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Obama planning WW-III and draft?

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
But does making up stuff to scare people really make you guys feel better about your position in life? If it does that's sad.
[edit on 23-11-2008 by zerotime]

Well, it seemed to work pretty well for the left when they used it against anything and everything conservative over the last decade or so. It even got a grossly inexperienced senator elected president.

[edit on 11/23/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Obama won't even need a draft when millions will be out of work. He will have plenty of cannon fodder from those begging for any job.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:35 PM
And another question.

I'm wondering how many obamaphiles here that are parents of students, or students themselves experienced what we in the IT world call an "oh no second" (that instant in time where it dawns on you that you've really screwed up) upon reading this thread?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:45 PM
I have sooo many health problems, I don't think they would ever want me, I have heart problems, kidney problems, asthma problems, I'm overweight (you might say I'm obese, 250, 5' 10") and I'm an only male child, I don't think they would take me even if I wanted to join them.

So I guess my health problems are a good thing, I will be able to live my life in some form of peace here in the states and will not have to compromise on my beliefs (I am against killing, no matter who it is, unless they're not human).

I guess I have it made eh?


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:10 AM
Look, im not a Obama supporter by any measure, i think peoples god like infatuation with him is disturbing and incredibly dangerous. but this type of socialism (bailout bill) and "community service"(draft) would have happened under any new administration. the american government and the NWO have been gearing up for something big for quite a while now. the corporations are under full control of this country, not congress or executive branch. Like it or not, money and power are the only two factors that really dictate policy.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:13 AM
Let's see who the Citigroup PAC gave money to....

Emanuel, Rahm $28,000
Hagel, Chuck $24,100
Biden, Joseph R Jr $23,950
Durbin, Dick $40,250
Rangel, Charles B $61,450

Clinton, Hillary $392,667 (Senate)
Obama, Barack $458,962 (Senate)

.............................thats his entire "new" cabinet.........

Nah, no way The messiah will help banks and corproations by bailing them out and fighting endless wars, It's completly obvious he's for the little guy.............

I should run for president, apparently all you have to do is say "yes we can", scream "change", and you're a shoe in.

It utterly amazes me how rediculous people behave.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by aravoth]

[edit on 24-11-2008 by aravoth]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:21 AM
The fear of a black man in power runs deep through this country. Give him a chance to prove himself. I do not like Obama, not on color, on values. I am still going to watch and see what happens.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by aravoth

Your link isn't working.. Takes me to a 404 error page. You do make a good point there though, it always makes me laugh to see people say he stands for the little guy.

reply to post by robertelee

And 5 pages in someone tries to play the race card. It's not about fear of a "black man in power". Why, oh why do so many people on this site seem to think it impossible to disagree with Obama or his policies or proposed policies without it all coming back to the color of his skin? Yeah, he's black. So what? Who cares?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:33 AM
i would have to completely agree with aravoth. every time someone opposes the messiah it becomes a race issue. it really takes away from having a meaningfull and intelligent discution. im already sick of it and we have 4 more years of people habitualy pulling the race card to defend their blind love for obama

[edit on 24-11-2008 by invisibleman11]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed

Obama will draw first on the his white legions ! To equalise the population!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:39 AM

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:56 AM
Would we be paid for these 20-40 hours of work? I mean if I was making money I would be glad to contribute my time and effort to restoring our country to greatness. On the other hand if they expect me to work my regular minimum wage job 40 hrs AND volunteer my services another 40 hrs. then they will have some problems.

I hate my job, If Obama wants to put us to work doing something more meaningfull than flipping burgers at burger king or ringing up customers in retail hell, and he wants to pay us for that work, then cool.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:08 AM
I started this thread as a question, because it looks like the direction is headed to war and a draft to mandatory service (military or 'civilian'), but there are many smart minds on this forum that can also research the topic.

If someone 18-42 is sent to mandatory community service for a few months, that's sentence for a crime they didn't commit.

For those who don't like the sites referenced in the first post, and want to do a bit more research, here are MSM sites to backup the alternative sites originally quoted:

ALT site:
Obama advisers discuss preparations for war on Iran

MSM site:
New Beltway Debate: What to Do About Iran
Published: November 3, 2008
...Richard Danzig, Mr. Obama’s surrogate, said his candidate believes a military attack on Iran is a “terrible” choice, but “it may be that in some terrible world we will have to come to grips with such a terrible choice.”
Given the global economic meltdown and other crises, it is not surprising if the American public is largely unaware of this discussion. ....

