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Possible UFO spotted in Central Austin

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Keep making tests, I think it's the best way of knowing what things are (or when things are really unknown), I have done it myself and most of the common things we can see in everyday life, when filmed under the "right" circumstances look like the "orbs" and "UFOs" that are everywhere on YouTube.

But if you catch the real thing, even better.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Will do, ArMap!

I'm going out right now. Just wanted to add that I saw that I have a very similar camera to the two that filmed the lights originally. Here's what I found out about the camera's capabilities, high flying airplanes that are blinking red and white are totally out of range, won't even show up, sometimes there are several planes in the sky, nada;

very bright planets do show up;

whatever they filmed must have been very close, no doubt, or it would not be picked up by the camera (I'm considering taking my camera back and upgrading);

helicopters do show up very well and very close and when zoomed in on are similar.

I'm headin' on out, putting on the music and will watch the skies (it's very relaxing, I recommend it to all of ya'll, sounds boring but it isn't)

Lol, disjointed post but I'm in a hurry to get out there, just wanted to check in,


[edit on 11/25/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:31 PM
Okay, now I'm really ticked at this Sony cam!

I'm taking it back for a full refund, it's only good for people like 5' away from you. The brightness adjustments just don't work for night filming!
That's it! I'm going to a proper camera shop and have them outfit me for nightfilming and dayfilming tomorrow!

I tried so many different tests tonight, it picked up so little if at all! How those guys got anything with this camera is a miracle 'cause I read the whole manual adjusted everything, it still just picked up faint images in the sky! The only exception was low flying helicopers and very bright planets. I've seen so many things (test subjects like high flying airplanes) in the sky this evening that I wanted to film and the camera was not able to even with the re-adjustments!

Don't buy Sony!

I'll be back out there tomorrow with great equipment! I guess it's true, quality tells,


[edit on 11/25/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:19 PM
Someone in the thread mentioned the possibility of an imminent earthquake (New Madrid fault zone). The HOT BOT project is predicting two major earthquakes in December, one around 12/12 - 12/14 and the other one a couple days later. The latitude range is between 32 and 36 degrees. FEMA just got done with a threat assessment of a major earthquake along this fault line. The US military et. al. just got done with an earthquake response drill in California. I think we may see a 200 year earthquake along this fault. That earthquake in 1811 was an 8.1 and happened on a Dec. 11th.

Here is a link to more info on this:

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by slated

its very simple the holy bible stands only for one thing (He Only Left Us Basic Instructions Befor Leaving Earth) wich is also said that the on 2012 its when the planet nibru is going to make impack with our planet its all true also we come from an ailen called nephelims they end up having sexual inter course with our women which in the prosess we were created and know the aliens are even coming back to take what it was once theres and yup that would be our planet this hole world is going to see and experience the biggest war we had ever seen in the bible its states that good did the flud know it talks about we going to die by fire well yup just kno that before 2012 and get ready for the worst

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Hi All

Looks like it will be Monday before we can film anything from here. Our new camera (a Canon HV20 3MP High Definition MiniDV Camcorder with 10x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom) will be delivered on Monday or Tuesday. So, if there are any Longhorns out there that would be so kind.....

And in return here's a couple of Aggie jokes I heard today at the Longhorn/Aggie Breakfast Bash, they're below in my signature area

Hook'em Horns!


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:06 PM
I like those aggie jokes. "Hook'em" I have an aggie joke.Why did the aggie bring a ladder to the party?He thought the drinks were on the house.Just bought a new camcorder too with a 40X optical zoom and a 2000 digital zoom with IR.I'll be able to get those moving stars i can't get with the one i have now.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by JKL08]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60
Thanks for the links. Gonna check them out.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Okay, thought I check in and let y'all know that the new camera that is supposed to be a little bit better than the standard cam at night shooting still has not arrived. When it does I'll be back out there watching the skies and making test videos of standard things like: streetlamps, helicopters, blimps, low flying planes, even my neighbors who at times could be mistaken for ET lifeforms (especially on a Friday night, lol). Hopefully I'll get a video of the real thing, just don't know if it will actually film the way my eyes see it due to camera distortion.

Like I said, the camera dealers and a couple of photographers made it clear that a night shooting camera starts at $3000 dollars plus the lenses, so, well, I'll do my best with what I have.

Has anyone heard if the guys from Austin have any new videos out of the lights over central Austin? If so, and since their camera is very similar to the one I had and returned due to the bad quality, I would be interested in seeing it to compare.



