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Obama planning WW-III and draft?

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by givemeliberty or beer
I'll be dead before I see my three children "serve " in any damn thing the government dreams up. We don't "owe" the government anything, we are the government. The government is supposed to be scared of us, not the other way around.

Obama can't force anyone to do anything like a service.
Amendment 13.

1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

I'm sure some way will be found around it if he really wants it. They found away around it for a draft.

Speaking of. I was told that when it comes to a draft that as long as you report or show up but don't take the oath they can't make you serve. True or not I don't know.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by crookedj0k3r
So I hope there is a draft, Give me my rifle, give me my gun! I wanna shoot at someone for fun!

People like you should be locked away somewhere away from the public, you have a very disturbed mind by saying that statement alone, it reveals a lot about you.

I have the right to not fight for something I don't believe in.
You believe that those people in the military uniforms are fighting for your rights? You are incredibly fooled and heavily indoctrinated in the "America Religion". People in the military might believe they are fighting for there rights and the rights of others, but in reality they are fighting for the government, a corrupt government that wants to enslave the world.

I will not support or shed the blood of my brother for mammon, or for a government corrupted by the evil in the hearts of men, I will not be part of the problem, but I will offer a solution.

The solution is love, self sacrifice, individualism.
It's an ideology, a life style, something you can't kill with bullets or enforce with an iron fist, it's voluntary, something that you choose to do, not something you are forced to do.


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:42 PM
Good, now everyone will be indoctrinated in the use of small arms. So, when the revolution comes, we will be prepared. The military also teaches that killing is ok, if justified. 100 million armed Americans against a military force of 1 million? If they are restrained from using nukes, I don't think Bama has the military strength to resist. In any case, it will be an interesting year. Hope we all survive.....

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Dbriefed

All I have to say about this is who is the person last week to say that their was supposed to be a draft or something similar happening this week? I've been on this site for about 6 months now and just recently created an account because I couldn't take it any longer. None of anyones predictions have yet to come true. I've seen some of the worse sources anyone can give to "prove a theory" is going to happen. The people who write this stuff on their blogging websites have psychological problems and you people who believe just about everything that involves destruction of a society or death to people are nuts. Why is it that you people would like to see nothing, but bad things occur and believe that someone is always out there to get you?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by geemony
Your absolutely right, anyone who is able body from 18 to 30 should serve, unfortunately there are also people who come to this country and hide behind their religion and that gives them the right not to serve if there was a draft. I served and it was an honor, if I was 23 again I'd gladly re up my contract.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Originally posted by givemeliberty or beer
I'll be dead before I see my three children "serve " in any damn thing the government dreams up. We don't "owe" the government anything, we are the government. The government is supposed to be scared of us, not the other way around.

Obama can't force anyone to do anything like a service.
Amendment 13.

1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

I was waiting for that post. Not only that, all this talk about the president and going into WW3 - The president isn't going to cause WW3, our branches of power don't even let the president declare a formal war. Congress is the only approval, and something ridiculous -(i.e - another 9/11 - but with a country - not a noun*) would have to cause it. look at our voting record against the nations in WW2 - it was unanimous -link

Is it possible? of course I think it is possible, but it's expected - and thats why I don't think it will happen. - maybe i'm still waiting for another good(bad) surprise

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Simon_Boudreaux

Haha yea well there have been many people who have taken the draft to court during vietnam and when they used the 13 amendment have always lost so...thats outa the question.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by SonsOfAnarchy]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:09 PM
ok well my post before got removed but how bout this proposition:
Make everyone over the age of 18 vote
There is already a voluntary army which is pretty big.
You are forced to sign the selective service system form so that if there is a crisis they can draft you to fight.
How bout if they did something like if voted for that candidate, then you are eligible to be drafted (between the ages of 18-26) to fight.
If you didnt vote for the candidate I feel like I should not be responsible to defend what he believes(which I might disagree with)
So basically you vote for Obama, he starts war with Iran or whatever. If we need more troops and a draft is done. The people who voted for Obama between the ages of 18-26 would be eligible to be drafted. People who voted for other candidates would be able to volunteer as usual if they would want to. This way I think people are more likely to educate themselves before they vote...and to make voting mandatory would also make them have to learn about the candidates. This might also spark more people to vote for a third party candidate.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by SonsOfAnarchy]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by juveous

Well Bush didnt declare war in Iraq either now did he??