ALT site
Obama calls for US military mobilization

MSM site
Universal National Service Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Universal National Service Act is the name of at least three bills proposed in the United States Congress (in 2003, 2006, and 2007). The Universal National Service Act of 2007 is primarily sponsored by Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. Advocates for National Service include Senator Chris Dodd, and Time magazine Editor Rick Stengel.
On September 11 2008, Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama addressed this further, saying, "But it’s also important that a president speaks to military service as an obligation not just of some, but of many. You know, I traveled, obviously, a lot over the last 19 months. And if you go to small towns, throughout the Midwest or the Southwest or the South, every town has tons of young people who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s not always the case in other parts of the country, in more urban centers. And I think it’s important for the president to say, this is an important obligation. If we are going into war, then all of us go, not just some."

ALT site
Emanuel volunteers Americans to do 'a lot'

MSM site
No MSM references found"jumping+jacks"&btnG=Search+News

ALT site
What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?

MSM site
No MSM references found“incredibly+tough”&btnG=Search+News

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Dbriefed]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by robertelee

Allow me to give you some insight into your future, but first let me just say this. Keep your collectivist group identifying racist BS to yourself. I'm Irish, my family came over on a boat looking for a better life during the Cival war, my forefather that came off the dreaded boat put one foot in New York City, and his next steps were straight to a Union Army recruiting station that he was forced into. That would be the same Union Army that ended slavery, and he did it while his wife got the snot kicked out of her in a chicken factory during the day, and forced into prostitution at night. No one, except maybe the Chinese had it worse than the Irish. Do you hear us landmarking every advance we make? JFK was our First, no one cared, least of all us. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. So you'll forgive me if I don't shed a tear over Obama's "historic" presidency. That said.....

The next 4-10 years will go down like this. Once the bailout money trickles out into the real economy the dollar will take a hit, then other countries will get tired of financing our collective fat consuming butts and cut us off. They start to diversify their reserves, sending the dollars they hold back here. That will cause massive amounts of inflation. The cost of living will skyrocket but your wages won't keep pace, not by a long shot, in fact most of us will be out of work because of it. So when bread costs you six dollars a loaf, President Obama will respond the only way a quasi socialist knows how. He will use the power of government to enforce price controls. This will force the price of food and energy down to make it affordable for the average person again. With the dollar being devaulued so much, the companies that produce food and energy will no longer be able to afford to pay employees because the price controls killed the revenue stream. With less workers, you get less food. Food shortages start to appear nation wide, food riots will happen because of it, and once again, Obama will respond to that the only way he knows how, by using government to quell the riots. People will get hurt, people will starve, people will loose their homes, and people will die. And the only way out of it is the same way we got out of the last depression, by getting involved in another war, and if you think he won't stir up crap with Pakistan, Iran, Russia or Syria, research a little of what he's been saying.

Of course I could be wrong, so why don't you bookmark this thread and look at it in a few years. I'll still be around.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed

From what I understand on that grapevine, the 'privately' owned Federal Reserve System and it's Trillion shareholder NWO types pulling some of these heavy Pulling what? ,don't like the idea of a gold-backed currency Islamic Gold Dinarsince that kind of gets in their way of a one world currency if you know what I mean. Problem is, there's a whole lotof human cartage laying around bearing witness to nothing more than their own destruction.

Are there terrorists, sure; shouldn't we focus on them? 8 years later, and no seems to be aware that perhaps Osama Bin Laden is rotting in a cave of which was cluster bombed at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border years ago and that the 'videos' have proven to be frauds? Perhaps Bin Laden was becoming to 'expensive' to his own family? Got to watch those profits, don't need any pesky, terrorists around messing up the family business.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:34 AM
I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize these people in power ( ie POTUS ) are not all powerfull and have their own masters...i.e...the government behind the government. All the things everyone sees going on are not just random patterns...these people look at the big picture to accomplish their goals...why do you think they are winning?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:43 AM
All Will eventually be integrated into a classless ethnicless society a return to socialism is inevetable as resources dwindle reeducated to conform over decades of gradual losses of self and liberties step through the machine a world link up computer chip / trcking # implant and pain reception device for (free thinking) small electricle charges to the cranium induce graduall lobotomy as to level of sibordinance ...just smthn to think about ladies n germs it will be coming sooner probably than later and oh yes ... all hail the Redlight beam!!!?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:54 AM


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by friday2112

Not everyone who is wary of the proposed policies Obama is putting out is a Republican. Not everyone who voted for him is a Democrat, and not everyone who voted against him is a Republican. Food for thought.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:08 AM
some one said earlier that ats was biased or wont let u say certain things about certain people like obama'''''that is true because i never post on here i only read on the discussions but i was blocked and it was blank on the post afterwards on a antichrist discussion topic where i replied obama is the antichrist [barack hussein obama]equels=666 see if this gets posted

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