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Obama planning WW-III and draft?

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:25 AM

Hi People,

Can we please:

- Hold off on the Off-Topic stuff.
- Hold off on the Censor Circumvention.
- Hold off on the personal attacks towards others.

Usual stuff - debate the post not the poster. Yeah - you all know how it goes.

Cheers people.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:28 AM
Ive said it at the beginning of the year and ill say it again. War between US/Israel-Iran will spark between now and Obama's inauguration, however with recent events i think full scale war will erupt before the end of the current year.

Its interesting to see whats going to happen, cant believe everything you read though.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:52 AM
I have a plan take all the people not paying taxes and make then take the first round of the draft. I like this plan alot because I am already doing my patriotic duty by paying a butt load of money every year with taxes.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by jkm1864
I have a plan take all the people not paying taxes and make then take the first round of the draft. I like this plan alot because I am already doing my patriotic duty by paying a butt load of money every year with taxes.

Hate to break it to you pal, but everyone pays taxes, whether it's income tax or sales tax, we all pay. So I think you need to reconsider your proposal a second or you might be one of those 'first round draft picks.'


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Benarius
Jesus christ...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !!! This collection of headlines didn't actually scare me as I always felt this is gonna happen.


Well most of us survival types have known doing something within
the system was out of reach after JFK was killed by our own
government in Dallas.

Eisenhower gave his warning in his famous speech, as did JFK.

At this point, all you can do is get out of the way of the trouble.

They are too strong to fight, and have too many blind followers
that will not see the light til pain and suffering rouses them from
their dreaming.

I do not blame them for dreaming, but I do blame them for not
at least considering and relfecting on what has already come to pass.

This country has been ignoring the warning signs of many things,
and has been crumbling from within for decades now.

With great similarities to Rome, the US is now in decline.

You say to do something about it, well as we have become a
selfish nation motivated mostly by greed, and thus I recommend
you find like minded ppl and prepare "just in case" for things
to go a little wonky.

Worst case scenario an eventual WW3, middle of the road a new
and expanded war in the middle east and possibly pakistan,
light version of troubles is major economic collapse in the US
with a mild to harsh depression.

Personally I think all of it and more is inevitable.

When you have militia members go before congress and threaten
them with revolt you know that things are about to go wonky...

Prepare accordingly !

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by jkm1864
I have a plan take all the people not paying taxes and make then take the first round of the draft. I like this plan alot because I am already doing my patriotic duty by paying a butt load of money every year with taxes.

Is this in line with the thoughts of "kill the useless eaters" ?

If so I am afraid I do not care for that tone even though I am
a tax payer just like you.

I pay many thousands a year to the government in income tax,
and many thousands in many other types of tax.

Also if you think about it, you will find that all goods in services
in society have taxes added in layers to them from the time
they are a raw material til they get checked out at the register.

So you may be paying more in taxes I assure you the hidden
layers of taxes affect all ppl unless they are totally on the
handout band wagon.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:08 AM
wtf........obama causing ww3.i dont think that will happen.I mean,has there ever been a war with a demacratic president,no.think about it.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by wongo333

WW1 - Wilson (Democrat)
WW2 - Roosevelt (Democrat)
Korea - Truman (Democrat)
Vietnam - Kennedy/Johnson (both Democrats)

See a pattern here?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
reply to post by wongo333

WW1 - Wilson (Democrat)
WW2 - Roosevelt (Democrat)
Korea - Truman (Democrat)
Vietnam - Kennedy/Johnson (both Democrats)

See a pattern here?

LOL LOL LOL ChrisT and Wongo.

I was thinking the same many people know so little history and assume the rest of us don't know any history as well.

Most of the presidents during war time have in fact been democrats. I cannot imagine what they are teaching as history in lieu of historical time lines now days.

However to be as fair as my corruptable heart can stand....I don't believe Obama or even Bush began this war as did the others in other wars. They are only puppets caught up in a swirling mess made by others. It appears to me that these wars were planned years before...and for a definite purpose and goal.

I also knew back when Congressman Charles B. Rangel and some others were calling for the draft a few years ago that they were serious and were actually paving the way for it to return. Ironic for democrats who in years past were so vocally anti war. assured that when this others before..arrives too will be hijacked with the real purposes/direction in mind..not the public reasons. This war will also be a meat grinder...eating up people like candy. It will not be over soon. It will be designed to devour people.

For those of you with a weak grasp of history...the wars of the last forty years have been designed to continue...not to win them. The problem has always been how to keep the wars great public expense in lives and materials. Do not hold out any hope for change in this template in the next war.

As to this talk about community service. ...Wow!!

Around here service is what is given out to people who have broken the law but not sufficient to be jailed. People convicted of breaking the law.
Somehow this comes across as we are all lawbreakers and subject to indentured servitude...yet no trial has taken place. I think that if this is too will be hijacked just like the wars....for political reasons. People will be working on projects favorable to people in projects at public expense. You know..maintaining homes and properties for public councils, senators, congressmen, representatives, etc etc. A big prostituted labor pool. Bridges to al.

Reminds me of putting everyone in a big Kibbutz...with a hack political overseer. Indentured servitude. A commune if you Not a far step from a chain gang.
But I think at least half of us out here would not know this history having gotten most of our educations from television and emotional programming like Oprah and Bill Maher, Chris al. History is not the forte of many now days...emotions are.
There will actually be people out here who are dumb enough to think this community service is going to be change. It is going to be free labor...prostituted out like everything else government historically runs and ruins. More spiritual whoredom and the fruit this produces.