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by dreamingtree

I've been on this site for about 6 months now and just recently created an account because I couldn't take it any longer. None of anyones predictions have yet to come true. I've seen some of the worse sources anyone can give to "prove a theory" is going to happen. The people who write this stuff on their blogging websites have psychological problems and you people who believe just about everything that involves destruction of a society or death to people are nuts. Why is it that you people would like to see nothing, but bad things occur and believe that someone is always out there to get you?

I sure can appreciate how you feel. I don't know if I would be angry though if and when people are wrong or more relieved. I have seen people make predictions in 2000 saying any month now the economy is going to tank and this is why. It didn't take months but about 7 years but they sure had the why part right!

I am sure some of the earliest Jews to leave Nazi Germany were ridiculed and some accused of 'frightening' people for no good reason as well.

History is full of some truly amazing, and unthinkable things. I would imagine that just as many people before they actually happened, as now after they have happened, didn't think they could happen or could happen again.

I do believe people all to often forget histories most important lessons by saying well "It couldn't happen here, or happen now"

I don't know about you, but I just witnessed an inexperienced politician with very little significant or tangible accomplishments in the field of writing laws and governing get elected to the President of the United States who came complete with his own symbolism flown on his airplane and plastered on his podium. The last time I saw a politician come complete with his own symbolism, and building a personality cult was Hitler.

The last time someone like Hitler came to power was during a global economic crisis.

So no, I won't rule out the very real potential for danger that represents.

Do I want it to develop into what it has a real potential to develop into?

No, I sure don't.

Is this my way of disliking someone because their skin color or political party is not my own.

No it sure isn't, I live in a city where whites are the smalles minority, and I don't vote period for either party.

I am not looking for Republicans or white people or conservatives to save me.

I am just hoping and hopefully not against hope itself the guy who just showed up to town with his own symbolism, and cult of personality isn't going to do the opposite of save me.

I think it pays to keep an open mind too all posibilities.

I think I would rather be wrong about something bad not happening, that to be wrong about something good happening that turned out to be bad.

In the first case you even though you were wrong you won, that is if you are big enough to believe that winning isn't about always being right.

In the second case if you were wrong, wow, you sure were wrong and often then its too late to do what would be right.

I believe in possitive thought and positive visualization. Let's face it though when it comes to some of histories charachters there just is not enough redeeming elements for some of them to make that a possibility in their cases.

I can't see why the future would be different especially for those who choose to conveniently and optimistically forget the past.

I don't think anyone here on ATS is carrying out the conspiracies they talk about or wishing them on anyone. If and when someone is right it won't be their fault that what ever happened, happened because of that.

Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by geemony

Fighting a war to save this country is one thing. Fighting a war for a terrorist government is quite another. I still believe 911 is an inside job, and that we should not be in Afghanistan or Iraq. In no way do I believe we should even consider fighting Iran. In matter of fact, this so called war we are in was not approved by Congress. It is illegal.

There is no way I will fight in a military that is fighting for a terrorist government. Fighting for a terrorist makes you a terrorist.

If the government ever gets cleaned up and we are actually fighting for the people of this nation not the government, then and only then I will fight heart and soul.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
At least the Kings of old had honor, and must have believed in the wars they themselves fought in.

This is something that most people do not ever discuss isn't it? This in my opinion should be mandatory; however, we all know what the excuse will be, "If he dies there is no-one to run the country." Well I would imagine that same scenario was present with the Kings of days gone by, wasn't it? The only difference is that they did not have half a million advisers, a vice president, and a speaker of the house. That would be about as viable excuse as he may not get to see his little girls graduate, and that would be right, just as the fathers and mothers in the military today face that exact same situation.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by AlienChaser

I am less afraid of a draft, and more afraid of what Biden
said about Obama being "tested" early on. Remarks like
that and then warnings that Obama might be "compelled
to take deeply unpopular action within months". Those
things worry me.

This in fact is the real story here. If the guy claiming this is just a "I hate Obama" scare tactic. I would be interested in hearing how you explain this away. I am not saying it will happen, I am not saying it will not. What I am saying is; what do you have to lose by being prepared for it? Develop a contingency plan, if you don't need it, no harm, no foul; however, if you do need it, would certainly be nice if you had it wouldn't it?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:34 AM
allie obama,and his forty thieves,don't have the time to start a war, their still lining their pockets,and friends pockets with money

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:40 AM
I agree wholeheartedly bro. I joined this site just to see what was going on there is SO much disinformation and flat out paranoid warnings that never come true. Its really crazy and what is crazier is that the people on here really believe the load of mess that is being spouted. Plus there is so much anti-american sentiment on here im not sure who is really the enemy.