[edit on 12/2/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 08:00 PM
I live in North Austin and haven't seen anything
I work EARLY am and consistently look at the sky too. One of these days

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Hey STM,Yes we have more footage.Last night we filmed a totally silent diamond shaped object and a cylinder shaped object.Tonight they appeared low and we captured two cylinder shaped and one egg shaped object.We followed them until they disappeared.You can actually see them zig zag.We have footage from two weeks ago that we have not released yet including a UFO flying over the moon.What you will be looking for is a star like object that appears out of nowhere and at first it will look like a moving star and then it will get brighter as it flies along and look either egg shape cylinder shape or oval.They stand out and you can tell that they are not jets or helicopters.Be quick they will disappear on ya!Bought a camcorder with IR,Should be here by wednesday night. CL.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by JKL08]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by JKL08

That's great!

And Welcome to ATS!

We have several resident film/video experts on the board, Jritzmann is great and might consider validating your findings. Would you consider sending him the raw, untouched, unedited images? I could ask him his email address and you could coordinate directly on how to send them to achieve a full validation? And don't worry, he's well known in this field and isn't after your images, and if you'd like he wouldn't post any clips here until you say it's okay with your boardname attached to it.

Looking forward to seeing them


[edit on 12/3/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Oh, I forgot to ask you this, JKL, what was the time of the sightings tonight?



posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:53 AM
Yes he can validate some for me.This camcorder i have is an old hi8.I hope to retire it very soon.Its hard to keep in focus.Let me fill the tape with more and he can check them out.Doug will be using the old one tomorrow,Hopefully my new IR cam will be here.We film objects at least three times a week and some are USM.The diamond shaped craft from last night has similar and different versions and we have filmed them also.They are USM.The egg shaped and cylinder craft we don't know where they come from.They seem to be more advanced than the diamond shaped ones.They are the ones that disappear and re-appear.On good days it can be incredible.I have some people examining two other tapes right now.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by oldgoat
Hey Oldgoat!

Nice to meet ya! Thanks for covering the sky for us, much appreciated

I'm probably going to have to cover more of the daylight hours with the camera I'm getting. I'll give it a go at some night time shooting just to see, if nada, I'll take it with me when I work in the garden during the day, ya never know!

See ya,


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:11 AM
Stm,It starts at 6:10 and lasts until around 7:30.Sometimes 8:00.If your west of Airport Blvd look east.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by JKL08
That's Great, JKL!

I'll U2U Jritzmann right now and ask him how to go about coordinating it. I'm only stepping in 'cause you won't be able to U2U someone until you have 20 posts (UNLESS........the Mods step in and give you U2U access early?....hint, hint to Mods)

Good job!


[edit on 12/3/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by JKL08
Okay, early evening it is, thanks.

Btw did you hear the military aircraft around 11:30 - 11:45 tonight? Mabry is usually quiet this time of night....odd. Might want to consider an occasional late night skywatching vigil.


[edit on 12/3/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:30 AM
I only post this because I *do* believe in telling the truth. I was outside with my youngest son a couple nights ago and saw something that I had not witnessed before nor could find any accounts of rational explanation.. thus far anyway.

We were staring at the gorgeous sight of the moon and the two planets when a "pulsating" light caught my eye not far from the main attraction. there were numerous planes flying around the sky, but this was unlike any of those and I use the word "pulsating" specifically because it was not blinking like a plane.

Until it lit up, there was no spotting the object.. The pulsing light was consistent.. I could only follow it by this one light. I had a good view of the sky and watched it half way through the sky. I would have lost track every time had it not been for that light pulsating. Halfway through the night sky, it was just gone. I kept count between the last 4 pulses and it was about 6 seconds and there was no reason, if it was a plane, why I shouldn't have seen it again.... but *poof* I stood there for about 15 minutes (long after a plane would have been gone) just waiting for this object to reappear... can't stand the thought that I could be witness to these things that I don't believe exist.

I know, after all the flack I have given others on here, I should get some nice U2U's or replies.. and it would serve me right. However, I will always state the truth as I see it. Should it be something explainable, I would be glad to hear it. I have researched all plane illusions and satallite characteristics in the past to debunk others, but this just didn't fit any of those.

EDITED TO ADD: I made a deal w/ myself that I would only recount this event if I saw this thread come up again... so thanks a lot to the last poster =)~

[edit on 3-12-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by justamomma
Lol, JM

It took courage for you to stand up on this, now if we can just get Hank McCoy to Austin............

And yes, your U2U box will probably have a few succinct notes in it......

But that should be it. Then we can move on to getting these ufos you've been seeing, that I've been seeing on occasion (thought it was my eyes tricking me), JKL with an IR cam and all the other ATS Austinites pulling out their cameras, well it would be great.

Btw, what time did you see the light/ufo?


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