".

When I heard that, I thought, that does not sound like a fake to me.

I mean, it sounds like no matter who it could be, you will always have suspicious people who will end up doubting. There comes a point where you have to just put the facts together as you see them and just believe a certain way.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by talisman]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by talisman
Alex it said best one day, he said something to the effect and I am paraphrasing " even if I am all that these people say I am---which I am not-- the real question is, what are you going to do about the New World Order".

Which could also technically be mind control by making you to give up due to the futility of their power and resign yourself mentally to a One World Government and the enslavement that follows.

Be careful mind control works on various levels, one from an aggressive capitulation point and an other by gentle persuasion and suggestioning.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by mazzroth]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:17 AM
I don’t completely trust Jones but I don’t completely doubt him either. The trouble with the people who are involved in any type of media is just that- they are involved in the media. You can pretend Jones is separate from it all, but he isn’t. It also troubles me that a lot of people who want to make money off of the conspiracy theories he believes in flock to him and he welcomes them with open arms. That alone makes me look at the situation differently.

I think he has an interesting perspective, but I’m certain it is as biased as anyone’s. What evidence do I give to support this claim? The fact that he has been involved in Media productions and that he is human like the rest of us is enough evidence for me. That’s when you step back and let other people make up their own minds.

No use in wasting lengthy amounts of time arguing about the guy, present the evidence you believe is sufficient. Keep searching for evidence that convinces you and give others the opportunity to view it, then don’t debate them on the issue once their minds are made up. At that point you are no longer trying to sway minds, two debaters are just stubbornly trying to dismiss another’s opinion. Looks like this thread is trying to simply present the evidence for those on either side of this issue and gives people the opportunity to support their opinions of Jones. Kudos to you, good idea, starred and flagged.

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