Originally posted by dreamingtree
reply to post by Dbriefed

All I have to say about this is who is the person last week to say that their was supposed to be a draft or something similar happening this week? I've been on this site for about 6 months now and just recently created an account because I couldn't take it any longer. None of anyones predictions have yet to come true. I've seen some of the worse sources anyone can give to "prove a theory" is going to happen. The people who write this stuff on their blogging websites have psychological problems and you people who believe just about everything that involves destruction of a society or death to people are nuts. Why is it that you people would like to see nothing, but bad things occur and believe that someone is always out there to get you?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Bejing
The USA doesn’t have any money to go to War. They gave it all to the Banks and they won’t lend it back AND the only Company that has enough manufacturing plants to build the war materials, GM, and they are going out of business...

A somewhat cock-eyed analysis. The USA didn't have the money to go to war in Iraq or Afghanistan but the Banks were glad to lend it.

The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More Washington Post, Sunday, March 9, 2008

The decision to go to war in the final analysis is not made by the government but by the power elite - the puppet-masters who pull the strings of the central banks, the military-industrial complex and their appointed political henchmen.

They will try to take us to war if they see a financial imperative in doing so. America's debt and lack of domestic industry to climb out of it might be one such "imperative". Recall that WWII arose during a period of worldwide economic depression.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Evil Axis

Good point about the economic depression before WW2.

Also I think the title of this thread is misleading as people were talking about re instituting the draft before Obama even put his hat in the ring for the presidency. I can remember that far back.

I have no doubt that when the time comes Obama will carry on the draft song. I just don't think it was or is his idea...nor is a WW3. To my limited knowledge a WW3 was planned almost 100 years or more ago.

As I have stated in this thread and others...the presidency is a puppet office. The advisers are not there to give one advice..but to give one orders....starting with the national security advisor...chief of staff etc.

It is also no different for the Congress. They too represent someone but not the American People.


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by EvilAxis

Originally posted by Bejing
The USA doesn’t have any money to go to War. They gave it all to the Banks and they won’t lend it back AND the only Company that has enough manufacturing plants to build the war materials, GM, and they are going out of business...

A somewhat cock-eyed analysis. The USA didn't have the money to go to war in Iraq or Afghanistan but the Banks were glad to lend it.

The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More Washington Post, Sunday, March 9, 2008

The decision to go to war in the final analysis is not made by the government but by the power elite - the puppet-masters who pull the strings of the central banks, the military-industrial complex and their appointed political henchmen.

They will try to take us to war if they see a financial imperative in doing so. America's debt and lack of domestic industry to climb out of it might be one such "imperative". Recall that WWII arose during a period of worldwide economic depression.


*Knows you have no idea what you're talking about*

*China is not going to keep buying our bonds forever*

*At some point, China takes care of China first*

*That day is soon approaching its why we didn't go after Iran Bush knows we have no money*

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:36 PM
I should clarify perhaps. I was making general points about the circumstances in which wars are initiated - not supporting the proposition "Obama planning WW-III."

Originally posted by ConservativeJack
...its why we didn't go after Iran Bush knows we have no money

So why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Did he not realize the country was already deeply in debt? What Bush knows is hard to fathom and has little bearing on the matter.

Germany's economy was destroyed pre-WWII but with the help of American banks and industrialists they were able to build a massive war machine. The Bushes played their part in that too.

Bush Family - Nazi Dealings - WWII to 1951 The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 3, November 7, 2003

[edit on 25-11-2008 by EvilAxis]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:45 AM
To dispel doubts on the title question, it does not infer that Obama is initiating the plans for WW-III, rather that he is participating in planning for WW-III. A draft of those plans may have existed before he decided to run for a position in the office of the president. A war with Iraq would be a good dry run for a war with Iran, and we have fought Iranian special ops in Iraq and we were get hit with their weapons.

No professional military person wants to fight next to a draftee. Therefore it makes sense to segment off the non-combat components of the military into civilian draftee units or Corps.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Dbriefed]

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