People have to be educated in the public system to get this naturally dumb...people left to their own devices and with a real education are not naturally this stupid.
Only public education can dumb a people down this far. For pubic education you can substitute the words....a television education...majoring in emotional stimulus

It is become obvious to those who can think for themselves that entitlement thinking has been going on for so long ...that these entitlement thinking peoples are now represenatives, senators and now presidents.
Notice carefully ...that people who talk about Wealth Redistribution are not talking about Risk Redistribution. Think long and carefully about this.


[edit on 24-11-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:23 AM

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Obama to cause World War 3 and he wants a draft?


Yea, that will never happen

Obama was AGAINST (he VOTED) AGAINST the Iraq War

It shows how he thinks

The man isn't about Wars. He is about getting his legacy as the best President in a long time.

He studies Lincoln and Washington. The man is too smart to be a screw up. Sorry

Hate to burst your BUBBLE.

But NOPE. NOT under OBAMA. OBAMA is the safest guy we could have in there right now.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Conservative Jack

The office of president of the united states has been a puppet office for many many years now. As near as I can tell this has been going on as far back as Teddy Roosevelt..and perhaps since after Lincoln. Definitely since the time of Woodrow Wilson.

There is no such thing as a safe president in a puppet matter what party is in office.

If there was a safe government ...policies and laws would have been instituted which would favor the public..not the government. This cannot be accidental..but matter what party is in never happens.

As I stated in my previous has to have an emotional television education not to get it or fail to connect the dots.

History will bear this out for us.


[edit on 24-11-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ConservativeJack
Obama was AGAINST (he VOTED) AGAINST the Iraq War

How exactly did he do that? He couldn't have voted against going to war in Iraq because he wasn't a senator when they had that vote. The vote to authorize use of our military in Iraq was in 2002. Obama was not even elected to the US senate till 2004. He didn't vote for or against it, because he was not in the US senate at the time. State senate yes, US senate no.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by ConservativeJack

Obama didn't vote against the war, he wasn't a senator then, there is no possible way on earth he could have voted against it.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Jenna

The vote to authorize use of our military in Iraq was in 2002. Obama was not even elected to the US senate till 2004. He didn't vote for or against it, because he was not in the US senate at the time. State senate yes, US senate no.

IN political circles...among people of is known that such a metioric rise to power from almost such a short time.. generally means they were put there..instituted for a purpose by others. This means they are puppets for the programs and intents of others.

Politics ..even at the state and local levels is a very corrupt and cut throat buisness. With so many others who have been in office and power long before these new means that these powerful people were told and instructed by others more powerful to let them play through for a purpose.

My first inkling of this came from some reading on the life of Karl Marx and the Internationale. Marx's rise to one of the top positions so quickly in lieu of others more qualified for the job. This meant that he was promoted there on the nod of others and for a reason.


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:45 PM
I was wondering if that’s what he meant. I turned off the interview when he started in on ’service’ and the military, etc. (he had been talking about encouraging other forms of ’service’– clearly the best ’service’ we could do this nation is to turn off the war industry and re-invest those funds into society– we’re already paying enough ’service’ to the pentagon and VA with over half our tax revenue).

The point is to demilitarize the world, not further embroil people in the militaristic mindset.

Charlie Rangel was for the draft because he felt it would (ostensibly) lead to dissent of gratuitous deployments (i.e. the reason goppers are opposed to the idea, they know people would all of a sudden pay attention tot heir twisted foreign policy if people not only had to pay for these wars, but if they were obligated to kill and die in them– this way only psychopathic militarists who are pre-primed to kill do the killing and dying, rarely do they resist illegal orders to commit atrocity and war-crimes for personal pleasure as we’ve seen in the last half-century of illegal invasions by the USA. Anyone who would enlist in an illegal war of aggression of a nation of no threat to the USA at the obvious expense of vast civilian deaths is simply sick in the brain, and that’s what the warmongers want, not conscriptees).

Anyone who claims to be progressive yet speaks of mandatory military service simply has no idea what basic training does to the minds of the youth. One need only meet any random group of Israelis to know… Training already aggressive, impressionable youth to kill is about the worst thing you can do to their developing minds. To learn to follow orders to deploy unquestiongly, and use weapons of war engenders the addictive derangement of a violent mindset that can likely never be cured.
worst effects of the training to be felt in our culture as a whole,
not only the mindset, damage.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:59 PM
At the heart of this debate is the notion that forced community service or a military draft is no different than forced servitude. That the government is the party doing the coercion matters little. It is still wrong on every level. It does not somehow become "less bad" just because the government is forcing everyone to do something.

As Ronald Reagan pointed out: "It [conscription] rests on the assumption that your kids belong to the state. If we buy that assumption then it is for the state--not for parents, the community, the religious institutions or teachers--to decide who shall have what values and who shall do what work, when, where and how in our society. That assumption isn't a new one. The Nazis thought it was a great idea."

As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Nowhere is this more true than in the case of government.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:26 PM

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I'll be dead before I see my three children "serve " in any damn thing the government dreams up. We don't "owe" the government anything, we are the government. The government is supposed to be scared of us, not the other way around.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by givemeliberty or beer
I'll be dead before I see my three children "serve " in any damn thing the government dreams up. We don't "owe" the government anything, we are the government. The government is supposed to be scared of us, not the other way around.

No, we are not the government, we are nothing more than their popular sovereign.

I hope there is a draft, I think that if we want to have all these freedoms that we enjoy, we should have some kind of a required national service system put in place. Not hope on a dream that our armies will conqueror our adversaries.

Keep open mind to when I say national service system, I'm not talking solely on the Armed Services, you should include the Peace Corps and missionary services that could improve our image to the world.

Plus, hah, I took my ASVAB for the U.S. Army and was going into Satellite Communications, and my girlfriend told me no.. So I hope there is a draft, Give me my rifle, give me my gun! I wanna shoot at someone for fun!

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